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[30 Jan 2005|12:02am]
You scored as Chaotic Neutral. A Chaotic Neutral person is someone who is self-motivated to the extreme. Thier actions may sometimes confuse others, due to their lack of moral affiliation. They have little respect for laws, and avoid both the temptation of evil and a feeling of duty to do good. These people can go along with either side of an argument- as long as they benifit from the result!

Chaotic Neutral


Chaotic Evil


Neutral Evil


Lawful Evil


Lawful Neutral


True Neutral


Neutral Good


Lawful Good


Chaotic Good


What is your Alignment?
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Rules of Engagement [25 Jan 2005|09:05am]
[ mood | cynical ]

Here are some simple rules I try to follow:

1.  Be yourself.  If you try to look or act like someone else, then no one will ever know the real you.  Not that that's a bad thing, but don't be something you're most definitely not.  Become what you are.

2.  Plan, but never promise.  Planning says "Ok, I have something to do at a certain time"; promising tells the other person(s) "Yes, I will definitely be there."  Breaking promises is not a good way to keep friends.

3.  Don't worry about mushy bullshit like love.  Love is for suckers.  Why people can't just spend their lives alone is beyond me.  I find I have some great times when I'm alone.  If I need companionship, then maybe I go try to contact a friend.   I don't need someone prying into my life, and watching me, and all that.  If I wanted that, I'd resurrect my mother.

4.  A little arrogance never hurt anyone.  In fact, I like being arrogant.  I figure it, "Why should I have confidence? I'll just take arrogance and conceit instead.  They're far more fun."  By the way, what is it about this bullshit thing called "confidence" that attracts these evil harridans called women?

5.  Sex isn't the be-all/end-all of life.  Sex is highly overrated.  Avoid it if possible.  Engage in it only with the right person, not some dumb former groupie.  If I wanted to have sex with a groupie, I'd join a rock band.

6.  Treat people like shit.  That way, they will know how they have treated you in the past.

7.  Plan for the worst.  Having a pessimistic outlook on life makes it so that bad things don't seem so horrible, and the good things are even better.

8.  And remember, everyone is beneath me.  They may be better at one thing or another, but for the most part I am better than everyone out there.

And no, I'm not cynical.  Just realistic.

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[01 Jan 2005|09:34pm]
Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your readings. The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group. You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in.
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[30 Dec 2004|11:48pm]
You are .txt The one everybody knows and relies on, but avoids in social settings because you're very boring and non-descript.
Which File Extension are You?

You are OS2-Warp. You're plagued by feelings of abandonment and disgust for your backstabbing step-brother.  Oh, what might have been.
Which OS are You?
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Seems Like I've Heard That Somewhere Before [27 Dec 2004|03:26am]
[ mood | calm ]

I have noticed something: In their new commercials advertising their digital cameras, Hewlett-Packard has decided to use The Kinks' song "Picturebook". Now, I must say I don't always agree with using old songs to advertise stuff, but I like the song. I have noticed something, though: The guitar part the play in the song sounds like it may have been used—even if unknowingly—by Green Day in their song "Warning". That's how it sounds to me, anyway.

It certainly wouldn't be the first example of musical plagiarism. The famous Jet song "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" makes me think of Iggy Pop's classic tune "Lust For Life". If they did take it from Iggy, all I can say is that Jet should be strung up and whipped. Well, they should be strung up and flogged anyway, but even more so if they took Iggy's song and screwed with it.

Now, I can certainly say that whoever it was who got sued for having a small silent bit on his album because it was much like John Cage's song "4'55"" is not musical plagiarism. One cannot truly plagiarize silence, as silence simply is the absence of noise—although how they can copyright almost five minutes of dead silence as a song is beyond me.

According to a German website that shows examples of musical plagiarism and soundalikes, they claim Modest Mouse's song "Float On" sounds like Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out". No shit. I can never tell the different between the two bands when I hear them on the radio. Maybe they're the same band???? No. Modest Mouse seems to use more chords in its rhythm guitar part. From what I hear of Franz, I could play their rhythm guitar, and I have no musical skill whatsoever.

Actually, that German website backed up every case I've found of soundalikes/musical plagiarism. Maybe the Germans aren't so bad.


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It's a Merry F'n Christmas [25 Dec 2004|12:01am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" -- John Lennon ]

And so this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young

And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
The rich and the poor ones
The road is so long
And so Happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight

A Very Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

War is over if you want it

Merry F'n Christmas everyone.


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It's Christmas We're Talkin' 'Bout! [24 Dec 2004|05:53pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "But Why's It So Cold?" -- DiCamillo Sisters ]

No! Beware!
I'll Cover You In Fast Eddie's underwear
Wow I'll eat your mammie's panties
And tell your mom to come to me
And come to my prom
It's in outer space
That’s where my sleigh can fly to
Goodbye! Excuse you
Can I come back and say the rest of it?
It's Christmas kids and you’re gonna love it!
Gravy dripping all over me
Christmas is good...But only
When I come to your house and you’ve been good
Christmas comes everyone in every neighborhood
Whoa yeah! Christmas In Fact
You see Christmas layin’ on its back....
Get Back To Work Bitch!
With me on top
And don’t you ever ever pull the lever that says stop

Yeah you know....
It is what it is so...
I took a big ol’ dump in a Pringles can..
Now I’m wipin’ off my ass, forgot about my hand
Pumped up ready to do it, I get in my sled
My sack filled with fluid
I'm bringin joy to my elves.. Don’t put it by me
Pleasures I wont deny their heiney
My Armpits will sweat
When I see that long-haired elf coming out of his Corvette
Even though its old and its got a little scratch
It don’t matter I just love to lick his patch..
On his chest, You’ll catch me red-handed
Douglas! I’m the Christmas Bandit!
Top-soil plant
Don’t you love the taste
of a beaver when it hesitates

With this Christmas you’re going dutch
Get me outta this now!
Let me...rub your back
You’re gonna make a lot of money kid!
I’ll invest every bit of love I got!
I got a toolbox!
It makes no sense!
Fill you up...
With pleasurous nutrients
Like a worm has!

Santa cooked your Christmas in his hobbit hole
But why's it so cold?

Weiner! Ho ho ho!

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'Tis The Season To Shut the Fuck Up! [23 Dec 2004|11:53am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

You know the new edition of Foamy's Rant pretty much sums up my recent feelings about the whole holiday season, and these yuppie scumbags who want to take Christ out of Christmas. I'm no religious zealot—far from it—but it is Christmas and you should accept that. No fucking "Festivus" or whatever. Suck my dick—and I'll even make it look like a candy cane if need be.

Go here to find out what Foamy (and myself) thinks about this new age bullshit.

And your kids don't deserve anything for Christmas but beatings!


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[19 Dec 2004|02:01am]


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[19 Dec 2004|01:44am]
"Show me how defenseless you really are."
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[19 Dec 2004|01:41am]
[ mood | irritated ]

I'm getting pissed. One would think a lyrics website would be pretty resourceful for finding lyrics for a group, and have all their songs. But my search for the lyrics to "It Ain't Nuttin'" by The Herbaliser and MF Doom have proved fruitless. WTF? Isn't there anywhere on the 'net for find these fuckin' lyrics?

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[10 Dec 2004|11:14am]
A paraphrasing of a Daria quote that relates to my own life:

"Mark feels guilty about not being as driven as his wife, but thinks it's wrong to feel that way, so he hides behind a smokescreen of cluelessness.

"Monica wears superficiality like a suit of armour, because she's afraid of looking inside and finding absolutely nothing.

"And I'm so defended that I actively work to make people dislike me so I won't feel bad when they do."
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"It's some kind of cosmic payback for being too ironic." --Daria [10 Dec 2004|10:50am]
[ mood | confused ]

As you may have read earlier on in this waste of bandwidth—or if you know me at all—then you'd know that one group of people I hate more than any is bisexuals. If you don't know why I dislike them, it's because they're incredibly greedy people. I have nothing against the full-on homosexual community—gays are good people—because they've chosen one sex and stuck with it. You cannot pick and choose dammit.

"You either suck dick, or you do not suck dick…Whatdya do? Flip a coin when you wake up in the morning? 'Heads I want hair pie. Tails: Balls across the nose!'" (Andrew "Dice" Clay)

Anyway my point is this: I hate bisexuals. Now irony comes along and kicks my ass. Why is it that at least two (there may be more, I don't know) women I've been attracted to enough to want to begin dating have been bisexual? WTF? It's just not fair. I'm sure a lot of guys would like to date a bisexual chick—you know, the whole "two chicks at once" thing. Not me. I would have all I could do to focus my attention on just one person. Besides, if I found out she was cheating, it would be even more painful if she was cheating on me with another woman.

Knowing my luck, I would just turn them full-on lesbian. That wouldn't be bad though, because I love lesbians.


It's just not fair, dammit. Not fair at all.

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LOL, PWN3D!!!111! [08 Dec 2004|08:41am]
[ mood | amused ]

1f j00 c4n r34d 7h1§, u r34lly n33d 2 g37 l41d
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I Speak Engrish! ^_^ [04 Dec 2004|04:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]

And now, my birthday entry in Engrish:

"You question... me it presumes to with my birthday め. It is good, here as for me, entirely just is with my birthday. What kind of it enjoys? For the present, what there was no I. The achievement where I am largest my house being soon, today going at the party store, had bought the beer. (And as for that being the magazine rack of the pornography and something where it is that in those, the store with Hindus. Am the substantial party which is moved) well and I as food miscellaneous goods the cracker, lightly combination of the food, and 2 boxes of the pizza calculation which is frozen certain food miscellaneous goods which were offered -- bought. As for me as for me those which you think that we want, me went to the store, but when I do not know, it was hungry. You have known, I have started feeling old. When I inquire about song, as for me " Classic rock" You heard in the high school; The place, I have become old. If at the time of the show which I see and raise in Nite it is in Nick, the land of TV, I have become old. When I see, as for Playmate of the playboy of month I becoming old while I am to elementary school, it was born, then me you have known. Well of Ohio state. I am not surprised I with my birthday being just complete. To, I that, am not the confusion concerning which. This weekend there was a concert in sign, therefore I have permitted him from the hook separated. But who whom I speak with to only the online my other " Friends" I who -- large number cannot a certain thing in regard to -- just a little am weakened. As for me like the concert which should attend those one which has been known, rather than should do, being important thing. It is good, it is the time when that is broken perhaps from strychnine, burns my birthday."


PS: Thanks to [info]foliogeek for giving me the idea.

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I'm Supposed To Be Thankful For This? [24 Nov 2004|06:24pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Well, normally, the first snowfall in Michigan is usually light.  A light dusting of snow covers the ground, and then quickly dissipates.  But no, not today! Today, our first snowfall of the fall/winter season, we get hit like a boxer going up against Cassius Clay.  It started around 2:30 PM today, and right now it's about three inches high or so.

One thing I am thankful for is that I haven't really anywhere to go for Thanksgiving.  I'm going to Meijer and probably Denny's, but they're not that far away from my house.

I hate snow.  I hate the colour, the feel... I definitely hate driving in it. Blech.  Thanks, Mother Nature! Thanks for making this a great holiday weekend.

All the news I hear about global warming, I still think they're lying.  When I walk out to snow ass-deep to a basketball player and ball-shrinking-cold temperatures, I feel like opening up a bunch of aerosol cans with CFC's.

Regarding earlier: I used the name Cassius Clay.  I know his name is now Muhammad Ali.  But his Mom named him Cassius Clay, I'm gonna call him Clay.

But, at least I won $50 today, and I don't have to work for the rest of the week, either.

And the phrase "chicken fingers" is misleading.


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Another Rainy Night (Without You) [20 Nov 2004|07:56pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

Happy birthday to me... I guess.

Well, here I am, all alone on my birthday.  What fun.  So far, I haven't done anything.  My biggest achievement today was going to the party store near my house and buying some beer.  (And it's a real party store because they have a porn magazine rack, and it's run by Hindus.)  Oh, and I bought some groceries--provided two boxes of crackers, some snack mix, and a frozen pizza count as groceries.  I was hungry when I went to the store, but I didn't know what I wanted.

You know, I'm starting to feel old.  When I hear songs I heard in high school on "classic rock" stations, I'm getting old.  When shows I grew up watching are on either Nick At Nite or TV Land, I'm getting old.  When I see the Playboy Playmate of the Month was born while I was in grade school, then I know I'm getting old.

Oh well.  I'm not surprised I'm all alone on my birthday.  To some degree, I'm not that upset about it, either.  Mark had a concert this weekend, so I'm letting him off the hook.  But as for my other "friends"--many of whom I only talk to online--I'm kinda depressed that they couldn't be around.  I know one of them had more important things to do, like a concert to attend.

Well, maybe it's time to break out the strychnine and toast my birthday.


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Fun With Misfit Toys [18 Nov 2004|08:32pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

You know, every year there is some "watchdog" group that looks at children's toys and finds the toys that may be the most dangerous for kids. Why? How ridiculous! You know, any toy could be dangerous if you wanted it to be. They think that these kids might die, so they remove a truly cool toy from store shelves just to save a few lives. Fuck that! These kids who would have died from playing with the toy deserved to die. They were stupid, and stupid people shouldn't breed and these kids won't grow up to pass on their defective genetics. (BTW, if these ideas bother you, think of them as "passive eugenics").

When I was a kid, we didn't have people taking away our "dangerous" toys. We were tough, dammit. We had cool toys, and we knew how to play with them. If someone died because of using the toy, we learned from his mistake and kept on playing. Fucking kids. These Goddamn baby boomers are ruining everything, and they're making Generation X just as wishy-washy as them. They're taking away all the fun shit to save a few thousand lives.

Trust me, we need the "passive eugenics" theory. Mother Nature must do her job by weeding out and killing off the weak and sickly and ignorant without the help of interfering pharmaceutical companies or doctors or special ed teachers. The human gene pool is like any other pool, and it too needs cleaning once in a while.

Give me some misfit toys, and I'll be happy. And screw your kids.


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[18 Nov 2004|08:24am]
You are 87% Scorpio

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Look! [15 Nov 2004|12:48am]

Here it is. The newest one.

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