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(1 misunderstanding | Try to understand)

[11 Sep 2001|11:29pm]
It's really horrible what's happened..

(Try to understand)

[04 Sep 2001|12:36am]
[ mood | indescribable ]

I spent the weekend at a friend's house. Some of my other friends were there. I spent like 10 minutes on Friday just analyzing Salem's (one of my friends) face. I always knew there was something weird about it but I couldn't figure out what. He has long sort of wavy jet black hair and clear icy-blue eyes. He's rather nice looking but something just didn't match. I came to the conclusion that it was either his eye-brows or his nose. His eye-brows (and eyes) make him look sinister. I don't know. He was sitting on the couch, next to me, watching tv and I noticed he just has this cold look about it him. It would be almost scary if I didn't know him.

(Try to understand)

Well [29 Aug 2001|08:30pm]
[ mood | bored ]

It's been pretty ok so far. I only know like 3 people that are my age. My cousin that I'm living with helped me dye my hair. We streak the bang and dyed the rest the colors of the streaks. My other cousin told me that I should try out for girls basketball. Why? I have no idea considering the fact that I have only played 3 times in my life and I was horrible. I'm not very "sporty" so to speak. I don't trip over my own feet or anything but still.. Conclusion: I'm not going to try out.

Damn, I'm bored

(Try to understand)

[23 Aug 2001|12:19pm]
One of my friends was instructing me on how to drive..I've completely forgotten all of what they told me.

Today is the first day of school, but I'm being home taught so it doesn't really mean anything to me. I do have books and all that but I really don't want to be home taught. I'm staying with my aunt and my cousin for the school year, maybe longer..who knows

(Try to understand)

The first of 2 [23 Aug 2001|11:52am]
1. Your Name: Killiana (ok so it's a nick-name but no one ever calls me by my real name, ever)
2. Your Nickname: Kill, Killy, K
3. Your Birthday: 8-13
4. Your Age Now: 15
5. Your Location: dead in the middle of some state
6. School Grade: 10th
7. Sex: Female
8. Zodiac Sign: Leo

about me

1. Hair Color: Dark Brown
2. Eye color: Dark Brown
3. Skin color: a weird yellowish-brownish color
4. Height: 5'4
5. Shoe size: 7 ?
6. Do you care about the way you look?: sorta
7. Do you get tanned?: no
8. Do you have big ears?: nope
9. Do you have contacts or glasses?: I have glasses and I used to have contacts

am i a...

1. Wuss: Nope
2. Class Clown: More like a sarcastic joker
3. Goodie 2 Shoes: not really
4. Dreamer: not really
5. Drunk: nope
6. Freak: by the defintion at, yes
7. Bitch: sometimes
8. Angel: not really

have i ever...

1. Eaten an entire box of Oreo's?: no, but more power to anyone that can
2. Gotten in a car accident?: yeah
3. Watched "Punky Brewster"?: nope
4. Hiked a mountain?: nope
5. Death Valley on horseback?: nope
6. Stayed home on a Saturday night just because?: I never go out on Saturday night..I don't know anyone here
1. Paper or Plastic: plastic
2. Deaf or Blind: neither
3. Truth or Dare: Truth
4. Night or Day: night
5. Beavis or Butthead: beavis
6. Ocean or Pool: ocean
7. Cake or Pie: cookies
8. Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
9. Cats or Dogs: dogs
10. Love or Lust: either
11. Pancakes or French toast?: pancakes
12. Bitter or Sweet: sweet
13. Silver or Gold: silver
14. Smoker or Nonsmoker: non-smoker
15. Diamonds or Pearls: diamonds
16. Hugs or Kisses: hugs
17. Bacon Bits or Croutons: bacon bits
18. Shaken or Stirred: shaken
19. Taco or Burrito: taco
20. Complex or Simple: complex
21. Armageddon or Independence Day: Independence day
22. Batman or Superman?: Batman
23. Nacho Cheese or Cooler Ranch: Nacho Cheese
24. Sun or Moon: moon
25. X's or O's: X's
26. Ice crushed or cubed: crushed
27. Showers or Baths: baths
28. Ketchup or Mustard: neither

in the past week have i...?

1. Cried?: nope
3. Cut your hair?: nope
4. Worn a skirt?: nope
5. Worn a tie?: nope
6. Been mean?: yeah
7. Been sarcastic?: yeah
8. Gone for a walk?: yeah
9. Gone out for dinner?: nope
10. Met someone new?: nope
11. Taken a test?: yeah
12. Talked to an ex: nope
13. Missed an ex?: mope
14. Hugged someone?: yeah
15. Kissed someone?: nope
16. Danced with someone?: yeah, well moshed and head-banged
17. Had a nightmare?: yeah
18. Fought with your parents?: yeah
19. WAS THIS FUN?: no

(Try to understand)

This..thing [21 Aug 2001|10:00am]
I don't know why I got one of these..but oh well, it's something to do

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