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Holy Crap! [02 Jan 2004|12:34am]
I heard this is hard as hell!

I did it in 7 seconds.
I deserved an A+!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
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copied from dj [29 Oct 2003|09:13pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | 50 Cent - True Loyalty (Feat. Lloyd Banks Banks & Tony Yayo) ]

Lately I've been thinking, would it be wrong to break up with someone over a holiday, due to the other persons beliefs, its sad but i wonder.

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[19 Oct 2003|03:33pm]
iR t3h 1337 h4xx0r

...i make me laugh...

hi john! =D

oh yea, memories dun dun DUN
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Mucho Fun-o [03 Oct 2003|11:33am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Orgy - Opitcon Dieselboy and Technical Itch Arena Mix ]

I was having a really bad day yesterday, and it went from bad to worse, but then i remembered me and ray were supposed to chillax with wong tonight, fucking every buss passed us by, it fucking sucked, we finally got there, and met up with wong ([info]gangrel_83). He's got a tower records bag, and the next thing i know were sitting in a bus, and wongs watching scar face and all you hear from teh back of the bus is "yo dat nigga watchin CarFace!" when we got to his house he dropped off his stuff, and bascially it was like me and him talking about WoD hardcore, then talking about his girl troubles, its kinda sad my friends have girl troubles right now and i fear i'm headed the same way, alas we make it up to Mcdonalds and ray turns into Tyrant Ruler of All Things Mcnugget, but his ice fortress melted and he shared them, btw the way i met up with drew last night too, so out we go rolling back across the city, to try and get a ride. Wong is mucho impressive with his many knowledges in WoD, reminds me of ray when he started talking about D&D; shizzle. Caught a ride home, confused the shit out of ray and then played some CS. When i started playing CS life got sad again and i couldnt' play good.

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hey wong [27 Sep 2003|02:13am]
next time you get the chance im me or i'll im you, i gotta talk to you about a problem i have
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Let the good times "role" A short essay by john rosario [25 Sep 2003|07:33am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Tool - Schism ]

Everyone has roles in life, a fireman fights fires, a policeman protects the rights of law abiding citizens, a teacher teaches, and John Rosario?well, John Rosario exists. I don't have any one role that really rules over my life at the moment, and I guess I have more than 3, so by the time you finish reading this you'll know 3 of the roles I play in life. A son, a computer nerd, and the role I play out as a friend. As interesting as I know I am not, I will still try to entertain you with that which is me.
I am John Rosario; I was born on a cold day in January in the grand city of New York. That day I assumed one of the most major roles of my life. I am son to Julio Rosario and Iris Rosario. My role as a son isn't very hard for me; it's actually one of the easiest things I conform too. As a son I do as much as possible to keep my parents happy, which is something I believe I don't accomplish on a regular basis. I'm not an "A" student, I don't play sports, I don't have any major accomplishments, and I'd say that there isn't much to me beyond the surface. Although other people will tell you different, but I believe that my views of myself are never as good as the view of myself from other person's eyes. As a son I take a very important part in the family, I am number 3 in a line of 6 children, and that isn't an easy position for me although I try to make do as best as I can. I feel that my role as a son is going quite smoothly and it's a role I take very seriously though most would disagree with me.
If there is one thing that dominates my life so much that it should be listed as a role, it's the fact that I am a major computer nerd. Ah yes, computer nerd, slang for someone who spends a lot of time in front of computer wasting time and energy doing things where the time could be better well spent outside exercising or doing homework. I'm really interested in computers and plan on attending NJIT in a few years; I'm also interested in computer science technology and website design. I spend a lot of time at home writing out coding or building websites. I also play some online video games as well but I also write out the coding for them so it balances out with a little productive activity where I am learning something. This role plays out in many fashions, I may be playing games, chatting online, creating a website, or researching a piece of coding that might allow me to simplify doing something, and it's still something that is a role in my life. "1 r l337." I am no "noob".
My last role is one that is very important to me. I besides being a son and a computer nerd am also a friend. I may not have many friends but I feel this is an important role of my life, not by the amount of friends I have, but by the amount I care about the friends I do have. I think that everyone should have a role in there life being a friend, because it's a very sad thing to be alone. By being a friend you contribute your happiness and time with someone who contributes it back, and sometimes they don't contribute back but it still feels good to share your happiness anyway. I feel that this is the most major role I play in my life because like being a son, I exercise this role on a daily basis.
There isn't a second in the day when I'm not being a friend to someone; I'm even a friend in my sleep.
Well this concludes my short essay on John Rosario the son, John Rosario the nerd, John Rosario the friend, and how I play these roles out. I hope this helped you understand just a little bit more about me than you attempted to understand before reading this. As with all things this essay has ended and parting is such sweet sorrow. John Rosario and his 3 roles essay, I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading.

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COPIED FROM DJ?!?!? [23 Sep 2003|12:49am]
this song is so crappy, makes me wanna jump up and down and throw stuff.
anyway, so john rosario in 5 minutes lets see, me and fallon are doing better than ever unlike nora and zack who are going to break up in 2 weeks, or something like that, i really need to up date my website and work on the akosm unofficial website. I def. needd to pass this school year, so if you see me in the hallway fucking tell me to do my work, you really think i can do this alone??!?!? i guess me and serena are friends again? hanging out and stuff, almost like old times, scary isn't it, almost had another nachos incident but i bravely refused to touch em! shes gettin better at cs. School officially sucks and if you know me remind me this is the last year of my free life, or whatever freedom i have left. a squirrel fucking snuck into my job, but i took care of him. i'm really fucking bored and i hate this cuz tomorrow mornigng i have a test but i'm not going to be like awaek for it since i always am sleepy in the morning. hey if you see me ask me how much i love fallon marie nieves rosario and how are family is going to be when i grow up, my underwear doesn't fit, WTF, i wanna join wrestling this year but fucking i didn't finish my shit yet, i hate my life theres like only one good thing in it, I"M A DJ IF YOU HAVE A PARTY OR SOMETHING INVITE ME SO I CAN PRACTICE, PUNK, ROCK, SKA, TECHNO, SOFT BEATS, GOFF, INDUSTRIAL, I PLAY IT ALL SO FUCKING INVITE ME OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS i guess i'm pretty much done here
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Journals suxxor [24 Aug 2003|12:25am]
journals blow
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yuck [28 Jun 2003|12:52am]
i tried to feel sexy tonight, i failed
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[24 Jun 2003|12:58am]
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself
Puts 'em on the glass
Sex Drive 44.7%
I got needs, baby, you gotta unnastan'!
Knows the other body type like a map
Gayness 100%
Fucking Sick89.4%
Refreshingly normal
You are 57.8% pure
Average Score: 71.9%
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ha ha [23 Jun 2003|10:02pm]
I killmyfriends: hmm
its std: ?
I killmyfriends: you think you should slap some sense into me?
its std: well i'd like to know why u hate melody
I killmyfriends: how about the reason being i know her a bit longer than you do i bet?
its std: u probably do...especially w/ the fact i'm shy as fuck
I killmyfriends: so you think you should slap some sense into me?
its std: at times i would..but i dont know u at forget it
I killmyfriends: i can't
I killmyfriends: its in writing on the internet
I killmyfriends: so i think something should be done about that
its std: and that would be
its std: do u want me to delete it?
I killmyfriends: no
its std: ok so?
I killmyfriends: i think we should meet in person
its std: r u gonna kick the stds out of me
I killmyfriends: i don't hit people unless they want me to hit them.
its std: ok man, im pretty sure you dont care about me
I killmyfriends: no no
I killmyfriends: now i really think we should talk in person
its std: ok
I killmyfriends: since you feel that you should slap me or whatever
its std: ugh ok...u wanna talk fine...
its std: tomorrow before homeroom in house2
I killmyfriends: not at school.
its std: why not
I killmyfriends: you can't slap someone at school right?
its std: i'm not gonna slap you
I killmyfriends: but you said you should
I killmyfriends: so i'm going to let you slap me
its std: whatever then after school ok?
I killmyfriends: sure
I killmyfriends: where can i meet you?
its std: next to the ice rink ok
I killmyfriends: do you leave after homeroom?
its std: i u wanna meet then
I killmyfriends: that'd be perfect
its std: next to the ice rink ok
I killmyfriends: ok
its std: me and u alone
I killmyfriends: naw
I killmyfriends: i walk home with my friends
I killmyfriends: so don't mind if they join us
its std: ok
I killmyfriends: good.
its std: if you dislike me, fine...i couldn't care less at the moment
I killmyfriends: i haven't said anything about that
I killmyfriends: so don't jump to assumtions
its std: its a habit..
its std: see the bad thing is i dont know u and u dont know me
I killmyfriends: well it seems from your p.o.v. you don't have to know someone to say you want to slap them
I killmyfriends: so i dont' have to know you to want to talk to you
its std: ok
its std: u make sense
I killmyfriends: i know
I killmyfriends: its a habit.
its std: heh
its std: now ur mocking me...
I killmyfriends: maybe.
its std: its like u think ur better then me or anyone else
I killmyfriends: no.
I killmyfriends: i just don't up and say i want to slap people.
I killmyfriends: its not..nice.
I killmyfriends: esp. someone i don't know.
its std: it sure as hell seems like it... i've read ur comments on her dj, and all u do is bitch about how bad she is
I killmyfriends: she is bad though
I killmyfriends: and i am better than her
its std: ur opinion
I killmyfriends: you mean my feelings
its std: and i just disagree with it
its std: sure 'feelings' it what u want...
I killmyfriends: you don't become friends with someone for them to just turn around and act like they don't know or care about you
I killmyfriends: you don't share secrets you pain your joy with someone for them to turn around and act like you don't exist
I killmyfriends: so now she pays.
I killmyfriends: and she will pay.
I killmyfriends: and continue to pay.
its std: i agree...but see, she hasnt done that to i totally don't think that way
I killmyfriends: lucky you.
its std: i'm not say she won't...but she until then im not gonna think the same way u do...or agree w/ what u believe
I killmyfriends: i dont' care
I killmyfriends: tomorrow
I killmyfriends: tennis courts
I killmyfriends: i'll wait for you after homeroom
its std: yeah whatever...bye, and yeah please dont message me again...u irritate me
I killmyfriends: big words
its std: didn't wanna sound mean, but u do..and im not gonna lie
I killmyfriends: thats nice
I killmyfriends: irritation is nothing compared to pain.
its std: and i dont feel pain?
I killmyfriends: no.
I killmyfriends: but you will.

who wants to be in my hardcore posse, i want this kids lunchmoney!
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John Rosario Rainy Day Bands [23 Jun 2003|12:19am]
Hot Water Music
At The Drive In
The Mars Volta
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9 months [12 Jun 2003|01:39am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | ray k. sucks big ass balls ]

nine months ago today, i didn't know what to expect, so i didn't expect anything at all, although we've had our hard times alot more than good times, your still what i want and need, i may bitch, and get sad, i may bitch and get mad, but know this fallon i do care about you, and though i'm not in love with you i do love you, and hope that we have a brigther future than what we have had so far. <3

on a side not fallon showed my penis to my friends, fucking cunt lol, she picked me up from work and we went down to my house, i had a quick shower and we took a quick walk, she didnt' talk much but it was nice to have her around, we stopped at light rail station and waited for helen and she got there and it was back to my house. I picked up my Mixer today so i was playing with it a bit even though i bet it bored them all so i made it up to them by showing them lame porno, go helen its your birthday *random porno noice from tonight*, then i made them leave so i could make out with my gf. then her mom came and i cleaned up my room a bit. love is a terrible thing to say and waste, but sometimes you have to. goodnight love.

Memories...Ray might wanna take a look )
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It grows, and grows, and grows! [26 May 2003|02:02am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | At the drive in - Non Zero possiblity ]

i'm not sad, i just had this convo and it didn't scratch me.

Mizz M Rodriguez (1:48:40 AM): im sad
I killmyfriends (1:48:49 AM): i feel sorry for you
I killmyfriends (1:48:59 AM): will i ever see my love again?
Mizz M Rodriguez (1:49:04 AM): probably not
I killmyfriends (1:49:10 AM): i feel sorry for you
Mizz M Rodriguez (1:50:08 AM): dunno why
I killmyfriends (1:50:43 AM): your not going to be happy for a long time
Mizz M Rodriguez (1:50:58 AM): ill never be happy
I killmyfriends (1:51:06 AM): oh well
Mizz M Rodriguez (1:51:08 AM): i just hope thursday doesnt suck
Mizz M Rodriguez (1:51:09 AM): bye
Mizz M Rodriguez (1:51:14 AM): ....... ='(
Mizz M Rodriguez signed off at 1:51:16 AM.

i don't love that person, i love fallon nieves who has disappeared, this person claims to be her but i will continue to believe that its the sickness talking, if my love is out there please remember, i love you so much, i'm so sorry you were taken from me, if your out there don't forget about me, i'll love you as long as i can still feel that your there somewhere.

i'm happy tonight, i haven't been happy in a long time, but tonight was good, party at johns house you could say, movies and games and shaving cream oh my, im letting at the drive in pick my mood and i'm happy, i sat with lauren for some of the night and we just talked, its good to have someone out there you can just talk to, even if its stupid stuff like who is evil and who is good, i conquered the agrocrag and had mint ice cream, love is just as bad a 4 letter word as fuck. i can say this right now and mean it, there is no one in the world right now happier than me, goodnight people persons.

remember fallon, i still love you and miss you so much, hope to see you soon

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ha ha [19 May 2003|11:25pm]
[ music | Drowning Pool ]

Oh God! I love me!

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heh [18 May 2003|05:43pm]
John Rosario is the Biggest Liar in the World
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you better ask yourself why [30 Apr 2003|04:49pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Don't wanna be the one to pop your cherry, girl
Just jump a train that will bring you back to mama's side

Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
Knock on, knock on
Buyin' a one way ticket out of your mind
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why

You keep on pushin' and you will see my chilly yellow eyes
Only one more time

Don't wanna get your teddy bear mad at me, girl
So get your pretty slippers on and dance out of here

Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why
Knock on, knock on
Be happy living in your nuclear life
Knock on, knock on
Knock on the sky
You keep on knockin' better ask yourself why

You keep pushin' and you will feel my frozen beastly bite
Only one more time

Pushing the sky

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below me [28 Apr 2003|10:58pm]
ray sucks, hes at my house and he can't work a computer
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Ray just got owned! [23 Apr 2003|12:22am]

Battle Imp

Who's your battle imp?

Backstabbing: 5

Dodgin': 4

Guts: 4

Magic Mojo: 4

Smackdown: 9

Will your battle imp beat Gergesh's?
Enter your name and fight.
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its like hey moo-flaggin guy [11 Apr 2003|02:08am]
yea, today was boring, i'm trying to get a game of vampire going but billy and jose are like the only ones who are down for it, on a lighther note my love life sucks, and on a heavier note i really feel for lauren right now, so goooo lauren
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