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Below is user information for Steven. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:sparker959 (440367)
Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
AOL IM:Sparker959 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN: 157670344 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Sparker911 (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:Sparker911@hotmail.com
Bio:Still in a room with out. Fight the war fuck the norm. Now have no patients so sick of complacents. .
Memories:5 entries
Interests:92: anti-bush, anti-people, anti-pets, anti-reagan, anti-war, bannana ramma, beattles, bees, ben folds, ben folds five, cat shit, chess, coffee, cold war, communist, creative writing, cuba, cute bunnies, daria, dashboard confessional, dead kittens, death, deathcab for cutie, dogs, drawing, drugs, eating children, emo, fairhaven, falling in love, federalist, fight club, flirting, foreign relations, get up kids, haily, happiness, harvey danger, high fidelity, jim mcdermot, john lennon, karie kinese, kevin smith, kids in the hall, killing political leaders, le tigre, louisa clark, mates of state, max fisher, modest mouse, nine inch nails, npr, old crushes, olympia, peace, pedro the lion, political activism, politics, progressive, punk, rage against the machine, realist, rock and roll, rushmore, russia, saves the day, seattle, security council, sex, sharing warmth, socialism, stephen malkmus, strangers with candy, stuff, swimming, tactics, techno, the breakfast club, the cure, the nova project, this american life, thrift stores, united nations, war, warmth, weapons, weezer, western, will ferrel, world domination, writing, your mother
Friends:49: annaijo, bananamonkey, bitchpantsusa, bizkit413, bondage_a_go_go, cellophane01, chrissybowles, cjklewin05, clear_pepsi, cowboylarne, deerhoof, duke34md, dung_beetle, feindboy, fuuh, h2oboarder3, harpolenin, heyrocco, hollyhoxfmn, iamloud, internalgiggle, inthenameof, jesskat19, johnsons_jib, kne, lstar7984, lucyinthesky3, monalisa1440, nohopenofear, onefalsemove, redbing, rushmore, saetuhn, semivoid, sessie23, sharis, sparker959, springychel, superglue, swedishbroad, swirlgrrl, the_opinionated, translucide, treeface, trendyradicals, waterweasel, whorgia, xtiana, ylime
Friend of:37: annaijo, bananamonkey, bizkit413, cellophane01, chrissybowles, cjklewin05, deerhoof, duke34md, dung_beetle, fuuh, h2oboarder3, harpolenin, heyrocco, iamloud, internalgiggle, inthenameof, jesskat19, johnsons_jib, kne, lstar7984, lucyinthesky3, megbitchpants, monalisa1440, nohopenofear, onefalsemove, redbing, saetuhn, semivoid, sessie23, sparker959, springychel, swedishbroad, swirlgrrl, translucide, valeriebee, waterweasel, ylime
Member of:4: bitchpantsusa, rushmore, the_opinionated, trendyradicals
Account type:Free User

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