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User:destroid (495700)  
Bio:Three things:
If I do something that annoys you, I want you to tell me.
If you want me to do something, I want you to tell me.
I generally don't mind if my stuff is borrowed, but I'd like to be asked first.

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Quiet Mutual 2 chains No 1-hop
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Memories:1 entry
People88:_tomorrow, acceia, ancksunamun, angeles, angelvox, aylas, bird_e, blubeastie, christina, crazycatgirl, criticaldamage, cryo, cydniey, de_minimus, destroi, destroid, djdufus, djet, djgeko, djseverin, elfy, embee, eris, etchikoneko, ghastlycomic, gigglznwrigglz, girlofmystery, glitterypink, gopherbabe, hiddenbel, imajika, indigojo, isi13, isidevil, janna_turtle, jeely, jenny, jupitercelia, justdigi, kailen, lainy, lakme, lique, luciddreamer, massiveamountz, melody_jane, meow, mizmuzic, moshibaboon, nemokitty, noonicorn, npperk, opalexian, paradoxicalsoul, peorpe, pulse01, quiddity, reaper_666, sachmet, saxra, saxton, sendai, skardi, smokeybear, snowangels0001, some_chic, spaced_kitty, spot, starzz, status, strangegrrl, superweezergirl, surfaced, syk, talashandy, tankeo, tardinha, ten, tex_indapink, theotherjournal, tiamos, timew, tootoughtodie_, v1k1n9, vodun, xochiquetcal, youhavetofight, zeppelina
Feeds5:calnhobbes, dilbert_feed, foxtrot_feed, officialgaiman, sinfestfeed
Account type:Free Account

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