Laura B
.:.:: .
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What the fuck is wrong with The History Channel?

Has anyone watched it at all recently? I've been watching it a lot since Thursday and it's doing nothing but like, "skipping" like when you get a damaged or dusty DVD. On every program, about 10 times throughout, and even on the commercials at times.

It is the most annoying thing in the world. It gets to be like a broken record. I have never seen it on any other channel but this one. Can't anyone fix this??

Thank you.

Current Mood: aggravated aggravated
Merry Christmas

As usual, I can't wait until it's all over. The church stuff, that is. It's very stressful.

The cool part about being a church musician is that no one expects you to have a holiday, plus you get a free pass out of going to the family get togethers.

As I was about to rip up the card from my cousin and her 'wonderful' husband and 'wonderful' baby, I am further thankful of the fact I didn't have to be subjected to that obligatory family christmas, held last night because we think my aunt and uncle would really rather be spending time with their kids and new "wonderful" grandson than with us. Which is absolutely fine with me, as I really could care less about spending time with them at Christmas either. I don't like feeling this way, but my aunt and uncle have always been very alienating in the way they approach family stuff that I just am very gunshy about spending any time with them at all.

Is this bitter of me? I dunno, but to make me feel better, I give you the christmas card from my cousin, which has no religious theme nor cozy winter scene on the front, but a family portrait of them. This is not a photo card, like you get from the walgreens that says "Seasons Greetings" on the side. It's a card, with their picture, and their christmas letter on the inside.

Come, puke with me )

Where oh where?

I lost my [info]rachelanton73

We were talking and suddenly poof...she has gone

Current Mood: abandoned abandoned
attn: rachel

codeword RMF

GiftMixer 3000!!!

You just dial up the levels of Romantic, Adventurous, Brainy, Imaginative and Funny, and out comes the perfect gift suggestions.

I did Brian's )

Current Music: Let It Snow - Frank
Thanks and Help

I feel very Christmasy this year for some reason. Or maybe it's a conscious effort to be so.

She's fine. Walking around the place like nobody's business. I stopped giving her the aspirin already on Monday and she's not complaining one lick. She still walks stiffly, but she always had as of late. I'm just not sure if I should keep giving her the aspirin if she's not desparate for it. Can't be good on her tummy.

Thanks everyone for the supportive comments. I appreciate it more than I can express.

A Child's Christmas in Wales

Does anyone remember this PBS movie adaptation from the 80s? Does anyone own a copy they could copy for me? I know it's out of print and the PBS stations have ceased to show it in recent years, grrr.

Lots of people are selling it on Amazon and Ebay, but I just don't want to spend the cash on it right now. Every year I think that I should try and purchase it off season, and every year I forget.

I'd love it if I could download it, but it seems that no one is obsessed over this movie as much as I am to have archived it digitally.

Any help is appreciated :-)

Ugh, don't feel like going to rehearsal.....Want to bake cookies.

Joel Hodgson on SNL

My brother has been taping reruns of SNL off of NBC for awhile and putting them on DVDs. They air at 3:00 am Central Time in their original format, no cutting, and they air episodes from all over the entire run of the show.

One of the eps that he let me borrow had an appearance by Joel Hodgson from Mystery Science Theatre 3000, doing his props act. He looks sooooo weeeee

More: )

Squeaky Update

Well, my girl seems like she's ready for the Olympics now! Well, maybe not THAT spry, but she's not really limping anymore, and definitely not crying!

Right now she is perched atop a heating pad with a towel over it, resuming her throne as queen over all.

I however, seem to have acquired a hickey on my neck through this ordeal.

Current Mood: happy happy
Squeaky Update

Well, she's still with me.

Doctor determined it was not a stroke, her heart sounds fine. Doesn't seem to be any broken bones, which leaves arthritis, even sciatica, or bone cancer.

At this point I can't afford x-rays, so for the next few weeks she'll be on a regimine of a low dose of baby aspirin. PLEASE let that give her some relief.

She's crying whenever she moves which is making me still a nervous wreck.

I'm starving, exhausted, and high on adrenaline. Which is keeping me awake and uninterested in food.


Current Mood: anxious anxious

I think this might be it for my Squeaky. She woke me up about 3:00am whining.

I got her to eat, but when she walks, she whines and she's hopping on one back leg.

I don't know how I'm going to make until 7:30 when the vet's regular hours begin. If she lies still, she's fine, but I keep watching her, waiting for her to get up and try to get comfortable again. I"m thinking it was a stroke.

She's probably way too old for any kind of surgery, and I can't really afford anything major. I don't want her to go, though. I really really don't want to spend this week grieving. I feel like I don't have the energy to take on grief, like I don't know how to take care of it.

Current Mood: distressed distressed
New Simmie Vid!

This one is a terribly sappy one about Brian and his little Gus.

Baby of Mine

Also! I have 7!! referrals right now for my free photoipod! I'm only three away from the ten I need! Now let's just hope everyone finishes their offers so I can atually GET the thing. Many thanks to those who signed up for me!


New pictures of Gale

Oh WOW thank you!!

To those of you who signed up under me to help me get my 40 gig photoipod! I hadn't even looked until now to see if anyone had, and well, wow! Thanks!

I now have four referrals, still needing 6 more, eek!

Was that actually Michael Moore just now on Arrested Development or just an impersonator?

And squee! Ed Helms is in this ep!

So I took the Free iPod plunge...

Joined a conga line and signed myself up for the 40 gig photo iPod. There's also other things like digital cameras and portable video players.

SOOO if you are interested, or know anyone who is, please refer them to my link to sign up.

THANKS!!! :-)

According to the best fake news source:

"So the first round of exit polls are in and they’re favoring John Kerry in the swing states. Of course, these don't take into account early voting, absentee ballots, voting machines that play Space Invaders instead of displaying the ballot and the fact that for some people, it may be Opposite Day."

I for one am disappointed that I didn't get a Space Invaders option at the very least. That would have been fun, especially since I ended up with a bunch of time before I had to be at work when I was done voting.

I ended up going home another way and stopping at the store so I didn't think to go by my polling place to check out parking and lines, but the church where I work happens to be a polling place as well and there wasn't but a handful of cars in the lot when I went over there. There seemed to be 2 other polling places within walking distance of the church, so that could have something to do with it too. It was also post lunch hour that I was there.

Pastor said there wasn't a great deal of traffic in the time he had been there, though he was irritated with the amount of inanity he had to deal with becasue of being a polling place. People calling the church and asking stupid stupid questions that should have been directed to Voter's Information and being absolutely dumbfounded when Pastor didn't have the answers to their questions. He and I got out of there before the wave of after school and work traffic showed up.

Oooh a Daily Show Election Day Blog

To be updated on the hour they say!

"Welcome to the Indecision 2004 Election Day Blog, proudly updated throughout day until the polls close (East Coast time, beeyatches).

Come back all day long, there's more stories rolling in every hour. And on a serious note -- please get out and vote. Nothing's more embarrassing than a large democracy ruled by the cruel, fickle and trembling hand of a few senior citizens in South Florida."

I Voted, Did You?

Woke up before the sun and realized that polls opened at 6 and not 7, so I prettied myself up and went to the Catholic Church/School in the neighborhood. There weren't a lot of people there yet, which kind of disappointed me. I had to wait for only one person, though it was only about 6:20. When I come back from church this afternoon I'm going to go back through that neighborhood and see what the parking/line situation is like.

Felt really good to punch that card for Kerry/Edwards, who were first on the little listy thing. Also I happened to glance up at the instructions on the cardboard booth thingy (we don't get curtained booths here) and it said to check for hanging "chads" on your card. That was kind of funny. I couldn't recall if that instruction had always been there or not. I was sure to check, though!

Another thing I'm finding funny is that the Republicans seem to be assuming increased voter turnout equals more votes for their party. Am I too biased to say that this can't possibly the logical conclusion? It just doesn't seem like a reasonable assessment when you're talking about an incumbent.

God, I hope I'm right

Happy Halloween from my Sim Brian and Sim Justin

Okay so in the end I decided to make a movie in honor (?) of Halloween.

That being said, be aware I think it sucks doggies' asses, but it's at the very least fun footage to watch. I grew impatient with cinematography and editing. Believe me I know it could have been 100x better.

The boys go over to Linds and Mel's to babysit, but things are not quite right...

Blehhhhhh back from conference

I feel so dopey for not sleeping in my own bed.

Conference was okay. Organ recital was fantastic. I saw my old college crush, my academic advisor. Stared at him after Morning Prayer during the postlude. It looked like he was looking over at me as he was listening to the postlude and I wondered if it was because I was staring and he thought I was cute (unlikely), or if he recognized me (I look kind of different than when I was there). He's a wee bit pudgier, but I still am in love with him and still want him painfully so. I need to spend more time at [info]hiyacynth's place so that I can stalk him.

The only thing is, he's a little over 40 and he is single. In a kind of sub-culture where you always get married and have babies before you're thirty. Even in the year 2004. My college roomate always told me she thought he was a celebate gay, but I argued that his brother was gay and they can't have two in one family. (Yes, I realize the ridiculousness of my reasoning, but I was in love).

So why is he single? I'm certainly not the most attractive student he ever had, and the girls always had crushes on him. FURTHERMORE, my own high school guidance counselor was good friends with him, even went with him on a trip to England when they were still in school - yet she married someone else. Surely he has had plenty of better opportunities.

Speaking of gayness, I met Don Saliers at this conference. He was one of the key speakers. He kept talking about his daughter being a recording artist and I kept wondering who she was, figuring it was some kind of contemporary christian singer that I'd of course not be familiar with. It wasn't until I got home that I figured out that his daugher is Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls. He was the nicest guy, and super smart. We sat with him at the organ recital. I'm glad I didn't make the connection until now, because I think the Indigo Girls are boring as hell. But that was very ironic.

Golly I"m pretty prolific for a sleepy girl....

Current Mood: sleepy sleepy
Current Music: Ghost stories on Travel Channel Yay!
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