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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "current events".
278 matches:
- 2_sexxxy - 2_sexXxy
- 3faithdialogue - Jewish, Christian and Muslim
- 55curtains - blog it like you want it
- _2hot4u_ - Not your average hot or not community
- ___ihy - I Hate You: The Community
- _emptypromises - _emptypromises
- _everything_ - The World
- _gopchristians_ - Christian Republicans
- _gryphon - The Ph03n1x Remix
- _h_0_t_t - _h_0_t_t
- _lj_times - LJ Times
- _peaceinchrist - Peace in Christ; Nonviolent Christians unite
- _victory2008 - Democratic Victory in 2008
- _whats_goin_on - What's Goin' On?
- abovetopsecret - Above Top Secret
- ac_news_room - After Celebrity News
- add_me_over25 - Live Journal Adults
- addmedemocrat - Meet friends who share your politics!
- americandissent - American Dissent
- americasucks - America Sucks
- and_finally - in other news today ...
- anti_bush - The Anti Bush
- antiwar - War Must End or Humanity Will
- ap_dorks - The Chosen Ones
- ashamedamerican - Ashamed to be American
- astute_ - We Are Astute
- audgepaudge - AudgePaudge
- awaketoolate - Awake Too Late
- babbleblather - Babble & Blather
- badpolitics - Bad Politics
- band_of_belief - Band of Belief: A Virtual Christian Small Group
- becauseyousayso - And Then There Were the Tramps
- bellabeauties - || B E L L A B E A U T I E S
- best_threads - Best Current Threads Going on LJ . . .
- birdsofminerva - Night Owls
- blackphunk - Phunkyness
- blazethefire - -=-Information Obsession
- bluestockings - blue stockings
- bostonofftopic - Boston Off Topic
- brain_food - A Buffet of Brain Food
- bristol_liberal - bristol_liberal
- bush2004 - George W. Bush 2004
- bush_cheney_04 - The Bush/Cheney Presidential Community
- bushisms - Mr... President?
- bushwatch08 - BushWatchers 2008
- carson98610 - carsonites
- cf_hardcore - cf_hardcore
- challengeweekly - Challenges every Week
- chicagoforpeace - Chicago For Peace
- cincydems - CincyDems
- cnncrossfire - Crossfire
- coastlanders - Coastlands Church
- coldreason - The Cold Voice of Reason
- conservacorner - Conservatives Corner
- conservlikewoah - Conservative like woah
- cosmomag - The Cosmo Community
- crackedoutpoets - cracked-out poets
- crimesagainstus - Persecution does not equal freedom
- crimsonreality - Society
- culturedfurs - Furs of Culture and Style
- current_events - Current Events
- currentevents - Current Events
- cutthecrap_sxe - Cut The shit Straightedge
- daily_polls - Daily Polls
- dare_i_say_it - Dare I Say It?
- darksidemedia - darksidemedia
- datavein - dissemination of information
- death_not_opt - Death Is Not An Option
- debate2004v2 - Political Debate, with More Logic and Less Insult
- debate_place - The Debate Place
- debate_politics - A Straight up debate forum
- debate_this - Debate This
- democratic - Democratic Political Party
- detroitgrownups - anti-drama detroiters
- dimolti - The Site Project
- dinkynews - Dinky News
- dirtyneedle - Dirty Needle
- discussion - KoolTalk
- discussiondaily - Discussion Daily
- dissentingminds - Dissenting Minds
- dork_alt_hs - Dork Alternative High School
- dramafreedebate - The Community For Intelligent Bickering
- educated_angst - educated_angst
- elite_debates - elite_debates
- faithxpolitics - faithxpolitics
- far_right - A Conservative Forum
- fem_zine - South Dakota Fem Zine
- fiar - The Fuck It All Revolution
- fightwithme - The Great Debate
- fire_george_w - Mr. Bush... you fired!
- flneighborhood - FlorenceLane
- flushlimbaugh - Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot!
- fly_in_a_circle - mind, once stretched by a new idea,
- foreignaffairs - Foreign Affairs
- fosnf2h - FoSnF2H
- fourstates - The FourStates
- fox_news - Fox News Channel
- free_media - Free Media
- freedomofspeech - freedomofspeech
- freedoms_press - Freedom's Press
- freethesuzies - The Suzies
- fresh_hot_slice - Fresh Hot Slice
- fussy_dahlings - fussy dahhhhlings
- g1rls_n1ght_0ut - GirLs NighT 0uT
- gamefaqs_idiocy - The Best and Finest of GameFAQs
- gasping_forair - gasping_forair
- generaldebate - Topic of the Week.
- get_rid_of_bush - Vote Bush Out
- giuliani2008 - Rudy Giuliani 2008!!
- glennbeck - Glenn Beck Fans
- glovelove - Glove!Love - HIGNFY fandom
- gop_nation - gop_nation
- gorevidal - Gore Vidal
- gothnation - The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth
- group_d_plus - group_d_plus
- group_sex - Posting People of
- gsa_lj - Gay/Straight Alliance on Live Journal
- guncontrolnow - LiveJournal's Gun Control Community
- h0tterthanh0t - Think you got what it takes?
- h8_sux_b_happy - Where is the love?
- haiku_is_love - everything haiku
- hmc_help - hmc_help
- homelessness - Homelessness
- homelessness_ma - Homelessness in Massachusetts
- humanity_haters - Humanity Haters
- iconoclastfans - Iconoclast's officially sanctioned fan club!
- in_the_news - in-the-news
- indecision2004 - Indecision 2004
- infant_academia - infant_academia
- infoforclueless - Info for the clueless
- ionaz_chiquita - ~*!claSsy femaleZ !*~
- islam - To Submit
- issuevoters - People who Care
- joshuaproject - The Joshua Project
- just_ourselves - Antisubjugationism
- justiceinaction - Justice in Action
- katkrazy - people who are crazy for cats
- kgo - kgo
- l0s3rs_inc - Mad_World
- leftofwa - Washington State Liberals
- letsrant - Get your rant on, baby.
- liberal - Liberal
- liberal_icons - Liberal Icons
- liberal_quotes - A place to discuss liberal quotes and ideas
- liberalvalues - Liberal Values and Discussions
- lick_the_star - kill the rats
- limp_wristed - the limp-wristed liberal weltanschauung
- ljs_of_colour - LJs of Colour
- lwslj - Living With Style Forum Members
- m_s_a - Muslim Students Association
- magazine_stand - magazine_stand
- makefacesnotwar - Make Faces Not War
- malaysia - malaysia
- master_race - master_race
- mbcsouls - SOULS at Mary Baldwin
- mbp_left_wing - MBP Left Wing
- mediaslaves - Slaves to the Mass Media
- militaryuniform - friends of the military
- miller_rants - miller_rants
- mind_exchange - The Mind Exchange
- mipolitics - A Place for People from Michigan to Discuss Politi
- moderate - Stuck between Iraq and a Hard Place.
- msu_gop - Michigan State University Republicans and Conserva
- nc_for_peace - North Carolinians Supporting Peace
- nekidvegimvmnt - The Nekkid Vegetarian Revolution
- nestoffreaks - Nest of Freaks
- newliberal_army - The New Liberal Army
- newscrawl - newscrawl
- ninja_arr - Ninja Arr*
- nomoore - We Don't Like Michael Moore
- not_my_jesus - NOT MY JESUS - An Anti-Bush Community
- nyermagazine - New Yorker Magazine Group
- observationstn - Observation Station
- op_ed - op_ed
- oym_wnhs - Open Your Mind - Westerville North High School
- pagan_gop - Republican Pagans
- pagan_politics - Pagan's discussing Politics, Current Events etc
- parliamenthill - Parliament Hill
- parlidebate - Parli Debaters
- pdx_anti_war - The Portland Activist
- peace_studies - Peace Studies
- persians - The Persian Community
- petsforpeace - Animals with a voice
- photoshopular - Yahoo's Most Photoshopular!
- pointtaken - pointtaken
- pol_talk - Talking Politics
- political_snark - Political Snark
- political_toons - Political Cartoons and Political Humor
- politicalites - politicalites
- politicartoons - Political Cartoons
- politicettes - Niki & Kirstie
- poll_a_day - Poll A Day
- pro_republican - Pro Republican
- progressivenews - Progressive News
- pub_gossip - pub_gossip
- public_forum - Public Forum
- pundits4christ - pundits4christ
- quoted - Quotation Forum
- racial_hatred - Racial Hatred Community
- radiofreepanama - Pymander Triskaidekaphile
- randombutuseful - Random But Useful
- randomnews - randomnews
- rants_r_us - rants_r_us
- rare_context - rare_context
- rate_a_brain - NO STUPID PEOPLE ALLOWED!
- rate_my_penis - Rate_muh_booobieezzz
- refugeenews - No-one is illegal
- resoundingbitch - resoundingbitch
- revolutionbaby - revolutionbaby
- riceforpeace - Rice For Peace
- right_v_left - Right Versus Left. Conservative, Liberal Debate
- rightwing_ca - Conservative Canadians
- ripoffyourlogic - ripoffyourlogic
- rit_politics - RIT Civic Discussion Group
- rss_geek - Random Secret Society of the Geek.
- salon - Salon
- samo_crc - Civil Rights
- sanctimoanious - Sanctimoanious, because elitism is just a parody.
- sass_factor - Sass-Factor
- scotsactivist - Scotsactivism
- seattlepolitics - Seattle politics
- sebaticalfriend - Friends Of Sebatical
- sexydems - Good Policy, Good Values, Good Looks
- sfbayareamedia - San Francisco Bay Area Media
- sicilia - Sicily
- smart_ass_grrrl - Smart Ass Grrrl E-Zine
- smarterdebate - Smarter Debate
- smartpolitics - smartpolitics
- soapbotx - Soapbox
- socializing - socializing
- socialsciences - Social Sciences Discussion Community
- sonic_splendor - Sonic Splendor
- sots - State of the States
- sp_republicans - South Park Republicans
- squishyclub - You always knew girls were weird...
- stayawakewithme - Stay Awake With Me
- stolen_election - Elections Are Stolen From Voters, Not Candidates
- talkingtaboo - Discussion of issues, sharing of knowledge
- talkmusicradio2 - Talk-Music Radio
- teenagewastland - Place for us teens to chillax...
- the_forum_ - The Forum
- the_lj_realists - The Livejouirnal Realists
- the_lost_muse - abandoned children of the muse
- the_oddball - Godless Savages
- the_pilot_cshs - The Pilot Live Journal Community
- the_right_ideal - the_right_ideal
- thebookreport - thebookreport
- thefourthestate - The Fourth Estate
- thelastcafe - Anon
- thelastsunday - An Experiment In Film
- thelogicalparty - enough with partisan politics
- theloudandproud - The Loud and Proud
- therightside - The Right Side: Liberal Kryptonite
- thetimes - The Times
- threesecondhead - Free debate - any views, anytime
- tinatoledo - Write On
- top_n - top_n
- totallyfucked - Totally Fucked
- train48 - TRAIN 48
- ummah_online - ummah_online
- un_patriotic - Questioning Authority is Patriotism
- unconstraint - crossing the thin lines
- use_your_noodle - Use Your Noodle
- usf_prelaw - USF Political Science & Pre Law Community
- verymuchawake - Very Much Awake - Company for Children of the Nigh
- vicious_bitches - V I C I O U S bitches™
- votebush2004 - Vote Bush 2004
- votedumbass2004 - Vote Dumbass 2004
- w_daily - W_Daily: Because There are Rumors on the Internets
- warprotest - The People
- wave_station_x - Monday Night Mafia
- wildwomen - The Wild Women
- wlwbands - the Walled Lake Western Bands (and Symphony Orches
- wrrg_889_fm - WRRG 88.9FM
- wtcdisaster_art - remembering 11 September 2001 through Art and Word
- xbreakyourneckx - xBREAKyourNECKx
- xopenxeyesx - xopenxeyesx
- yourownmind - Your Own Mind
Interested users
The following users are interested in current events. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
439 matches: