Sunday, March 9th, 2003
9:29 pm
Ugh... after looking at my friend's list for the last hour or so, I've decided to retreat back into my shell for a while, until all this conflict and chaos settles down.
(beat me)
| Friday, December 13th, 2002
1:20 am
| Wednesday, November 27th, 2002
5:57 am
I just got back inside (maybe 20 minutes ago) from a walk through my yard in the snow.
I have never felt so at peace with myself and my life.
I went out without a coat, just what I have on and let the snow fall on me. Bending down without gloves on, I picked up a handful of snow, balled it into a snowball, and threw it at a bush in my yard, just to watch the snow fall from the branches. It was a lovely sight...
I'm quite content now...
current mood: peaceful current music: Creed - One
(1 bruise | beat me)
| Tuesday, November 26th, 2002
2:03 am
The weather people have predicted a 70% chance of snow for my area starting Tuesday night and continuing through until Wednesday afternoon.
This makes me happy... very happy.
(Yeah, I'm actually happy... mark the calendar.)
(beat me)
| Tuesday, November 19th, 2002
1:22 pm
2:48 am
| Sunday, October 27th, 2002
3:02 am
I need to come up with a new layout for my D-X, and build another website.
I mean I have the tempestuous one, hosted at irresistiblewoman.net, but that's like... my "normal" side.
I need a website that showcases my gothic nature, because my dark side has been coming out more and more lately, and it has nothing to do with the season.
Anyone with any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Input is more than welcome.
Also, if you have links for gothic webrings, affiliate programs, and mailing lists, please please please share them.
(beat me)
| Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
4:28 am
Halloween is on the way, and I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing that night. I mean I know where I'm going, and who I'm going with, but not what I'm going as. I suppose I could just goth myself out, but then it won't feel like Halloween, it'll just feel like I'm going out the same way I would any other night.
Maybe if I choose the exact "opposite" and dress like that... yeah... but what's the exact polar opposite of a goth?
*jeopardy music playing*
I've got it... hippie... and as luck would have it, I have some clothes that would work for that too... oh god, me as a hippie. My mother will die, absolutely die of shock. She's too used to seeing me with (as she puts it) "all that black shit on."
current mood: giggly current music: Blue Oyster Cult - Astronomy
(beat me)
4:12 am
He called me tonight. We managed to talk for about 10 minutes, then the line was disconnected. Either the signal was dropped on his cell, or June walked into the room and caught him on the phone. I loved hearing his voice... even if it hurt like hell.
(beat me)
| Friday, October 18th, 2002
2:34 am
My Pulse thing for Project Dolphin doesn't seem to be working, because I know I sent more pulses and had more keystrokes than what is listed at the site. Maybe I'm logged in as someone else? Let me check...
No, I'm logged in as myself... weird.
Considering the number of people that use this computer, and the fact that my connection is always on, there should be a ton of keystrokes.
Makes no sense really... but anyway, I'm gonna go watch a movie or two before I head to bed.
Night lovelies.
(beat me)