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Current Music:the camper velorium, No. 3 - coheed and cambria
Subject:so i have these green shoes...
Time:09:49 pm

(Thursday, February 19th, 2004. The Men's Warehouse: Dallas, Texas. Not that you can tell.)

Heh, fuck it, I was gonna tell a story that happened today. but i realized it's too crappy. nevermind.

[because everyone else uses]edit: okay, i had 3 hours of sleep, while i was doing errands (buying new vacuum bags and an ink cartridge) a few people commented on my shoes and not knowing how to respond, i acted like a half-wit, after being snickered at, complimented and quizzed on what gang i'm affiliated with. that's about all. it was the most anyone has noticed my shoes in a 10 minute period and i found it odd especially providing i was so out of it and couldn't respond to any of it with anything better than a stuttered word or a misplaced snicker.
comments: 5 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:i wanna make it wit chu - dessert sessions
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Subject:fuckin artsy fuck
Time:10:52 am

last night i dreamed i was a werewolf, but a wannabe werewolf. it sucked, i couldn't do it right.
but... for the first time this year i woke up before the time i usually go to sleep. i'm not sure if i like it.
comments: 3 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:your wildest dreams - the moody blues
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Time:05:25 am
So yesterday was the blizzard, and being the weather / earthscience buff that I am, I decided to brave the weather in the middle of the storm and go out for a drive. It was no joke. I drive a sedan with frontwheel drive, a V8, and z-rated tires. Needless to say, not the best car to go out in a raging blizzard in. But, I came out fine, and blew several people's minds. At one gas station, the only vehicles there were trucks, plows and emergency vehicles. I just really like to know how my car will handle in any condition and how I will handle it, and what my limits are. Dealing with those kind of temperatures, and that kind of snow is something I wouldn't want to do without the protection of a car though, it was straight up nasty out. But I also dig the idea of not being cramped up inside all day. So, I go exploring and test out the roads instead. I found myself to be the only non-truck or 4 wheel drive on the road, so I felt a little concerned, but I knew how to manage. Usually my car's thermometer doesn't lie, but I'm not sure, I do know it was hovering around 0 yesterday when I was driving and it was -6 when I got home tonight on my house's thermometer. But tonight, I saw this when I was out around 2:00am.

I wish I was Joking.

Yep, that's officially the coldest I've ever seen it. I do so enjoy setting records. Anyway, I'm waiting to find out the lineup of the Coachella Festival this year, they're announcing it on January 31st and I already have a motel reserved in Palm Springs. But I'll see how all is going to play out. I have several things planned for my trip out there, such as taking in much more of the mid-century modern architecture seeing as how I have a reasonable obsession with the '40's, '50's, and '60's, and Palm Springs is where it's at. I neglected to take in as much of the '60's Polynesian styled motel I stayed at last time because I was too busy taking care of a sourly drunk Tom most of the time. Unfortunately , staying at the same one won't be an option this year. Anyway, depending on who's coming with me, I want to take a hike in the area, and I'd be interested in scaling the tallest mountain in this picture. But I'll probably end up just taking the tram car to the top, grabbing a cocktail, get something to eat, and come back down. But going out to Palm Springs/Indio/Los Angeles? is all dependent on my financial situation at the time, and whether the right bands are going to be performing. So... we'll see, I can't wait to find out what the line up is, it's always mind blowing, but I have a nasty dentist appointment the day after the line up is announced, so I'm not rushing too much. Oh, as I'm sure you all know, Johnny Carson died this morning, and that sucks. I was just researching his life about a week or two ago. That guy was a real class act, and he managed to keep his life so private, so I respect him on several levels, it just sucks that he couldn't pull a Bob Hope and stick it out to 100. Still an awesome guy though.

The AM radio had a solid two hours dedicated soley to discussing the HAARP program the government has stationed in Alaska and other places. Oh man, one of the guest speakers who works on the project has the title of "having 26 patents, 12 of which are classified", they all had awesome degrees and titles up the ass. I envied them so much, and all that business is quite scary, and unbelievable, so they kept a governmental BS essence about themselves, still very cool to hear though. You don't hear about this project very much. One of the uses of HAARP is for weather control, it's used to superheat the ionosphere and among other things this is capable of modifying the jetstream, as well as increasing or decreasing storm activity in a targetted area and does all kinds of other weird things. They really don't know what the limitations of this are yet. But we as americans are paying money for it, we might as well know what we can about it. The speakers included the topics of enhanced fractal geometry camouflage (digitized material making objects, people... literally blend in with whatever their environment) and the effects of positive ion intoxicification capable of being produced by HAARP. The concepts of using it for mind control. Also the effects of frequencies on animals, namely bees producing more honey and enhanced plant growth. God, I melt over this kind of stuff. The FAA has posted flight maps to show the location as to not fly over it. It's meant to be able to blow up enemy Intercontinental Ballistic Missles, so it would fry a plane, shuttle, anything that's flying over it as well. It can literally generate an aurora borealis. Anyway, it's late, no one else is interested in this besides maybe Brian, so I'm going to bed, goodnight.
comments: 7 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:gothic girl - the 69 eyes
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Time:04:42 am
Damn it's cold outside. For the time I've been awake today / tonight, I've primarily listened to only Finnish rock and Finnish goth music in keeping with the weather. It seems only fitting with the negative temperatures and the bright moon illuminating the frozen world outside. I've always been a fan of extremes in weather. It's -5 degrees out, and Finnish goth music fits the bill much better than techno or something like this would. And with the impending blizzard headed our way, it seems as though everyone has turned into crazy people outside, seriously, it's kinda scary, but neat. I'm harnessing my chi for the long weekend of shoveling I have ahead of me. Anyway, seeing as how the month is almost over, I should start doing some reminiscing about 2004 before it's too late and before I forget about it... so... I'll start off with my opinion of the top 3 DVD releases of 2004:

1. Napoleon Dynamite (December) Obvious reasons, I've watched this movie 20 times in a row.
2. Party Monster (February) More Obvious reasons, I've also watched this movie 20 times in a row.
3. "Free To Be Dirty": Live! (Much Lesser Known: ODB's Live DVD Released Right Before He Died) (October) Mostly on the premise. ODB is about as obscene as I've ever seen him, at some points I was embarassed to watch this dvd around friends. But I probably would've this one a nod even if he hadn't died, just because it's so professionally produced for such a haggard company that marketed it.

Honorable Mentions:
The Star Wars Trilogy (September) Just because it kicks so much ass.
Colossus: The Forbin Project (November) This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and seeing it finally released to DVD is glorious. (Even if it's still in mono and full screen with no extra features.)
Lord Of The Rings: Return of The King (May) Another great movie which will be a classic someday.

Also, today I came across an interesting clip... I never thought I'd have a "favorite episode" of the news, I've always thought the idea was silly, but as far as segments come, this is about as damn close as I can get to having one. Sadly, this is probably the coolest video I've ever posted, and I had absolutely nothing to do with the production of it, but it's real and it's bizarre. It's from a Japanese news broadcast and I absolutely adore the Japanese and their country. If you watch only one video I post this year, have it be this one. (2.91 MB, Windows Media 8 Format, If you have Netscape and it doesn't work, right click and "save target as" to save it.) It's pretty much the coolest thing I've seen this year, no one gets hurt in it. It just sucks that Japanese people can never get a break, they're always either running from a giant monster or a giant robot, and in this video, it shows how they can't even get in a game of football without their shit getting fucked up. enjoy.

goodnight livejournal people, stay warm and cozy.
comments: 10 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:framed in blood - the 69 eyes
Subject:666, the sign of the beast!! ahhhhhh!!
Time:02:21 am

~Slayer rules!~



i wish these were photoshopped. satan rules as well?... i guess.
i've been to texas before, i don't regret it.
comments: 3 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:mansion world - deadsy
Time:01:41 am
I've been meaning to mention... on Monday the 17th, I became an uncle again to my very first niece; Sienna, who was born in the early morning hours. What's odd about this is... well, the 17th is the day I was supposed to be born, and I ended up coming more than two weeks early, so someone with my last name got it. My grandparents were married on January 17th... way back when. So, that's all just... bizarre. Yesterday I went to the bank to straighten out some financial things and the only time I could do it was when my dad was heading out. So I went all disheveled and disoriented on 3 hours of sleep but managed to get a few things straightened out despite my lack of a good command of the english language. Tonight I had half hour discussion with Pete about Apache Junction (Arizona), has anyone ever been there and can inform me more about it? The place blows our minds.

Today I found out Prince is 5' 2 1/2" tall, and that is awesome.
comments: turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:car crash - tricky
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Subject:loose change.
Time:02:33 am
Ack. still. want. to. address. some. things. on. my. mind. from and about. 2004. But I'm not in the mood right now. Way for livejournal to be gone for like 24 hours, that was no fun. So, I have a ton of things on my mind, I'm driving a car that's seemingly quite literally falling apart more by the moment, and I'm not even all that bummed. It's just, there's so many things on my mind, about so many topics, I just have heaps of sorting to do, like, months worth of sorting, rest-of-my-life kind of stuff, all the way to; "what am I doing this evening?" kind of stuff. It's quite an eventful time to be me. Not in a good or bad way, just in a "huh." kind of way. Anyway, I'm not going to rant my true feelings for all to be bored with. I'll just write some of the events of the day... straightened up my room a bit, looked for jobs online, watched Sweet November and cried more than I thought I would; I never thought a movie with Keanu Reeves could bring me to real tears, but alas, it did. I folded clothes, realized I have way more socks than I'll ever use, watched When a Man Loves A Woman later on, cried more, none of this was sad crying at all, it was all "how sweet" crying. For the right movies, in the right mood, I'm a pushover, I don't think that's a bad thing though. I did more cleaning, managed more stuff with different personal accounts, watched Mad TV which was just, awesome... Alanis Morrissette and Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) were on it and both played in skits which blew my mind, the Abercrombie & Fitch one made me laugh out loud, but they usually do, because they're true. Keep in mind, I never watch tv, so um, this is the most I've watched in over a year. I'm just stuck in my room doing stuff so I just don't turn the tv off. I'd get to some serious stuff... but I think I'll save that for later or never. goodnight livejournal people.
comments: 8 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:box in hand - ghostface killah
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Time:06:58 am
insomnia is a bugger. i think it's because my bed is no fun.
comments: 5 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:trash flavored trash - blood brothers
Current Mood:[mood icon] sore
Subject:an extra large tea, extra cream, one sugar.
Time:03:02 am
So... it's January 11th, and this is my first entry of the year, looks like I have a bit of catching up to do about things that have been on my mind and the goings on of the year thus far, but I figure I should start this year off with something interesting. So in keeping with that idea I took this picture tonite, I call it...

"View From The Backseat of A Cop Car at 12:12am."

I couldn't get a great picture seeing how there were cops running my information and two cop cars behind the one I was in and I only had one picture left to take on my phone. No, nothing too terrible happened, and I'm okay, and I'm on the right side of the law, the town might be in the wrong though. I'll find out in the next few days. Aside from that tomorrow is supposed to be lousy weather, and it feels as though I'm coming down with something absoutely nasty, but there's much to be done tomorrow, unrelated to what happened tonite; I don't relish the idea of waking up in the morning. Help? Also, let's all hope I don't have yet another disturbing dream tonight, that make it three nights in a row. But yes, I'm feeling quite achey, so... I'm off.

Happy New Year though everyone!!! Sincerely, I am happy to be here, I just wish I wasn't feeling so run down.
comments: 12 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:ars moriendi - mr. bungle
Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Subject:It's my birthday.
Time:02:47 am
I was born exactly 23 years ago today.


Wishful Thinking...
comments: 24 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:some home business video
Subject:$393.62 (or $400 dollars in loose change) or... "no rolled coin".
Time:11:10 am
So yesterday... I put 32 pounds (or 14.54 Kilograms) in loose change that sat in tall cups and small buckets into a cardboard box, this is approximately half of the change I'd throw on my floor after coming home any given day over the past two and a half years.
I took it to the coinstar machine to count out the change at a rate of being charged 8.9 percent:

The machine spit back a penny from trinidad and a haggard penny, I'll keep both for sentimental value. It took two people's registers to cash me out.
I wish I was kidding.
comments: 12 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:untitled 2 - sigur ros (actually)
Current Mood:[mood icon] thinking about coffee
Subject:i see things.
Time:05:11 am
i certainly did pass out right after i wrote the last entry... but i was making music for a while and since then i've been up for i don't even know how long working on my various projects. i was digging through some of the pictures i've taken over the last 14 months to possibly include in one of the sites... man i've gone all over the place.

here are some of them (there are many) )
comments: 4 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:770am wabc radio, but untitled 2 - sigur ros in my head
Current Mood:[mood icon] exhausted
Time:11:58 pm
Here I sit in the Wal-Mart parking lot waiting for my Dad, it's 11 degrees outside the car right now... just came from an early birthday party my brother had for me, which was pretty sweet. My brother gave me the bossest movie ever; Napoleon Dynamite among other things, truly a film to be proud to own. Ugh, I'm exhausted though and I think I'm about to fall asleep... I had an absolutely horrid visit to the dentist first thing this morning, I don't even want to talk about it, it was that bad. Also, I find it fun to use terminology such as "I shit you not" while talking to tentative business associates, it kind of blows their minds. I believe tomorrow may include me starting to take the change that's piled up over the last few years to a coinstar machine. Okay, I'm going to fall asleep now, being in normal sleep schedule is weird, but I'm quite tired. goodnight.
comments: turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:morta - muggs
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Time:09:40 am
Merry Christmas and Joyous Kwanzaa livejournal people!!

Meh, there's really crappy crap going on (not to do with anyone but myself), it's solely up to me to change it, and I'm going to, it just takes time. The sucky thing about today for me is; it just doesn't feel like Christmas at all, and I'd like it to. The only thing I really want for is for someone to watch one of my favourite Christmastime movies... 1964's Santa Claus Conquers The Martians with me and maybe have a cocktail. Oh, and maybe for the cd changer in my car to work again as well. Then I'll be good.
comments: 4 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:the line - something for rockets
Time:01:41 am
I can easily see how working 12 to 14 hour days could get you somewhere...
(in almost no particular order) today I:

Got around 2 hours of sleep during the conventional day period.
Played around on my new roland mc-303 for a while.
Studied greek mythology concerning the beginning of humanity.
Worked on four different websites.
Contacted and corresponded with two law firms on opposite sides of the country.
Settled several bills during which I was an awesome smartass to the cable company.
Edited several photos.
Wrote a letter to the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Took Photos.
Chopped firewood (what can you think of that's more laborious than that? It's actually really hard.)
Went Christmas Shopping.
Edited Videos.
Uploaded 10 albums to i-tunes.
Filmed Video.
Got a new lcd panel monitor for a notebook computer of mine that had broken unfortunately in a concupiscent moment during my time in western new york over a year ago. Without a manual, instructions, or prior knowledge; I disassembled the computer, removed the broken panel, replaced it with the new one, reassembled the computer, and all in under half an hour; with tiny bent screwdriver. (And there were ALOT of screws and tiny wires to mind.) So now I have use of two awesome notebook computers.
Made my notebooks communicate with eachother.
Picked up a pizza.
Hung out with friends.
Once again gave a shot at playing surf guitar. (yep, still suck)
Didn't smoke.

People say I don't do anything constructive. Bullshitting is one thing, but I think today I found doing lots of random things and actually doing them is much more interesting. I'm going to bed though because I'm exhausted. Stay classy lj people, merry christmas eve eve, or whatever, I have more to do tomorrow.
comments: turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me - u2
Time:06:22 am
Must... resist... temptation to smoke... ugh. Help?

Fun moment of the day:
My two year old nephew running into the room while I was on this important business call, it's great, I felt like a business/family man. I was all "can you excuse me?, I need to say goodbye to my nephew" in the middle of this guy in washington ironing out lots and lots of legal stuff. So I put the phone down, slapped my nephew high five and said bye and then he screamed "BYYYYYYYE!" and then mumbled all this other stuff I didn't understand from across the room and then ran out. That made me smile. Then back to hearing lots of legal jargon such as; "Let me see, I'm assuming your group won't be dealing with "artificial insemination'". "Not that I know of", I said. "Oh, that's why it popped up, it has "art" in it, nevermind", he said.

I sleep the weirdest hours.
comments: 2 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:nuff of dem watch me - oxide and neutrino
Time:08:55 am
I think that's good, I got in the range of almost seven hours sleep and it started around 1:00am. I came home and just blacked out last night. I wish I could appologize to everyone I interacted with last night, I was so out of it, I had something like 2 hours of sleep and my bloodsugar got fucked for the day from three redbulls... my vision kept on getting blurry, I didn't know where I was, or what to think, or even what words to use at some points. It's times like that it's best I'm not in public I guess before I finish the hypoglycemic and diabetes tests. I totally made a complete ass out of myself infront of at least 4 muscians I care to work with among several other people. Someone asked me "what kind of music are you working on?" And I was like "oh, shitty music." Heh, I'll have to make up for all this I suppose. So... to Ashley, Jeff, Rob, Clement, Chris, Kevin, Amanda, Tom and the rest of the world, sorry about having to deal with me, but you're awesome for doing so. I really gotta finish those hypoglycemia tests and things after I get the thyroid thing figured out. On a different note, I haven't smoked for... 18 or 19 days! That's over 350 cigarettes (I've missed out on)... oh man, do I feel the dark pull still beckoning me, it's not fun. But I think it's gone from wanting to quit, to seeing how strong I am. Also, I find myself so deeply immersed in my side projects lately, I do website design in my sleep, I wake up, and then none of it got done, it's a crock. Also, the cd changer in my car freezing and not working because it dropped below zero degrees fahrenheit the other night, so it seems shot. Alright, well, I have to eat, call an attorney, go to cablevision to settle some stuff, go christmas shopping, get work on my car done, and all kinds of fun stuff, so stay classy lj people. good day.
comments: 2 cats sucked through 40 foot of garden hose. or turn on the engine. Add to Memories

Current Music:everyone choose sides - the wrens
Time:07:16 am
Missing sleeping another night: shitty. Watching actual music videos early on a sunday morning by the best band in my world; The Wrens: awesome cool!
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Current Music:overdose - dj tomcraft
Current Mood:[mood icon] aggravated
Subject:a cliche techno song and an angry saturday nite
Time:09:48 pm
YARGH! I'm getting very aggravated. I'm captain productive the last few days, I just came across a slew of DAT tapes I recorded over the past four years and there's some gold stuff in them. I installed this transfer device for my notebook and installed an entire studio in it, but it won't work right. So then I picked up some crap recording software to transfer the tapes, but they won't cooperate with eachother for who knows what reason. :( Either way, here's a snippet from a song from a practice section me and my boy thug mcnasty did back in 2001 or 2002 under the name "monster zero". The song is called microwave me and no joke, we used a walkman as a sampler. I'd post the whole song and the different versions, but I'm getting entirely too much static and it's ALL BEING SUCH A FUCKER!!!! AHHHHH! I'll dig myself out one of these days and make quality renditions of my work. Hopefully. I'm gonna go eat the crap out of some pizza.

Microwave Me - Circa early 2002
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Current Music:under my thumb - rolling stones
Current Mood:[mood icon] headache
Time:01:57 pm
Yesterday was an odd day... I saw [info]muff1nm4n for about 5 minutes right after I woke up and he was drawing a face on a piece of paper on my door. He gave me a fake id of captain kirk and left. He lives like 2 hours away, so yes, that's WEIRD. I got the results from my bloodtests back, I found out my cholestorol, which I need to get down. The doctor has been trying to contact my house for the past week or so but my phone number changed and they didn't know (oops!). My thyroid results didn't look too promising and it seems like I may have hypothyroidism, so I have to go back for more tests in three months to find out for sure. Eh, surprisingly I'm not too bummed about it, if it would help explain why I'm so haggard all the time, it helps. Yesterday I registered two new websites for a nominal fee, for one of them, a website / music / poetry project, I'm trying to pick up a little Romanian to spice it up, Romanian is such a dark language. I plan on releasing it the site in 2006. The number of songs on my i-tunes was 6,666 by the time night rolled around. Drove around, showed people some of my videos on my notebook, made people lose points off their I.Q. in doing so. Speaking of which, I can't seem to just go to bed and get any more than four consecutive hours of sleep without staying awake for several hours inbetween for the past four days and it's making me hallucinate. I don't know what's to blame for that. Either way this weekend, it'll be 2 weeks of not smoking at all, yes, it's very painful, but I'm really trying to stick to it. Going from a pack a day to smoking nothing at all, is very strange. Anyway, I have tons to do, I'm going to start with some tacos. g'day.
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