K's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in K's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, February 4th, 2005
    9:07 pm
    You ever have one of those days....
    Where you just want to punch someone in the face.

    Yeah I'm having one of those days
    Sunday, December 26th, 2004
    4:01 pm
    World of Warcraft
    Has anyone played it? What do you think of it? What server do you play on.

    Yadda yadda

    Thursday, December 23rd, 2004
    5:04 am

    What Will capnstinkypants Get ?
    Xmas pressie predictor
    Big wooly jumper knitted by indig0eyez
    Pair of Socks from ibdreamy
    Bottle of Whiskey from choel
    Cd from secretfuel
    Something Cuddly from painmonkey
    Something Intoxicating from themocks
    Something Silly from kmattson
    Something Funny from lotusbutterfly
    Lump of coal from brokenfaerie
    Something Pretty from threepennies
    Something Shiny from irishmegs7
    Something Naughty from 13thghost
    Something Smelly from mikeythebrujah
    Something Breakable from cuddlekitten
    Something Useful from janae
    Something not useful from aimercat
    The Black and Decker Tool Kit from white_tigress
    Livejournal account from deviatednorm
    The Make-up Bag from eurydice1
    Stack of DVDs from beautifulyou
    Something Geeky from blackwulf


    Made by _imran_ and beyond_bananas.
    Hosted at Memeland

    Tuesday, December 21st, 2004
    5:14 am
    A big sorry to all those not embroiled in the drama but I don't know how to do selective post things
    I really didn't want to say anything about what has going on lately until things had calmed down. I can see now that the chances of that happening are slim to none. I want to apologize to everyone that got caught up in this but I most especially want to apologize to "L". I should have been more of a man and told you when I first realized rather than waiting as long as I did. The truth is that while I am strong in some ways I am terribly weak in others. I hate to be the bearer of news that will make someone upset especially when it is over something I have done, or in this case feel. I'd love to make excuse for the length of time it took to bring up but I can't. I did at first saying that "she's having a bad day I'll wait till tomorrow. The fact of the matter though is that I should have been a man and stepped up. I didn't and for that I'm sorry. If there is anything I could do to go back and change that believe me I would do it at the drop of a hat. I've known you too long to not show you that little bit of respect. I was utterly remiss by putting my fears ahead of other people's emotions

    I have an apology also for all the friends that have been tangled up in this. If I had brought it up earlier I can't say that there wouldn't be hurt feelings over it but I believe they might not have been is bad. I'm sorry that I hurt friendships and put everyone in the unenviable of having to care for a hurt friend. I wish I could change the situation but what has happened unfortunately can't be rewritten. If you want to carry grudges or hatred for me I totally understand but know that I didn't do what I did out of spite.

    If you've managed to make it this far into the post then you realize that I've only apologized for not telling about the situation sooner. I don't mean to be mean or rub salt in a wound but that is all I can apologize for in this situation. I certainly can't apologize for the feelings I have because I can't be sorry for feeling them. I am sorry that people are hurt from them but I can't apologize for something I wouldn't take back for anything in the world. I wouldn't haven't went down a path that would cause so much hurt over a case of simple lust. I know that a people think that is what this is all about but it's not. It's about the fact that I found a connection with someone like I have never felt before and I would suffer infinitely more slings an arrows of insult than I already have and still account it a fair trade for what I received.

    This doesn't subtract from the fact that I am still upset that people were hurt by this.

    The fact that a lot of people are going to have to realize is that this isn't going to go away. It's something that everyone including myself and "A" are going to have to deal with for a long time.

    Feel free to make comments on this. I just ask that everyone involved on all sides of this matter take a step back and take a deep breath and try and talk to each other civilly. There are too many relationships that are worth too much to be lost over a hasty post or email sent in anger no matter how hot we are at the time we press send or post.

    I don't know what else to say.


    (I'm sorry if this rambles on and goes off tangent a lot it's rather late and I haven't been sleeping well lately)

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Flogging Molly - The Likes Of You
    Thursday, December 16th, 2004
    6:30 pm
    I hate the subject field
    I don't know how it ends up like this but once again my sleep schedule has done a complete flip-flop. I didn't go to sleep till noon today just so I could say that I had seen the sun. I'm also beginning to think that spending all the time I have been spending at home is having a really negative effect on me. It's like this black whole that sucks everything out of me. It make it really hard to want to get out of bed. I'm told this could be depression which is funny because I've never been happier. It's just that the things that make me happy are rather few and far between but they do so to a tremendous degree.

    I'm going to make it a point to try and get out for a bit tonight.

    Current Music: NIck Cave~ People Ain't no good
    Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
    2:50 pm
    This Post is only a place holder for people to yell at me and tell me how they really feel. Please make use of it.

    Monday, October 25th, 2004
    9:35 pm
    I'm sure everyone has seen this already. It is still one of the funniest things I have ever seen

    Sunday, August 15th, 2004
    4:15 pm
    yeah yeah so I never post
    There isn't really that much exciting going on in my life. So I see no point in detailing wasted days and boring you in the process. I've found that I am one of those people that live for the weekends and I really find it rather depressing that I am wasting 5/7ths of my life. I'm sure that I do some interesting things during the week but it's a matter of pushing bounderies. When you spend your whole weekend drinking whiskey blowing shit up and worshiping the devil it really makes it difficult for things that aren't over the top to be considered fun.

    and now a question. If you had to pick one song the described you at this moment in time what would it be?
    Saturday, March 13th, 2004
    2:26 pm
    So here I am
    I think it's nearing on six months since I last posted in here. They haven't been the best since months and they haven't been the worst. Life is what it is however and I just keep waking up every day trying to make the best of it.

    Since the last time I posted my grandmother died as well as my friend Chuck(Charles A hollick...The Chuck-A-hollick). My grandmother died in the begining of February and my friend Chuck killed himself back in November but I didn't find out about it until a couple of days after my Grandmother died. Having to deal with either by themselves would have been bad but combined it was just overwhelming.

    I didn't get to hang out with Chuck as much as I would have liked. I've known Chuck for 12 years and he was really one of the people I idolized when I was a teenager because he was a lot like me and a lot of what I wanted to grow into. I took martial arts lessons with Chuck and the school was my home away from home. I always said that my teacher at that time was like my father during that part of my life but Chuck was like my brother and as I lost touch with my teacher I kept in contact with Chuck.I'd never seen him without a smile on his face and there was never a time that we didn't great each other with a hug and a fist fight.

    When you learn of death it's like everyone is already dead. It's supposed to be like the big loss of innocence when you realize everyone around you is going to be in the dirt or floating in the sky some day. It's always harder when it's a friend and it never makes any sense. Grandparents are expected to die in your life time but when we're in our twenties it's hard to shake the feeling that we're invincible. People in their twenties that always have smiles on their faces don't take two bottles of tylenol PM and drink a bottle of liqour and die of liver failure...

    I'm out of words..

    Current Music: f**k the brittish army~ the irish rovers
    Thursday, September 18th, 2003
    4:56 pm
    Big Jerk
    For the record I am totally sober, the fact of which may be denied at a later date.

    I'm great at upsetting or offending those that truly mean a lot to me.

    I just got off the phone with someone that's in my top two people in the world...someone who's been asking me to post in here a lot lately. It's ironic that my upsetting her is the basis for this post..

    I joke a lot, and sometimes this offends people. It's hard to know when I am being serious and that frustrates me. It frustrates me because it's hard for me to change it and because I always feel that people should know when I am joking, though that's irrational because I can appear very serious when I'm not.

    I never want those I care about to doubt that I care and the person I pissed off I feel a great deal about.

    I wish I could write like I used to. I wish I could find the words and put them in an order that was pleasing to the eye and mind. It just seems like words are like so many slippery eels now...

    Current Mood: crappy
    Current Music: Johnny Cash~ I walk the line
    Monday, August 18th, 2003
    3:11 pm
    Interview answers and my first day as a Union Electrician
    First the interview questions from [info]adderynA.k.a Copula (and I have to interview people if they want me to..shucks)

    1. How did you get started playing vampire? Do you have a favorite local game to play?

    2. You're in charge of a project that has found the cure to a disease which kills hundreds of people every year around the world.
    The only drawback is that the final "cure" requires the certain death of a infant child as a result? Would it change matters if the death of the infant was to be quick and painless, or horribly slow, and painful ? Would it make a difference if you had just been diagnosed with this fatal disease?

    3. You spent the better part of a couple years following people around while working for the private investigation firm. Without revealing any thing that would compromise confidentiality, what's the most freaky or f'ed up thing you saw there?

    4. Do you think you'll ever go back to studying martial arts? Why or why not?

    5. I know you've started the new job training program. Where would you like to see yourself in 10 to 15 years?

    Answerps )

    I'm sure you can tell from the answers of the interview that I've started work with the Electricians Union Local #24. I started my first day today getting up at 4:15am. It was quite a change from going into work at 11pm and getting off at 7am but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I went to work at a Metro food mart about a half an hour from my house and was promptly set to digging out a trench about twenty feet long and consisting almost entirely of clay. The rest of the day was spent bending bending conduit which wires would be later run through (burried in the trench conviently enough)

    I can honestly say this was one of the best days of work I had in a very long time. The work was hard at some spots but not terribly hard and there was a sense of accomplishment when my shift was over. There is something to be said about good honestly labor that just can't be said about sitting on my butt behind a computer watching the clock for eight hours. It might not be for everyone but I like it.


    Current Music: James Connolly- Black 47
    Friday, August 1st, 2003
    3:22 pm
    Can someone explain to me why people put some much value on the truth when all they want it is a cleverly constructed lie that is more palatable.
    3:54 am
    Another kiler on the loose
    It's strange that near death experiences don't even excite me like they used to. It used to be that if someone tried to run me into a guard rail a couple of times at 85mph on the freeway that I would feel alive afterwards.

    I got chased in my car by some road-psycho morlock motherfucker on tonight. The guy kept weaving at me trying to bounce me of the guardrail which turned into a chase down I-695 at about 125mph.

    Little interludes from normalacy like that used to give me the giggles and make me focused and alive for a long time afterwards. This time I didn't feel anything, all I could think was the guy was being a jerk.

    What's that say?

    Thursday, July 31st, 2003
    5:10 am
    Hah hah hah
    Further proving the world is not ready for Kevin happiness. I got a ticket on the way home from Virginia tonight.
    72 in a 55


    Wednesday, July 30th, 2003
    8:10 pm
    Oh yeah.
    I forgot to mention. I have a new job working honest to goodness normal person hours. I start work with the electricians union in 2 weeks.

    I kind of dig it but at the same time job changes are a little stressfull.

    But hey..fuck it.

    Current Music: The White Stripes - Hello Operator
    8:07 pm
    I never remember dreams.
    Someone I haven't seen for coming on a year now has made two unscheduled appearences in my dreams lately. I don't know how I feel about that, they should really make sure I have room in my itinerary first.

    Upside, in my dream I was driving a ferrari while talking to them.


    P.s. something is wrong with my spell-checker so just pardon me if I spelled Itinerary or anything else wrong. Eguh

    Current Music: The White Stripes - I Want To Be The Boy
    Thursday, July 24th, 2003
    7:27 pm
    This has been like the third time I have wanted to go get sushi this week and have not been able to find someone. I really need to meet some more people in baltimore.

    Yes an annoyingly short entry.

    Current Music: The White Stripes - Offend in Every Way
    Tuesday, July 22nd, 2003
    11:13 am
    Well everyone else is doing it.
    Here's ten things about ten random people on my friends list and I'm not telling.

    1.)I never told you but I was sleeping with your girl when you were going out with her and got something.. You might want to get yourself checked out before you go crazy.

    2.)I'm not into guys or anything..but if I was drunk enough..you'd be in trouble.

    3.)I still haven't told anyone that you want to sleep with your friends wife.

    4.)okay girl, I've never met you but the words you write in your journal. I know you feel the same way about me as I do about you. Expect some flowers in the mail soon.

    5.)I know you took the money out of the box. How much your want to give me to keep quiet?

    6.)You're boyfriends cheating on you.

    7.)With this girl.

    8.)You cause too much ljdrama stop being such a queen.

    9.)I gave you a ride once and my car still stinks. Take a bath jerp.

    10.)Everybody who reads your journal can tell you dig girls. Don't be a shame sista step out of the closet before the moths eat you.

    there you go figure out who's who.

    Peace love and monkey grease

    Current Mood: mellow
    Saturday, July 12th, 2003
    10:08 am
    Old Fashioned guy.
    I may be old fashioned...but it seems to me that when the giant that holds up the world dies, we are screeeewwwwwweeedddd...
    Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003
    3:46 am
    Updated compatability thing
    I will rely on quizes to updated my journal as my life is boring.

    updated )
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