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User:chicagomeetup (685115) chicagomeetup
Chicago Livejournal Meetup
Name:Chicago LJ Meetup
Website:Chicago Livejournal Meetup
Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States
About:This is a community for the Chicago Livejournal Meetup.

The intention is to allow LJers to 'meet' online prior to the scheduled Meetup dates, discuss possible venues, and to let other local Chicagoland people in on the fun.

For more information regarding what Meetup is about, click here.

If you haven't joined already, be sure to sign up here.
Interests:6: chicago, livejournal meetup, lj meetup, meeting people, meetup, talking. [Modify yours]
Members:185: 0595, 2049live, addedforflavor, alacrity, alexus75, almeda, angellam, annamarific, annoyed1, annz0r, apphia, asiangirly, atlanticat, beakers, bottlroktt, btripp, capital_you, carneggy, cassielsander, cdahlby, chicagosoul, chitowndiva, chrismsx, cinder, cinnajess, collarbonepixie, colonel_popcorn, columpoet4u, crossoutparis, cubetoo, cutfromthescene, cyrrdwyn, daddynchicago, degreescelcius, dimplepimple, dj_una, djinanna, dkasak, dmd, donia, drumatrix909, earthphoenix, eeecho_42, egilsdottir, ekyanz, emokilla, ennuigrrl, erratica, eunice_branca, faithgloryink, fastrada, febrile, ferretiger, fierogirl, foreverinaday, freshchck, galataya, ghormenghast, godniar, gonzomarte, grahamwest, happyblueone, heathergalaxy, henwy, hgcomm, icappedkennedy, ilwitchgrrl, ilyalune, ironlemur, jazzgonebad, jerusha, jez, jfroebe, jsmusic, juicyjeri, just_this, juzfoolin, karen_walker, karenb2, kateo, katiecam, kimberlyann13, kittylad, lanegl03, lcohen, legendofthehawk, lilcrazy, lilxkelly, littlemisslo, loves_titannica, lovingslave, lucky22babe, madresal, magentaskin, manosa, mathiason1, mattwolff, mayumi25, meek0017, melyndaf, michael_lucid, midnightmadness, midnitemadness, midwintereyes, minofsin06, missapril0, missempty, mock26, mugsy1274, myroxygurl, ndbtluver, nessadoll, nightshiftnurse, nightwitch, nocturneprime, nyquil_baby, off_coloratura, ojdorson, pam, pantpant, paperdoil, patientgirl, pegboy, perpetualdawn, perplexio, pheret1, pimploveslave, pixelene, poetic4u, polyfrog, prncesssly, psc, pudgym, ragecarnuu, razornails, rd84, red_apples, rincewindrocks, robling_t, robynlicious, rollick, roserita, sailacommunity, sailatinu, saracco, sarahkucera, sasage708, scathedobsidian, scatteredashes, schwag420, seashellullaby, seedinthewind, serialldykiller, shagflava, silveringridd, sirhcbazz, sothen__go, soulhakr, soulsistahd, sporkburrito, spot, strawberry83, tat2dcoyote, terraincognita, thegrove45, tinmaninacan, tristen_gs, tykers, u_doctormartin, un_fathomable, unhappymeal, urbanhashman, valdiena, velmaodella, verge_baby, verin_the_brown, viddy, violachic, walrusoct9, xfallenbloodx, xlegox, xtinct, xunforgivenx, yourcaptain, zorm
Watched by:142: addedforflavor, alacrity, almeda, angellam, annoyed1, apphia, atlanticat, bammba_m, beakers, btripp, carneggy, carrie_bear, cassielsander, chicagosoul, chitowndiva, chrismsx, cinder, cinnajess, collarbonepixie, columpoet4u, crossoutparis, daddynchicago, deepheartscore, dj_una, djinanna, dkasak, dmd, donia, earthphoenix, egilsdottir, emokilla, erratica, eunice_branca, fastrada, febrile, ferretiger, fierogirl, foreverinaday, freshchck, galataya, ghormenghast, gloeden, godniar, gonzomarte, grahamwest, groby, habibi, happyblueone, henwy, hgcomm, ilwitchgrrl, infanttyrone, ironlemur, jazzgonebad, jerusha, jfroebe, joeyfitz, jsmusic, just_this, karen_walker, karenb2, katiecam, kimberlyann13, kinkysmart, kittylad, lcohen, lilcrazy, lilxkelly, lucky22babe, madresal, maki04, mark40e, meek0017, michael_lucid, midnitemadness, midwintereyes, minofsin06, missapril0, moonfire77, nessadoll, nightshiftnurse, nightwitch, nocturneprime, nyquil_baby, off_coloratura, ojdorson, pam, paperdoil, patientgirl, pegboy, perplexio, pheret1, polyfrog, prncesssly, psc, pudgym, ragecarnuu, razornails, rd84, red_apples, rincewindrocks, robling_t, rollick, roserita, sailacommunity, sailatinu, samurai_steve, saracco, sarahkucera, sasage708, scathedobsidian, scatteredashes, schwag420, seashellullaby, serialldykiller, shagflava, silveringridd, sirhcbazz, soulhakr, soulsistahd, sporkburrito, spot, strawberry83, tat2dcoyote, terraincognita, thegrove45, thejanitors, tinmaninacan, tristen_gs, tykers, un_fathomable, unhappymeal, urbanhashman, urbomancy, valdiena, verge_baby, viddy, violachic, walrusoct9, xfallenbloodx, xlegox, xunforgivenx
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Free Account

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