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User:monsterkids (1012240) monsterkids
Name:Calling All Monster Kids!

Welcome to [info]monsterkids! This is a community for people who enjoy the horror genre (horror punk, scary movies, etc.). Check out the interests listed. Anyone can join, and there aren't really any rules. Just use common sense. Also, if you post large pictures, I ask that you please use lj-cut.

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Community specifics:
Maintainer: [info]legnaleber
Created: 04/18/2003

Mister Monster
Psychotic Designs
@ntidote Records
In the Graveyard
Rabid Badger Studios
Ghouls Night Out
Interests:97: 45 grave, afi, aleusha, american plague, antidote records, balzac, bat punk, big fuckin' skull, blitzkid, boney fiend, boo wop, calabrese, cancerslug, coffins, cryptkeeper 5, cryptkeeper five, danzig, death becomes you, death rock, eerie ln., electric frankenstein, elvira, evil i, fake blood, fink, forbidden dimension, frankenstein, frankenstein drag queens, ghosts, ghouls, ghouls night out, gore, gotham road, grave mistake, graves, graveyards, green goblyn project, groovie ghoulies, halloween, haunted houses, holiday rd, horror, horror movies, horror punk, horror rock, horrorpunk, in the graveyard, malice in leatherland, maris the great, misfits, mister monster, monsters, mr. underhill, nim, october, penis flytrap, psycho charger, psychobilly, pumpkins, punk, randy and the finks, revenants, rob zombie, samhain, shadow reichenstein, skeletons, spysociety99, terrorific, the brain invaders, the brickbats, the brimstones, the cadavers, the cramps, the cryptkeeper five, the damned, the empire hideous, the everdead, the frank-n-steins, the ghastly ones, the graveyard boulevard, the horror, the independents, the jackalopes, the misfits, the nekromantix, the revenants, the rosedales, the serpenteens, the spectremen, the undead, the unsatisfied, the vladimirs, vampira, white zombie, zombies, zombina & the skeletones, zombina and the skeletones. [Modify yours]
Maintainers:1: legnaleber
Members:253: ______lemarquis, ___cocaineblues, ___fetisha___, __lady_luck__, __pumpkin, __untunedguitar, _alcohol, _gorewhore_, _halfdead, _kiss_or_kill, _le___phantasma, _onekillwonder_, _overdosex, _southernpeach_, _stitch, _trafficjam, _vendetta_, akiofiend, aleistar_ghost, aliceisdead, amethystwolf, andpresumeddead, anesth3sia, aradia_dawn0814, ashxriot, atomicman, avenged_kid, baronesskimchi, bedhoppngothboi, bellaisadora, bigdumbpunk, bitterpunk, black_requiem, bluesummers, bombstyle, br0kendawl, brainlust, brian_negative, bukakke4justice, burymewiththis, candylandqueen, cannibalgirl666, celticvampyre, chelseagirloioi, cheshire666cat, chrisisacretin, chunita, circleapunk, cofficus, coffinclutter, core9, crazy_jon, creepy_rob, cruci_fictional, da_horror_show, dancetragedy_, darkphoenixrisn, dead_decadence, dead_ghoul, deadangr, deadfleshgurl, dealatedwren, deathisforever, debidestruction, delirum, demomomania, dirty_dead, disateroid, divinevomit, dj_kreepy_v, djjohncoal, dorksbarne, downsyndromslut, dr_nick_fury, dr_victor_hyde, dread_betty, driveby_suicide, drknssisthelite, dru_cadaver, ecto1, end____________, evilabby, exhibit_a, facelesspride, fakexplastic, fallen_ev, ferrisblue, fiend_138, fiendish_ghoul, fiendmorte, flurrific, foxykitty, francisharlock, fredped, fuckmylungsout, ghost_tiger, ghostofmarlena, ghoulfrend, girl_grenado, girlghoul, girlxskull, glamrockzombie, glasstrash, gorefiend, got_puke, goth_vamp, gracefulghost, gravedisorder, gutterdemon, h8disease, hallowterror, haunted_picture, heed_the_heart, helloenjoiskate, herhandgrenade, heroin_shriek, hollywood_joe, horror_business, horrormama, iamthemurderer, im_a_roustabout, jachaelupa, jacurutu3, jay_girl, jimpict, justinschock, karladevil, kel_sey, kevin_allin, killswitchclick, kurtfester, lady_death13, legnaleber, little_monster, livinginluna, lollirazor, lonely_lidia, lord_elric, lordruthven, lovelydoll, lovexmisery_x, lusciousagony, lycan666, markusmisery, maryzaint, michael_graves, mindless_bunnie, miserymachine, moiling, mommyimalive, momsonameathook, msvivienfit, my_lemon_lies, nailsofdecay, necr_opheilia, nekronaut_13, nekronauts, nerdy_nightmare, nickholle, nicolascaesar, nokturna, oblongbox, overd0se, pa1nfully_y0urs, painjunky, parasitic_one, pavandal, please__die, radiostasean, raescabies, ramirez13, razorbladebeau, redhedpunkxxx, reichenstein, rickymortis, riotxriotxriotx, rockercorebetty, rockitqeen, roland909girl, roomthreetwelve, russellstein, rylh1ghne55_420, sadisticlolli, safetycamefirst, saint_agatha, sammaelhain, sarahyzenbaard, savemonroeville, sciophobia, screamtostatic, serpent_sky, seten, sewingskin, shesahorror, shessomessedup, shesuchascream, shirtwaists, sicktodeathmx, sicmaggotbitch, singsingstatic, sinoftheflesh, sinstressed, sirtrotsky, skeletongore, skellington77, slayerettedolly, slightly_doomed, slipnaughty, slow_agony, smeardlipstick, solipglossed, splatterguts, spook_frolic, spookshow13, spookshow1313, spookycat13, starkviolin, the_vacant_grrl, thecigarettegrl, thenbxmas, thezombiequeen, tnagerebel77, to0gh0ul4sk0ol, tootoughtodie, toxic_vision, trashvillequeen, trazan, vamprocker, violenceoflines, violentnights, violetsrblack, vomitz, whitescenetrash, wicked_fuwby, wineinourheads, woahdudechill, wolfsflesh, x_____dream, xblinkx, xdontexploitmex, xdormantmalicex, xgore_whorex, xgunsandknivesx, xiane, xmxsuicidex, xombieman, xquietxgirlx, xvixiex, yearone, youretheproblem, zombelina, zombiecrush, zombiette
Watched by:165: ___fetisha___, __lady_luck__, __untunedguitar, _gorewhore_, _halfdead, _kiss_or_kill, _onekillwonder_, _overdosex, _stitch, _trafficjam, absolute_hatred, akiofiend, aleistar_ghost, aliceisdead, aradia_dawn0814, atomicman, baronesskimchi, bedhoppngothboi, bellaisadora, bitterpunk, bluesummers, bombstyle, br0kendawl, brainbrimstone, brainlust, bukakke4justice, candylandqueen, cannibalgirl666, cannibalistic, celticvampyre, chelseagirloioi, circleapunk, coffinclutter, core9, crazy_jon, creepy_rob, cruci_fictional, da_horror_show, darkphoenixrisn, dead_decadence, dead_ghoul, deadfleshgurl, deathisforever, demomomania, dirty_dead, disateroid, divinevomit, dj_kreepy_v, djjohncoal, dorksbarne, downsyndromslut, dr_nick_fury, dr_victor_hyde, driveby_suicide, drknssisthelite, dru_cadaver, ecto1, evilabby, facelesspride, fallen_ev, fiendmorte, flurrific, ghost_tiger, ghostofmarlena, girl_grenado, girlghoul, glamrockzombie, gorefiend, goth_vamp, gravedisorder, gutterdemon, h8disease, hallowterror, heed_the_heart, heroin_shriek, horrormama, im_a_roustabout, jachaelupa, jacurutu3, jimpict, justinschock, karladevil, kel_sey, kurtfester, kylethirteen, lady_death13, legnaleber, little_monster, livinginluna, lord_elric, lordruthven, lusciousagony, lycan666, markusmisery, mfirecracker, michael_graves, miserymachine, mommyimalive, momsonameathook, msvivienfit, my_lemon_lies, necr_opheilia, nerdy_nightmare, nickholle, nicolascaesar, nokturna, oblongbox, ostegodead, painjunky, parasitic_one, pavandal, please__die, radiostasean, razorbladebeau, reichenstein, rickymortis, riotxriotxriotx, rockercorebetty, rockitqeen, roland909girl, russellstein, sadisticlolli, safetycamefirst, sammaelhain, sarahyzenbaard, savemonroeville, screamtostatic, serpent_sky, sewingskin, shayesaintjohn, shesahorror, shessomessedup, shesuchascream, sicktodeathmx, sinstressed, slipnaughty, smeardlipstick, solipglossed, splatterguts, spook_frolic, spookshow13, the_horrorkid, thecigarettegrl, thenbxmas, thezombiequeen, to0gh0ul4sk0ol, tootoughtodie, trashvillequeen, vamprocker, violenceoflines, ...
Member of:1: horror_movies
Account type:Free Account

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