Field Test
by Ryan Lizza
Post date 04.25.03 | Issue date 05.05.03
The most depressing place to be on the day Saddam Hussein's statue fell in Baghdad was probably the ballroom of the Wardman Park Marriott in Washington, D.C. This was the site of the largest Democratic campaign event to take place during the three-week war with Iraq, a candidate forum hosted by the Children's Defense Fund (CDF). If Karl Rove had designed the ideal setting to magnify the stature gap between the wartime president and his Democratic challengers on the day tanks rolled through Baghdad, he could hardly have done better than forcing the viable candidates, such as John Kerry, John Edwards, and Joe Lieberman, to share a stage with Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, and Carol Moseley Braun, and making all of the above genuflect before Marian Wright Edelman, the CDF president and liberal icon whose husband quit the Clinton administration in disgust over welfare reform. ...
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