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Eye for an eye

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[17 Jan 2005|06:16pm]
I went to the doctor today and I have realized... this baby is NEVER going to come out! EVER! Now I had to walk up my moms driveway in slip on shoes with there being 1/2 an inch of ice still on the road... just so I cold post this. Yup... NEVER COMING OUT!
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[06 Sep 2004|09:01pm]
I think I will make all theposts in this journal private. That way I dont have to delete it... but it will be closed, and I can also have all my entries! I know a few of you haven't added the new journal. I am hoping I dont lose anyone during this change. I deleted those who I didn't want and kept who I liked, hopefully you like me back HEHEHE! alright... thats all. Just notes to myself.
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[05 Sep 2004|09:14pm]
Does anyone know the code to make all entried friends only without manually doing it?
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[05 Sep 2004|08:38pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

I think I need a vacation...Like a night in a hotel at the beach. Dinner made by someone other then me, salt water over my feet, and sand between my toes. I want to cuddle with my babies in bed, and watch a fire in a fire place, while I hear the waves from the ocean. I dont only WANT this I NEED this. No worries for one day. Why can't I have this? Why cant I get a break in life right now? No money. Thats why. It's a harsh reality. I have my basic needs taken care of. What more can a person need right? Wrong I need this one day. I need this one night. I need the ocean. I NEED IT!

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[05 Sep 2004|07:41pm]
I can't stop crying I am so scared.
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[05 Sep 2004|02:01pm]
[ mood | worried ]

welcome to my own personal hell... Spinal meningitis... OR... bleeding of the brain... either of which cannot be treated, and neither have been diagnosed since I refused a spinal tap while I laid in the hospital for 6 hours! I may need a spianl tap in the next few days. I bawled the entire time I was in the hopital and they said I was going to have to have a tap. The IV was tramuatizing enough.


NO spinal... sorry VIRAL!

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[04 Sep 2004|10:02pm]
[ mood | DRAMA! ]

vicoden makes me anxious, my jaw lock, and my hands and feet tingly. I hate it. The headache is STILL there! *bawls her eyes out* When will this end? WHEN? this headache has moved down my neck around the front of my neck and it makes me feel like I can't swallow. Maybe I have mono? MAYBE IT'S CANCER AND I AM DYING!!!!! *drama drama drama* Blah, I may break down and just go to the E.R. tomorrow. There had to be a cause for a headache this severe for this long!

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[04 Sep 2004|01:47pm]
:( the doctor woudlnt' treat me. My OBGYN is out until tuesday! AND the other doc said she owudl call i might have to have a shot but have they called yet? NO!!! and my paid account expires in THREE DAYS *SOBS*
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[04 Sep 2004|07:03am]
[ mood | exhausted ]

ok I am convinced I am dying, my brain is rotting and I am dying. I am calling the dr as soon as they open in two hours! *open open open*

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[03 Sep 2004|06:08pm]
I must say for someone DYING I made a damn good dinner, I am just waiting for josh to get out of the *ahem* bathroom to eat it. Kinda of an odd mix. I took boneless skinless chicken breats dipped them in milk then rolled them in bread crumbs, then laid them in a pan with olive oil and baked them. Also Smashed (not mashed) red potatos with garlic, pepper, and sour cream. THEN I took rice, tomato sauce a few herbs, green pepper and tomatos and put them in a dish covered them with cheese and baked it! YUM! I coudln't decide we'll have leftovers for months! LOL!
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[03 Sep 2004|04:12pm]
[ mood | loved ]

Olivia is the cutest thing EVER,She just came up and gave me a biiiiiiiiiig grunty hug and then I kissed her and she goes *awwwwwwwwwww tank youuuuuuuu* hehehe she has a lil tiny voice too!

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[03 Sep 2004|03:53pm]
I think I need to do something fun this weekend before I turn on myself and make this life a little more miserable. but WHAT? *sigh*
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[03 Sep 2004|02:36pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

errrrrrrg so I called in sick it hurts sooo bad I cannot stand it. I may call the doctor soon and beg him for ANYTHING. Olivia is sitting in my bed eating quesadilla (sp?) and nectarines... she ate her fruit first raised her hands and said : uhh THAT? while shrugging. LOL I think she wanted more but she ate the whole dang thing. BLAH I am heading back to the land of laying in bed.

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[03 Sep 2004|11:34am]
[ mood | crappy ]

I am making a friends cut in a few...if you want to stay say aye now, if not I am cutting ya... no one comments anymore, or I dont hear from people. Sorry.

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[03 Sep 2004|07:19am]
I started getting alil headache nearly three days ago.. when I woke up yesterday I thought oh god nooooo because it was still there... which of course means migraine. Mine always last a few days after the big one hits. so last night at work I was getting the pretty spots inm y eyes, the I'm going to throw up if you talk to loud at me, then I want to layon the cold floor until I die feeling. BLAH woke up this morning... it's still here. Night night!
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[02 Sep 2004|02:06pm]
hmm photobucket isn't working for me rightn ow and I am kinda angry! ANGER! GRR!
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[02 Sep 2004|08:17am]
is anyone else having problems with photobucket?
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[01 Sep 2004|07:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]

HA HA HA we SOO failed at making our own homeade yeast dough for pizza crust soooo failed like WHOA! HA HA HA it is a hard elastic knot of dough!

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[01 Sep 2004|03:33pm]
Isn't it silly that when I get emails from Josh I still get butterflies after 3 year and a baby and a half. Sometimes getting out of reality and not having to talk face to face can stir up a lot.
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[01 Sep 2004|01:21pm]
I got my crochet needle, now I need to go buy some yarn. :-( there is NO place in this town however to get such a thing as YARN! *grumble* so yeah I will be making booties, and scarves. Screw the blanket deal they get boring too fast lol.
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