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adam the adam

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The End. [27 Aug 2002|01:04am]
[ music | Ob La Di La Da-The Beatles ]

Just returned from Java's on East Ave. - a bunch of us RAs decided to take a break from decorations and journey on downtown. Listened to my first live band: a jazz band playing in Barrett Place between Java's and Eastman School of Music (didn't know Eastman was that close) - people told me it wasn't that good but...I liked it. Very different from CDs. And now I'm hearin' a car blastin' some rap music outside my window.

No. That was the printer. *chuckle*

Anyway - I'm deleting this journal in a couple days. For one, it still hurts - and I need to stop that pain.

I've also come to the realization that this journal has been a poor substitute for actual e-mails to people. It's nice to update it and let some peeps know what's up with me, but I'm seeing now that it's just not fair to write livejournal entries and expect people to e-mail me about it. The people that're close to me deserve more personal attention than a LJ entry can provide.

It's been an interesting year on LJ, but it's definitely now time to move on and make a clean start. I'll find other ways for self-expression; I've never settled on one method for long. I've disabled comments on this post so that if you wish to comment, you'll need to e-mail me. And I give you this promise: I will respond to your e-mail.

And somehow - I feel like this is the right decision.

Thanks. I'm off. Toodles. :)

Dust! [26 Aug 2002|05:50pm]
My mother told me that I was once a mildly allergic kid. And today, I have rediscovered my inner allergic child.

Congratulate me, for I have truly formed my allergy to dust this morning. My entire right side of my head exploded in tears, snot/boogers, throat mucus, and headaches not to mention the constant auditory input via my implant.

So came the antihistamine slaughter which put me to sleep through half of the Women's Center and Campus Safety's lecture on harassment, sexual misconduct, and stalking. I was truly felled by diphenhydramine HCl (compare to the active ingredient of Benadryl UltraTab)!

Cool. I have an allergy now.

Policy review now. Whee!!
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Update. [24 Aug 2002|02:50am]
Ok - birds tellin' me to update my livejournal. So here's an update. I think I scared my readers by threatening to quit LJ. I might still do that. See-see.

You know when you're a third-year when you realize you kind of have too much shit. But... maybe not. I have everything I own in my room now and it really doesn't look like that much. I'm still going to whittle down a little, see what exaclty I DON'T need.

RA training is, for some odd reason, more exhausting than last year's.


I feel a bit better now.

Oh - and my outlook of this year? Still quite hazy but I do feel a bit better after 3 special University Commons people just like, transplanted my life 2 miles across town in under one hour and with the use of one car. Yesireee. Set off fireworks, too.

Ooh. Rochester Red Wings won, by the way. 12th inning, 5-4. (Name-dropping alert) Played Yahtzee with Jerilyn, Matt S., and Matt L. Shared Ryan/Elizabeth dirt and San Diego tidbits with Sam. Contemplated study abroad with Lindsay. Reminsced about old baseball moments with Jerry. Ate Dippin' Dots with Denise, Matt N., LaToya, Lindsay, Sue, and Jess. Discussed faded jeans with Jack and background info with Melinda. Explained baseball to LaToya and Leon. Did a face game with Jeff and PJ, and shared hugs with Rae and Tommie. Debated pager mechanics with Kyle. And of course, kvetched with Tyler, the resident kvetcher. Ok, that's everyone except TJ, Amy, Christian, and Miranda. I should talk to 'em in the morning. I have...appreciated! I like my staff. Mostly.

I ate a Hebrew National all-beef hot dog and a bowl of Dippin' Dots. And broke my anti-soda pact with a sip of Lindsay's communal Diet Coke. Bought a 7 7/8 Red Wings hat for my Dad with Sam's input, and got my picture taken with the red rooster mascot. Oh, and Jerry helped me discover Genesee River Park on the drive.

Jerry, Nicole, Heather, and I were the only people left from all 110 RAs still hanging around at the end. And it was definitely worth it - the last hit flyin' into deep right field and the guy on first runnin' towards home and victory. And the fireworks show after that was just l33t.

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Back. [18 Aug 2002|04:22pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Nice Guys Finish Last-Green Day-Nimrod ]

The road trip was awesome, true biz. Unplugged gas hoses, Clines Corners, Tourette's and my grandmother, cantelopes, shrieking in the car, a special McDonald's, Oklahoma City, Fort Erie Canada/USA bridge, dog food-smelling bread, playing Handel's "Hallelujah." Thank you, Bobby.

Only part that sucked was the end. Arriving back here at RIT. A long LJ entry is imminent. I noticed people don't usually respond to long LJ entries. That's okay.

I...I don't want to be back here. I don't have a single iota of optimism about this upcoming year. All I get are vibes of impending doom. I don't think this is going to be a good year for me. I feel like there's nothing new for me here. I'm an RA again. I have the same friends. Except they're all living on the other side of campus (with exception of [info]funkyg). I'm in the same major. not going to get a job.

I know - I have a new car. A new iBook. A cochlear implant. But what do those all mean? My life feels chaotic as fuck right now. I don't know what's going to happen at all. I've got a task list about 30 items long.

I seriously considered fucking RIT this year while on the drive. The only thing that's keeping me here is my education. I told that to B - he said, "Well, I'd like to think there's a bit more than that - like your friends, for example." I love friends. But I don't think I appreciate them enough. I might totally turn in myself this year - become an introvert. I don't want to be one. I like extrovertedness.

Maybe I made the wrong decision to be a RA again. Will it be that great this time around? I want to devote more time to this job - I have a bigger (and more able) floor. I'm scared of my co - she's an art major and she's already made all the door tags and a dozen or more gorgeous decals for the hallways. She focused on it through the entire summer - and what did I do? Maybe I should fuck it after fall quarter something else.

My life just feels like it'll be the same this year. I need change, methinks. I not have a good feeling about this year. Perhaps I should just bail - go home. Go through intensive training for cochlear implant. But I'd shoot myself first before I went home again for 3 more months. Study abroad is looking better and better every day. I really do have to get moving on that.

Bobby has a good point - he said I didn't know what last year was going to be like - Bobby, Europe, Mandy, AJ, College Bowl - all that was totally unexpected. But still. I'm a third year now (people think junior year is the worst) and I feel like all third-years are not in this building. This is not a big deal. Forget it. Am I blowing my feelings out of proportion? Perhaps. But...I don't think so. Last year - and the year before that - I was so looking forward to the new year. But not this time.

I don't like listening to deaf people when they sign and make weird noises. It might just fuck up my entire programming. Blow a couple electrodes.

I can hear cars outside my window. I'm just on the 2nd floor - cars and more. Not sure what else I'm hearing. Doesn't matter since right now it's plugged into the laptop.

I know - I sound spoiled. Unappreciative. Petty. Self-centered. I have new toys. My quality of life, therefore, should improve. I feel like being very minimalist with my room right now. Only the barest and most necessary possessions. A couple books. Toiletries. A laptop. Pen and paper. A few shirts and shorts and one pair of shoes. That's it.

I went on the Perkins swings. I do that to myself, y'know. It was briefly calming when I took my feet off the ground. But then my processor fell out and yanked my implant along with it. And that just ruined it - despite repeated attempts to swing. I have too many things on my mind to enjoy a swing. I hope I didn't mess up my implant.

I think I may stop using LJ. It...I'm not sure what's the point. I don't know if I can stop myself from using this - I can certainly never make a post ever again. But lurking - that's fun.

My room's in complete disarray. But I don't really care. I haven't unpacked yet. I should focus on the floor first. Perhaps if I start putting some clothes away...things will start moving. I'm in limbo. That's what it is, limbo. Just floating around waiting for something to pull me down to the ground.

And that something is the beginning of RA re-training in 30 minutes. A dinner at Wendy Hagele's new house. I wonder what Mandy's cards'll say for me.

Ah, "Lick And A Promise" by Aerosmith. Interesting. Aerosmith makes awesome driving music - bought that CD in Oklahoma, I think.

Perhaps things will start movin' with that dinner tonight. Meet the staff. Say hi to the old people and welcome the new young'uns. Yeah. That should do the trick.

Let's start putting away clothes, shall we? And see how Wendy's goes. The AC, not the restaurant. Heh. I said something funny. All's truly lost when I can't do that anymore, that's one thing I know for sure.

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this test has no scientific basis. [13 Aug 2002|01:52am]
My Favorite Male Part Is:

The Arm: Strong and protective.

Good for slave labour too...

Find out your favorite male body part!

My Favorite Male Part Is:

The Pecs: Strength, power, and form.

Hey! His boobs are bigger then mine!

Find out your favorite male body part!
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End of Summer [13 Aug 2002|01:48am]
Bye-bye summer. Packed up - no more evidence that Adam Stone once lived in this house during the summer of love, that 2002.

Good one in all. Not sure if it beats last summer - but it's hard to compare the two. Each had their own ... neverfuckingmind

I'm going to shut up right now. This summer was awesome. There. See. I...I didn't rationalize. I just...felt! Ta-ta.
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road trip! [13 Aug 2002|12:23am]
Commencing on this day of the Non-Queen, 12 Tuesday August 2002, at roughly 12:00 P.M. PST, Bobby Cox ([info]iteration) and I are going on a road trip.

We drive from the lovely and warm San Diego, CA, US to the forbidding Mother-Nature-on-PMS Rochester, NY, US. A mammoth, monumental, awe-inspiring journey of 2,664.7 miles consisting of over 41 hours of driving time.

The route we plan to take takes us through Flagstaff, Albuquerque, Amarillo, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Detroit.

Wish us luck, press the cute Comment button below and tell us something interesting, eh? Of course, we won't read it until afterwards so keep that in mind.

edit: We are going through Phoenix, after all. Allison, you must be boiling right now. We happy!
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Days of Thunderin' Sound [10 Aug 2002|03:37pm]
My cochlear implant hook-up experience, as an e-mail.

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[07 Aug 2002|05:31pm]
[ mood | grateful ]

By the way, thanks for all your well-wishes.

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Adam v1.1 Goes Gold [07 Aug 2002|05:05pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Someone Out There - Gravity - Our Lady Peace ]

Gotta leave for Los Angeles in like - 6 mins, and I haven't packed yet - damn. But I feel I have to write some deep, introspective LJ entry before I go and get hooked up.

Today was characterized by the search for the perfect, full propane tank. I hate propane tanks - especially when they're rusted all over. Then they get the texture of chalkboards and the screech of a fingernail passing over its surface stays within your teeth for one hour. I swear, they're my mother's favorite household accessory. I'm constantly going out and refilling them and buying new ones. I went to four (4) propane dealers - the first one was out of full tanks. The second one was out of the tanks with the screw ridges on the outside of the nozzle. The third one didn't sell them. The fourth one had 'em - but I had to ask the video corner clerk. At least now I can just go and get 'em refilled instead of buying new tanks outright now that I've upgraded to those that meet new April 2002 safety standards.

Bought two CDs today. First time I've ever bought a CD. Our Lady Peace's Gravity and Nelly's Nellyville. Our Lady Peace on a tip, and Nelly as a recommendation from the music store clerk. I nearly bought a Creed one - but I figured, I better get a hearing person's opinion first, no? 27.99 for both - I'm starting to see the market forces behind the MP3 file-sharing phenomenon.

Hook-up's tomorrow. I've been trying to figure out how exactly I should react when it's turned on. I know I'll probably just go crazy and just scream, "Oh my god! I can hear! I can hear my voice! I can hear my parent's voice! I can hear the computer hum! I can hear the door squeak! I can hear a radio crackle in Jakarta!" But...I'm somewhat troubled by that potential reaction. If I do that - what does it say about me as a deaf person? That I'm this poor, handicapped boy that's dying to hear? Eh. It's just...this could change my life. So excuse me if I'm weird about it. But - birds all around me tell me to be honest. So I'll go with that. Birds can fly and I can't.

I hope it goes well, I do. I hear all these stories of people understanding 90% of open-set word recognition tests upon hook-up. And..I want to be one of those people. But I know I probably won't. I mean - I barely hear as it is. In closed-set tests, I use syllables and the "s" and "sh" sound to discern between words. That's it. My favorite test is when my audiologists speaks the name of car brands. I love hearing "Mercedes-Benz." It's such a pretty sound. Heh. I'm..nervous.

Whee. An article about me!
I have problems with this article. It sounds like I don't have a father. And I did NOT use that $500 to pay off my debt to Europe. I donated half of it to Joan's charity. Grr.

Ok. Ok. Adam Stone v1.1 goes gold. I gotta zoom. Hello, hearing world! Did you miss me?

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courtesy of [info]gayboy [06 Aug 2002|04:07pm]

Which Sex and the City Vixen Best Matches Your Sex Style?

Damn. That's pretty...right on the nail. Heh.
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A Humble Joke [06 Aug 2002|01:05pm]
[ mood | silly ]

Two ducks walk into a bar. The first goes, "Ow." The second one says, "Yeah, I didn't see that either."

Foooook. I've heard it so many times and it's just one of the most brilliant jokes I've ever heard. It's just in the Jokes Hall of Fame. It's perfect. I love it. It's a great, great joke. Revel in it!

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Yay! [06 Aug 2002|01:06am]
[ mood | amused ]

You are -3% geek
Boy, you really broke through the bottom on this one. You are SO not geek. I recommend staying away from conventions, computer stores, colleges, universities, or anywhere else people might display the slightest interest in something other than what's on TV at the present moment. Your mere presence among geeks of any degree is incredibly dangerous to the continued existence of the known universe. Here, I'll say it slow so you can understand: Anti-geek + Geek = Big Boom. Now go read a book, for god's sake.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at

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Wilting Bouquet of Roses [05 Aug 2002|10:44pm]
[ mood | moody ]

I feel like goddamn Rachel Rose. *spits*

One time, I called her a bitch. In a funny way. And then she just broke down and cried right there on the floor. Sheesh. Too sensitive.

Not that I'm doing the same thing as Rachel, anyway. Somewhat far from it.

I'm getting there, guys. Just avoid those Oprah episodes on high school sweethearts, y'hear? Bad. Bad.

On my way to becoming the newest Apple user. Received my Apple Protection Plan and my iBook Video Adapter today. But alas, the iBook hasn't shipped yet.

Wicked. I'm getting my dad's white 1997 Ford Explorer XLT. Was originally going to get a 2000 Camry LE - but I've always loved that Explorer and when Dad offered, I just couldn't pass that up. Can't wait!

I gotta snap out of this. The world's spinning. I read an article on about this summer camp for kids with AIDS. I scoff at people that say what I'm about to say - but shit, these are kids living with a fatal disease for their entire lives. And I'm just sitting here bein' all hurt. Life goes on. Gotta grab it.

And with that - I've decided what to do about that road trip.

Shit, I didn't know writing a public LJ entry could be this therapeutic. *chuckle*

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Facially Yours [30 Jul 2002|05:54pm]
[ mood | curious ]

I woke up today in a lonely mood. I looked in the mirror and realized that I couldn't remember what my chin looks like. I don't know what my face looks like behind that goatee.

So after a shower...I shaved it off! And I was pleased to find that I have just a little cleft in my chin. But on the flip side, I think my goatee did offset the dark circles under my eyes because now they somehow look more obvious.

I haven't decided if I'll grow it back or not. See-see. The strange thing, however, is that even though I've been with her all afternoon, my mom hasn't said a word about it.

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Sin City [26 Jul 2002|11:59am]
[ mood | hyper ]

Ok, thanks all for the birthday wishes!

I'm off to Las Vegas for the weekend! [info]handspoken, [info]gayboy, [info]iteration, [info]taaz18, see ya'll there! We'll have a blast!

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How's a Wish for World Peace? [26 Jul 2002|02:18am]
[ mood | cynical ]

Oh shit. I just realized I forgot to make a wish on my birthday cake last night at Ruth's Chris Steak House. Wait. I remember last year's wish. That did not work out at all. Birthday wishes are overrated. Hmph.

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Happy Birthday to Me... [26 Jul 2002|02:16am]
[ mood | amused ]

I am 21 years old today.

And my first act of being twenty-one years old was to finish my "Human Rights in World Politics" textbook while simultaneously watching "The Cosby Show" and then, "Texas Justice." Why the hell is there a "People's Court" show called "Texas Justice?" What's wrong with New Hampshire?

Time to type up an one-page response paper. I'm just bemused that I'm pulling a half-all-nighter typing an academic paper on July 26th, smack dab in the middle of the summer.

Happy birthday to me, indeed!

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I'm an Unoriginal Thief [25 Jul 2002|12:38am]
[ mood | blank ]

What's *Your* Sex Sign?

Remember, your sex sign has nothing to do with when you were born but instead is derived from your projected sexual peak.

Aries, you are headstrong, spolied, fiery in temperment, and fiercely independent. You always want to be the best anyone's ever had, and you'll spend all night convincing your lover that you are. Don't worry - you usually are the best anyone has ever had. When you get down, you don't leave out anything.

Sexually, you're a leader and very sure of yourself. One of your favorite positions is being on top, where you can move freely - while letting your lover observe you orgasm. Sex with you is always exciting. You start with teasing, playful seduction - that always drives your lovers wild with frustration. You always deliver though!

You love being over powered, and you respond to a strong sexual appetite with equal fervor. The confident lover who can give you breathtaking, powerful sex will have you eating out of his or her hand.
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Holy Quesadilla Jones [22 Jul 2002|12:19am]
I ate a whole quesadilla today. Cheese allergies be fucked. I just wanted to bite in a whole ball of melted cheese, and damn it, it felt good. Now excuse me while I turn into a single round, red hive.

Around dinner, my family picked secret identities while discussing the new International Spy Museum. Mom will be Wanda Wyczak, I will be Jack Antonio, Liz will be Camille Arizona, and Dad will be Tony Gwynn. I told him someone already took that identity. But he's retired, out of the public eye, he contended. His humor is like that.

Tomorrow - drop off Liz at 5 AM, go to DMV to renew my license, take Toby to the vet because she probably has a ruptured anal sac (please, no bestiality jokes - not around Toby), and uh, other stuff. Homework, right. It's due. And on and on. Yeah. Countin' down the last days of my age of 20. Been a neato age, that's for sure.

In other news, my steri-tape came off today following a nice ceremonial Sunday brunch of bagels'n'lox. Owyeeah! Pictures are below. I'm happy to say my wound was more bloody than my sister. I feel so macho with dried blood and pus all around my wound and knowing that I can beat my sister in this respect. However, it looks much cleaner now that I've taken a shower. :) And of course, there's the obligatory picture of Toby at the end. Enjoy!

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