So I says to Mabel, I says...
"I am electric jesus!"
Current Month
Feb. 5th, 2005 @ 02:32 am I miss the good ol' days when Phil's was my second home.
I feel: less drunk than I'd like to be

Falling into things--something Jon & Kristy apparently did.
Jon: "I fell into a steel pole!"
Kristy: "I fell into some fingers!"
I swear, it actually was said!

I grabbed Kristy's boobs a lot tonight. It was hard not to. They were RIGHT THERE. Then I showed her my armpit. And she licked it. Well, no. She licked my face. I taste salty. So does she. It was nice of Kristy to come with us, last minute though it was. I miss the previous frequency of our crazy antics.

She was extra hostile to Lil Dave all night. He seems to have lost his enthusiasm for aquafit.

Well, that's it.
Feb. 2nd, 2005 @ 09:49 pm Funny things you hear while taking a belly dance class...
I feel: tired

"Follow the jiggling butt!"

Greta just had her wisdom teeth pulled on Monday, so she couldn't come to the belly dance class, but I'm glad I went anyway. It's fun, and a little silly too.

I was going to write more, but it's hard to concentrate with all this moving about of Jon's computer, so I'll stop there.
Jan. 31st, 2005 @ 12:21 pm Train ride with a musical hairless cougar
I feel: hungry

Hi. I'm back from North Bay.
I travelled for 19 hours total, and was only home for about 35 hours--and had to fit two nights' worth of sleep in there, so really, I was only conscious at home for about 20 hours. It was nice, though. I hung out with my Mom & watched movies all day Saturday. That is all I did. I didn't call anyone, I didn't go anywhere, and I didn't even leave the house. If anyone DARES to whine or guilt-trip me about the fact that I didn't call or go see them... well, tough luck. I can't run around like a decapitated chicken every time I go home. I'll be back over reading week, so I'll see some people then. In the meantime, deal with it. And please don't ask me 800 times when I'll be arriving, because I don't know, and probably won't know until the damned day I'm leaving. </frustrated rant>

Mom was so glad to have me home, and so sad to see me leave. She packed me a lunch for the trip home!

I sat with this amusing lady on the train both ways. Cap would've loved her; such a cougar. Fluffy white coat, pointy purple stilletto snakeskin boots, inch-long nails (I kept thinking she would accidentally gouge her own eyes out while she was sleeping on the way back), bright pink lipgloss... She was really nice, though. Single, 37, Italian, receptionist/former aesthetician who grew up in Oshawa and has family in Cambridge. We had a good conversation on the way up (but she was sleeping & I was reading on the way back, so we didn't talk as much then). It'd be crazy to run into her again.

I bought myself an mp3 player/FM radio for the trip. This sucker has amazing battery life! It may be a good thing that Future Shop didn't have the one I actually wanted.

In other news, my armpits are no longer hairy. I feel all weird and naked.

I'm having lunch with Kristy tomorrow! Whee.

Must go. I need lunch.
Jan. 27th, 2005 @ 02:33 am Hey, Kristy...
I feel: restless


I'm sorry I won't be able to take part in any festivities that may occur this weekend. I've decided to go home.

I need some home time right now. I've been feeling glum lately, and I've been sleeping horribly, and... oh, what the fuck, no sense in hiding it; ...things have been a little rough for Jon & I, and a couple of days apart may do us some good.
Jan. 21st, 2005 @ 12:16 pm Wooh!
I feel: pleased

I got 98 on my first distance ed. French test!
Jan. 20th, 2005 @ 01:41 pm Delicious!
I feel: excited
I'm listening to: The Smiths - This Charming Man

I'm making pasta sauce in the slow-cooker, and DAMN, does it smell good. Can't wait 'til dinner! ...Literally, I couldn't wait: I had a little sauce on toast for lunch.

On Monday, Greta finally convinced me to sign up for a class with her through campus recreation. Last night, we had our very first belly dancing lesson--yes, belly dancing. It wasn't quite what I expected; it was quite challenging, and a lot of fun. We felt like idiots, but had a great time anyhow. This one girl passed out midway through the class; she'd given blood yesterday, and I guess she didn't have enough flowing in her system... It was scary, but she turned out to be fine, just really embarrassed.

Well, I'm off to get ready for Primate Behaviour. It's movie day! Hooray!
Jan. 16th, 2005 @ 11:41 am Oh, what a night.
I feel: crazy

I hung out with Greta & her friends, Laura & Amrit, last night (and her roommates Ted & Pete as well). We were supposed to go to The Silver Spur (think cowboy karaoke), but ended up going to a keg party instead. A THEMED keg party. Shipwrecked! There were lots of people wearing purposely torn clothes. We wore homemade bandanas and eye patches. But then we took them off--but kept our coats on, 'cause there was nowhere else to put them. It was an insane, crazy party. There was a skateboard park-type thing INSIDE the house!! There were people everywhere, and pitchers of beer everywhere, and this drunk guy playing a drum. I took a whole slew of pictures & videos (some of which I don't remember at all). The cops came, so we left the party and went back down the street to Greta's house. I eventually walked (er, weaved) home, and have no idea what time I got back. I should have just taken a cab home, but for some reason, I thought I was too drunk to take a cab. Yeah, there's logic for you.
I woke up at 10:30 this morning, and still felt drunk. I don't think I had enough water before I went to bed.
Jan. 14th, 2005 @ 11:08 am What I've been up to over the past week:
I feel: weird
I'm listening to: David Bowie - Rebel, Rebel

Last Friday, Jon & I had dinner with Kristy & Bill at the Mongolian Grill. Yum. Then we all came back to our place and introduced Bill to the wonders of Shaft, after which we played a lively game of Balderdash.

Saturday was a Phil's night, as was already recorded. Much fun was had!

I got my hair cut again before class on Tuesday; it had been getting a little too long, and thus wasn't agreeing with me. But then I got it cut a little too short, and it's taken some getting used to.
After class on Tuesday, Jon & I signed up for the Ski club. On the way home, we were debating what to eat for dinner. When we arrived home, we discovered that Jess & Daryl had invited us over for dinner. Problem solved! We had some delicious homemade lasagna, garlic bread, and salad, and got to hang out with a bunch of fun folks. We played Cranium after dinner, which proved to be quite fun, and a little challenging (it's really hard to play pictionary with your eyes closed!).

I had my first Fossil Hominids lab on Wednesday. We measured each other, using calipers & whatnot. Even Dr. Zeller got measured! Greta & I aren't in the same lab group this time, which made me a little sad at first, but I think it may work out for the better; I can get to know a few more people this way.

Otherwise, I've been doing a fair bit of schoolwork. Plenty of reading, lots of French exercises... I'm almost done my first assignment, which isn't due for another week and a half. How weird is that? Am I actually getting organized??

The weather has been absolutely crazy here lately. It's been raining for the past couple of days--it poured yesterday!! Now it's kind of chilly again. This is the weirdest winter ever.

Tomorrow night (Saturday), I've agreed to go to the Silver Spur (karaoke bar) with Greta & some of her friends. Apparently Greta will sing "Build me up, Buttercup", which should be... interesting.
Jan. 9th, 2005 @ 03:45 am First Phil's night of 2005
I feel: good

-The girl who was about to pop out of her shirt. She was very prominent.
-I saw Lisa, a girl I know from Anthro
-Mmy conversation with two random girls in the bathroom, anamed Lindsay and Lisa, and our search for guys with names that match too, like Mike & Matt, or Rob & Rick.
-Lots of double drinks. Jon started a double drink trend, and nw I've joined it.
00-Lenders was DRUNK. And very entertaining on the walk home. Rambling and weaving. Mostly rambling.
-Jon did some sort of weird Markham shot thing with people from Markham.
-I left another message for Kristy in one of the bathroom stalls. Something about a bum war challenge.
-I'm not suuuuper drunk, but I have a wonderful buzz, in that I don't care to o much about typos.
-Losts of dancing, which is good, 'acaus e I haven't danced in ages and ages, and it was necesary.
-I think I've lost my touch with Sarah the DJ. I told her as much, and she was all like, "no one ahas favour, blah blah," and I was all like, "Just kidding, chill bitch!" And she was like, "Don't go there!@" and I was like, "no you didn't!" and then we ripped each others' clothes off and made out. Well, not really.

Okay, okay. I thkn our pizza leftovers should be ready soon.

P.S. Lil Dave & I pledged to learn tehe lyrics to "Rebel Rebel" bevore next Phil's night.
Jan. 5th, 2005 @ 09:08 pm This'll be a doozy of a term.
I feel: determined

Hoo boy! I just spent the last few hours going over my test/assignment schedule for this term. First, I wrote everything out on a monthly wall calendar, and immediately felt overwhelmed. Once I recovered from the internal freak-out, I decided to make use of the free calendar program thingy that Yahoo! provides. Everything's all scheduled in, e-mail reminders are set, and I feel a whole lot better about the situation. Still, there's much to do, and I haven't even factored in the course readings yet. Insanity! I can do this though; I just have to remain calm.

I'm trying to make some changes to my routine this term. I'm going to start doing schoolwork earlier in the day; too often last term, I wouldn't get anything done before 16:00, even when I had the whole freaking day off. I also hope to start writing papers a few days sooner than I did last term, in hopes that I can get more things handed in on time. Greta & I have talked about taking a class through campus rec. I'm also considering taking on one short shift per week at Mark's Work Wearhouse, because I'm a little concerned about my spending funds for this term.

I'm currently reading Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, at my brother's recommendation. I'm only a few dozen pages into it, but I think it really may help me. When we were having lunch together yesterday, Kristy asked what I worry about. "Everything!" Sad, but so very true.

Here's to a good, productive term!
Jan. 4th, 2005 @ 11:25 am It's the first day of school!
I feel: cheerful

Christmas holidays really should have been longer. Oh well.

Although I don't have class 'til 14:30, I'm off to campus now to meet Kristy for lunch. Hooray!
Jan. 2nd, 2005 @ 01:01 am Back in the 'Loo
I feel: tired

We've returned to Waterloo & we're all unpacked & everything. Can't wait to try out the new vacuum cleaner tomorrow. Sounds crazy, yes, but I'm kind of excited about this.

We had a little get together at Vince's for New Year's Eve. It was thrown together at the last minute, but it was loads of fun! We played Balderdash and Taboo, and ate oodles of hors d'oeuvres & snacks, courtesy of Vin. It was a nice, tame celebration. Exactly what I wanted. Many thanks, Vince!

Today was the last of the family Christmas celebrations. We all headed over to Uxbridge for a visit & an early dinner. My family cannot communicate. Mom & Dad brought roast beef, thinking we'd have that at suppertime, but instead, when we arrived around 15:00, a full meal was already cooked. Huh? Insane, I tell you. This is NOT how I will run MY Christmas dinners--y'know, when I have a house in which to hold them and all that jazz.

It's totally bedtime.
Dec. 31st, 2004 @ 04:57 pm Last post of 2004 (I think).
I feel: fine

Had a fun night out with a good chunk of the gang last night: bowling, pool, & wings, then sliding down the sidewalk on Main St. (good ol' freezing rain). It was great to see everyone!

Still not sure what exactly is going on for tonight. People were trying to set something up last night, but who knows... I'm fine with a quiet new year's eve this year. I'll tell you one thing: I am NOT drinking oodles of wine straight from the bottle as I did last year--such a headache resulted on the following day!

Man... Imagine having everything swept away in a giant wave. What an awful, random thing...

Hope 2005 brings some good things to you all.
Dec. 28th, 2004 @ 05:44 pm Hmm. How strange.
I feel: puzzled

I'm home!!!
...but no one else is. My parents have mysteriously disappeared.

Jon drove me to meet Greggy at the carpool lot at King City. From there, Greggy & I went on a shopping excursion at the Cookstown outlet mall, then he drove me home. Fun! So here I am, alone with the kitty, giggling about how small the Christmas tree is. It's about half the size of the ones Dad usually gets!

Tonight I may stay in and veg, maybe make some calls, see who's in town...

Where the hell are my parents??

Update: My Mom just called. She was working out (weird.) and will be home shortly.
Dec. 26th, 2004 @ 04:59 pm Christmas, and a visit to the electronic candy store bar.
Christmas in Markham has been nice so far. Jon & Sarah insisted that we get up at 07:30 on Christmas Day in order to partake in the opening of gifts. Crazy kids. Lots of nice stuff was exchanged. It seems weird that I have yet to open my parents' gifts.
I played Risk with Jon, his Dad, and his sister on Christmas afternoon. Jon's Dad kicked our asses.
We had dinner at Jon's dad's sister's house last night. It was yummy. Jon's cousins are fun. I want cousins my age. Or maybe just girl cousins would do.
Today, Jon & I headed over to the Pacific (Asian) Mall and stood in line for a total of two hours so that we could purchase electronic toys. See, the store we were headed for is pretty tiny, so we waited in a line and people were allowed in only when others left; we joked that it was like waiting to get into a bar. Also, we were kind of excited to go in, which made it like a candy store...
Anywho, I bought myself a new digital camera. It's tiny, and shiny, and I like it. I'll let Jon tell you what he got.
Until later...
Dec. 23rd, 2004 @ 05:46 pm Snowysnowsnow.
I feel: hungry

Lots of snow today. Over a foot. Donna let me take some socks off the shelf to replace my wet ones.

Off to Markham this evening. No more work! Yay!

Got my marks back. I'm thoroughly pleased: GER 201=67; ANTH 460=77; ANTH 352=86!!! ROCKIN'!! (ANTH 201 wasn't posted yet.)

Merry Christmas, everyone!!
Dec. 23rd, 2004 @ 12:33 am Pre-Christmas #2
I feel: sleepy

Jon & I went over to Chris & Christie's place today for a small pre-Christmas celebration. We exchanged gifts (and we gave Chris his birthday present, which he loved, because it's the new Optimus Prime) and ate pizza and had a jolly good time looking at porn pics of Christie's best friend. Jon barked at the kitties. I got fun things! Oodles of plates with fun animal pictures on them, and happy/grumpy t-shirts (Charlotte/Vendetta from Making Fiends), and a book written by crazy Anne Heche. Whee!

One more day of work for both of us, then we're off to Markham tomorrow night. This wacky snowstorm is trying to mess with our travelling!
Not entirely sure when I'll be in North Bay. I may take the train up on the evening of the 27th. Probably be leaving on the 1st. We shall see, I suppose.
Dec. 21st, 2004 @ 08:49 am Mmm! Christmas cookies!
I feel: bouncy
I'm listening to: Ru Paul - Hard Candy Christmas

I spent yesterday afternoon baking Christmas cookies while yakking with Paula (she's staying at Carl's this week, and I asked her to come over, since I had the day off). We now have oodles & oodles of shortbread, and some chocolate chip cookies with crushed candy canes in 'em. I did something silly & left the last pan in the oven for like an hour after Paula left, but surprisingly, the last 7 cookies didn't burn; they're just brown & unbelievably crunchy. I've never done something like that before, but I found it kinda funny.

I called Mom last night to see how her exam went (she's taking courses via distance ed.), and I bitched about how Christmas plans still weren't really solidified. Then she called Aunt Darlene and sorted it all out. So apparently there's a post-Christmas gathering at Grandmum's on New Year's Day. I'm telling you, I'm taking matters into my own hands next year.

Ooops! Must go... work time!

P.S. I downloaded a bunch of new Christmas music yesterday; this song cracks me right the fuck up!
Dec. 18th, 2004 @ 08:34 pm All done!
I feel: chipper

Christmas shopping: check.
I walked Uptown today while Jon was out doing his own shopping. I picked up a few small things for Bobbi, Greta, & Jon's aunt, and also something small to add to my gift to Sarah (Jon's sister). Earlier, while we were out & about, Jon kindly took me to the liquor store, where I purchased my gift to his parents. I am now good to go. I've never been so organized for Christmas. I feel all weird and stuff.
While Uptown, I stopped in at the ol' framing shop to say hi to my former boss(es). Ross and Sue seem about the same. The store looks quite nice; they got rid of some of the clutter, and changed the window display. It didn't seem all that busy though, which is unfortunate. Looks like May is still working for them, which hopefully means that business didn't go too much further downhill since they laid me off.

Tomorrow, we're heading to Markham for dinner. Jon's aunt Sharon (his Mom's twin) will be with family out east for Christmas, so tomorrow will be a little pre-Christmas celebration thingy. Should be fun!
Dec. 18th, 2004 @ 09:29 am Much-needed rest
I feel: refreshed

Ah! That was the best sleep I've had in weeks!
Dec. 17th, 2004 @ 10:57 pm The Christmas shoppers are out in droves.
I feel: tired

So I've been working at Mark's Work Madhouse for the past couple of days. It's been crazy-busy, and it's only gonna be worse next week. It's good to have something to fill the time, though; I'd probably be bored out of my skull if I didn't decide to take a handful of shifts. I had a few moments yesterday & today during which I thought, "WHY in the fuck am I doing this to myself??" But then I think, "What ELSE were you gonna do anyway?" I've had some good moments too though, which make it all the more worthwhile. That and the paycheque, with which I intend to buy something nice.
Dec. 15th, 2004 @ 05:50 pm I'm done! Totally done!
I feel: hungry
I'm listening to: Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia

No more exams! No more assignments! No more readings! ....for two weeks.

I feel weird now. I could do absolutely nothing tonight, and it'd be okay!
Dec. 14th, 2004 @ 02:08 pm One to go!
I feel: weird
I'm listening to: Elvis Presley - Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me)

Two exams down now. This morning's German exam was... okay, I guess. It was a bit easier than I thought it'd be, but I got bored while writing the "essay" question (which was really a "write a letter" question) and cut it short. Anyhow, I should have no problem getting at least a 60 in that course, which is all I wanted. Goooood enough.

I left the exam room around 11, then headed to the book store to grab a bunch of my textbooks for next term. I was hoping to get my hair trimmed before Christmas, 'cause when Dee cut my hair last time, she left it a little long in some spots, and after a few weeks of growth, it's not doing quite what I want it to do anymore. I figured I may as well get it done while I was on campus, so I headed over to the hair salon in the SLC. Janet was the name of my hairstylist, and she struck me as a little odd, but in an amusing way. Anyhow, she did a fabulous job of the trimming & texturizing; hopefully it'll work better for longer this time. It probably won't look any different to anyone else, but it looks better to me, dammit.

Last night, I called Mom 'cause I heard a rumour that Chris & Christie were going up north for Christmas Eve & Day, and I wanted to confirm Christmas plans. It turns out that my family won't be in Uxbridge when I thought they would be, so everything's gotten a lot more complicated. I was pretty stressed/upset about that last night, but I think I can largely attribute that to the fact that I was running on only a few hours of sleep, and was trying to study for my German exam. Today (after having double the sleep, and one less exam to worry about), I feel fine about it. Go figure.
I will admit that I really need a trip home. I haven't been since Thanksgiving. I hate that I can't go back very frequently anymore. I miss home. I just feel so very at peace there--more so in the summer, but still... It'll be nice to go up for a few days later this month. We're still working out the details, but I'll let you North Bay folks know when I'll be around.

I have a few articles to read for ANTH 201, then I'll be hitting up the notes. I've killed three highlighters so far this term; I hope my last one doesn't give out on me before I'm finished going through my notes! That would make me so very sad.
Dec. 13th, 2004 @ 01:21 pm Good news, everyone!
I feel: pleased

My ANTH 352 exam went pretty well. I walked out thinking, "That wasn't so bad. ......Weird!"
I managed to get everything done, but my essays were on the short side. No big deal.
We got our papers back. I got 80%, even though mine was about half the length it was supposed to be! Awesome! I have learned that it just isn't worth putting forth your full effort. Let's face it: if I had gone to the trouble of writing more in that paper, I probably would've only gained a measly 5% for my efforts. An 80 is just fine by me, thanks.
Soo... even if I only get a 70 on the exam, my final grade will be 78. YAAAYYY!!!
Dec. 12th, 2004 @ 02:26 pm Exam-time ponderings
I feel: contemplative
I'm listening to: Bing Crosby - Mele Kalikimaka

It's hard to believe that in 19 hours, I will be writing my first exam. Even more difficult to believe: in three days' time, I'll be just starting to write my last exam. This is going to be crazy--for my exams to start and end so quickly. Sure, I had that take-home exam last week, but that just felt like another assignment, really.

I watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation last night. It had been a few years since I'd last seen it; I'd forgotten how wonderful it is. Last night, I was looking at it in a new light, partly because I'm at an age where I'm starting to think about having a family of my own, and partly because all these anthropology classes make me view the world differently. I've seen the movie dozens of times (no exaggeration), but there were quite a few things I picked up on last night that I hadn't caught before. It was really neat!

I had a fantastic phone conversation with Kristy not long after watching the movie. It's gonna be soo great to have her back in Waterloo again! We're not going to see as much of each other as we did the last couple of terms she was here (since she'll be living across town, instead of in the room across from mine), but I'm sure we'll manage to have plenty of good times anyway.

It's snowing madly today. That's one thing I always find odd about exam time: it's so different outside than it was for most of the preceding school term. During December exams, it gets dark much sooner, and there's suddenly a bunch of snow that wasn't there previously; during April exams, it stays bright for longer, and the snow that previously covered the ground is no longer there. I find it a little freaky. I guess the summer term is different, though--but I've only been in school for one summer term thus far.

I'm doing my best not to get too stressed out about exams this time around. I don't want to make myself sick, 'cause being sick at Christmas is awful. I'm being quite leisurely about studying, and it's rather nice. Maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot. Maybe it's a fabulous idea. I guess we'll see in a few days.

...Well, I'm off to cram. Wish me luck!
Dec. 10th, 2004 @ 11:05 pm and AND!!!
I feel: ecstatic

While I was browsing through the DVDs in Zellers today, I came across The Secret of Nimh. It was one of my favouritest movies when I was a kid, and I haven't noticed it being sold anywhere before--not even on VHS; hence, I was very excited when I found it today. It was less than $8 before taxes, and I only saw one copy of it, so I nabbed it and ran like hell. Well, no. I picked it up gingerly and clutched it to my heart. Okay, that's not how it happened either. Anyway, I happily purchased the movie, and we will soon be viewing it. Awesome! Jon's never seen it before, so I must expose him to its goodness.
Dec. 10th, 2004 @ 10:39 pm The shoppers rush home with their treasures
I'm listening to: Vonda Shepard - Silver Bells

Wheee! I went to the mall this afternoon. I'm so very close to being finished with my Christmas shopping. I even did a bunch of wrapping tonight! It was fun! There are presents under our tree now! Yay!
O Christmas Tree )

I just need to get a gift for Jon's parents. As far as I know, there aren't any wine stores in Conestoga Mall. Yes, I'm copping out and getting them wine. I can't go wrong getting them wine; they love the stuff. Maybe next year I'll get them something more creative...
Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 03:08 pm Whew.
I feel: relieved

Lucky for me, Anne was understanding and allowed me to e-mail the exam to her. Of course, a few minutes after I sent the e-mail, I managed to get the fucking printer fixed. I called to ask if she still wanted me to run a hard copy over to her, but she said it wasn't necessary. Now I feel all weird and empty. What the hell am I going to do for the rest of the afternoon? Oh right. I have more exams to study for. And I could use some more sleep, too...
[I'm such a posting whore today.]
Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 02:41 pm Technical difficulties
I feel: rushed

Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 01:37 pm AAAAACK!
I feel: panicky

One hour left.
I have two of four essays completed. One other essay is 2/3 finished, and another is about 1/4 finished.
Sweet merciful crap!
Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 11:42 am Two exam questions finished.
I feel: Eeep!!
I'm listening to: Jane Krakowski - Run, Rudolph, Run

So, can I write two more mini-essays in three hours? Let's hope so.
Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 12:27 am Boo!
I feel: annoyed

One mini-essay down, three to go.
I think I would've rather written a 3-hr. exam; it would've taken less of my time, studying included.
Dec. 8th, 2004 @ 01:51 pm A Trip Uptown
I feel: relaxed

I walked to Uptown Waterloo today and did some more Christmas shopping. I also did a little shopping at Mark's Work Wearhouse last night. I'm doing pretty well. Just a couple more shopping trips, I imagine.
I bought a bucket of fresh diced pineapple today. I was going to save some for later, but it was so delicious that I gulped it all down in one sitting. Oops.
There was a guy playing a piano in the middle of Waterloo Town Square. It was a little odd, but made the atmosphere quite nice.
I noticed a dentist's office nearby that's taking new patients. I think I'll make an appointment there for sometime in January; it's been over a year since I saw my dentist at home, and it just doesn't make sense for me to book appointments in North Bay anymore, 'cause I have to book so damned far in advance at that office...
Anywho, now that I'm armed with study snacks, it's time to get cracking on that take-home exam.
Dec. 6th, 2004 @ 04:15 pm School's out!
I feel: okay
I'm listening to: The Used - Greener With The Scenery

Yay! No more class! ...for this semester, anyway.

I got a few things back today. Babble about current & projected marks )

My take-home exam for ANTH 460 isn't quite what I was expecting. There are six questions, and we have to answer four of them, each in a 3-4 page essay. Ack! I still have some reading to do before I get started on the exam itself. I'm sure I can manage to do okay, but the exam is going to take more of my time than I had earlier anticipated, which means less study time for my other classes during the next few days. Argh!

One step at a time, I guess. I'm capable.
Dec. 5th, 2004 @ 11:52 pm So it begins!
I feel: silly

Since my first (take-home) exam technically starts tomorrow, the exam no shave rule is now in effect. [info]elindros8897 started this tradition a while back, and I've been participating for the last several exam periods. Ordinarily, I only shave my legs every two weeks or so anyway, but it's the principle of the thing...

Here, Dave requested that the participating ladies not post 'after' pictures, but he said nothing about before pictures!
Feast your eyes! )

Good luck to all those entering exam season!
Dec. 3rd, 2004 @ 04:29 pm Almost over
I feel: okay

Well, just one more day of classes left this term. I'm kind of peeved that they didn't just have classes end today instead of dragging it out 'til Monday, but I suppose it's not the end of the world.

I had to present a short skit in German class today, and it went fairly well; both my partner and I remembered our lines. Hooray for us!

So, what have I been up to this week?
Saturday: Spent the whole freaking day (or so it seemed) catching up on readings for archaeology so that I could write the online quiz. Jon & I went to The Spongebob Squarepants Movie Sat. night, his treat, as a reward for my timely completion of my last essay.
Sunday: Went to Grandmum's for a late lunch with my family. It was a little strange not to have Muffy around, but at least the parents brought the kitty with them. I like kitties. Stopped at Jon's parents' place in Markham for a quick visit on the way back to Waterloo.
Monday: Nothing interesting happened, to my recollection.
Tuesday: I spent the day cleaning like a mofo. Yes, a mofo. It'll be nice when we get a real vacuum cleaner for Christmas. Our dustbuster sucks--and by that, I mean it doesn't suck hard enough.
Wednesday: Jon & I bought a little Christmas tree at Zellers, but forgot to buy hooks for the ornaments, so it's not decorated yet. Pictures to come when we get ornament hooks.
Thursday: I presented Jon with an early Christmas gift. You'll all just have to wonder what it is.
Friday: That's today! It's bloody cold out. I stopped in at work on the way back from school and left a note for Donna (who wasn't there again--she never seems to be around when I go in to tell her I'm available to work) telling her I'd work a bunch of 9-5 shifts before Christmas, once I'm finished with exams.

My take-home exam for ANTH 460 starts on Monday, and has to be submitted on Thursday. The fact that I still have to attend lectures on Monday cheats me out of a bit of time that could be spent working on that take-home exam. How irksome. Then it's studystudystudyexamexamexam from the 10th 'til the 15th, then this term will be over. How nice.

Can't wait to do more Christmas shopping. I actually have money to spare this year, so shopping will be more fun than it was last year, when everyone was confined to Dollarama gifts. I think this is where Jon & I differ in how we enjoy Christmas: I like shopping & buying stuff for people, and he likes everything else.
Nov. 26th, 2004 @ 10:01 pm So...very....tiiiired.
I feel: exhausted
I'm listening to: Tegan and Sara - Want to be Bad

I think I slept from about 02:30-04:30/5ish last night, and that's about it. I took a wee nap after returning from submitting my essay, thinking we'd be heading to a movie tonight (as I explained to Kristy in this comment, Jon and I made a deal about going to a movie after I finished my essay), but it turns out that Jon already had plans to play D&D; tonight, so the movie's postponed 'til tomorrow.
After Jon left, I ordered some Swiss Chalet delivery, and vegetated in front of the tv for a couple of hours. Then I did the dishes. I really don't have the energy to do much else right now. I'll probably just go to bed soon. Maybe a bubble bath first...
Ramble ramble.
I just don't know what to do with myself now that I don't have essays to avoid.
What's really remarkable is that I didn't write a word of this last paper 'til nearly 06:30 this morning; I'd just done a LOT of research in the preceding days. But I still got it done in time! Crazy.
I'm disappointed that I missed my archaeology class today though; Dr. Park invited us to his lab so we could look at a bunch of the stuff he's dug up over the years. I've been looking forward to the lab day since he mentioned it at the beginning of the semester.... Well, maybe there'll be other opportunities. I had to finish that essay, for my sanity's sake.
Okay, okay. Enough yammering. I'm off to climb into the tub with my ANTH 201 textbook. Party.
Nov. 26th, 2004 @ 02:59 pm Fucking DONE!!
I feel: accomplished

Just barely finished in time to hand it in at the end of class. Whew!


Last major assignment of the term!

Rock on, banana!

...C'mon, humour me and offer your congratulations.
Nov. 26th, 2004 @ 12:36 pm So close!
I feel: productive

The ANTH 352 essay is looking good so far... But can I finish it in time, with a little more than an hour left? (Two hours at most, if I show up halfway through class.)
It's not a huge deal if I don't hand it in today, but it'd be nice to get it done & over with so that I can have a semi-relaxing weekend.
Here goes nothing!
Nov. 26th, 2004 @ 06:19 am Essay time.
I feel: hopeful

Let the fun begin!
Nov. 24th, 2004 @ 01:45 am Quotable!
I feel: amused
I'm listening to: Tegan and Sara - Speak Slow

While we were discussing the relative pickiness of English profs versus Anthropology profs when grading papers, specifically in regard to their different approaches to grammar and style, Greg came up with this gem:
"They're kinda anal [English profs]. Besides, the anthro profs are more interested in your skull than your colon."

Nov. 22nd, 2004 @ 04:14 pm More cause for celebration!
I feel: grateful
I'm listening to: Radiohead - Lift

Wooh!! The entire class was given a two-day extension on the ANTH 352 paper, which makes it due Friday rather than Wednesday. You should've seen the grins on peoples' faces when Prof. Lyons made the announcement. What a nice surprise!
Nov. 22nd, 2004 @ 01:04 pm Awesome!! It's done!
I feel: accomplished
I'm listening to: Radiohead - The National Anthem

Two essays down this term, one to go. The last one will probably be late too, but what-the-fuck-ever--as long as I get it finished, I'll be happy.

I was basically done my ANTH 201 paper at 12:10, and could have just printed it off & ran to my ANTH 460 class, but I wanted to refine it a bit first--and I'm glad I did. If I'm taking a 10% hit on this thing, I may as well up the quality a notch. It sounds pretty sharp now, 'cause I managed to tie the title into the closing sentence. Maybe that's a little corny, but I like it, dammit.

What a fucking relief! It's really too bad I couldn't complete it on time... I was having quite a tough time initially, because I hated my working thesis, and wasn't sure how to organize the damned thing, but just before I laid down for a nap at 04:00 this morning, I had a brainstorm, and after I woke up at 06:30, I was able to get right to work & fix everything up. Hooray!!!

Well, time to go to school and hand this mofo in.
Nov. 20th, 2004 @ 03:18 pm I cheated.
I feel: thrilled

I know I said I wasn't going to get a haircut until after my essays were done, but... suffice it to say I lacked the willpower to resist.
Greta & I ran into each other on Friday afternoon as we were each heading for the SLC, and when I mentioned I was getting my hair cut, she decided to get hers cut too. It was ultra-girly, but fun to have a companion.
I'm all for going back to the on-campus hair salon again sometime. The lady who did my hair (Dee) was really cool, and did a wonderful job--exactly what I wanted. I showed her a picture, and she damn near duplicated it. I was so pleased that I tipped her over 20%.

Are you ready...?
A makeover story, in photos. )
Nov. 19th, 2004 @ 01:07 pm Mission Status: Failed
I feel: blah
I'm listening to: Wild Strawberries - Wish

I gave in and went to bed. I don't know how I used to pull all-nighters so frequently back in high school... Man, I feel old.
So, another late essay for me. Same shit, different pile.
Nov. 19th, 2004 @ 04:55 am Dammit, Andrea.
I feel: disappointed

It's almost five, and I still have little done. Too much dilly-dallying.
That's it. I'm totally yanking the network cable. Less temptation that way.
Nov. 19th, 2004 @ 12:27 am Late-night essay marathon
I feel: determined
I'm listening to: Ani Difranco - Hour Follows Hour

It's past midnight, and I don't have as much of my ANTH 201 paper finished as I should at this point. I would only lose 10% if I wait 'til Monday to hand it in, but I really reeeally want to try to hand it in on time tomorrow. I haven't yet finished anything major on time in my entire university career, and it'd be pretty sweet if I could do it differently this time. How satisfying would that be?!

If I finish this essay on time, I am rewarding myself with a professional haircut tomorrow, after my classes are finished. That's right; I've decided it's time to seek professional help for my hair. (I've been cutting it myself for almost three years now.) I want to get rid of the remnants of black hair from when I last dyed it in January--yeah, it's hard to believe I haven't dyed my hair for the better part of a year, especially considering that I changed it once a month last year. Truthfully, I'm itching to become a redhead again, but we'll see how this new haircut works out first. It'll be pretty damned short...

If I don't finish the paper for tomorrow, the haircut will wait until after I've finished both this paper and the ANTH 352 paper due next Wednesday. The delay is my lame version of a punishment--or something. I'm kind of excited for the makeover. The girliness of this is scaring me a little.

So here I am, sipping my second cup of tea this evening, hoping like hell that I can pull this off. Wish me luck!
Nov. 15th, 2004 @ 12:23 am Whee!
I feel: determined

I've been feeling kind of down lately, so I suggested that Jon & I should treat ourselves to a movie tonight. Gooood idear. The Incredibles was indeed incredible. So much fun! Just what I needed. We had a $4 coupon from the Cheerios box. I like coupons.

Much to do for school, as always. I try not to let the stress get to me, but inevitably, it does. I'm still managing better than in previous terms, but this one's not over yet--plenty of time left to fuck up again. ...I'm not being pessimistic; I'm being realistic. I'm actually quite hopeful that I'll pull it off this time. I'm just trying to bear in mind that I may not succeed. Yes, I'm making a couple of essays sound fairly dramatic, but given the number of incomplete assignments I have hanging over my head, I think I'm right to make a big fuss about getting things finished.

With all of that in mind, I'm trying to work hard, but not too hard, so as to prevent my head from altogether exploding. I can't control stress-related depression, but I sure as hell can try not to let it completely control me.

I feel refreshed. Here I go.
Nov. 10th, 2004 @ 09:24 pm Generic update
I feel: determined

Not a whole lot to report lately. I'm starting to panic about the papers I have due on the 19th & 24th. Soo much reading to do. Ugh!

Mom called on Saturday morning to tell me that they had to put Muffy down. She was really sick, and the vet wasn't sure what exactly was wrong, though cancer was suspected. Poor Muffster. I'm gonna miss her. It's going to be so strange to not have her there the next time I go home; she was a part of the family for 12 years. Best dog ever.

On a more materialistic note, Monday's snow prompted me to buy myself a new winter coat, using birthday money from Mom & Dad. Thankfully, I still get an employee discount at Mark's, so I snagged a 3-in-1 coat, mitts, a hat, and a scarf, all for under $170 (which is less than the regular price of the coat alone).

On Tuesday night, Greta & I attended a function for psych, anthro, and sociology students. We didn't stay for too long (only about an hour and a half), and we were snobby and only talked to people from our own department (well, more like shy), but we were sure to partake in the free food & beverages. It was nice to get out for a bit, anyhow.

I forgot to mention (until now, that is) that last Friday night, Jon & I went out for dinner at Swiss Chalet with our siblings, partly to celebrate my birthday. Afterward, we hung out at our place and played Balderdash. Chris whipped our asses--twice! Good wholesome family fun.

I must return to my readings.
Nov. 8th, 2004 @ 11:58 am AAAAHHHH!!
I feel: annoyed
I'm listening to: The Used - The Taste of Ink

It's snowing!

Go away, winter. You're not welcome here!