Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Nirvana Fans Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "nirvana".
409 matches:
00freeipods00 - Get a FREE iPod!! (the ORIGINAL community!!!)
0rdinary_story - sing without a reason to ever fall in love again.
150interests - Interested People
21stbc - 21stBC
27club - 27 Club
55_tears - 55 tears fell in silence
8_lippincott - 8 Lippincott!
_____hxc_cunts - HardXcore Cunts
___sugarbomb - i hate you, this is krissy
_bandxclaim_ - Claim your favorite band/ band member/ song!
_billy_martin_ - Billy Martin Fans
_brody_dalle_ - Brody Dalle
_error - Error Designs
_friends_only_ - Friend
_good_grief_ - Good Grief
_headphones_ - _headphones_
_ic0nic_designs - _ic0nic_designs
_loserish - n/a
_mars_ - Ruby, Tasha, Eleni & Becka
_mygeneration - Born in the '80s
_oddlycutie_ - Welcome to _OddlyCutie_
_redundant - x
_rockstars - _ROCKstars |*|
_thekurtsquad - _thekurtsquad;
_unplugged - Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet
_whatascene - screaming pretty nothings
abbaisemo - AbbaIsEmo
abstracteyes - Abstract Originality
accentsx2 - We all fall down.
accessorization - TRADE BUY SELL
afilamentparson - THE AFP FANS
agitprop - society's whores
all_about_music - all about music
altbears - Alt.Homos
amenhaters - Amenlover Haters
anarchyonlj - fucker
animemafia - Anime Mafia
anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
anti_happy - come here to share pain
anti_quiz - freedomx
anticonanobrien - Your Stalker
apanon - Apathetics Anonymous
aroundtheglobe - Insane Ramblings
aslans_how - Aslan
atlantida - Atlantida
authorityzer0 - Authority Zero
b0ddah - Negative Creeps
babysonspikes - BabysOnSpikes
back_off_amazon - Back Off, Amazon
band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
bensweeklyband - Music Fans
berandom - Are you in?
betrayeddesires - Vintage Whores
betterthenyou - Betterthenyou
big_me - Fans of The Foo Fighters
bigdayout - The Big Day Out Community
blissful_amy - The Grrl of Milk and Honey
bodhisattvas - Bodhisattvas
bootlegs - bootlegs
braceletxtrade - :: bracelet trade ::
breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
buddhistpagan_l - Buddhist and Pagan Dialogue.
buddhists - The Buddhism Community
bydivinewrite - the Celtic Cross Collective
cadavril - WE HATE AVRIL (and other suck ass bands)
cd_sale - cd_sale
chatterboxes - Chat All Day, Chat All Night
chew_toy_hearts - ×Chew Toy Hearts×
chimaira_land - Who are you today...another face erased
chocolate_penis - Krissy
chronic_boredom - Boredom
cobainshrine - kurt cobain internet shrine
coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
cold_pizza - The EVERYTHING Community
comeasyouare - KuRT's KuLt
concert_review - Concert Review
consumer_voice - rants, raves, reviews
courtneyandhole - Courtney Love and Hole
coversongs - we <3 cover songs
crazy_ho - Your Jordan Catalano
cult_of_josh - Fanclub For Josh
cutmyeffnthroat - Mother fucking HaRdCoRe!
cyberdork - A community for all dorks in cyber space..
d0wnloadwh0re - d o w n l o a d w h o r e s
daelor_pragma - daelor pragma
daily_zen - Daily Zen
dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
damagedfuckers - Damaged Little Fuckers
damnfreaks - Damn you, freaks! God damn you all... to hell!
damngirl - The Damn Girl
dancingaboutarc - Dancing About Architecture
darkdharma - darkdharma
davidgrohl - d. grohl, at your service!
deadlittegirls - us
deathdo_uspart - Rose
devianc3 - devianc3
devilduckyclan - The Devil Duckies Of Doom
difrenticons - DIFRENT ICONS
downloadable - d.o.w.l.o.a.d.a.b.l.e
downloadables - The Downloading Community
dowsedinmud - devoted to Nirvana; that's what we are
dreamindigital - poets and dreamers
early_90s - people who are obsessed with the early 90s
easily_confused - easily_confused
eaturheart_out - Eat. Your. Heart. Out.
eclecticax - *EcLeCTiCaX*
emo_art - * emo art *
emorawk - .the.spark.from.the.flame.
empty_arms - empty | arms
ennui_shakedown - rock star
evadreamdigital - A place for lost thoughts
faint_of_hearts - Faint of Hearts
fake_docs - reclaiming the early nineties
fanfictions -
fans_of_live - Fans of +LIVE+
fastingsupport - Fasting Support
fatblacksluts - fatblacksluts
fewpies - The Few
foofighters - Foo Fighters
foofreaks - the foo freaks
foovanafics - Foo Fighters and Nirvana Fanfiction and Slash
forever_nirvana - Older Nirvana fans
forneykaters - forneykaters
freak_show_icp - The Great Milenko
freedum_mafia - We Claim whatever we want
fuckpunks - Punks Suck
gamelan - Gamelan
get_free - The Vines
glassishalffool - glassishalffool
glitter_vein - ULTRAfashion
godandmagic - Religion, Mysticism, and Spirituality
good_taste - ~#*SHiNE*#~
goodsisterbad - x::shhh grrrls::x
gothicbitches - disposable girls
gothictrance - Social Outcast's
graffitiwriters - painters
grrlsroom - Grrls Room!
grunge_rock - A Tribute to Grunge
grungexcore - xxxGRUNGExCORExxx
guitar - Guitar fan
hard_rock_grrls - Hard Rock Girls
hardcoreindie - Music to Get by Everyday
hate_courtney - HATE COURTNEY
heartdirectory - deal with my heart
hipsters - you wanna be hip & stylin, babe it's too damn late
hit_the_skids - local_H-ers
hither - the drama you've been craving..
holdontome - a courtney love community
hotlicks - Show me your licks
houstonmetal - Houston Metal.
human_death - Holy Boredness
humanitysucks - Fuck Humanity
i__rock__ - for those who ROCK
i_is_jack_squat - i_is_jack_squat! (not really though)
i_vomit_rainbow - LoCaL ShOw JuNkIeS
ihatehaiku - i hate haiku
im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
imsoc - The IMSoc Diaspora
in_like_flynt - oh so tragically hip.
in_mono - Cøurtney L♥ve
indiansaints - IndianSaints
indie_lds - Appearances Can Be Decieving
indie_shit_head - indie in tha hizzouse
it_aint_stealin - fuck you richard branson
jackosbourne_ - Jack Osbourne
jason_anonymous - jason's are evil
jjj - Triple J
junkiefetish - junkiefetish
kandeee - i want to eat your cancer
kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
keyxwestxpunk - KEYxWESTxPUNK
kill_rock_stars - KRS Records
killing_joke - KILLING JOKE
killingteam - Killing Team
killrecover - Recover music
kinky_shit - sexcellent!
koalaclub - Katherine and Ryan <3
kurt_and_jim - Nirvana and The Doors
kurt_lives_on - WORDS suck. I mean everything has been said
kurtney - ::nirvana:::hole::
kurtslovebuzz - kurtslovebuzz
larsfrederiksen - *Mirror FuÇkin iMage Of No CoNtRoL*
late80searly90s - Late 80s Early 90s
laynestaley - tributes to layne
lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
le_fuzz - the fuzz
lennon_530_sm - your lies and my dreams
letriangle - Le Triangle Des Bermudes Nicoises
lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
lhs_leadership - Liberty Leadership Class
life_or_death - Life or Death?
lithiumpoptarts - ¡·•×:·.·-×('··LiThIuM«›!¡!‹»PoPtArTs··')×-·.·:ו·¡
littleblackstar - _little[black]#star
littlenikita - little nikita
long_hair_guys - honoring guys with long hair
loser_patrol - The Loser Patrol
loserfreakgeeks - A place to enjoy the weirdness
losers4dummies - How to be a Loser for Dummies
lost_in_loving - lost_in_loving
loudmusicfreak - loUd MusIc FanATic
love_buzz - CAN YOU FEEL MY LOVE BUZZ.? {a nirvana community}
love_of_music - Music Appreciation
lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
luvin_angel - We Love Angel
lyricjunkie - sweet, sweet lyrics
lyrikattak - Lÿrikâ//Åttak
mad_as_a_hatter - Mad As A Hatter
mad_duluozions - kerowhackos
madness_in_mich - Madness In Michigan
makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
mangojuicegirl - Goddess of Mangos
maniaka - })i({
massyruu - Massachusetts YRUU
meatpuppets - Meat Puppets Fans
meriluvsbribri - Meri & BriBri
messengershot - Shot Down
mich_oddities - Munk Tae
mind_dead - Mind-Dead
mindset_nj - mindset_nj
misanthr0pic - [ M i s a n t h r o p y ]
misfits_inc - misfits
mixomatic - mixomatic for the people
mixyourmind - Mix Your mind
monkee_pants - Monkee Pants Community
mtgs - Society Of The Damned
mulligans - Mulligan's Stew
music2mosh2 - Music 2 Mosh 2
music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
music_passion - [..`a passion for all things music`..]
musicaddicts - Addicted to Music
musicfanatics - .music
musiciansliveon - musiciansliveon
musicobsession - Music Fanatics
musicrawks - yer mom
musik_spew - The musik spew
my_song - Lyrics
n3rd_p0w4h - The Nerdiest Community on Livejournal
n3t_beauty - <3
namethatlyric_ - the big bad lyric man.
natureisawhore - ....nirvana....
neerneer - neerneer.!
nerd_whores - nerd whores
new_pollution - grey street
newmusic_ - The New Music Community
nezumi_fans - We love Nezumi
nfatuatedjunkie - infatuated junkie
nifty_music - nifty_music
ninja_mafia - ninja_mafia
nirvana_elitist - The Nirvana elite
nirvana_freaks - nirvana_freaks
nirvanafans - Nirvana Fans
noandroid - coke babies
not_a_murder - The Courtney Love DID NOT Kill Kurt Cobain Project
not_all_therage - not_all_therage
nottheonlyones - Kentucky Rejects
nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
numetal_ru - numetal_ru
nyc_alternative - NYC's Alternative Hangout
obsessivetypes - The Adored
ocean_avenue - There's a place on ocean avenue...
old_punks - Mix Away, The Youth are getting restless!
old_school_mtv - old school mtv'ers
omni7 - Omni7
onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
onumik - closed.
overgrown_eden - Break away your shadows, show your face to me
pale_green - Jodie & Emma
parkoncaffiene - something to do with the park... at night...
pearljamclub - Ten Club
philineism - Sublimely Vintage
photoshopless - Photoshopless Icons
phunkytown - Phunky Kids
play_my_song - sharing music and meaning
poems - Poetry Reading
poetssociety - Poets Society
point_your_gun - BANG_BANG.. We've Got Perfect Aim
popculture_xian - popculture_xian
popmusic - Popular music discussion..all genres
powerofmyth - The Power of Myth
premade_layouts - request your layouts here :)
princess_lena - Lena is word.
princezzjen - Let boredom rain free
private_tune - My Private Tune
projectathens - Project: Athens
punk_parts - Punk Parts
punkclub - Punk Club
punkheads - *~*PUNKZ*~*
punkmixtape - PunkMixTape
punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
punks_freaks - Freaks and Punks
pureestrogen - pureestrogen
quackopolis - Your So Alone
quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
quizillaholics - quizillaholics
random_hate - [Read For Sanity]
randomness101 - Randomness101
reading - Smelly People
realvast - vast
rebelgirlys - Rebelgrrls
recursion - recursion
reverend_radio - The "Reverend" Radio LiveJournal
river_styx - The River Styx
rock_gods - rock_gods
rockgrrl27 - Insomniacs, Freaks, and anyone who's interesting
rockin_beats - Art and rock 'n roll
rocklyrics - Lyrics Of Rock, Metal, Indie and Punk
rocknmetal - ROCK/METAL
rocknrollcircus - Rock n Roll Circus
rocknrollheaven - Only the good die young
rockshare - Rock Share
rockstarphotos - Rockstar Photos
rotten_whores - Lollirotten Whores
ru_psychedelia - Original Psychedelia
rustywrists - *~heroine~*
safety_net - go ahead and fall..
sail_to_tahiti - Summer Breeze
sanatana_dharma - Hinduism; The Eternal Truth
satinesdaydream - Moulin Rouge and Fanfiction
savesthemoooo - Emo RENTHeads
savingtomorrow - Saving Tomorrow
schizo_squirelz - schitzo-squirelz are killed by meatballs every day
seattlekids - Seattle Kids
selling_out - music is my boyfriend
sex_drugs_music - sex, drugs, rock n roll
shastaroman - Stoopid
she_rah - Poetry
shonen_knife - Shonen Knife
shortbread - Icons + blinkies
shut_up_bitch - _what it is to burn
sic_bitch - O.C.D & Paranoia
sick_like_whoa - Sickest Scene coming at you!
silent_tearz - Liz
sing_to_me - sing_to_me
singalongs - ♪
skapric - Skapric
skywithstars - *Music is the space between the silences*
sockolina - @ $0ck princ3ss
songwriters51 - song writers
sonrisaplastica - *[sonrisa plastica]*
soulvacancy - All those disconcerned
soundsgood - Music Snobs
sourasthetouch - //~ sOuR aS the tOuCh ~\\
spare - stupid kid
spiffyfantastic - Hope + Phoebe = loooove
splitcheck - :your:mom:wants:to:know:
spokanewa - Spokane, WA Colleges
stay_beautiful - Stay Beautiful
steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
stunmusic - Scream Toward the Uprising of Non-Conformity
sub_pop - Subterranean Pop
suchaloser_ - scott moffatt community
suckstoassmar - ~¤SuCkS tO yOuR aSsMaR!¤~
sufferingexists - living is sorrow
sweatshirtmafia - THe SWeaTSHiRT MaFia
takebacksunday_ - Taking Back Sunday
talk_soup - talk_soup
taoistwisdom - Taoists
tempest_00 - azura
templeofrock - Temple Of Rock
thanatophobic - Afraid to Die
the_different - For people that feel different from the majority
the_kurt_klub - KuRt LiVeS oN!
the_lock_box - Dammit
the_mixx - Music and Reviews
the_music_world - The Music World
the_pixies - Pioneers of Aerodynamics
the_twisted - As Twisted As We Want To Be
theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
theninetiesrule - The Eclectic Decade
thepityparty - The Pity Party
theriviera - Come and get me, sailors!
thinkers - The Thinkers Community
thndrstrmnroses - thndrstrmnroses
thrifttrade - Trade Thrift Merch....
tibetanbuddhism - Kagyu, Gelug, Nyingma, Sakya Buddhists
tooch_net - tooch_net
tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
trappedhere - Trapped Here...
tsb - The Student Body
ubersehen - Overlooked
undeniable_10 - Undeniable
underdebridge - underdebridge
unknown_mistery - unknown
ushi_ru - Сообщество для тех, кто ищет музыку
vaginas_4_lyf - Vagina Power
vinyl_in_mono - vinyl_in_mono
we_like_stuff - we_like_stuff
we_love_cassie - we love cassie
we_love_mullets - Mullet Lovers
welove - <3
wet_like_hana - wet_like_hana
whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
wildhearts - Wildhearts LJ Community
wnyadultfriends - Afraid To Try
worldswithin - Worlds Within Us
woundeddingo - wounded dingo announcements
wrong_decade - generational misfits
x_nirvana_x - x_nirvana_x
xfullcollapse - .T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y.
xi_scabaret_ix - .:PuRe sEx:.
xstraightxcorex - .Closing My Eyes Just To Pass The Time.
xwordx - Saran Wrap Posse
xxbillycorganxx - LovetoLuvBillyCorgan
yes_were_hott - yes_were_hott
youmakemehot - Pin me up
yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
yoursougly - Brat
ziggycomics - Ziggy
Interested users
The following users are interested in nirvana. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
473 matches:
000generic000 - emmy
___siamese - the zenmaster
acidgoth - Malcolm
acidmoon - acidmoon
acidstained - empty in between
actionjackson - Rachel
aerienesssidhe - AerienessSidhe
aesalon - stan the russian geeky punk rock man
ahatfulofhollow - Toys'R'Us Kid
alethia - hayley/*
alexx - Alex
alissha - Alissha
altar - Altar
amalthea - Kim
ameigirl - ☆@MEiGirL™
americanpornstr - AmericanPornstar
amirofthedesert - Hans
amnion - WoBbLy-HeAdeD BoSkiTo
amp - April
amurana - stranger with your door key
anathama - Sick Boy
andabusers - hanjabanja
andariel - Andariel a.k.a. Princess Turkey
andreamarie - Andrea Marie
aneurin - Aneurin Westwood
angelarenee - aN-G-iE_
angelina - fond but not in love
ankharah - milky black tea for a cerulean blue girl
archaeopteryx - Amanda
ascendingtwyla - Its an obsession with string...
ash - Living like a disaster ♥
ashlyn - Ashly
asisani - Kat
aurorabunny - Katie
axlrosechick - Well, Fuck.
badkitty420 - Celeste Sofia
balistikspaz - .?:rAwk kiT
basement - io &
basketcase - Brandon
beatgirl - Kathryn
beth11585 - Bethany
biggleslc - Trying to work it out....
bigshino21 - Ben
bigsteve - Smitty
binitza - Vorticose
blackdog - Dave
bland - Aaron
bleuglitter - Lesliecat
blink_lu - Blink Lu
blonnie - Blonnie
bloodywalls - ZxZ SilentScream ZxZ
blu - Bluish
blushingbride - Jessicka
bonnie77 - Queen of the Underworld
bootycreamchees - Kimmy
boscokhan - Ike Ant
boxofrain - ashen
boyd44210 - Nichole
brakzilla - rock bitch mafia!
brianne - B to the R to the I
callmesteam - PP51DooDoo
carley - the bee. like, from nature.
cary - cary
cas - Chasity
chemicalwire - Busy Busy, Busy Scissors, Oooh Oh Oh Oh
cherubrocker - iron willed fuck up
chiahead - LazyBlue
chibikitty - chibikitty
chibimoonn - ♥ ♥ Carly
chichan - Chi
cicatrice - Gemme
clownswithafros - Shell
coffeebean - Holly
colorful - tearing out the sutures
colorkidd - Ashley
corriel - ₪₪₪ Corriel ₪₪₪
countessolivia - Countess Olivia
crazyhead - Jennie-Ann
crowriff - St. Patrick
crucialseven - matto
crushedtulips - Punky Brewster
cutelildevil - ♥prima donna♥
cutiekatie - Katie Verhelst
cyruskhan - joe
dakota - Allison Chains
darkladyofnight - Live Jennie
dashalovesyou - dasha
davethebrave - Dave the Brave
davinnie - Vinnie
deathlustr - NymPhaTic LoaD
deathtobreeders - lindsay
deatonjr - Mad Hatter 10/6
demod - demod
destroll - That 1 Guy
devilinside - MilkBoy
dhampir - Dhampir
diary - eXorci$t
dick - velvet rainbows & opalescence
dildo - max?
diminia - Princess Diminia
distortion - D
djdoubledumbass - nick
dosteric - Frick
dragonjam - Jess
draven128 - xKatiex
drea - drea
dreamstar - dreamstar*
drewness - Dr. Funkenstein
drunkenbelle - laura baborah
dumdeedum - Diana
dynamitehack - Aurora
efli - Efli
ehtkornkid - Meg, but your mom can call me Megalicious.
elctrcmonkyman - Jeff
elimnist - Jo3: The Token Bad Guy
ellie - Ellie
enlightened - William Campbell
eryn - citrus
evapor8ed - Mystery Meat
evilandy - The AndyChrist
evolve - take your hand
faerae - you turn me on, i'm a radio
fakeangel - Trina
famousmark - Death drives a white Honda Civic
fartbag - andy, the walking oxymoron
fatdoglick - Sarah
femmie16 - the femmie.
fishofhappiness - Becca
flippin_menthol - HelzBelz
floydthebarber - Mike Gum
fluffydoombunny - Shannen Hart
francisbean - francis bean
freddie - Freddie deBoer
fuckyou - Amanda
gallyndur - Gallyndur
garygetsnolove - Disassociative
geekgirl - geekgirl
gem - gemdilem
gengy - Daan
giawitch - GIA)/\(ITCH
girlfiction - a broken heart's education
glamgoddess - Lulabelle
glitrfairygodes - xPunkRawkPixiex
glitterstar - Star
glitterwhore - The melodramatic bullshit QUEEN
glitterylimes - Andreaaaa
glycerine - Glycerine
grandiloquence - dead child
grungenut - fuck you
guttervomit - smash!!!!!1
guyincognito - Victor
happiejunkie - Happie Junkie
hariko - Jim The Blood Cell
hateme - Bad Monkey
hazi - Hazi
hcl - Hairy Cocaine Larry
heatherkittie - ~Vain*Misery~
heff - heff heffster
herdivineshadow - her divine shadow
hiding - everybody else's girl
hokuto - Hokuto
homesickalien - anthony
hookersandgin - busta cap
howling - howling
huiwei - Huiwei
icewing - Icewing
iiaqua_vampyrii - LeX
ilovekurtcobain - Dark Angel
iluvbf4eva - Wendy~Lou
imagine - The walking monologue
imajika - [monkey pirates stole my solid gold girlfriend]
intothedream - Janette
isaac - isaac
itwill - tim
j2540c - lisa
jack_ - Alex
jamius - jamius
jax - Jackie
jeek - Unpa Nasa
jemi7 - Dj
jen72484 - Jen ♥
jennfox - Jenn Fox
jon4009 - Jon Grant
josephcurwen - Charles Dexter Ward
juliet37 - Juliet
just_a_girl - Russa
juubou - juubou
juxtaposed - kat
kafka - austin
kaleidoscope - poison in a pretty pill
karina - ♥ karina ♥
karladoll - KarlaDoll
katharine - Kat
kellylev - Kelly
kharne - Kharne The Betrayer
kid_ra1nb0w - kid ra1nb0w
kidincubis - KidIncubis
killshimself - X
kimatha - Elf
kimmie - Kimmie
kissspooky - Walking tragedy
kitkatcutie - ☆♥a.lovely☆disaster♥☆
kmarn - Kenny
kodansha - Under a floorboard world
korndawg - Rye-Rye
koyoteblu - Maybe a man, something, might ruin her forever.
krock - Kirsten
kyan - *~*KyaN*~* another chalk outline in the street
kyanite - Emma
ldygabilan - Gabby
libra_kat - Katie
lilbluesmurf - Imitation Happy
lilempathy - Soviet Princess
lilskaryme - The Dork Avenger!
linli - Linley Lysee
litswd - A Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
littlefoot - Crazy Little Chick
lituska - Elisabeth-Lucy
localfan - Jamie
lolir0t666 - ___i eat shit___
longdecember - Marie
lostrune - Laura
lotusdreamer - Elisa
louisthefly - chrome-colored-clone
loungeact - life is but a walking shadow
lozzo - Laurence Paul Balaam
luckylove - Nirrti
lucyskydymonds - mira tatyana
luna413 - Luna
lunarra - Tristanna
lyla - Michelle
macleod - MacLeod
madmagpie - Collo
magikspork - Jenny
maliciousklaha - Andrew
mandarose - mandarose
markyboie - []V[]ar[]<y []V[]ar[]<
marlowe316 - Marlowe
marmar - *Infamous Mar-Mar*
marss - Marss
mascara - natalie
megatron - meg du puis maurus
melissakitty - melissa, your jaded clerk
microchaotic - Catalyst Echo
mildred - Strawberry Cheesecake
minigurl - puck
mistresshalo - Bonnie
mojo_iv - SQuishy BOgSLug
mommiemilo - Shana Markham
mona_lisa - mona-lisa
moonruby - moonruby
morbidthoughts - Vinh
morg - Gothic Raven
moshamad - Kat
moteuchi - Brad Rankin
mouse452 - Orange Crushed
mrwhisper - Mister Whisper
mso - Amy J
multifacetsflux - L. Jewell
munche - MunchE
mygift2you - I can't forget your style or cynicism
mysteriousgirl - Tabitha
nachtzehrer - cat
nailboy - Mike Norwood
natrix - natrix
nekomu - Mari
neostarx - Zach
nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
nigelthezebra - Nigel
nimbus - bryan donahue
nimrod - Basket Case
nonsence - lonly/jester
nookie - Sketch
notgus - Kenny Blankenship
nymphval - Val
o0xjenx0o - o0xJenx0o... -blah-
obscuredlove - Obscured Love
october_rust - A E O N
octobermoon - Carrie
okcomputer - joey joe joe junior shabbadoo
onerag9 - New Year Sunrise
orangejuice - Ki-Ki
ownthestreets - nick
paintress - Paintress
papaneil - Papa Neil
pavement - max power
pelicanzed - Zed
phrostine - phrostine
pianomaniac - Pianomaniac
pinky666 - Kari Ann
pissygirl - Not So Super Girl
pixiestardust - NiNA StArDuST
pixxieliz - PixxieLiz
plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
po8tick - Grizaje
poetgirl - tenacious picc
poison - 18 rabbit
poisoncrazylush - bola-natalie
poisonousangel - hardcore like whoa
poisonousivy - Ivy
priapism - !Dr.P
princessmoira - Moira
prismfaerie - prism -プリズム -
psychotic - Chris
psychronic - trent
pull_rank - Kliff
punkieflamingo - *Gwen*
punkstar - ★☆ rachel ☆★
putchar - putchar
putty009 - Scott
pyrogyrl128 - show me your scars
queenmab88 - meredith
quietjenn - aqua seafoam shame
raggamuffin - Bad Penny the Model
rainaraina - rainacake
raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
ralphjunior - ralphjunior
raspberries - sixties' survival
raven_angyl - Guinevere Ara
rayne - furiously geeky
rayngoddess - Rayn
rebelgrrlsunite - Rebelgrrlsunite
red - Burke
redelephant - crushkilldestroy
rehab_doll - adam
reppedroad - Katie
reznormoon - ReznorMoon
rick - Jessica
rikazaza - Love Machine
riochingisimo - Socram Riochingisimo
riotgrrrrl - i am the girl anachronism
roadie - "Mystical" Eliot
robinzing - robin zing
rookin - RoOkin
rootbeeraddict - David
roxychick186 - erin
rozychic - Rozy
rvendyca - . Rvendyca .
sad_eyed_angel - ^v^ ChristinA ^v^
sadnessnpeace - brian
sailormercury - star senshi sailor mercury
saitheverity - Saithe Verity
samilia - Roxy Foxy
sandrock - E-Chan/GundamSandrock
saphiremoon - Anjuli
saria - hikari wo sagashite
scentless - miss ant
scribble - elliott smith thought police
scuzzlebutt - Nick
seanroy - Outsider
secondbase - a-l-l-e-n (alan)
selphie - Violet Teardrop
selwonk - Ryan Knowles
sephire - ASAP
seth - Naruto
severecrash - Michael McSorley
sexypinkchic69 - Elizabeth
shade - Shade
shajuana - Miss Shawna
shanno - blah
sharikins - Shari (m)
shivasmojo - anahad nada
shroomy120 - I have nothing productive to say
silentblahb - QueEn giMp
silverfish - Kerry
silverflame - Jennifer
silverllama - someone
silverraze - This Little Masochist
sinistas - Scott Green
siralove - The Good Girl
sjdougherty - sjdougherty
skachik - Sarah
skittlez - i need to sleep. why won't you let me sleep?
sks_friday - Scockard Hanjen
slayergoddess - Torry
sleepyanarch - T-Gun 21
sleepymonkey - Princesshats
slimd - Agent Doug
slpnot4999 - I've nothing to give
smitty99 - Chris
smokinjoe - Joe
smushbox - Happy Harry Hard-On
snazin - Snazin
sockgirl - cornflake girl
somabrak - SomaBrak
sorrowblue - ..but she's gotta little pout, and she's pretty..
sourgirli - askew
spacefool - Karf
sparklykid - Amanda
speaker14 - Dianna aka Jonas' Little Sister
speedpiss - factory girl
spike18 - Thömŧ
splangey - Alex Benevent
spookykittie - SpOOkyKiTTie
spot - tom callaway
squirt13 - Dan-o
staceypie - stacey pie
starmartyr - Starmartyr
stefany - Stephanie
stellarstarchic - Talon Chaos
stephi - Steph
strangeone - Will
sublime420 - "Swampy"
subtraction - Trent
sugar_girl - Every mistake that I make I couldn't have made wit
sugarheart - Kate the Violet
sugarhigh - mazzy
sunk_loto - Courtney Love
superstar03 - jamie puckett
sushi - ♥ Sushi
sweetaholic - sexy zombie
sweetcharity - charité
sweetinsanity - Heather
swompy - Bea Funklips
sxysmrfette - michi
syl - jaxx
synthetik - & SYNTHETIK _ GiRL ;
tabet - Tabet
talula_belle - -Talula_belle- ///---profile
tawnya1476 - Tawnya
terbear - Teri
thatguy - The Everlasting Blogstopper
the_b_sides - better then moldy cheese
thebeerfairy - margherita
thegreatdark - Ted Nugent in Disguise
thesparkler - lindsay
thewalkingman - King Joe the Wicked
tiagro - Your Favorite Matt
tiggy - queen of the eyesores
tinadureen - Tina
tink - Tinkerbell
toril - toril
torndiamonds - Moi
tragiclife - tragic
travesty - Travis
tsunkatse - Justin
tuggles - Chalupa
tuxjay - James
twinstar - Suck like a fox
uglyfallenangel - thE nEw QueeN oF EvoluTioN
underblown - underblown
ungod - The Man You Love to Hate
ungoddess - Lilith Astaroth
unravel - amanda
uranium - Deleted
urbankandee - she's electric
uzi978 - UZi
vampiress144 - ♥ 'ello poppet! ♥
velvetkitten - zoe Trouble savage
vertigo - Michæl
vinylusagi - ~the vinyl usagi~
violetfirepunk - Cleo
vivideye - David J.
vodkaboy21 - Harry
voodoo - voodoo
whitemonkey - Victor
willow - amRy
winky - Luke
wonka_vision - ...Diary Of A Dope Fiend...
xander82 - Captain Charisma
xanthine - Tudu Azul
xdoylex - doyle
xiolablu - Sandra
xpunkfaeriex - Desdemona Turpitude
xraex - rachel
xrosedecay - Faery
xsarahx - Wondergirl
xserenityx - JiLL
xxsarahxx - wondergirl
zeitgeist - Chris
zinereem - Roy Janik
zuperpaco - Jacob Bradshaw