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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2001
2:09 am - W:O:A!
Now that I've been trough one of the highlight of the year, I might calm down, and think back a little. Yes, I'm talking about wacken open air; the biggest metal festival in Europe. I wont write down everything that happent, and I don't want to go too much in detail with this for various reasons, but here's a small "report" from the festival.

It all started when we drove with 3 cars to Turku to catch a ferry. Soon enough we noticed that because of a dumb misunderstanding we didn't have enough money for the gas. Luckily that problem was solved with a telephone call to a friend, who loaned some (3000 mk) money for us. Thanks a lot juha!

So... What can you expect to happen when a group of Finns gather on a ferry and have nothing to do? We started drinking of course, and all hell broke aloose. A bit sooner than I thought I might add. Well... next morning was... interesting... Those with an insight know what I mean, so enough of that topic. And for certain people: I hope you didn't mind, too much alcohol is too much alcohol... you know... ;)
Oh yeah, and during that night I also remember having a philosophical conversation with Antti (suzg) at the deck at some point of night. It's funny how conversations tend to be more in prose are more honest when drunk. Now that I started reminiscing I have to mention Dave (or was it David?) This half Irish/English guy who did blimey good job entertaining people at the bar of the ferry. A great musician and a funny guy. It might have been an exentric sight for his eyes to have 15 people, all dressed in black to cheer for him but I guess he didn't mind 'cose His motto "the more you drink the better I sound" turned to "the more I drink the more normal you look like" He also took some song requests from us, but too bad he didn't play Poques although Antti insisted ;))

So, when the ferry reached Sweden and people had mostly survived their hangovers we were ready to hit the road. With only couple of little entanglements we were able to get to the bridges leading to Denmark. During a break we decided learn a little Danish from a restaraunts menu. Antti also tried to communicate with me using Japanese. I think people stared.
We decided to stay overnight at Denmark, before going to Germany, too bad we couldn't afford a hotel room, so we had to sleep under the stars / cars.

After hundreds of kilometers and skykkebö's we finally arrived to Germany, and most importantly; to wacken.
We were two days early, and there wasn't any bands playing yet so we had to make our own entertainment. Considering the liquid libations we got from the legendary getdrunkmarket, it wasn't a miracle that things got all weird again. For example, I remember dancing Waltz with Jonna ...with Gorgorth as a background music. ...Those of you who don't know gorgoroth, I can tell you that it is pretty brutal/ugly sounding blackmetal, and perhaps not something one would plan for waltz music. During the small hours of the night when people had calmed donw / passed out we found my guitar which I brought with me, and we started to play. Even got some applauses from the tent next to us for singing an Bathory song called "man of iron" and manowars "heart of steel". Surprisingly many also knew the lyrics for CMX's "arkangeli"

During next day more people showed up at the area. We had this huge Finland flag over our
military tent, so about 30(?) Finns gathered around us. During that night I got an opportunity to meet allsort of people from Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Great Britain, France and Spain. It was kind of amazing hom much cool people were around, and not too much of those typical jerks one sees at Finnish festivals. For example, I had a thorough conversation of Scandinavian history with a bit older Norwegian guy, which I by the way immideatly reconized to be Norwegian because of his sweater look ;) After the conversation He promised to name his firt son "lalli". ;) It was also interesting to talk with one Norwegian guy who is quite influential in Norwegian metal scene and he told me funny things about Samoth ;)

Too bad, that during that night I got into a small accident and I broke my collarbone. So, I had to go to hospital in Izenhoe. Luckily I was able to go back to wacken next day, and although I had a broken collarbone and had to watch out a little, I was still able to see the bands and enjoy the festival. Anyway, thanks to Jesse and Emilia for getting me to the red cross area.
I could go on forever of the things we did back there but I wont. (plus some people wouldn't appreciate me telling) >;) So what about the bands?
heres an list of the bands I saw this year:

Finntroll, W.A.S.P, Lacuna coil, Holy moses, Napalm death, Paul Dianno, Sodom(partially), Therion, Dimmu Borgir, Grave| Digger, In Flames, Vintersorg, Krisiun, Opeth. ----------

So, not as many bands that I have seen at previous WOA's and I also missed naglfar and Death SS which I wanted to see. Anyways... I've always liked Vintersorg and their gig was not an disappointment either. But what really surprised me was Opeth; it was so different with all these moody slow parts and everything. I really enjoyed the gig and I gotta check out some of their albums too because I hadn't heard any of their material before. Paul diannos gig was an special opportunity to hear those killers era iron maiden songs live. I couldn't help feeling certain nostalgia... so it was an ok gig too although sometimes a bit weird cose Paul did some growling vocals which didn't quite suite maiden songs. Something really amazing was Krisiuns drummer. I cant understand how it is possible to play drums like he does. I can play blastbeats with tempo like that for approximately 5 seconds, and he kept on banging those poor drums with an similar tempo for an hour. One just gotta respect talent like that. that guy is an animal ;) Grave digger did a fine show, and during "rebellion" the whole audience was singing along the refrain, which sounded pretty massive. I don't care what people think of Dimmu Borgir, but in my opinion it was a great gig, and I got pretty inspired... specially lyric-wise. And of course, W.A.S.P was something legendary :)

So all in all... although it was quite expensive trip (spent an fortune also for buying new clothes), it was damn sure worth every penny! Running a festival for approx 40 000 metalheads cant be a easy job, and there arent too many things I could whine about at wacken. (well, ofcourse the broken collarbone, but that was my own fault.) Loads of great music, new experiences and friends... what could be better? And also, although I know probably no-one is reading this, I still would like to thank specially these people for a great company and festival:

Erno, Ville, Hanni, Laura, Emilia, Jonna, Noora, Antti, toinenantti, Aksu, Kaide, Olli, Jouni, Jesse, Tero, Teronisoveli(toni?):), Sanna, Elli, Johannes, Florien, Lennu, Mika, Saku(this thing is extraordinarly clear), Immu, Daniel(Swedish kikkelinaama;)), Daniel(Irish), Gylve, Piia, Juan, Pauli, Riikka, Lauren, Claudia, Lekerlandguy:), Adrian, Hanna and Jon(?) And ofcourse those other people who deserve a thanks but whose names I cant remember :) Thanks a lot, and hope to see you next year!

I have no idea how I'm going to find the money for it, but I gotta get to wacken again (this would be the 4:th time), and this time even more people are coming... I bet it will be something huge :)

current mood: hyper
current music: Einherjer - Ballad of the swords

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Sunday, July 1st, 2001
5:56 pm - Cleaning Women kicks ass :)
There was a little festival called ämyrock in my hometown yesterday and i went there.
It was great fun to gimmic, drink and prate with mates. We had a discussion about vikingscene with Turisastude. He told people that i'm a viking and i conquered england and that might have caused some confusion among people. I couldnt avoid meeting compulsory teenangstgothgirlTM who lightly slashed me in the throath with a carpetknife (luckily not that deep) and Cadacrossjori in the hand an sucked his blood. Hmmh... Odd. Speaking of teenagers, i almost started to feel myself an oldman compared to the youngest people in the festivals. Ohwell... i hope there still year of few before i start to feel totally "otherfootinthegraveish" :)

What about the bands?
There was one band i totally digged. Its funny, this was nothing like the bands i would usually listen to but "Cleaning women" (from the planet Clinus) kicked ass!
Quite odd band i would say: they have made their own instruments. Laundry racks, paintbuckets, strings and microphones mixed all together resulting to very peculiar sound. I got to change couple of words with the guys from the band after the show and what a funny folk they were :) I was feeling such a teenfanish so i also asked them to autograph theyre cd for myself and for Heidi.

I think in some point i also promised to give ride for Saija and Tanja to Särkänniemi. Oh well what the heck, i'd like to try out that new tornadohärpäke so why not.

current mood: amused
current music: Cleaning Women - Nakiha

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Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
6:42 am - oh yeah, i had a journall ;)
well well well... it looks like i'm not a journalperson. a lot of things have happened lately, and i havent written anything here in months. I've been planning that instead of using livejournal, i might put up a similar journalthingie on my new webpages as soon as i get them ready, and randomly put some scribblings there. Not sure about that though.

I invited some Internetfriends, and some irl friends to my place and threw a party to celebrate the Midsummers day and it was pretty... ...interesting... It was also the first time my swimming pool was used as a location for a volleyball match, i cant wait to see the pictures ;) A couple of small incidents did also occurr but stuff like that happens when people are drunk, no hard feelings i hope.

A great deal of other things have happened. For example i'm going to visit India (Goa) at winter and stuff like that, but i dont want to spend eternity writing what i've been up to for the last couple of months so i'm loggin off for now. I try to update my journal atleast a bit more often in future :)

current mood: lonely
current music: Elend - ethereal journeys

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Thursday, February 22nd, 2001
4:43 am
Feeling good. I went to a gym with Antti today. After the gym we headed for the swimming pools, and i managed to hurt myself a bit as i jumped from the 5 meter springboard and came down head first. It not the nicest of feelings when all the air escapes from ones lungs underwater :P

After the gym/swimming went to a restaurant called huviretki and had a delicious meal there. Rest of the day i spent sleeping and studying lucid dreaming, didnt learn anything new though.. What a nice day.

current mood: happy
current music: Bruce Dickinson - The Chemical Wedding

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Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
3:56 am - Nox et amor vinumque nihil moderabile suadent
I have pretty much slept the last couple of days. And the time i've been awake i've used mainly for eating, drinking, watching documents from TV and other useless things like that. There are many things i should have done but i just haven't had the energy. For example just a moment ago i tried to do some c++ coding but i almost fell asleep after 5 minutes. "Vituikshan se meni!" like my bands drummer would say :) I can tell you, intermediate year from studies is a baaad idea, one just becomes very lazy. I really have to pull myself up.
So, this weeks plan: I gotta fill in those summerjobapplications i've meaning to send. I also have to find out about different places to study, beacuse i'm not quite sure where and what i'm going to study.
Oh well... fortunately last couple of days werent absolutely 100% wasted. i did accomplish something: I Bought myself an new leather jacket. Its of a longer style than my previous ones, and it is in a good shape. And it was cheap too, only 200 FMK. So, i'm an extrahappypuppy to own it :)
Now i'm off to walk in the forest for a little while (i really do need fresh air right now) and after that some good sleep and maybe tomorrow i actually start doing something important. Diem perdidi!

current mood: dorky
current music: horna - haudankylmyyden maille

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Sunday, February 18th, 2001
3:36 am - sigh
Today was a sad, sad day. Everything went straight to hell. Or actually the beginning of it was OK beacuse i slept till 17:00 or something. I heard pretty discouraging news from a bandmate, and I also succeeded in being very rude to one friend of mine. I hope She's not pissed off with me or anything.

I'm sick and tired of living in this town. The city itself is very charming and beatifull, but i'm so tired of seeing the same faces and doing the same things from day to another. I want to move to a larger circles. Tampere would sound like a ideal place, but it pretty hard to get to study there. It looks like i'm doomed to stay in hämeenlinna for the next 2 years unless i have a good luck.

I hope tomorrow will be better day.

current mood: depressed
current music: piirpauke - soi vienosti murheeni / guns n' roses - appetite for destruction

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Saturday, February 17th, 2001
5:23 am - Ulver Inspiration!
Returned from a bartrip couple of minutes ago. It was weird 'cose they actually played some good music in there. *givess 10 points to the new DJ* After we left the bar we went to my friends friends place and went to a sauna and played some darts.

I'm currently listenind to the Kveldsjanger by Ulver and i feel sooo inspired! Some of my friends keep on wonderin how can i listen to "tonttumusiikki" like this but i just love this album. What can i say...? Garm is a musical genious! Someday, when the time is right i am definetly going to compose an short album of this kind of acoustic music. If not for public distribution, atleast for myself to listen. And this a promise i did for myself!

current mood: inspired
current music: Ulver - Kveldsjanger

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Friday, February 16th, 2001
6:52 am
Well... yesterday was an ...interesting day. Reflection (a band of my good friend Ville) was performing live at tampere and naturally i went to see it. It is One of the bigges rock cliches there is that there's always people in the audience demanding to hear the black sabbath song paranoid, but this time the band actually played an quite heavy version of it (without planning to do so) so i was kind of impressed :) Overall The show kicked ass and i was having a good time.

After the show i was having a beer with ville (their drummer) and somebody actually came to ask me how are things going with verikyynel (one of my bands). Oh, i felt such a rockstar =)
I also got to meet some friendly (perhaps a bit too friendly :> ) people at the show so rest of the night was really wierd containing playing snooker at a bar called rusty angel and after that doing stuff i dont want to mention... ;D

But This is enough of my first livejournalexperiments, i'm off to bed (its about time)

current mood: sleepy

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6:20 am
I'm Confused. I'm not quite sure why i started writing this livejournal thingiebob. Afterall i've never been into writing journals, and its not like i would be writing anything really drastic or meaningfull in here anyway. I like to keep the most private things in my life to myself (and to selected group of close friends) :>
Anyway, i seem to have a tendency to use the internet a lot nowdays, so what the heck... maybe i could write a line or two now and then when i got too much time on my hands, and in time have a chucle thinking back at the stupid things i've done. Besides, by doing this im generously giving something to do for those abnormally bored and nosy people who actually read this stuff ;D (if there are any, i doubt it) ;)

I guess in the very end the most primary reson why i got myself an livejournal probably is the fact that i'm in a heavy phase of utilizing this exellent monkey-see-monkey do strategy. (in another word, a friend of mine got himself an livejournal and i felt like mimicing him) ;)

PS. I guess i will be using both English AND finnish. I promise that all the text written in here is done hastily and There WILL BE loads of bad grammar, typos etc no matter which language i'm using :>

current mood: confused
current music: wongraven - fjelltronen

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5:18 am
testing 123...

current mood: drunk
current music: The kovenant - Animatronic

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