Silverflame's Random Rants
February 2005
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004 01:06 am
wee! public entry!

Heard a DMB song on the radio today and thought of Daryl. D-man, I hope you're reading. If you are, email me. I miss you. It's been a long while.

Current Mood: tired

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Tuesday, May 13th, 2003 02:05 am

Suzanna "bruiser" Elizabeth Macnutt
10lbs 2oz
everyone is pink and breathing, 20 toes and 20 fingers
The doctors had to recalibrate the scale, they didn't believe it
ok short and sweet, this is not slvrflame fyi

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Sunday, April 27th, 2003 05:30 pm
I'm so freakin' bored and tired.

And honestly, I've got nothing else to say today.

The end.

Current Mood: bored

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Wednesday, February 5th, 2003 04:01 pm
I'm tired. Can't concentrate! Dumb entry.

Appointment went very well. Have to go in 2 weeks for a glucose tolerance test. Otherwise, I'm all caught up!

I just had THE BEST steak and cheese sub I've ever eaten.

you're so dumb
you are the "you're so dumb" happy bunny.
you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting
others down.

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Mood: exhausted

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Tuesday, January 28th, 2003 09:55 am
My lovely weather bug just told me it's -2F out there. Ain't that grand?

Yahtzee time. :)

Current Mood: tired

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Sunday, January 26th, 2003 10:11 am
Yeah yeah yeah. I haven't updated. Boo hoo.

I'm lonely and my dog is an asshole.

Update done.

Current Mood: bitchy

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Monday, January 20th, 2003 09:17 am
dancin' DANCin' DANCIN'!!

*rawks out to Cake*

"...with fingernails that shine like justice, and a voice that is dark like tinted glass..."

Thanks [info]smiling!!! You always make me laugh, no matter how crappy my mood is :)

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Cake - Short Skirt Long Jacket

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Friday, January 10th, 2003 10:26 am
I miss you and you. Maybe I'll see you Sunday.. (?)

Current Mood: sleepy

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Tuesday, January 7th, 2003 10:28 am
Happy birthday, [info]angiebaby!!
It's your 21st, and it's all downhill from here. Har har!! :D

Current Mood: cheerful

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Saturday, January 4th, 2003 02:38 pm
Snow falling on burning bridges.

Yup. Got about another foot of snow between yesterday and today. Got to drive to and from work in it, too! That wasn't much fun, but it seemed to fit right in with the rest of my day.

Work sucked yesterday. A lot more happened than what I'm about to list, just want to give you an idea of how terrible it was. I was pulled from my normal department to work in children's. That was horrible. The lines were so long, and I was the only one working in the department. I had to turn customers with questions away to another department (the girl in intimate apparel was actually the lead girl in children's) because I didn't know anything about kids' clothes. I can't believe how many people dragged their kids out yesterday during the snow storm to save a few bucks on clothes. Yeah, great. Get your Oshkosh's on sale now so you can bury your kid in them when your car spins out and wraps itself around a tree. Jesus. THINK people.

So after I expressed my concern with not giving the customers "the service they deserve" (I believe those were my exact words) they put me over in intimate apparel where I only had 2 customers in the 2 hours I had left to work. That was much better. I even got to get some work done for their department (straightening things out for inventory) before I left!

So after being moved around the store yesterday, I got the great news that we were closing early. Fantastic. I was supposed to leave at 6pm, but because we were closing at 6pm, I got to stay longer to close out the registers in the department before leaving!! YAY ME. So that took another 20 minutes or so, then I cleaned off my car, and then finally started on my way home.

Yeah. I'm supposed to be at work right now. HA! After yesterday's shuffling and the snow we got last night? I THINK NOT. I called in sick at 7am. Was supposed to be in at 7:45. What're they going to do? Fire me? HAHAHA!! It was supposed to be my last day :)

So now I'm in a better mood knowing that I don't have to go back there except to pick up my check and drop off my time card. I was also told that it was a shame that I wasn't staying on, and that if I wanted to, I would be welcome back in the winter for another seasonal position. We'll see how things go with Dan getting a job and me being a mommy. Then I'll decide what to do. If the worst happens, I'm sure I can go in and reapply for a job there at any time. It's good to know I haven't burned any bridges.

Current Mood: cold

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Tuesday, December 31st, 2002 06:48 pm
New Years, Schmoo Years.

Have a safe and happy one.

Current Mood: cranky

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Thursday, December 26th, 2002 08:04 pm
Hope everyone had a good Christmas. From reading the entries on my friends page, I see that most of you did :)

As for me, mine was very rushed. Dan and I went to Mom and Dad's for Christmas dinner. Of course there was a full house there. Mom, Dad, Aunt Doreen, Uncle Mark, 3 cousins, 3 sisters, 2 sisters' boyfriends, and a partridge in a pear tree. Exchanged presents, ate, packed up, and left for the in-laws' house. Spent maybe an hour there. The snow was coming down in the size of small snowballs and it took us three and a half hours to get back home to Monson. SUCKY.

Got lots of maternity clothes from the family. My parents also bought us a camcorder. I think that's their subtle way of saying, "We won't be visiting often. Send us videos of the kid." But we'll see what happens. It's really nice, and Dan's been playing with the damn thing since he opened it. We even video taped some of the drive home. My favorite gift? Exactly what I have on at this very moment. Purple pajamas with cows on them and monkey slippers. I feel like such a little kid in them :) This is almost as good as feetie pajamas!!

Something exciting happened today! After a short conversation with a stranger (customer) they said, "Oh, good luck with your baby!" People are starting to notice! My goodness. I knew I was getting bigger, but my family said they could barely tell. (Except for my mother who constantly tells me I'm a fatty. Jokingly. I hope.) This made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :) Don't ask me why. I'm just weird like that.

Not working this weekend. Go me. Looks like I'll be traveling, though. I'll be visiting the family for a while on Saturday, spending the night, and seeing my lucky-ass dad off to the Pat's game on Sunday. He'll be in a luxury box, too, the big bastard. I don't know how he lucks out. He was at last year's game, know, the snowy one. I hope he brings them some more good luck this year. Either that, or I hope it snows like crazy. Reason 1: To make him freeze for his good fortune. Reason 2: To perhaps remind the Pat's of last year and maybe motivate them a bit. We'll see.

What did Santa bring you this year?

Current Mood: blah

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Monday, December 23rd, 2002 08:06 pm

This guy (lead singer from Queens of the Stone Age) looks very similar to my husband. WEIRD.

Current Mood: exhausted
Current Music: QOTSA - No One Knows

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Friday, December 20th, 2002 11:35 am
Hell Froze Over

Last year I saw Lord Of The Rings. I really wasn't into the whole thing, I had never read the book, and I had heard it was a really long movie. But I sat through it. I was a little ticked off because I thought the movie would end at certain points but it just kept on going, and just when I wanted to see more...fade to black. I vowed then and there to not see The Two Towers when it came out.

Yesterday, I saw it. I expected crowded theaters and limited seating, but it wasn't too bad. The theater wasn't full, but it wasn't empty, either. If only I could have killed the two little brats behind me who talked throughout the whole movie. "What'd he say? What's that thing? Where'd that come from?" Grr. Stop talking, pay attention, and you won't need to ask these questions.

But all in all, I will admit that I really liked the movie. In fact, I liked it a lot! Lots of cool battle scenes and non-stop action. I'm actually looking forward to the third movie. I might even purchase The Two Towers on DVD when it comes out. (Dan already has the first, and I'm sure he'll want the second)

I didn't even notice that the movie was just as long as the first one. There really weren't any breaks in the movie to glance at my watch and wonder how much longer I'd have to sit there, like I did during the first one. My ass was a little numb, but I'd say it was worth it. :)

Current Mood: content

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Friday, December 20th, 2002 10:18 am
It is 51 degrees outside. It's not raining yet.

What the hell am I doing in front of my computer?!

Time to go OUTSIDE. I think I will have my coffee on the porch this morning :)

Current Mood: okay

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Wednesday, December 18th, 2002 09:04 pm
We agreed that he'd meet me at work and go out to eat and to a movie.
I told him I got out at 6.
I waited for him until 6:30, called the house only to get the answering machine, then walked around the store looking for him.
At 7 I walked the mall after I called him answer.
At 7:30 I bought 2 pairs of shoes but only spent $30.
At 8:00 I started to get angry and thought about leaving, but swept the mall one more time.
At 8:15 I left.
I tried calling from the car on my way home...busy signal.
At 8:45 I got home, he wasn't here.
I checked the answering machine, he got my message, and the phone was back on the hook.
It's now 9:05 and he's still not home.
Now what?

Current Mood: angry

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Wednesday, December 11th, 2002 07:06 pm

I can now tell that I'm gaining weight. I worked for 9 hours today, and MY FEET ARE KILLING ME. It's only going to get worse. WAAAAAH!

Can I have some cheese with this whine? Perhaps some french cries to go along with my waaaahmburger? Or maybe someone should just call me a waaaahmbulance.

Current Mood: sore

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Tuesday, December 10th, 2002 08:24 am
Stuffy nose, headache, don't wanna work.

This week is going to kill me. I think I'm getting a brand new cold and I have to work today and tomorrow from 1p-6p, Friday from 9a-6p, and Saturday 12p-5p. Not that work is difficult or anything. It's just that it's so dry up there and I constantly feel like I'm going to choke. We're not allowed to keep even a bottle of water with us at the register. Fuckers. So I eat lifesavers all day long while I'm there. Maybe one day I'll get lucky and get one lodged in my trachea and fall down and have to be carried out on a stretcher. That would be fun.

But seriously, things really have been better lately. Still waiting to hear from MassHealth AGAIN. I hate the fact that I have to wait, but hey, that's what happens when you're a loser and don't have a job and have no insurance. So wait I will.

Christmas shopping...dare I say it...IS DONE. Actually, I have to get one more gift (one for my grandfather) at some point, but I need my dad's help for that one. So basically, I'm finished. I have to shop NO MORE. :D *sigh-of-relief* Until I realize that I have forgotten a whole slew of people. Harrrr. That always happens to me.. on Christmas Day.

Anyway, I'm off to find some breakfast, shower, get ready, and leave for work. I really do not want to, but I will. I'm a sap and won't call in sick unless I'm sick :( Someone's really got to break me of that habit.

Current Mood: cranky

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Wednesday, December 4th, 2002 10:56 am
Completely Craptastic

So last night was probably the coldest night we've had here this year, and lucky me, my furnace busted. YAY! Dan got up this morning, freezing cold, and called the repair guy. Luckily it was an easy fix and was done shortly after I got my butt out of bed. :)

As I was laying in bed before I ventured out into my cold hallway, I tried to get back to sleep, but kept feeling something weird. Like something fluttering in my lower abdomen. Yep. It was baby saying, "GET UP, MA!" Such a cool feeling :) Like a hundred butterflies fluttering for a few seconds.

On the pregnancy topic, Dan and I went shopping yesterday. I ran into my ASM, Chris, at a coffee shop. I introduced Dan to Chris, who didn't know I was married. Then asked "Do you have any children?" When I replied with a no, he said, "Good, wait til you're like 30. Live a little, first." That's when Dan opened his big mouth and said, "Well, it's a little too late for that now. Got one in the oven!" Great. I'm sure my chances for permanent hire have been tossed right out the window, without the window being opened yet. *CRASH!!!* Also, I was told that I was to do NO MORE LIFTING OF ANYTHING by Chris. Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. Heh :) Hopefully Chris understands that I really didn't want this "secret" being let out at work. I kinda hinted to him that it was to be kept quiet, but we'll see what happens.

Got more Christmas shopping out of the way. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it this week! I need to call my sis to see if she wants to meet me on Saturday. We have shopping to do for ourselves. My grandfather just gives us money, but the agreement is that the money is to be used on gifts which can be wrapped and opened at his house. So I guess it makes him feel like he did work, even though all he did was hand my mom a couple of bucks. :) It's okay, though. I'm guarranteed to get what I want :)

Gotta go hop in the shower and get ready for work. Have a good one, guys and gals.

Current Mood: cold

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002 09:52 am
Work last night was actually pretty fun. I was by myself all night and we weren't busy at all. I made friends with a single, hot guy who was looking for a "non-girly" comforter to match his "pink-but-soon-to-be-repainted" bedroom in his new house. We had some good laughs, picked one out and searched for pillows. There's just something about picking out bedding and pillows with a gorgeous stranger..

Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure I had a shoplifter last night, too. Pretty shady guy wanted to return a $300 down comforter with no receipt and no sticker on the merchandise. So, I call over my buddy/manager Chris to handle this (just so I don't get blamed) and he has no choice but to give him an exchange. Luckily the guy could only get $140, but still. $140 is a lot compared to the $0 he spent stealing it from JC Penney down the hallway. *sigh*

So all in all, it was an interesting yet slow night. It was nice to be alone up there, though. Gave me some time to straighten the place out and stuff. Sometimes I feel like such a 'tard there. Ah well. Both registers balanced fine at the end of the night, so I must not be that much of a 'tard. Gotta go back there tomorrow, but if they ask me to work tonight, I just might say yes.

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