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Below is user information for Elliot Peele. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:elliot_ (906064) Paid User elliot_
Name:Elliot Peele
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
AOL IM:AIM status elliot peele (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 78381530 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I have become over the past few months a rather bitter computer science student. I can't wait to be done with school.
Interests:137: adult swim, anime, aphex twin, artificial intelligence, astronomy, babylon 5, bach, back rubs, bash, beer, bondage, c, caffeine, cartoons, champagne, cheese, classical music, coffee, computer science, computers, cryptography, cybernetics, cyberotica, cyberpunk, dirty like zebra, distributed computing, douglas adams, drawing, duct tape, edgar allen poe, far side, farscape, free software, fucking with your mind, fun, futurama, games, geeks, girls, girls-tied-up-with-firewire-cables, guinness, hardware, hugs, ibc root beer, ice cream, information, intentional temporal displacement, irc, jazz, john williams, kevin smith, kissing, kmfdm, laughing, led zeppelin, legos, linux, lords of acid, massages, metallica, miles davis, monty python, movies, music, nanotechnology, ncssm, ncsu, nine inch nails, nirvana, npr, ogg vorbis, open source, parties, peanut butter, pearl jam, phasers, php, physics, pinball, pink floyd, playing, poetry, prime numbers, primus, programming, python, quiet, rain, red wine, redheads, robots, rock music, sailing, sarcasm, science fiction, sex, silliness, simplicity, sinfest, skepticism, skin on skin, sleep, sleeping, smashing pumpkins, south park, sparc, spring, stanley kubrick, star trek, star wars, sushi, tchaikovsky, teasing, techno, technology, the blues, the crystal method, the simpsons, thinking, thought provoking actions, thunder storms, time to myself, tin foil hats, tivo, toys, trivia, twister, unix, user friendly, view askew, wcpe, willy wonka, wine, women, world domination, xml, yoda. [Modify yours]
People33:agrajag, aklikins, alchemist, badger, base10, bethsdreams, blondie2, demerzel, detritus, deviant_, dsmouse, elliot_, flavor, frijole, heinous, jacksonpublick, jeni, johnnybluecrush, jpportz, jstarr, katzj, kimmie, kriscallis, mricon, mswilson, pam, purrmeow, saspenguin, sinamingirl, spot, strandist, twivory, ufdraco
Communities17:adultswimfans, adultswimmers, cupajoe, cyberotica, cyberpunk, geekynerds, jeremykatz, lj_maintenance, ncsu, north_carolina, northcarolina, paidmembers, raleighkids, sexsupport, syn_promo, triangleites, useless_facts
Feeds5:fedora_people, garfield_comic, govhurricanesat, pennyarcaderss, sinfestfeed
Mutual Friends:28: agrajag, aklikins, alchemist, base10, bethsdreams, blondie2, demerzel, detritus, deviant_, elliot_, flavor, frijole, johnnybluecrush, jpportz, jstarr, katzj, kimmie, kriscallis, mricon, mswilson, pam, purrmeow, saspenguin, sinamingirl, spot, strandist, twivory, ufdraco
Also Friend of:1: chrs
Member of:12: computerfetish, cyberotica, cyberpunk, geekynerds, jeremykatz, ncsu, north_carolina, northcarolina, paidmembers, raleighkids, syn_promo, triangleites
Account type:Paid Account

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