Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Poets Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "poetry".
429 matches:
- 0rayoflight0 - Ray Of Light
- 100poems - 100 Poems, 100 Days
- 55_tears - 55 tears fell in silence
- 575 - Young Americans Terrorist Organization of 575
- 5seven5 - pseudohaiku
- _haecceity_ - haecceity
- _imagine_ - imagine
- a_girls_freedom - Drugs, girls, & boys...all in the same mix.
- a_poetry_club - a collection of people who take writing seriously
- abbaisemo - AbbaIsEmo
- about_poetry - Poetry Prose: Writing About Poetry
- academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
- aceofbaseplace - Ace of Base Place
- afriend4u - Need A Friend
- agitprop - society's whores
- akashatears - Flat Paper Scroll
- albums - Music - Album Reviews
- along_the_way - The Tao
- alphabet_soup - soup is good food
- althune1 - ~Althune~
- anarchybitch - The Glitter Slut
- anarkistboy - kaneda shotaro
- andrewspixie - Aly
- angelicrealm - The Realm of Angels
- anthropophobia - Literary Reviews/Commentaries
- ardentenigma - Delusion
- ariablaire - Autumn -:- Sparkles
- artconspiracy - Art Conspiracy
- askbelldandy - Ask Belldandy, the Friendly and Helpful Goddess
- askrini - Rini
- athb - The A-Team of Haiku Bastards
- authors - Voices of Truth
- autobiography - life documents
- awwyeah - The Shaz and Lor Show
- babiesrus2001 - MamaBear
- bad_monkeys - Show Your Insanity
- badlyrics - songs written by people who shouldn't write songs
- badpoetry - bad poetry
- badpoetryinc - Bad Poetry Incorporated
- bardsguild - a home for words and music
- basementdweller - basement dwellers
- bb_storybits - bearblue
- beatwords - the beat generation
- becauseiam - Individuality
- beggarsoflife - Senorita Lyndsie
- begothlikeme - goth as fork!
- betweenrealms - Between Realms
- bibliographic - The Bibliographic Community
- bibliophily - readers and writers
- bleeding_words - bleeding words
- bloodandtears - drowning in sorrow
- bloody_wrist - ( )
- bobdylan - Another Side of Bob Dylan
- bohemian_storm - The Four Ideals
- books - Readers
- booktraders - Book Traders
- boox4u - For People Who like to READ!!!
- boring_people - Anybody & Me
- braintango -
- broken_mind - Life never did come with a guarantee
- broken_tears - depressive thoughts
- brokencalm - brokencalm
- brutal_honesty - tell me your secrets
- burndxntfreeze - There's Nothing Pretty About A Junkie
- burningfield - The Burning Fields
- cafe_pop - hier kannst du mich finden wenn du mich suchst
- cafedoom - "It's Always the End of the World"
- cakeurinal - Urinal cake lover
- cantoruschristi - Christ's Poets
- carlisinmypants - Dread Lock Barbies
- catharticangel - The Angel of Catharsis
- catharticsouls - Cathartic Souls
- cflrockshows - Central & North Central Florida Show Connections
- cheesefactory - The Cheese Factory
- christiangoth - Golgothicans
- coffee_and_art - Coffee and Art
- coffeehousepunk - Coffee Junkies
- comeasyouare - KuRT's KuLt
- conclave - Imagination
- crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
- creative_minds - [Creative Minds]
- creativel - Creative Loonies
- creativewriter - CreativeWriter
- creativewriting - creativewriting
- creativityunite - Uniting Creativity
- critical_skin - critical skin
- cruel_talent - cruel russian/german talent
- cultofcorgan - Cult of Corgan
- cyberpunk - Cyberpunk Collective
- cystic_fibrosis - Sixty-Five Roses ~ Cystic Fibrosis
- damnfreaks - Damn you, freaks! God damn you all... to hell!
- damngrits - DamnGrits v2.0
- darians - The Daria Fans of the LiveJournal Community
- dark_poetry - Dark_Poetry
- darklotus - BloodRed Eternity
- darkmachine - The Dark Machine
- darknesslegion - The Dark and Demented
- dcandam4evr - Amanda Loves Denis
- dcfc - Dorky Chicks Fiction Club
- deadfairy - We'll all fly away
- deadly_kisses - All there is, Is Empty
- deadlyverse - Deadly Verse
- decadence - decadence
- demonfemme - loud, obnoxious, goddess with nothing better to do
- depressionsucks - Support for Depression
- desnuda - la desnuda
- devianc3 - devianc3
- dharmapoets - Dharma Poets Community Journal
- digital_tears - anemic&sweet
- dmb02 - Kristin
- doghousetheatre - Doghouse Theatre Company
- doink - The Obfuscatorium
- doodoobrown - doodoobrown
- dorothyparker - Daily Dose of Dorothy Parker
- downfallscene - Down With Blinking Lights [The Anti-Cybergoth Act]
- dreamaking - the Dreamaker
- drownthesun - runway four
- dustofvenice - those who bleed blue
- edwardgorey - Edward Gorey, 1925-2000
- elves - Edhel
- emersoncollege - Emerson College
- emokiddies - emotion
- emotional_creek - The Creek
- en_la_calle - ofelia
- epileptics - Epileptic
- etherintomatter - Ether Into Matter
- euphorik - Easily and Elegantly Tear my World Apart
- evilwickedsilly - EvilWickedSilly
- ew_gothic - EW! Gothic
- excessjunk - Everything Else
- expositions - Written Expressions
- expressyourself - express*yourself
- eyesnhands - I am Lost...Help Me...
- faeries - Faeries
- fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
- fiar - The Fuck It All Revolution
- findingyourself - Discovering Who You Are And What You Want To Be
- first_thoughts - free writing
- flamescythe -
- fofa - Fucked-Over Fuck-ups Annonymus
- fopo - faux-po amalgamation
- forevernever - Forever Never: A Poetry Community
- fotofetish - Foto-FetisH
- foxyfata - Succulent Wild Girlie Group
- fragileunicorns - Fragile Unicorns
- freeformwriters - Freeform Writer's Club
- freethinkers - freethinkers are dangerous
- freewriters - freewrites, dreams, memories...
- fresh_ink - Ode
- fuckedupminds - ABSTRACT THINKERS
- funn4u - FuNN 4 U
- fyg - The NeoBitches Forum
- fyrepoetry - Fyre's Poetry
- gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
- gayboi - GayBoi's
- gaywriters - gaywriters
- geeks - Geeks
- genevacollege - We can dance if we want to!
- german_goths - Die deutsche Gothic Community
- girladvice - Girl Advice
- glassvanity - ev er yt hi ng
- going_nowhere - going nowhere
- good_vibrations - Vibrator Lovers
- goth - Forum of the Cryptic
- gothic_art - marie
- gothic_beauty - Dark Art Community
- gothicmecca - Gothic Mecca
- gradlitgeeks - grad school literature geeks
- gray_glitter - gray glitter
- greynotgray - I am Art
- haiku4u - haiku
- haikuarena - The Haiku Showdown Arena
- haikus - the haiku community
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- ham_on_rye - Bukowski Forum
- herbquete - herbquete
- hghp - The Harry/Hermione Project!
- holdens - softest words..deepest scars
- idontloveyou - heart is on the floor.
- ifwhiteamerica - i am here to serve the moral majority
- iloveapoet - i love a poet
- inbetweeners - My inbetweener lifestyle is so not justified...
- incomprehension - The *Jones* Community
- indiexiankids - we heart God
- insufficient - INSUFFICIENT ART PAGE
- interlochen - Interlochen
- interruptedteen - Interrupted Teens
- iwish - I Wish
- j_a_z_z - JazZ's Lounge
- jasonstories - The Mumblings Of Jason Andreas
- jebus - ~ Kneel Before Zod!!! ~
- jimcarroll - Fear of Dreaming
- joyproject - Joy Project
- junkart - junkart
- just_connected - The Connected Community
- justkillus - break me
- justwrite - justwrite
- katell_keineg - The Katell Keineg Community
- kfmt - Kung-Fu Mystery Theater
- kissfromarose - Kiss From a Rose
- kissmegoodbye - :::Strangest Twist Upon Your Lips:::
- kolectiv - the kolectiv
- la_mort_de_moi - Dark secrets from Dark people...
- lasciviolent - :llusion
- lemon_head - Fresh Thinkers
- lifeofanxiety - ~The Demons Dreaming~
- linebyline - linebyline
- litgoob - Litgoob
- litopia - Litopia Writers Group
- little_lounge - c o m m o o n i t y
- littlevoices - Satanic Artist
- ljladies - Lovely LJ Ladies
- lone_stars - *lone_stars*
- lotr_poetry - Lord Of The Rings Poetry
- lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
- low_end_sanity - Beautiful Nature
- lunacon - Lunacon
- mad_ravings - ranters and ravers
- madhatters - The Mad Hatter
- madness_in_mich - Madness In Michigan
- maeva - Mad Tea Party
- magickal - Phantasy Magick
- magicpuddle - The Spirit's Tongue
- magneticpoetry - words searching for meaning on a sea of metal
- mamadada - Scratch This To Reveal A Secret Message
- mazapansticker - Mazapan Sticker
- mediahysteria - MassMediaHysteria EZINE AND PRINTED!!!
- melbournegoths - Melbourne Goths
- merrily_strange - The Delightfully Strange People
- mindgames_ocd - Ode
- mindgarden - Mind Garden
- misfits_inc - misfits
- modernday_poets - Modern Day Poets
- morbid_michigan - Outsiders
- mwcggbumhhwlsse - MWCGGBUMHHWLSSE Community!
- myalterego - Curious Confessions
- mystickal_poet - Poetic Justice
- nabokovia - nabokophiles
- namethattune - Name That Tune!
- naturesbeauty - Art and Poetry Celebrating the Beauty of Nature
- needmorefaith - Mike Patton Is GOD
- negligent - negligents
- nerdcorecrew - NerdCoreCrew
- nerdhaiku - Nerd Haiku
- newage - The New Age Movement
- newdeity - experimentalism as a medium for change
- newsies - Newsies LiveJournal Group
- nickcavesseeds - down for your soul
- nickdrake - nick drake
- nightside - Write about anything
- nitekrew - The Nite Krew
- nobodys_toys - nobodys_toys
- notquitesure - Stream of Conscience-BAD WRITING
- notthatemo - the undoing
- nynjgoths - New York & New Jersey Goths
- obsessiveminds - For thoughts, emotions... peoples... obsession
- oddities - Oddities
- oddlings - odd peeps
- oioi - annie & julie
- oldschoolers - Oldschoolers
- om_bodhi - Consciousness, Awakening, Rebirth
- ourartistsway - Artist's Way Community
- paam - Peoples Army Against Millard
- painfulsecrets - Creative Self Injurers
- paperdollcutout - the strange, caffeine-addicted, mostly left-handed
- pattismith - Patti Smith
- peggah - EH! spiffy
- pentacle - Dizzy
- pentiambic - iambic pentameter
- peopleinmakeup - Makeup Appreciatives
- perfecthell - brokenxhearts
- period2poetry - Creative Writing Period 2
- persians - The Persian Community
- phc - PHC
- phenomenalwomen - Phenomenal Women
- poems - Poetry Reading
- poetic - Poetic
- poetic_rains - Poetry
- poetica - SorceryNet #Poetica
- poeticramblings - Poetic Ramblings
- poetry_heaven - Hëãvêñlÿ Thõúght
- poetrykingdom - poetry & song lyrics
- poetrylovers - Poetry lovers of the world unite
- poets_corner - A corner for lost literature
- poets_society - the dead poets society
- poetssociety - Poets Society
- poetsunite - Starving Poet
- postmodernhaiku - //__the postmodern haiku
- profanedpoetry - Profaned Poetry
- psycho_paradox - PsycHo_PaRadoX
- queerpoets - Queer Poets
- quotez - the quote community
- rageofangels - ...rozz williams...
- ragingromance - Raging Romantics
- rainbowgirls - rainbow girls
- random_things - Random Things
- randomactsofart - Random Acts of Art
- ravenclaws - The Wise Eagles
- ravenous_dawn - Ravenous_Dawn
- realfreaks - : freaky :
- realw0rld - Standing on Solid Ground
- recycledthought - Recycled Thoughts
- red_day - Red Day
- reincarnateme - Goth
- rejectedpoets - Rejected Poets
- retardville - what
- riotgrrlhangout - Riot Grrl Community
- rogue_rawks - rogue lovin'
- romance_101 - Romantic Interludes
- romeo_juliet - Romeo and Juliet
- rosewiththorns - Rose with Thorns
- sacredsexuality - Sacred Sexuality Community
- sakotai - Sakotai | Arts Community
- sanitysedge - SanitysEdge
- scar_myself - scar_myself
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- scorned_ones - Even The Mighty Have Fallen ....
- scorpio_forum - Scorpio_Forum
- seasonoffrailty - Season of Frailty :: The 1st Collection
- serenityoflife - Molly
- sexy_goth_girls - Sexy Goth Girls
- sfgoth - San Francisco Goth
- sg_ljers - Majulah Singapura
- shadowscene - Baltimore/DC Area Goth Scene
- shakesphere - Hamlet
- she_bears - Wild Women Against Razors
- she_rah - Poetry
- shiny_starling - Shiny Starling
- short_stories - the storie community
- silence_within - The Silence Within
- silver_soph - sophie
- simonsrock - Simon's Rock College
- sinners_cafe - The Sinners Cafe
- sip - The Strangers in Paradise Community
- sirenstears - poetry
- sistercircle - Sister Circle
- slamnation - Poetry on Fire
- slampoetry - SLAM!
- smartchildren - Smart Children
- so_clutch - so_clutch
- societysucks - society sucks
- songposting - Songposting
- songwerds - Music and Lyrics
- songwriting101 - Songwriting 101
- soul_less_poets - Children_Of_Death
- soulexpressions - staind
- spin_poetry - SPINOnline Poetry Folder, SUCKAS!
- squeal - gwen is hot
- stand - Consciousness Community
- stayawakewithme - Stay Awake With Me
- stealingbeauty - .:Stealing Beauty:.
- stigmata - room of the blue light
- still_alive - The Figurehead is ||[ s t i l l ( a ) l i v e ]||
- stlouismusic - hoppin' st. louis scene!
- story_unending - story_unending
- storyvault - The Vault Of Tales
- strawburygashes - Lollipops & RazorBlades
- stronghopes - simple people complcated minds
- sublemon - Sublemon
- sublimechick - SublimeLiving
- subterraneans - the subterraneans
- sunsmoonsstars - Celestial Spirituality
- swansongs - #swansongs
- sweet_serenity - A Weakness For Words
- swingcreative - GLBT Art
- sydneypeople - Arty Aussies
- tea_time - tea time
- teachit - teachit
- temujin - NYCKitty
- texas_poets - Texas Poets
- the_ataris - Fragments Of My Skull Begin To Fall
- theartistsway - The Artist's Way
- thebestrpplace - The Role Player's
- thebookclub - The Book Club
- theclassics - The Classics
- theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
- thefantastic - The Fantastic
- thefew - The others...
- thegorkgang - TheGork
- thehedonist - pursuit and devotion to the pleasure of the senses
- thehouseofjones - the house of jones
- theintrospect - open to interpretation
- thekanakabunyip - vilano quansa
- thequill - The Quill
- thespecialppl - The Special People
- thewankzine - Quills
- thssdl_4n6 - Tennessee's LiveJournal Invitational
- torontoartists - Toronto Artists
- towishuponastar - ToWishUponAStar
- tripreport - Trip Report Writers Community
- true_insomniacs - True Insomniacs
- tuteheads - Heather&Jon
- txgoth - [ texas goths ]
- ubergoth - UberGoth COMMUNITY
- unbeing - State of unBeing
- unusual_people - Unusual People
- vamperism101 - The world of the Mystical
- victoria_bc - Vancouver Islanders
- violentintrigue - Violent Intrigues
- visualpoetry - visual poetry
- volkswagging - Anti-Beet Extract Crusaders
- waitingnwishing - gli occhi di angelo
- wanasa - WaNaSa
- watercolor - Watercolor
- weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
- weirdness - WeiRD PeoPLe
- weirdstories - Weird And Unusual Stories, Artwork, poetry, etc
- welovesergezine - We Love Serge
- whitepiketfence - And the fence came a tumblin' down...
- whydotheycry - why do they cry?
- wildwomen - The Wild Women
- witches_quill - Pagan Chants, Spells, Etc. A Witch
- wordassociate - word association
- wordwizard - That silent whisper...
- workingtitle - Working Title
- writers_bloc - Writer's Block
- writers_block - writer's block
- writingfeedback - Writing Feedback Workshop
- writingprompts - writingprompts
- writingworkout - The Writing Workout
- wtcdisaster_art - remembering 11 September 2001 through Art and Word
- wycked_7 - Wycked
- wyverns - [Wyvern's Library] Moderator's Choice
- wyverns_library - Wyvern's Library
- xlostgirlsx - The Missing Ones
- xsilentmalicex - Rachel
- xxfriendsxx - Sex Files
- zine_scene - Zine Resource Community
- zoolysianfields - Eve of the Elysium Variety
Interested users
The following users are interested in poetry. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
464 matches:
- 2broke2fix - Monica
- 6655321 - andromicus
- ____shimmer____ - ____shimmer____
- _super_star_ - superstar
- _zeph_ - Zeph
- aa - Ran Leonard
- aja - ~Aja~
- alazka - Alazka
- aliveoutofspite - cait
- aloneinparadise - Lucky sometimes
- alphakami - Tad Griggs
- althune - althune
- alunmillard - \An`a*mor"pho*sis\
- amberskye - Karla's
- ambiekate - ambiekate
- ameigirl - ☆@MEiGirL™
- amye - Emaleth
- anastasiana - ~* ßLüèRô§É *~
- andabusers - hanjabanja
- andlosers - Ben
- angelblurs - AngelBlurs
- angeleyes - }}i{{ ~angela~ }}i{{
- angelicdestiny - angelicdestiny
- angelina - fond but not in love
- angelina8 - Laura
- angellike - The Temptress
- anteck - Anthony.
- anubis - Sean Raines
- aroah - Rhoey
- ashes5191 - Andrea
- axiem - Axiem Terre-jen
- ayun - Ayun
- azazyll - Riedel
- azhure - daughter of the moon
- babydoll639 - Jennifer
- bal_toyreh - Eliezer Frankel
- bat_dragon - bat_dragon
- beaglicious - Jessica/Beagle
- bearblue - Bearblue
- berkana - Berkana
- bethann - Bethann
- bitteroptimist - pollyanna flower
- blackdreams - The Part You Throw Away
- blafever - i miss you terribly
- blase_dissenter - Christian Washington
- bleaux - Bleaux
- blindings - The Fantasizing Realist
- blindpoet - Dan
- blonnie - Blonnie
- bloodstone - Bloodstone
- bludroses - amber
- bluemoonbear - Blue Moon Bear
- bluestar - Jon
- bombshellsbitch - Aaron
- bookfoole - The Book Foole
- bowtomecha - You could use another crack in your ass
- boxofrain - ashen
- bram - Bram Boroson, Master of Subtle Ways and Straight
- breblo - average, everyday, sane, psycho supergoddess
- brian_wilde - Brian Wilde
- bridget - Bridgette
- briejett - BrieJett
- britannica3 - Muff Diver
- brynna - Just Another Expatriated Zulu
- burdack - Brooke
- burntvacantred_ - burntvacantred_
- calico - Happy Fun Hair
- calisto7 - Kara
- captainsjournal - ~♥ Captain Amelia ♥~
- carley - the bee. like, from nature.
- carolynrose - carolynrose
- cas - Chasity
- celtic_king - Celtic King
- celticpoet - Glamorous Nymph with an Arrow and Bow
- chazfrench - The Daily Chaz
- cheftim - Tim
- chelle - MalibuChelle
- chemicalwire - Busy Busy, Busy Scissors, Oooh Oh Oh Oh
- chicken_hunter - andy
- chitchat - Brian
- christy - Christy
- cinde - Cinde Lee
- civil - Pinky
- clavdia - Anastasia Moreau
- cobweb - cobweb
- coffeebean - Holly
- colours - Colours
- countess - Contesse von Gröbenzell
- crackmonkey - Bananahead
- crazy - Crazy Inside
- crazysexycool - Christine
- crimsongarnet - Crimsongarnet
- cris - cris
- crush - Princess C
- cyberfrog - Jenny
- cygnoir - Halsted
- cyka - Cyka
- cyn -
- dadeazlil1 - Jessie
- daemoniacus - Theresa
- daigger - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....all good children go to heaven.
- damara - Dara
- dangel - DA, the Lemon Peppah Fiend
- darhalen - DarHalen
- darius - Darius Bacon
- dark_dahlia - Dark Dahlia
- darwin - Darwin
- davethebrave - Dave the Brave
- david - God
- davomatic - Davo
- dawnstarr - morning-glory
- daydream - Wendi
- dazed - Jamie
- deborah_foreman - Deborah Foreman
- delusionalangel - Delusional Angel
- demmaster - demmaster
- deus_x - Leslie Michael Orchard
- diarmaid - Always keep a smile on your face
- difazio - miss a.
- docmaestro - Docmaestro
- dom - Dominic
- dopey_icecube - m4yb3.. [ .dw3ll|iNg w|th|n h|5 beAtle5s h34rt:: }
- dragonkat - Katrina
- drainbead - Tempest in a D-Cup
- drchase - uuintermute
- dreamergirlme - Alian Rodriguez
- dreamerreborn - DreamerReborn
- dripdrop8887 - dripdrop8887
- drkneopgn - Nickish
- duien - em
- duinlas - Duinlas
- edges - edges
- eiffel65 - eiffel 65
- elcapitane - Paul Debogorski
- elf - elessara
- ellie - Ellie
- elo - elo blu
- ember_dion - this fire is out of control
- emeraldfire - Lisa
- eryn - citrus
- estokes - Erika
- evilbeard - The Grand Laminator
- evilgoddess - Little Girl
- exiled_years - exiled_years
- exiledcow - Garrett
- explode_darling - Explosive
- faeriefatum - Faeriefatum
- fakereality - Shay
- filialuna - Pandora Rose
- fiowerangei - Kristin
- fireriven - Deborah
- fish - Your best exgirlfriend
- fishfeather3978 - HornySkunk
- fonny - fell in love with a scar
- forty_six_n_two - Mercedes
- frank62281 - Frank
- freehand - Oliver Twisted
- fuschia - Drowned Girl Fuschia
- fyre - Welcome to the New Johnny Love Experience
- gael - gAel
- gany - T-cup
- garrettpalm - Garrett Palm
- gaydar1857 - gaydar1857
- giawitch - GIA)/\(ITCH
- ginamoog - Gina de los Santos La Guardia von Sanchez
- gizmo - Joseph
- glitterdyke - the best minds of my generation can't make bail
- gorrilagirl - Meg
- goth_lord - goth_lord
- gr0undzer0 - Chris
- gromitcu - Gromit
- halcyone - Variance
- haligh - Brianna
- hate2beloved - megan
- hatheskyisblue - Kikiley
- heavenlygirl22 - *Princess Deb*
- her_whispers - a different kind of ordinary
- hollatme - hollatme
- hollywood - hollywood
- hotcross_buns - hotcross_buns
- huntingtonforge - riiiiiiight
- hyphen8d - Matt Arevalo
- hysterium - Hysterium
- iamthygoddess - Carrie
- ianthe - ianthe
- icydestiny - icydestiny
- idoru - [shauna]
- iheartniknmixie - Mourningstar
- immortaleve - 熟男杀手
- induced_silence - induced_silence
- insomniac - Seph
- invisabul - kris
- irishk8 - Kate
- isaac - isaac
- iyamadonis - J
- jacqui - Jacqui
- jaimee - jaimee
- james_cd - james_cd
- jamminjj - J.J. Sylvia IV
- jax - Jackie
- jaycee - unknown user
- jayden - Jayden McCross
- jayne_rose - Jayne Rose
- jayson77 - pvt-joker
- jcd1013 - jcd1013
- jdekoning - jdekoning
- jellybeanblues - a christie jean
- jenacam - jenacam
- jenna77 - J
- jessicamlive - Jessica
- jizosh - push out the jive, bring in the love
- jnewton1 - jwn
- joe_black - Joe Black
- jude - die Irrefrau
- justheather - inhuman
- justholly - Holly
- justjay - search for pleasure, search for pain
- k0rdell - k0rDeLL
- kabbit - Trenton
- kace24 - kace24
- kamikaze_mags - magdelena
- karly - The Girl Nextdoor
- kerry - Kerry
- kiara49 - Jen
- kimberly - the kimberly
- kindnessandenvy - Beth/Alice
- kittieluv - faded ~ dreams
- kittykat - Meg
- klulyss - Klu
- konfideinme - konfideinme
- konundrum - Konundrum
- koryn - pedigree bitch
- kr1s - that girl
- kristel - Kristel
- krlindsey - Kym
- la_magdalena - por qué me has abandonado
- lainy - Gimp
- layn - Laynie
- ldy - She's got a lemon, and she's not afraid to use it
- leafytreeful - leafytreeful
- lilac - pressing your heart against this window
- lilbluesmurf - Imitation Happy
- lily - Lili
- lindyrn - Lindy
- linseykathleen - The Lins-E-Nator
- lips7777 - tiff
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- list1616 - Lisa
- listedasmygun - Lisa
- littlegirl - not-so-shy violet
- livingdeadgirl - Living Dead Girl
- locamotor - Sleep
- london - Phoenix Rizen
- lonelytears - Ever Lonely Amy
- losergirl - дΨĦξ≈۸ ħδ∟Ŀσψ
- lostbard - Craig Armstrong
- love_daniela - Danielle
- luna - Bluehazel
- luna_goddess - Starla
- lunarra - Tristanna
- lurver - Brittney(Bree) Siegel
- luvlee - Hearts on strings and 25 cent rings
- machry - SYRuM - Red Electric Dragon
- madeinsane - LeeLuutela Mutipas
- madmadpoet - mad, mad poet
- maegical - maegical
- magikspork - Jenny
- makotokino - Abigail Lynne
- mana - cute fun and squeezably soft
- marian - Jessica
- maryann - Ashlee
- masked_marvel - James
- mat_branyon - mat
- mazarine - Mazarine
- meep - meep
- melmirwen - Cara
- merisa - Merisa
- metalspork - eccentric mathy
- midlife_wreck - the tofu avenger
- midnightfae - The Midnight Fae
- miep - tiger tiger miep miep
- mikkali - One
- mimbargrey - La Agujacabra
- minsk - minsk
- miss - miss
- missilv - Ms. Missi
- missx - Angela
- missyslife - Missy
- mistedskies - [[*- mistedskies -*]]
- mkathryn_24 - mkathryn_24
- mobley - Mobley
- mokie - mokie
- moonmama - Fuzzy Bunny-Elf
- moonruby - moonruby
- moosical - lil-miss-moo
- morlly - moRlly
- moses - Alli
- mremile - MrEmile
- msfancypants - Webbychick
- mudlove - The Evil Princess
- mustanggrl16 - Lexi
- my_ophelia - Ophelia
- myridean - myridean
- nanakyi - Ebony Silver™
- natex - Sorry Vincent © 2001
- necroraven - Necroraven - The Psycho Bytch
- nextproblem - Emily O
- ngrath - ngrath
- nick33 - nickbahulaisdead
- nicolechrist - THE... one man cult ...
- nighthawk - Historicus Deus Innomen
- noodlz04 - Jessica
- nooneloved - nel
- north - Rozaline North
- notaprettygirl - notaprettygirl
- oddlet - Stop hitting me with Fish!
- oochinaberryoo - Crystal
- orien - Gabriel
- othello - WillowIvy
- paperpixy - ~i dont say it i imply it, i'm the queen of quiet~
- perigune - lobster moon
- pikachulolita - Bridget
- pixelfreak - Scott
- pixie69 - the industrious pixie
- pixiefuel - Brita
- playgirl - About Sexy Legs Playgirl's Spy Webcams Live
- poet - Peter Poet
- poet_elatha - poet_elatha
- poetic_pianist - poetic_pianist
- poetmadeofangst - poet made of angst
- princesa - Samantha
- princess_p - PrInCeSs_P
- prinsessbiatch - prinsessbiatch
- projectx - GenX
- prophet - Johnny Scarecrow
- psycho_kink_awr - psycho_kink_awr
- punk_of_ages - give the anarchist a cigarette
- punkstar - ★☆ rachel ☆★
- punkyplash - Nathan Toups
- punkzoo - mel
- purplecoconuts - Black Rose
- quest - Quest
- raevynfaerie -
- raindragon - The Unworthy
- raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
- rand0mxx - A Boy Brushed In Red ... Living In Black and White
- ravior - Dustin
- raziel - Quentin
- razormaid - Erica
- redniyte - Laura
- retrohippy088 - Ally
- revjim - Reverend Jim
- rick - Jessica
- rmalena - super double x man
- robby - Risky Robby
- robinzing - robin zing
- rockstar - Crazier Than A Coconut
- rogue_sapphire - Stare At Me Through Stained Glass Eyes...
- romy - Mental Midget for Hire
- rory - DNE
- rosehips - Ms. So and So
- rosy - Lana
- rothko - scorpionic maelstrom
- rydia - The Little Monkey Mermaid Girl
- sailorsaturn - 土萠ほたる
- sandpapersmile - sandpapersmile
- sargeabernathy - Sarge Abernathy
- scarfboy - scarfboy
- scksadwrld - l sarah l
- scoobydew_79 - ScoobyDew
- scott - Scott
- screamingdaisy - Lolliana
- sean - world leader pretend
- seirei - your best nightmare.
- shennanigan - Shevaun B
- sheriot - 舞
- shes_just_truth - Ally-gator
- silveroak - SilverOak
- silverraze - This Little Masochist
- simonelo - Sterling
- simpleman - SimpleMan
- siobhan_1 - Christine Mooers
- skits - skits
- skreidle - Scott K
- skyesque - skyesque
- slipknotslut - jackie
- slurpeeprincess - Slurpee Princess
- smalls - misplaced
- smitty99 - Chris
- snollygaster - Snollygaster
- solitary - Jessica
- soulstorage - Lisolette
- spacemunkee - Cole
- sparkle - l'étincelle mignonne
- spazdog - Nicole
- spiritwalker - Dream
- spot - tom callaway
- stacey - Stace-Face
- staleoreo - Becky
- stardarkisis - The Frost Fire Imp
- starladear6 - Starla / 絵芽理・梨賦
- starlarose - StarlaRose the Broken Girl
- starlazdaze - Pale Orchid
- stormshadow19 - Believe me, I'm just as lost as you
- storymel - Melissa Humphrey
- strangegrrl - StrangeAngel
- sumreen - Sumreen
- sunblossom - Mikomi
- sungo - sungo
- superando - Superando
- sushi - ♥ Sushi
- suzayn - Suzayn
- swank - sensible youth chat forum
- sylph - The whispers inside my head
- sylvester - Sarah
- tabbi_cakes - tabbi_cakes
- taerjinhov - TaerJinhov
- talashandy - Talashandy
- teckygrl - Gina
- tennille - Miss Neilly
- terrible_rhi - terrible rhi
- tharyn - listless dreamer
- the_siren_poet - ~The_Siren_Poet~
- thelovebug - The Love Bug
- tiddlywinks - Sarah
- tommyx - Tommy
- tragicrabbit - Pixila
- trashed_dollie - .:: A N D i E ::.
- trip - trip
- troyshark - Troy
- twelvethirteen - lindsay
- twistedfire - twistedfire
- udoswald - Sean
- ungoddess - Lilith Astaroth
- usagi - Usagi
- usagicam - Houkou Usagi
- vampkitten - Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
- vettybird - Vetty
- violet - cait alyse
- violetaa - violetaa
- viovis - Viovis Acropolis King of Cardboard
- visions - Tim
- vixendevil - Trixie
- voice - Blue Scaly Reptile
- vonenemy - Von Enemy
- wandererforever - WandererForever
- wandertheearth - David Hodges
- weigs322 - Benjamin Weigel
- werewolf - the carrier of wounds
- whatever2000 - Princess Jaycee
- whispermeadows - Whispering
- william - William
- willow - amRy
- xander - xander
- xanthine - Tudu Azul
- xmaxinquayex - shaun
- xonlyxashesx - xonlyxashesx
- xotru_5683xo - xotru_5683xo
- xxhate_anthemxx - xxhate_anthemxx
- xz_elle_xz - xz_ELLE_xz
- ypolita - ypolita
- zebra - an evening primrose protege
- zoidberg - Zoidberg
- zooi - Hijinks Ahead