The Pandora's Cup's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The Pandora's Cup's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, October 24th, 2004
    10:16 pm
    Calling all Unconventional Conventionists!
    Since the time it was released, in 1975, the Rocky Horror Picture Show has become quite a cult phenomenon. Following long standing tradition, the Rocky Horror Picture Show will be playing this Halloween weekend, with the live cast Transvestite Soup.

    The Halloween shows are quite a blast, as the theater is usually jam-packed with all sorts of costumed freaks, and people who plain just want to know what the hell we're about. This Halloween's RHPS festivities will include the usual rounds of devirginizations (virgins being those who havent seen RHPS in theaters before) and special preshows, including nightly costume contests, with prizes!

    Rocky Horror brings answers to important questions like how many sluts will screw a lightbulb, what ever came of (and on) Fay Wray, and even the timeless question of what's for dinner. So, come one, come all, come in groups! But please be careful, this is dry clean only, so bring a sock!

    The simple details:
    • Who: Transvestite Soup presents...

    • What: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

    • When: Friday (10/29) and Saturday (10/30) at Midnight, and then Sunday (10/31) at 9PM

    • Where: The fabulous Riverview Theater on East 38th St., and 42nd Ave. South in Minneapolis

    • Additional Information can be found at, including maps, things to bring and not bring, what to expect, who to blame, and of course, our fantastic guestbook. Its highly reccommended you check it out! Also check out the livejournal community, [info]trans_soup.

    Show up en masse; we're loose enough to take you all at once, anyway. (:

    Thursday, September 30th, 2004
    9:41 pm
    A few things
    I'm not new to this community, I've posted as Zaharia.

    Does anyone know what Pandora's was before it became Pandora's? When did it first open? Who lived there before it opened?

    Does it have a basement? What's in the basement?

    And finally...

    If you go to Pandora's but do not live nearby (in Minneapolis) why do you go there? I'm not saying you shouldn't, I really want to know what possesses people to drive/bus/walk there from far away just for a cup of coffee. There are plenty of other coffee shops.


    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Current 93
    Saturday, September 18th, 2004
    1:19 pm
    What do you like about [info]pandoras_cup?
    What I like is:

    • Even though the scene it caters to is not one of people with alot of money to spend, they don't skimp on quality. They have Bose speakers, they use fresh milk instead of bulk milk.

    • The variety of offerings, including just the variety of food.

    • The workers are always in a good mood.

    • On top of all this, the drinks and food are very reasonably priced.

    What do you like?

    Current Mood: content
    Friday, August 20th, 2004
    3:49 pm
    My birthday and other events
    My birthday was on Monday. The 16th.
    I`m 20 . Not a kid . Still not shit .
    Yesterday I got a giant butterfly that I spent 1 1/2 years drawing tattooed on my upper back. Unlike the tattoo of my dad`s signature and date of birth and death on my upper arm- this one REALLY F*ng hurt let me tell you. Apparently, I didnt think about it and hadn`t eaten all day - so I passed out from the endorphins that the pain brings on- oh yeah and I also held my breath (dont do that) Its all done now and the healing is realll fun. My mom didnt call me - when I called her she said I was wasting her cell phone minutes. My grandma though it was the day before (she still didnt call the day before) my grandpa tottaly forgot but he`s old, a lot of my "friends" didnt call. My boyfriend and I went to Metallica that shite was great and loud. Its impossible to get through to my mom, I guess thats to be expected from a woman who calls the police on her own kids for no reason and then feels no remorse. Oh well. She made a cake eventually after I asked and gave me the money I needed to get my tattoo done which is all I need. I finally got my `67 chevy fixed and today the brakes went absolutely and completely out.
    I allmost crashed - I dont have an emergency brake either (its rusted to the bottom of the car) so I had to try and slow my lead boat of a car down by going up a incline and allmost tottaly hit some one sailing through a red light, eventually I put it in park.
    I am so thankful I wasnt going faster -or at any other intersection or I`d be so dead. I hope this isnt bitching too bad I just am also getting sent to court on 4 misdemeanor charges that are bullshit . From my own mom.
    As if thats not enough - I`m still not even living with her which is kinda a lot for my boyfriend I think ....with me staying with him hes barely ever alone and I know he likes some alonetime. Today my two youngest brothers return from camp and I`ve volunteered to go pick `em up. Yeah.Funnn.
    So- I`m up to my eyeballs in debt with my grandparents for the car repairs # 1& 2 and for my tickets and yeah its really great.
    I havent seen a lot of friends lately but I`m so frickin busy I guess its ok.
    I wish I could fix cars for a living.
    I really need a job.
    I can do a lot but where are the jobs ?

    Current Mood: distressed
    Current Music: The Beach Boys
    Friday, July 16th, 2004
    6:58 pm
    Favourite sandwich?
    Had the basil-tomato-pesto last night for the first time.


    So, what's your favourite sandwich?
    Sunday, April 25th, 2004
    2:38 pm
    Hey if you like Pandora's you'll like [info]tc_hot_culture join it ! :)
    Sunday, April 11th, 2004
    11:54 pm
    I can't believe there is a Pandora's Cup community on Live Journal...huh...

    I don't go to Pandora's Cup very often because I live pretty far away. I think at most I'm there once per month.

    It'll probably become my second home soon when I move closer. That'll take place at the end of Summer.

    I'm not sure if anyone else is bothered by this...but, since I don't live in Minneapolis, every time I'm in uptown I notice all these irksome little changes that are taking place. Uptown isn't as interesting or cool as it used to be.

    But at least Pandora's is still there and is still pretty much the same, aside from the fact that they painted over the majority of the writing on the walls and rearranged the furniture...and it grows exponentially more crowded every time I go.

    Also, what the hell is happening to coffee shops in the Twin Cities? I went to Plan B a while ago and they told me to stop smoking cloves. What the hell is the world coming to, when you're told to stop smoking cloves, in a coffee shop!? Pandora's SELLS them! So I dumped my drink out in their tray and left.

    100 points for Pandora's Cup.


    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: Clan of Xymox-Creature
    Saturday, March 13th, 2004
    3:21 pm
    an independently-run mail order distributor of zines, music, and crafts from minnesota.


    zines from minnesota! especially personal zines, art zines, comics, poetry/lit. zines, minnesota/midwest music zines, and zines done by guys, high school drop-outs/unschoolers, and kids from rural areas. any other self-published items--pamphlets, chapbooks, newspapers, etc.

    minnesota music on cd or cassette. preferably underground music, music by teenagers, and anything that has a low-tech, DIY feel to it.

    small crafts/creations--jewelry, stationary, t-shirts, videos, stickers, patches, buttons, any zine/band merchandise, etc.

    contact me or send a sample copy with retail price [the regular price of the item], wholesale price [50%-60% of the retail price, used for buying the item in bulk], and contact information [address and email]. if i choose to distribute your item, i'll pay upfront for 5-10 copies.

    the first small catalog will be out soon. send a couple stamps or $.50 [taped to an index card] to receive one.

    p.o. box 576
    st. bonifacius, mn 55375

    Friday, January 30th, 2004
    11:10 am
    Hey there
    Just figured I'd introduce myself. Name's Rose, pleased to meet ya. I'm at pandora's at least once a week, sitting on the ground floor with my gurl. The one with the short reddish brown hair, dorky glasses, and a teal and black coat (because that's how you id people in this state in the winter, really). :)

    Current Mood: content
    Friday, January 23rd, 2004
    11:36 am
    Hey! I love pandoras cup... The atmosphere is awesome, and the staff is too. Always so friendly, even to annoying people... hehe...
    I think pandoras should have something every so often, on say... A friday night, where you can sign up for a DJ battle. of course I would win.. not. But its still a fun Idea eh?
    Or maybe not even just DJ battles, but any musikal talent. EVEN SPOONS ::really intense look:: hehe
    Anyways, Pandoras is the greatest coffee house.
    Peace out

    Current Mood: hungry
    Tuesday, January 6th, 2004
    1:10 pm
    Finally went here Sat night. Think I may make a habit of it just so people know where the hell I am. Having no phone or personal net access sucks ass.

    Current Mood: bored
    Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
    7:49 pm
    Here I am, sitting at Pandoras.. Just thought Id let everyone know... Kidna quiet here... Some people should show up. I gots a beard now.. hehehe
    Saturday, December 13th, 2003
    10:06 pm
    Porkchop sandwich, GO GO GO!
    Well, I just had to join this community. The fact that there's a community devoted to this coffee shop just amuses me. Anyway, I don't actually frequent Pandora's Cup much anymore since I stopped smoking but it was always a good place to hang out at over the summer. I just thought, 'Why not join?'
    So here I am.
    Hi all.
    And does anyone else just think those weird dinosaur art postcards they have/had there kick ass?

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: The Aeffect - Always Artificial
    Tuesday, November 11th, 2003
    11:15 pm
    Hello, all.
    Hum, I'm new here. I enjoy pandora's from time to time, but generally only go with friends as I have no transportation aside from busses, and am busy with school and thus haven't seen said friends. Midterm season. WEE.

    Vague interests involve men, linguistics and music. Go figure. My weapons of choice are Finnish and perhaps Japanese if I'm feeling I remember enough from back when.

    Interesting to see there's a community dealing with Pandora's.

    Current Music: Apulanta :: Saasta
    Monday, November 10th, 2003
    9:17 pm

    holy cow.. this is the neatest thing ever. i love pandoras. mm...tastey ram-une. :nodnodnod:

    yes. i'm janet. i go there pretty much whenever i go hang out with my friend alex. which tends to be the weekends. i'd go more often, but my job (fulltime..ick) tends to make it a bit hard to do that.
    i just thought i'd mention that if you use the touch-screen game on the second floor closest to the hallway with the locked doors, i'm the one with the top score (name should be something like jalexxxxxx or very similar) of 320,000 points on photo hunt. or at least, we had the top score on saturday night.

    question: has anyone set up meetings with other people from this community at pandoras? that'd be neat.. :cough: alright. i'll take my sickie body elsewhere now. buy bawls! *lol*

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: "sunday morning" - maroon 5
    Wednesday, October 29th, 2003
    4:49 am
    Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself.. I'm 20, from Bloomington. I've been to Pandora's Cup a few times. I really don't go very often because I feel kinda dumb sitting there by myself. (I'm really shy too) But, I think it's great that there's a local community like this out there. =D
    Thursday, October 16th, 2003
    12:25 pm
    I'm new. I will be moving to the Twin Cities this summer with my girlfriend to continue schooling at Brainco. You will probably see me and her at the cup quite a bit.

    The bathroom. A+.
    Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
    2:45 pm
    the latest - on my mind
    I`ve been thinking a lot lately
    I picked up this broken dolls head in my little brothers room,
    It was part of a doll I had gotten for my birthday from my mom when I was about 11- I think.
    My birthday is on saturday , 8 Years later and we just dont get along,
    its not the same- my dads gone -
    I find myself allready feeling like I want my childhood back, I want to be a innocent little thing with my mommy and daddy and go camping and have another chance
    but that cant happen - In cant do a thing, I cant see my father ever again
    I cant save my mom
    I cant go back and start over young-
    I wish I knew that then- but even if I did I wouldnt understand.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: the air conditioner hum
    Saturday, June 7th, 2003
    9:09 pm
    MusicScene Picnic 6/14
    Saturday the 14th at Minnehaha Falls Park Lower Picnic Area #4 (go down the stairs to the grassy valley), bring your own food, snacks, drinks to eat/share accoustic music and networking/gossip skills :)

    signup here [No Amps, accoustic only]

    Unless I know you... print this entry out and it'll act as an invite...

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: Don't Call Me Dude - Scatterbrain
    Sunday, May 25th, 2003
    8:05 pm
    Hi, i'm eric, nice to meet you. I'm a ghost around pandora's, i'm usually reading a book, typing on my computer, or just staring of into space as the smoke wraps around my fingers. I just thought i'd post here, and tell anyone who sees me sitting around that i'm not so standoffish as i appear. So say hi if you're bored.

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