[Jan. 22nd, 2004|04:17 am] |
I need to get a phone line because both of our cell phones don't get service. But I am currently living there now, so please stop in and see me and play old school Nintendo games with me and Joseph and LUNA OH MY GOD SHE'S SOOOOO CUTE! We got her this toy mouse with catnip inside and it comes with catnip refills! Someone with a digital camera needs to come over and take awesome pictures to show all you hott livejournalers. *coughAlishacough*
I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life. |
[Jan. 9th, 2004|03:56 am] |
[ | music |
| | mp3 of "miss me" by the dresden dolls | ] | I would just like to mention that I am completely obsessed with the Dresden Dolls right now. |
[Jan. 8th, 2004|12:14 am] |
why is love driving me so crazy, and I'm afraid that I'm just like my mother. "Never never never" I've always said, but it's the tragic truth. suddenly I understand the four divorces and i'm absolutely frightened. |
[Jan. 3rd, 2004|04:13 am] |
I'm so excited, Joseph and I are going to the first ska show we've ever gone to together! RAWK!
Work is so boring tonight, we must've only dispatched about 4 runs all night. So instead, I'm basically getting paid to troll livejournal all night. Can't bitch about that.
Have a busy day ahead of me today. After work, Alisha is treating me to a fancy Fidelia's breakfast since I had to miss both of her holiday spectaculars. Then I'm going home to surprise Joseph with breakfast in bed (shhh, don't tell him!) and bring him cough drops because he's getting a cold. Then we're going to finish painting the house today for sure because yesterday it snowed a little and we couldn't make it. Then I have to take a four hour nap and start doing some house cleaning before his parents get home from Florida tomorrow morning and fix the giant blue M&M; that Boada and Nate busted at the party. Then it's off to the show! |
[Jan. 3rd, 2004|04:11 am] |
The Slackers TONIGHT! @ The Webster, Hartford
Juliana Hatfield - 1/9/04 - T. T. Bear's, Cambridge
The Dresden Dolls - 1/10/04 - The Green Room, Providence
Henry Rollins spoken word - 2/11/04 - The Webster, Hartford |
[Jan. 2nd, 2004|11:29 pm] |
just so everyone knows:
[Jan. 2nd, 2004|02:34 am] |
A little update:
The house is looking good. Joseph has been working really hard on painting and sanding with my dad. I'm so lucky to be dating such a useful fella! We celebrated our 6 month anniversary by me treating him to a very expensive dinner at Go Fish. Then I bought us tickets to see The Return of the King which was excellent and I cried like a baby. It was a nice anniversary, we had a lot of fun. We have our kitty now, only we didn't get Skippy or Skipper or whatever its name was, we got the girl named Luna. She's adorable, she gives honest-to-goodness kisses. She's super personable, which is the nice way of putting it. Joseph would rather say "attention whore" much like her new mommy (being me). She's been confined to the bedroom until the house is finished, which shouldn't be too much longer. We're going to finish painting in the morning.
And Christmas was very peaceful. Joseph and I exchanged gifts. I got him a belt so he would stop stealing mine, "Meet the Feebles" which he couldn't find anywhere because it's out of print, and a CD with 80s new wave songs covered by some of his favorite bands. He bought me a copy of "Hot Water Music" by Charles Bukowski and a flask which I had been begging him to get me. I'm going to have "1st Christmas 2003" engraved on it I think. I put it to good use at our party last Saturday, which I would like to thank everyone who showed up, thank you, it was a good time. I got to see Ben and Maureen and CASEY who I haven't seen since we spent prom night in an empty bathtub at Comfort Suites lamenting about the trials and tribulations of dating the same sex. I was the first one to pass out as usual. New Year's Eve Joseph and I cooked our first real dinner before I had to go to work: parmesan dijon chicken and gorgonzola linguine. I had the most traumatic night at work ever, I almost quit, but everything went fairly smoothly after all.
So the holidays were nice this year, I have to say, even though I had to miss both of Matt and Alisha's cool parties. Not too mention it was my first with Joseph. I hope for many more... |
[Dec. 27th, 2003|06:37 am] |
CALL ME AT 639-9864 |
[Dec. 27th, 2003|02:14 am] |
Rumor has it we're hanging out when I get out of work in the morning, could it be true???!!! |
[Dec. 26th, 2003|06:17 am] |
Cheney called me at work last night and wanted to know if I wanted to have her kitty Skipper. I said yes, with Joseph's approval of course. I HAVE A KITTY YAY!!! AND A HOUSE FOR HER TO PLAY IN!!! |
[Dec. 20th, 2003|02:40 am] |
[Dec. 19th, 2003|01:12 am] |
sitting on the wooden floors of my new house, watching the sun rise over the Thames, smoking, unbelieving the perfection. Wondering what to personalize and what to preserve. Brad's right, it is resembling a drug den at this point; wallpaper torn off the walls and scattered on to the floor; tile carelessly ripped off; cleaning products abound, but nothing's clean. floors need to be sanded and walls need to be painted then it will be livable. Thoughts of the man who lived here before and the heavy sadness he left behind. maybe. I wonder what's in the attic, how to even get to the attic. it's mine now though... and Joseph's. We deserve this, I keep telling myself.
These thoughts aren't warding off the images of today. Of my mother vomiting in the parking lot, of her face down on the stairs, of her denial, her dementia, of my sister crying uncontrollably, of the reversal of roles, the cop, the anger on my mother's face as she disowned me for the last time. I cry all the way to Joseph's. Her saying, "I've been ok alone my whole life." She really feels that way. We aren't her daughters, her joys, her lions, but obligations, liabilities. obstacles keeping her from Greece, Rome, love affairs, adventure. Financial dependents. She wants my emotional support, but where was she when I was drugged up and sleeping around, skipping school, getting fat and failing at everything. Dating Craig for fuck sakes! I fell asleep in Joseph's bed, he comes home with coffee and a smile like no other. I tell him I don't want to get old and sad, we interlock our fingers. I stop in to see her on my way to work, using dental hygiene as an excuse. She's asleep on the couch with my blanket, she's ok. Why this fear of death lately? Why does it seem the more I try to keep everyone I love alive, the closer to dead they become? |
[Dec. 18th, 2003|03:57 am] |
my heart is heavy. |
[Dec. 11th, 2003|03:19 am] |
first real kiss: josh, i was 10 he was 14, playing 7 minutes in heaven. i had braces.
first screen name: wretcheddoll16
first self purchased album: Greenday "dookie" in 5th grade
first funeral: my grandfather joseph, my mother's father
first pet: that i can remember, Betsy, a calico cat. she was my stepfather's cat before my mother married him
first piercing: never been pierced, EVER
first true love: Alex Zacarola, 7th grade.
first big trip: Maine to my grandparent's cottage on the lake
first musician you remember hearing in your house: Mozart
last big car ride: Camp Creek this summer in Mariaville, NY, past Albany
last kiss: Joseph today after I went up to visit him in Worcester
last good cry: i don't remember my last "good" cry, but i think it was when i was when matt and alisha's landlady evicted me. i cry a lot, so i really couldn't tell you
last movie seen: Sid and Nancy
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: I stoped at the new Japanese restaurant in Norwich. I ordered seaweed salad and a Rainbow roll to-go
last phone call: Joseph from work
last shoes worn: strappy heels
last CD played: Juliana Hatfield - Bed
last item bought: Dunkin Donuts hazelnut coffee
last disappointment: today, getting a $200 speeding ticket... grrrr....
last soda drank: is ginger ale a soda, if not, cherry coke
last ice cream eaten: cookie dough ice cream at friendly's
last shirt worn: i've been wearing a lot of sweaters, but i think the last shirt i wore was an oversized Sacred Heart shirt while I was bed-ridden |
[Dec. 11th, 2003|02:11 am] |
over the phone:
me: "i'm wearing heels, what do ya think of that?"
Joe: "I'm wearing heels, what do you think of that??"
What would ANYONE think of that? |
[Nov. 29th, 2003|04:27 am] |
anyone wanna hang out when i get out of work at 7am? i know i'm going to be bored. |
[Nov. 29th, 2003|04:03 am] |
babies get more attention than i do when i cry.
goo goo fucking gah gah |
[Nov. 24th, 2003|11:29 am] |
i got a super cute three-piece suit one piece for your body one piece for your smile one more little piece if you stay awhile |
[Nov. 23rd, 2003|08:53 pm] |
so i had a particularly pleasant weekend with Joseph. we didn't do anything special, just slept a lot, went out for breakfast twice, watched sid and nancy, and took a pointless trip to the mall. we sat on the couch for a while and i curled up against him while reading some bukowski and he played GameBoyAdvanced and gave me little kisses every now and again. i don't think anyone could be more in love than i am right now... |