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► created by Lisa Monique
► from Amazing Designs

March 23, 2003 • 07:28


I am tired. I was going to write something, but now I think I'll just go back to bed. night.

2 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: sleepy

March 18, 2003 • 11:55
:: Icky Picky Niki

I haven't seen her in FOREVER so I am going to go see her today! ^_^ told her I'd take the 3:56 and be there at 4:33 and she said she'd call me back. She better be okay with it or I'm going to bite her.


I quit smoking. But I'm not doing it cold turkey (where the hell did they come up with that term?). I am using the patches. So far not a craving... yay.

Spring break is going okay. Haven't done anything but babysit and shop. I got 2 pairs of cute jeans and a pair of nice sneakers. But I didn't use my money. I am saving that. So far I have 86 bucks.

Niki just called saying she'd be there at 4:33. Heh. I knew she would. Gotta love her.

1 lie b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: blah

March 18, 2003 • 05:45
:: Ack!!!

Someone quickly do the math, if you were born in 1976 how old would you be??? Some dude just added me to his lj friend list and his bio says he likes to masturbate. *gags* okay thinking... my sister is 22 and she was born in 80. EWWWW he is 26!!! or 27... either way, ew. Fucking perv. Okay, so I will be "legal" in 7 months, but that's just dirty. 19/20 is my limit right now. And most of them are assholes and jerks anyway so I just won't date until I'm 18/19. I like being single and there is nothing wrong with hookups... although Palm Beach County is the 5th county in the country to have the highest AIDS rate... I just won't have sex, shoot heroin, or kiss when I have a wound of some sort in my mouth. And kissing is all I will do. And maybe just girls. I'm getting tired of guys. Guys and their nasty little penises... some aren't even circumsized... ew. But Lou is an exception, if he changed his slutty ways and was clean, I'd give him another chance. Possibly. But that won't happen.

Okay I am stopping my rambling. I'm bored, someone call me.

30 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: bored

March 16, 2003 • 22:34
:: My body is deteriorating.

So it all started out with a cold.. but without really paying much attention, I also had been getting this recurrent rash for 2-3 weeks. Well yesterday I had began to feel worse with chills and body aches. I noticed my rash had come back so after I got home from babysitting, I put a little cortizone 10 on. I wake up at 4:30 in the morning (the usual time I have always been oddly getting up) and feel I have the full blown flu and not only that, but my whole mid to lower back, legs, and random places like hands and wrists is extremely red and swollen. Not a pretty site to say in the least.

I freak out and start crying and if you know me at all, I'll start looking shit up online to see if I am dying or something. I think I sometimes have a mild case of hypochondria. Anyway, I looked up shingles because I have had chickenpox before so that can lead to shingles later on in your life. Well all the symptoms matched ecxept that I wasn't blistering or crusty and it wasn't only on one side of my body. Thank god. I decided to finally wake my mom and she freaked out, but of course, being a mother, she held it in and figured it was an allergic reaction. So she told me to shower in lukewarm water and gently wash off my skin because if it was a sort of chemical I was allergic to, it could still be on me. After that she had me bathe in warm water with baking soda to neutralize. And when I was done, I took benedryl so it would knock out most the histamines in my body and he put calymine lotion on me. Well I felt like I was dying because I was very nauseaus and for me it's easier to throw up when I'm not dog sick. So being dog sick it was harder to throw up. And I felt also shortness of breath and she said if any more major symptoms came on that she'd have to take me to the emergency room. I didn't like that idea.

I eventually threw up and it knocked out the flu-like symptoms, but now I have a raw tummy because I had had no food in it at the time. So I'm living on Pepto Bismal and lots of water. I also think my cold is going away, but I still have a cough. And I have probably had about 50 naps today because I would sleep, wake up, begin to watch some cartoon and then 5-7 minutes into that I fell asleep again for a short period of time.

I'm a mess.. but I got my hair done and it looks awesome.

7 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: okay

March 14, 2003 • 23:29
:: I'm unique again

I got my tongue pierced almost 2 years ago and at the time I only knew a few people at my school who had it. Well as time passed on, everyone got it and I recently took it out. I think I only know a few people at my school that actually have a tongueringless tongue. Heh.

Anyway, I have 60 bucks. Babysitting isn't half bad. I don't know what to do with it because I don't know what I want... it's weird seeing as most of my life I have always wanted some materialistic item. I guess I shall save it for that flip phone I want... Hmmm.

2 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: content

March 13, 2003 • 06:36

This girl wants to kick my ass because I supposedly gave her attitude... um she wouldn't have gotten attitude if she hadn't given it. Stupid Dyke!

Oh well. She always backs down anyway even though she acts like she is such a hard ass and in kick boxing and loves to fight. I haven't seen her fight since 8th grade when she fought Cassie... hhmmm

2 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: amused

March 9, 2003 • 08:11
:: 8:11 on a Sunday Morning

I am tired. Tonight Six Feet Under will be on. Can't wait.

I hate people who decide to just waste their lives away to nothing. It's pathetic and sad, and who do they blame? Nope, not themselves. Others. That's who they blame for the wrong choices they choose to make in their life. Did I give him the Meth? Did I say he should do it? Did I give him the alcohol and force him to drink?

No. But that's not what he believes.

6 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: cynical
:: music: Korn - Hollow Life

March 8, 2003 • 20:09
:: Hmph

Everyone's out and I'm just here. I could be out, but I had no ride to Boca... shitty shitty.

9 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: bored

March 7, 2003 • 15:28
:: Get me away from these fucking losers

Okay, David thinks I did shit to his journal... yeah whatever. He may have told me his password and I have no clue what it is. I'm not that petty anyway....

I on the other hand have a life.

Anyway. Today was good. I'm glad it's friday. I'm tired. Brianna might get her ass kicked so stay tuned.

Basically what happened was Stephanie made a grusome picture of Brianna and hun it in the girls bathroom. Now Brianna has threatened to fuck her car up, Danielle overheard and now Steph wants to fight. Brianna has never fought in her life and Steph takes kick boxing lessons. Interesting.... not.

Funny though.

:: mood: amused

March 6, 2003 • 21:26
:: My Advice

If your friend was or is in a relationship and they are fighting or having problems, listen but don't sit there and bash the person judging them on a one sided story where you don't know the full details or even them.

It's stupid.

That's all for now.

:: mood: accomplished

March 5, 2003 • 20:14
:: Survey

stilen from userinfoshiwasebubbles

[my name is]: Sarah
[height?]: 5'5"
[in the morning i am]: trying to get mysefl to that "okay I'm up" point.
[all i need is]: all I have.
[love is]: not for me unless I could be in love with a chick and have sex with guys w/o any attachments. Basically, not possible.
[if i could see one person right now]: no one I can think of
[i'm afraid of]: fear
[i dream about]: absurdities

-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[pictured your crush naked?]: no
[actually seen your crush naked]: no
[been in love]: not going there
[cried when someone died]: yes
[lied]: mmhmm

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: coke
[flowers or candy]: chocolate
[tall or short]: tall

-W I T H . T H E . O P P O S I T E . S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: eyes
[last person you slow danced with]: chase, 8th grade dance
[worst question to ask]: "why?" because I said so mutha`trucka

-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: Brittany and Niki
[makes you smile]: My mommy, Niki and Brittany
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: Merrick. He is so cool. He is in that stupid local band though called Fleecing Noogen
[who do you have a crush on?]: Merrick
[has a crush on you?]: Have no clue.
[easiest to talk to]: Niki... sometimes.

-D O . Y O U . E V E R-
[Stay on aim, waitin for someone special to IM you]: No. I only ever talk to Ivy seeing as most the friends I had are no longer. Fucking Jupiter High Losers is what they are. (Sorry Ivy)
[save aol/aim conversations]: not really
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: no thanks, I'll keep my feminine parts.
[cry because of someone saying something to you]: Not in a long time. I'm heartless.

-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: unfortunately
[been rejected?]: Mmhmm.. Damn Lou! Heh.
[rejected someone]: Umm.. yeah.
[used someone]: Maybe
[been cheated on]: Everyone knows that... it was basically plastered up on a fucking billboard...everyone saw it but me, Ivy and Cara of course...
[cheated on someone]: Yeah, but that was in 8th grade.. I don't think it counts
[done something you regret]: I can't remember now so... no.

-W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]:
[hugged]: Alex. I love her.
[you instant messaged]: Ivy probably
[instant messaged you?]: Ivy I guess
[you laughed with]: My mommy

-D O . Y O U / / A R E . Y O U-
[color your hair]: yeah
[habla espanol]: no
[smoke cigarettes]: going to quit soon.
[obsessive]: not really... actually far from it
[could you live without the computer?]: prolly not.
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 14 I'm guessing.
[what's your favorite food?]: Italian or thai.
[whats your favorite fruit?]: bananas
[drink alchohol?]: not lately
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sometimes.
[what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?]: emotional.
[trust others way too easily?]: nope.

10 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: bored

March 5, 2003 • 06:26
:: Neglect

Sorry to have neglected you guys out there. I haven't been commenting much or reading your journals. I'll try harder ^_^.

Tyler is with Kate. Sucky sucky. But I don't think I like him much anymore. He's 2 months younger than me anyway. But I think Marc likes me. But I don't like him. Hmm..

yeah, need a shower. Then off to school. which actually isn't so bad anymore.

Self-reminder: Make guidance Appt. w/ Mrs. Panier!!!!

:: mood: awake

March 3, 2003 • 22:55
:: +Fucking Cool+

I have the best layout. Want to know how? Look at the layout credits, first column, bottom section.

My ear hurts and I keep getting this rash everyonce in a while on my torso. Grrr. My arm also hurts. But I feel fine.

Must go to bed.. very sleepy. Hopefyllu I don't awake at 4:30 in the morning like the past 2 weeks. What is it with that time? I think I need to break my internal alarm clock. That, or sleep with everything off. Lights and tv you nasty perv.

Yeah, sleep.

4 lies b.e.lie.v.e
:: mood: sleepy


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I am

feministic, fearless, fragile, bold, intelligent, creative, artistic, simplistic, complicated, delusional, realistic, liberal, deliberate, soft, femminine, out-going, shy, unique, me.


activism, addictions, aerosmith, alice in wonderland, amsterdam, angelinia jolie, angels, anime, art, beauty, billy idol, bizzy bone, bjork, black and white photography, blasphemy, body art, body modification, books, burning times, candles, cats, cemetaries, cherries, chocolate, combat boots, conflict, courtney love, cradle of filth, criminology, david bowie, deftones, delerium, denial, denmark, dirty pair, disdain, drama, dreams, dublin, edgar allan poe, egyptology, eminem, eyeliner, faeries, fantastic plastic machine, feminism, femmes, fetish heels, fishnets, frederick's of hollywood, garbage, george michael, gir, gloomcookie, gothicism, gummi bears, guys, hate, hell, hentai, hole, honesty, hookahs, horror, hot topic, incoherence, incubus, inkubus sukkubus, intelligence, interior design, invader zim, ireland, iron butterfly, j-rock, jack off jill, james marsters, k's choice, kisses, kittie, korn, kylie monogue, la rissa, law, linkin park, lore, madonna, make up, manga, masquerades, milk shakes, mind control, mindless self indulgence, music, my dying bride, netherlands, nightmares & fairytales, nin, nirvana, orgy, outkast, pain, perfect blue, pet shop of horrors, philosophy, pizza, poetry, radiohead, religion, remorse, rent, revenge, rob zombie, robert frost, serena valentino, sex and the city, sexuality, silver, six feet under, sleep, sneaker pimps, soul asylum, sparkles, stp, strawberries, subconscious, sugargliders, tairrie b, techno, the crucible, trust, type o negative, vampires, vast, victorian period, war, writing, ♥


► Name: Sarah
► DOB: 10.05.85
► Height: 5'4"
► Hair: Blonde
► Eyes: Grey-Green