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[30 Aug 2004|01:26pm]

If you were a cat!
Name / Username
Your age would be: 7 years
You would look like:
This cool quiz by schmeanna - Taken 29340 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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[11 Jul 2004|11:22pm]
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...mysterious
Your hugs are...gentle
Your eyes...light up a day
Your touch is...the only thing I desire
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...amazing
Your love is...everlasting
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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[24 May 2004|11:42pm]
busy busy busy
This is the week of having crappy hours! boooooooo. Working till midnight two nights and then one morning going in at 6am, I mean is that sweet or what. Saturday I actually have a decent shift which I am looking forward to. But they're eight hour shifts which means money (which I need to save...not spend) and it means that I'm tired all the time. Oh well Suck it up Lea.

I've been running with Laurie which is great because I feel good now, I'm feeling getting in good running shape. I need to stop eating the deserts though, no candy and cookies for sure. Ice cream has become my weakness, so I need to strenghten the will power, cause I feel like crap after I eat all this sugary's not good.

Today I bought some stuff at Old Navy (bad girl, not saving!) but I needed a black skirt, it was on sale. I got a bag to carry my book, note book, water, and wallet in while I'm in Italy. I also got two shirts which I can always use, and I pair of green soft sandals which were on sale. I get a discount there so thats way I bought things, plus I needed some things for Italy.

I'm going to have to start packing soon.

There's a guy at work that likes me. It's weird because this never happens to me and I told him I had a great boyfriend. Apparently he has selective hearing I don't know. But he's really nice and great to talk to, I'd like to be friends with him so I hope that can happen and he can get over whatever it is. Scott doesn't seem to phased by the whole thing which I guess is good because he trusts me. It'd be nice if he got alittle more protective though.
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[19 May 2004|05:14pm]
So I've been working about 25-30 hours each week so far this summer. Which is actually great because it gives me time to see my family and friends. Last night we went to the Red's game which was fun. Scott and I just sat there and laughed at all sorts of things. I had a really good time. Today I ran with Laurie, which I have been keeping up with..yay! Scott was working at the 1st National in Biggs so I stopped over there to visit him and then he came here for his lunch break. If anyone shops at Biggs I just want to recommend trying their fresh muffins. We got chocolate chip and banana nut, they are excellent!! I'm now obsessed and will probably buy them for the rest of the summer!

Two weeks till I leave for Italy. I'm getting nervous and excited. A couple things I'm worried about are: being able to run over there at all...I don't want to lose the stamina I've built up these last couple months, also worried about flying...not the flying part but more of the knowing where to go in the airport, finding my terminal, not having problems with my e-check things, that sort of stuff. Flying doesn't scare me, it's the process to get on the plane that makes me a little nervous. If anyone wants postcards send me your address and I will definitly mail you one!!
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happy mother's day [09 May 2004|10:51pm]
Today was Mother's Day, another Hallmark holiday. It's too bad we don't appreciate our mom's everyday and someone had to make up a holiday to honor our mothers/profit off of our consumer driven society. Oh well, I know my mom deserves a special holiday a lot more than once a year.

We went and saw Van Helsing, which I enjoyed. It was entertaining to say the least. I love summer movies, they are the best. I read that the movie industry brings in over forty percent of it's profit during these hot months. Not surprising at all. Troy comes out really soon I believe, maybe this coming Friday?! Hopefully because I'm really excited about it. Then Harry Potter comes out in early June when I'm in Italy. I really looking forward to that movie too.

First day of work tomorrow and I'm trying to have a positive attitude. I keep telling Scott to have when and I can hardly do it myself. But I will definitly not enjoy it if I go in with a bad attitude. So being positive...being positive. I have to get up early so it's time for bed!

Updating two days in a row, this is amazing!
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Hey there. [08 May 2004|10:08pm]
So two years down and two to go. I don't really know how I feel about that except for the fact thats it's all going way too fast. I love my major, Art History is so fascinating. I know what I want to do with my life and where I want to go.

This past year was full of laughter and heart ache. It will probably be the hardest year I had at Miami not just because of academics but also because of personal heartache. I miss my grandma Helen very much! One suggestion my friends: Don't take more credit hours then necessary. 19 hours was not needed and it made this semester a HUGE challenge that I was up for, but not really prepared for it. I got a job as a campus tour guide for potential "first year students"/freshmen. Apparently freshmen is not p.c. but the admissions office can kiss it.

Plans for this summer: working at the Baby Gap again, traveling to Italy for three weeks, family vacation in Myrtle Beach with Scott, keep running, drawing more, relaxing, and not get burnt to a crisp like last year. I also want to spend as much time as I can with my family. Going away to school makes you realize how important they are and how much you need them. I also plan on updating more, so those who care keep your fingers crossed.

Goodnight everyone!
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[15 Apr 2004|08:29pm]
Your Years at Hogwarts by nevermindless
The Sorting Hat places you in:Gryffindor (Red and Gold)
Subject you are naturally best at:Herbology
Your favorite book:Notable Magical Names of Our Time
Pet you bring to school:Snowy Owl
You are most known for:Being Prof. Lupin's favorite student.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
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[23 Mar 2004|11:02pm]
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates a7
your best quality isyoure pretty inside and out
your worst quality isum...nothing =)
this is becauseIts who you are
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Just so you know I'm still alive!!
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[03 Feb 2004|11:43pm]

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

I love her!
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[28 Jan 2004|08:49pm]

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide
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[25 Jan 2004|01:31am]
Big Fish is an excellent cinematic experience. I recommend it to everyone.

In other news, things here are very cold and I'm feeling lazy. It's hard to concentrate on studying when I could be playing ROTK with Erin. We've gotten pretty good at it and I'm very proud of us. Also, my grandma is doing better. She's out of ICU and has her own room. Thank you to everyone who prayed for her! Today I got to go see my mom which was awesome, because I miss her so much when I'm here at school!!

That's all for now. Night!
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[19 Jan 2004|04:57pm]
Lea is the #665 most common female name.
0.017% of females in the US are named Lea.
Around 21675 US females are named Lea!

Heitner is a very rare female name.
Very few females in the US are named Heitner.
Be proud of your unique name!

Morgenroth is the #37325 most common last name.
0.0005% of last names in the US are Morgenroth .
Around 1250 US last names are Morgenroth !
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[15 Jan 2004|11:28pm]
Could everyone please say a pray for my grandma? Her name is Helen, she is in the hospital with several complications. We are not certain how things are going to go. But she's pulled through before, so I'm praying for her strength.

On another note. Something to add to the list of retarded things I've done:
I fell off the top bunk. How? No one really knows. I was trying to get up by standing on my desk and I was thinking about how awesome the blanket Erin made me for Christmas is...then I was on the floor. It all occurred in slow motion in my mind, yet there was nothing I could do. After landing on the floor Erin and I couldn't stop laughing, atleast I didn't get seriously injured.
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[15 Jan 2004|11:20pm]
Could everyone please say a pray for my grandma? Her name is Helen, she is in the hospital with several complications. We are not certain how things are going to go. But she's pulled through before, so I'm praying for her strength.

On another note. Something to add to the list of retarded things I've done:
I fell off the top bunk. How? No one really knows. I was trying to get up by standing on my desk and I was thinking about how awesome the blanket Erin made me for Christmas is...then I was on the floor. It all occurred in slow motion in my mind, yet there was nothing I could do. After landing on the floor Erin and I couldn't stop laughing, atleast I didn't get seriously injured.
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[11 Jan 2004|11:36pm]
What kind of Final Fantasy Character would I be? by TheBlueParadox
Your Name/Handle
Your Hair StyleGenetically Enhanced Blue
Your Clothing StyleOversized Duster/Lots of Greys
Your Weapon of ChoiceSpear
Your MissionTo Defeat My Evil Best Friend.
Your Role in the FantasyVillian Turned Hero.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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[01 Jan 2004|10:14am]
[ mood | tired ]

Happy New Year 2004!

I'm not one for New Year's resolutions, or updating anymore for that matter. Personally I feel that there are things we can constantly improve in ourselves. I would like to be closer with old friends again and continue to strenght my newer friendships. I should also be less critical of others and look for the good in all situations, which I think I have improved on a lot in the past year. There's always health issues and things I want to do, so I'm going to pursue my goals and go after things I want and enjoy life!

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[18 Dec 2003|10:10pm]
[ mood | happy ]

The trilogy is complete. I am so happy. It was an amazing experience. Lord of the Rings, if you haven't seen them...DO IT NOW!!!

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[09 Dec 2003|11:06am]
You are Storm!

You are very strong and very protective of those
you love. You are in tune with nature and are
very concerned with justice and humanity.
Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears
are very hard for you to overcome, and can
often inhibit you when most need to be strong.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
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[05 Dec 2003|02:33pm]
What Kind Of Superhero Are You? by electronicoffee
Your Username
Your First Name
Your Superhero Last NameShowerflare
Your WeaponBow of Darkness
Your 1st SuperpowerSuper Speed
Your 2nd SuperpowerMagic [Dragonblood]
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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[13 Nov 2003|04:11pm]

I did it in 12 seconds.
I deserved an A!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
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