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(1 scream | yell)

[06 Feb 2005|05:05am]
so we got some freaky shit on tape, mainly orbs and intense light from incense, more than it normally was, because you could see it flare up on the walls but the sticks wouldnt get any brighter. and then they would flicker, but the window was down and the fan off. and it was flicker so much as pulse. also, we got part of what appears to be a face on digital camera, and bubba concentrating energy.

so this is our new past time, weekends is ghost hunt time.

jambalaya is tasty and, as much as i hate to admit, so is pepsi. but sundrop is still number one, forever.

i hate to admit it, but go eagles, cause fuck the pats.

its bed time, being five o clock already.

ta ta.


[05 Feb 2005|09:58pm]
our house is haunted.

(1 scream | yell)

[03 Feb 2005|06:08pm]
i dont know what im doing anymore.

my mother is going to italy. i would love to go to italy. im hoping to go to germany this summer. well see how that goes. i might actually be getting into an ok financial status this month, which means it will be possibly to go out of the house longer than lowes for some soda and back.

i feel awful

(1 scream | yell)

[24 Jan 2005|01:36pm]
i have to do something, because i cant lose her.

(1 scream | yell)

[17 Jan 2005|07:58am]
so things didnt work out like they were supposed to. were going to be together until fall semester, and if something changes by then, good, if not, well, it wasnt meant to be, atleast not yet. i dont want to go into it because it will probably just be a bunch of self-hate where it isnt necessary. i love her. hopefully we figure out what is best for the two of us. i know ill hear about 'being too young', but i dont really think thats it. maybe its not the right time, but not because of youth.

ta ta


[10 Jan 2005|09:43pm]
so two southern mississippi counties banned America(The Book) from libraries for depicting the nine supreme court justices faces superimposed on old wrinkly naked bodies. if you have kids whacking off to geriatrics, please, seek help. they said it was just because of that one page. now, in my honest opinion you will spend maybe 3 seconds looking at that page and then quickly turn to the next one.

if you cant get the humor in the book, which is suprisingly informative, please put your helmet back on before you hurt yourself.

(1 scream | yell)

[08 Jan 2005|03:08pm]
[ mood | fabulous ]
[ music | Wham ]

I am ambassador of Duncan. He has called me over to tell you that he likes tv. And boys.

You know, I like chicken. Fried chicken. And potatoes.

This journal smells funny...I wish he would clean it's smells like socks.

Hey, he lit your fucking baby on fire. I did not even know you had a baby. Interesting what you learn here....

okay, I go now. Duncan says "fuck journal is my soul."

I shall give you some advice before I go:

Never put a toilet in your has to be in the kitchen


[01 Jan 2005|02:26pm]
we had a wicked pahtee for new years. although jimmy and bubba got too drunk for their own good, it was fun. everclear tends to do that to people. i, once again, was the drunkest of anybody, which i hate. i know im annoying and if other people are atleast as drunk or close to as drunk as i am, then im not too annoying. i love sara. and although it was a pain in the ass having to drive here, there, and everywhere last night, it was worth it. i love sara. and shes the most beautiful girl in the world. and i couldnt live without her. i love you sara, boo boo kitty fuck. love, duncan. so im going to college, somewhere, at some point in time, probably unca. or somewhere. i need something with a teachers licensure, and they do. and ive heard its a good town.

anyways, i do believe we are off to eat. happy one year closer to the apocalypse.

ta ta.


[28 Dec 2004|06:26pm]
could someone help me out because im not doing anything right.


[04 Dec 2004|11:46pm]
went to see alexander. this movie would have been less gay if they had men fucking in it. yes, it would have been less gay. quasi-historically accurate. they butchered an otherwise great story of one of the greatest military minds of all time. this movie had two battles, one, the one at gaugamela, completely stolen from braveheart. o, while on the subject of braveheart, did the greeks, or rather the macedonians atleast, have scottish/irish accents? i dont think so but maybe im fucking ignorant. and his mom had some sort of weird slavic accent. awful, yet, it was so incredibly fabulous. and i mean that in teh gayest way possible.

anyways, house of flying daggers was good, or atleast what ive seen so far.

i love sara.

go see alexander, and then demand your money back.


[02 Dec 2004|11:04pm]
[ music | nickelback sucks ]

so, i am a blasphemor, and have aol on my computer. although it was not my decision, i just hope my computer can forgive me. i already have to change hardware again for it to work right.

anyways, i probably wont be updating any more than usual, because i just dont.

i have to decide about school, and i dont know where to go. i do need someone to help me pull off a bank heist, cause i need money something awful.

next stop, direct tv.

i think im gonna download gay midget amputees fucking horses, i love the internet.

(1 scream | yell)

[06 Nov 2004|02:00pm]
married now. and happy.

(3 screams | yell)

[10 Oct 2004|12:23pm]
getting married on halloween. havent paid off the debt yet, so im still broke. finally got up with my life partner after the entire summer. bowled for the first time since end of school year. the braves arent going anywhere this year. autumn is nice, but still not in full swing, hope frost stays back a few days so it doesnt kill everything. final fantasy x is bothersome now. work is work. need to think of what first tattoo is going to be. have couch and chair in apartment now. dont care about livejournal anymore. ta ta.


[29 Aug 2004|11:22pm]
'vagina junction, whats your function? taking in sperm and spittin out babies.'

if wanting my crazy cool kidz bop 4 sticker is wrong, i dont want to be right.

(2 screams | yell)

[29 Aug 2004|07:32pm]
hero was good. girl with the pearl earring was alright, if not boring at times. four rooms was amusing. bubba ho-tep was, well it was bruce campbell, bitch. better off dead, one of the better 80s movies. mystic river was, mediocre to good.

theres a lot to figure out, with the apartment, and life, most things dealing with money.

ran into allison at lowes. that was weird, i never thought id see her again. i never expected to see anyone from high school again, apart from bubba and keller, who has been away, somewhere. i dont know why, but thats just how i see things. it seems if i didnt already have a set time id see them, it just wouldnt happen.

football season is finally about to start again. now ill have soemthing to do on sunday. i need to knock off a liquor store, or something, because i need money to buy a car so i can move into the apartment, which i need money for as well.

work work and more work i suppose.

(3 screams | yell)

[25 Aug 2004|10:57pm]
so, i enjoy beer because, well, i can get a buzz off of it rather than getting piss drunk, which inevitably happens with liquor. and liquor often leads to, o i dont know, gay men accosting you, asking you naughty things. i would like to thank james again from saving me from that, because i was far too gone to act.

there is supposedly this homeless guy on king street, his name eludes me now, who is actually very rich. or atleast fairly well off. i dont know for sure because ive never asked him, because i dont wnat to approach him, or be near him for extended periods of time. i dont respect him for that. not at all. i dont see how i could, or anyone could. i see it as almost a spit in the face of people who have no choice other than live on the street. if you have money, you dont have to flaunt it, but you also dont have to pass it off. there really isnt anything wrong with sleeping in a house, and wearing clean clothes, and, o i dont know, showering, sometime.

i dont like internet explorer, and if for no other reason than if you tab up or click on something to type in, if you have misspelled something por exemplo, it highlights the whole thing. so you have to click twice if using the mouse. fuck taht shit. opera all the way bitch. or atelast anything other than ie. fuck ie.

politics are fucking useless because, well, everyone is probably lying and to find out who isnt is just a headache. youre probably wrong anyways.

finally getting paid.

apartment is ready to move in, already moved posters and stereo. a few weeks and ill buy a new car and be able to move in.


[18 Aug 2004|08:51am]

read the elvis article.

when microsoft releases a service pack for xp, and it interfers with video games and programs they own, you know its shit. i fucking hate microsoft.

(4 screams | yell)

[17 Aug 2004|05:58pm]
so, funny thing happens on my way to work. driving along, and a little crv thing cuts me off. i swerve, because im startled, and end up off the road. its all new pavement, so i pop up out and end up in the oncoming lane. a car is coming towards me so i swerve back in to my lane, slam on the breaks, go at about a 45 degree angle on this hill and do a nice flip and land upright, motor and stereo still going. if anyone else had been in the car they woudl have died. if i had not been wearing my seatbelt i would have died. my side of the car didnt cave in. good times. and after all taht i get a 125 dollar ticket for exceeding safe speeds. since there was no one there to confirm anything, the troopers assume its all my fault. i love it.


[15 Aug 2004|11:43pm]
avp mutha fucka.

[13 Aug 2004|10:02pm]
fuck today.

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