Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "bpd".
57 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in bpd. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
363 matches:
- 00xox00 - 00xox00
- 01mink__heart - Heart Failure
- 5foot3 - ¤¥*~Ruby_Gloom~*¥¤
- ___epiphany___ - I think, I got it!
- __likeaprayer - M®š TøM
- _abdication - _abdication
- _anysia_ - Anysia
- _beach_bum_ - Sarah Emilie
- _disturbedone_ - [x] FaLLen disGRace [x]
- _evanescence_ - Spread My Wings
- _halo2horns_ - _halo2horns_
- _lastchance_ - Lisa
- _samb - samb
- _sleepflower - A Song To Break Your Heart To
- a_a_a_fuzzluv - a_a_a_fuzzluv
- absinthefiend - Tobias Blackwater
- addmetoo - BB's Clone & Add Me,Too! Archives
- admiringyrlava - possibly maybe
- ajunkyardkittie - demeter
- alfers - alfers
- alive_she_cried - a deal with god
- almasoutcasts - almasoutcasts
- ambersilhouette - ambersilhouette
- amusedinsanity - collective mental freak out
- ana_faction - Tracey
- ana_obscura - Primavera
- ana_to_my_bones - i will fly away.
- anaphrodisiac - anaphrodisiac
- angelkeys - One of the 49%
- angelphyre - Whimsical & Unrestrained
- angryheart - Angry Heart
- annelid - Worm
- annoisy - Missy
- antiphany - Quiet Seething
- anunquietmind - AnUnquietMind
- aoikaminari - Kaminari
- aramanth - what I lack in sanity, I make up in soul!
- archdruid - Classified
- areki - areki
- art2_choke_hart - the poet who ran off with the pen
- asautumndies - No Man Like A Snowman
- ashleyboo - Ashley
- auqakuh - Auqakuh
- barely_alive72 - Bon
- bat_kol - Bat Kol
- batcooky - Kittie Osbourne
- beautifulcorpse - Ann
- beeeckie - beckie
- bekahsjournal - Bekah
- bittertastes - bittertastes
- blackcatmori - Heather
- blaze212 - lisa, et. al.
- bleedblacktears - bleedblacktears
- bleedin4you - Myria
- bloodyqueen - Belle
- bole_chudiya - Habibi
- bootaystar - Just Another Pile of Trash
- borderlinejenn - borderlinejenn
- boredominity - Hannah (is trying)
- bpd_bliss - bpd_bliss
- bpdjanine - Janine
- brainhurts - brainhurts
- brokendollhead - Laura
- brokenjane - Broken Jane
- brokenwingsx - BrokenWings
- burn_with_me - burn_with_me
- butchkittykat - Katy-Boi
- byher - Stefanie
- caostrofia - caostrofia
- caristy - christy
- casus_tristis - Nemo
- catdraco - accidentally cAtherine
- celestialblue - Celestial Blue
- ceno - Mikey
- chainedophelia - ~~~
- chertothepalla - ★Cherpalla Abdul-Jabar★
- chili_pepper - Unbearably hot cinnamon gummi bear
- chown_me - grep_me chmod_me chown_me
- christinefm - Christine
- cinnamonhaze - cinnamon!
- clamp_x - Phoenix
- clare - clare
- clubgirl4u - You murder time & truth, love, laughter & belief
- clumsyolpgirl - Johanna
- confusinglife - confusinglife
- corrina5612 - corrina
- crazedbutterfly - TC
- crazy_wild - =crazy_wild=
- crazypunkgrrrrl - crazypunkgrrrrl
- crimsontears_85 - crimsontears_85
- crutencrazed - Koki
- crystabella - Polly Glot
- cunfuzzled - Completely Confuzzled
- cute_psychopath - cute_psychopath
- daisychayn - Brandi
- darkdelilah - DarkDelilah
- darkdelilah1976 - DarkFemmeDelilah
- darkdelilah76 - DarkDelilah
- darklyenchanted - The Darkly-Enchanted-One
- dead4tiffany - x tiffany x
- deadwhisper - deadwhisper
- dearestungodly - dearestungodly
- deathbycandles -
- dee_ell - dee ell
- deepbluewalls - deepbluewalls
- deletethechild - Just a Little Girl
- delilahjones - Althea told me, upon scrutiny
- dirtyashtray - dirtyashtray
- dirtydina - ~DirtyDina~
- divamatrix - Zim's Mommy
- doombee - bee grrl
- drowningarcadia - Arcadia Shadowalker
- dyingvalentines - Unrelenting Arson
- dykefromhell - Naima
- earlyday - earlyday
- edaf - hunger hurts but starving works
- eightofspades_ - Cal
- elyz - Elyz
- emerald888 - Metztli
- eresh_cloudy - eresh_cloudy
- evilpinkgirl - P!nk <O> EPG
- evilpolkamuse - freshly scraped off the sidewalk
- f_l_a - Fallen_Lesbian_Angel
- faerieface - Mandy & Ethne
- false_industry - love like a drug
- fayestar - fayestar
- femynistical1 - Lyz
- filthyalice - alice in wonderland
- find_the_girl - Miss Ornery
- fireinthepriory - slightly mysterious bruises
- firinel - Bank
- formain - Formain
- fulfilled_wish - fulfilled_wish
- ginni25 - To personal to share
- gloomshadow - heather
- gothicautumn03 - Liz
- gothinterrupted - Goth, Interrupted...
- gregoid - Gregory Sare
- hankerchief - Jenn
- hatesyourself - hatesyourself
- hersandhis - little panda mcelroy
- hersheyposh - Gabrielle
- hurricane_ryann - hurricane_ryann
- ich_und_boom - Lindsey-bot
- iheartanalsex - *i heart anal sex* wooo
- ihmisolento - ihmisolento
- ilazcowa - ilazcowa
- inblackagain - drunken gutter star
- indyellen - Indyellen
- inmyotherworld - In My Other World.....
- internal_hell - internal_hell
- iv_trash - Abstract in your arms
- j3nny3lf - Jennifer E. McWhorter
- jadedshadows - Ralkarin teh Ghostie
- jasminj - JJ
- jerseygurl1980 - jerseygurl1980
- jjjaded930 - jjjaded930
- jpessimist - jpessimist
- jykhar - Jykhar
- kai_ - Kai
- kalaidescope - kalaidescope
- katimus - kat
- katora - Something Wicked
- kel_belle22 - Kelly
- kelatethecrayon - Kelly Osbourne
- kiss_of_death - Kiss of death ;o)
- kitty_litter83 - kitty litter
- kittygirl1785 - kittygirl1785
- kityakatt - kityakatt
- kk_girly - KK_girly
- klayracyn - klayracyn
- kmiotutsie - kmiotutsie
- krolowa - Drag Queen by Birth
- kyriad - kyriad
- ladiepink - ladiepink
- lakisa_falta - Arbor Day
- lammashta - Lammashta
- laugh_at_mia - laugh_at_mia
- leadsister - i am the Lead Sister...
- lelalay - Lauren
- letsplayhouse - K
- lildrafire - Lildrafire
- lillianvee - Lillian Vee
- literalbeauty - literalbeauty
- livingdeadgirl - Living Dead Girl
- lobotomyeyes - Lobotomy Eyes
- lost_cosmos - Pandora's Aquarium
- lost_forgotten - Another lost soul. . .C
- lostcristina - Lostcristina
- lostinanamia - Tres Destruit
- lostinsideme - Marla
- luceturtle - luceturtle
- mandi100 - Mandi100
- manic_insanity - Manic_Insanity
- manicures - Brittney
- maskedmadness1 - Masked Madness
- mattgillies -
- maulana - Smoke -&- Mirrors
- maybelike - kitteh
- maychen - Madchen
- megjam - megjam
- mendedwings - Mended Wings
- mercurynmicah17 - Jamie
- mermaidnchains - Lynn
- mgeorge - Mike
- michette - michette
- mikey_beeper - the inner sanctum of mikey beeper
- milk_a_vegan - milk_a_vegan
- mimicry - Stoned, Ripped and Twisted
- miseryandmirth - Belle Inhell
- mmccoy - Kai M. McCoy
- modernxillness - modernxillness
- moonlightgryph - TearsRaven
- mort_h2g2 - mort_h2g2
- mourninglite - Nameless
- moxiemission - moxiemission
- mrjiggs - MrJiggs
- msanborn - Marian's Musings
- msree - ReeToes
- my_tourniquet83 - huh???
- mydarklife - you think you're a guest you're a tourist at best
- naebliser - Kari
- nascha - nascha
- natzini - *~*melodic rock princess*~*
- necrogrrl - n e c r o g r r l - t h e - n e c r o p h i l e
- nelliegoddess - Nellie
- newdisease - Li
- ng - the Feed, being all Fucked,
- nikki__angel - nikki__angel
- nineveh_rains - princess butterman
- nirvana_ - Rebecca
- nnnslogan - No Name, No Slogan
- noiredemons - medusa
- noiselesspider - m
- nomisthejester - Dan Blinder
- nonprettyful - nonPretty
- notsoscene - Luinlindëiel
- notwhatwemaybe - notwhatwemaybe
- npmueller - bysshe
- nullpromises - Wes Garner
- ooomooo - pants are neat.
- opacitys_doll - Opacity’s Porcelain Baby Doll
- oreo_panda - susan
- orionsacolyte - Orion's Acolyte
- outtagasandsoul - Closed For Demolision
- oxfordmini - Heroine
- perfect_paper - perfect_paper
- pink_piggies - pink_piggies
- pixiegirl69 - twisted pixie
- pleazeletmego - PleazeLetMeGo
- pseudo_punk - Heather
- pseudolysane - April
- puddn - Media Darling
- punktothecore13 - Kill me with your heroin, pierce my pretty vein...
- purity_goodness - purity_goodness
- quarterdad - quarterdad
- queenxdiamonds - queenxdiamonds
- quorcester - Insanity!
- raginginmyblood - ...
- rando - idoru
- raven23light - Raven23Light
- ravenonyx - RavenOnyx
- raybeam - oh you know, just some girl
- redeadboi - redeadboi
- redrainstorm - Sweetie
- rogue1717 - Rogue
- ruliverse - Cat
- sadcycle - Rob
- sailor_punk - ~ LaZyLaNe GoTH GiRL ~
- saintingie - Saint Ingie
- sanitypending - Rachie
- sapphosfire - Sapphosfire
- sarahs_muse - Sarah
- sardona - Sardona needs sleep...
- scottishthistle - Sara
- secretfuel - The Devil
- shadowechoes - The ShadowEchoes
- shadowmutts - The ShadowMutts
- shakti10 - Shakti
- shattrdsilence - shattrdsilence
- shelpa - shelpa
- shinia - Kel
- shiva_kitty - shiva_kitty
- siegeengine - SiegeEngine
- silenced_monkey - silenced_monkey
- silver80 - silver80
- silver_rayn - TAFKAS
- skarlette_sub - skarlette_sub
- skitzobitz - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
- slaveinshadows - Slave
- sokoll - Borderlining
- solaced_one - ♥
- soul_starlette - The Dirty Dark One
- sparklesofchaos - Brittany
- sparrow77 - Katie
- spikedheels - Infinity
- spiraling_in - my name is zalary . . .
- squidthewhore - Laura
- starqueenie - starqueenie
- streetlampshalo - Halo of a Streetlamp
- sugar_madness - sugar_madness
- suicidediaries - Corgan
- sullenpieces - Emily
- surfdork - surfdork
- sweet_anarchy - Ebony
- sweetcrusader82 - sweetcrusader82
- sweetlittlesin - Chelle
- sweetsickboy - [deleted because of flagrant copyright violations]
- sylphiel - Kait
- t_w_i_g_g_y - Jen
- taiintedl0ve - // I'm Dying Tomorrow
- taintedjoy - taintedjoy
- takingbacklife - ..:The.One.Less.Travelled:..
- takoda - Z
- tarnished__halo - Some Angelic Mess
- tear_trail - Paige
- teh_nikster - Nikki
- tehuti_88 - Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight
- thebinlady - Ref
- thedirtystomp - xtinax
- thekinz - michael (mike)
- theshadowsil - ~I am nothing~
- tiahanson - tia marie
- tigers_eye_85 - Dez
- tokion - rickytickytimbo
- tommysgirl2477 - Ginni
- tourniquet23 - Dark Whisper
- toxicatedkisses - Kitty
- trainkeeper - trainkeeper
- tzuey_ren - tzuey_ren
- undecidedinny - Jennifer
- unloveablenight - Anna
- unwanted_soul - Ravynn
- vaeh - vaeh
- vamp666babe - vamp666babe
- vapidpulse - VapidPulse
- verblassen - verblassen
- veuve_norie - freckles
- violettfem - Vi
- volcgrrl - Paula Ellingwood
- wesgarner - Wes Garner
- wewisheswewasnt - wewisheswewasnt
- whatmedium - whatmedium
- whenrosesdecay - A Rose's Funeral Song
- whisperedones - Whispered Ones
- witchinhertower - Witch In Her Tower
- witheraway - skin and bones
- world_anomaly - thanatopic_life
- x__modernthings - laura
- xblckxlipxsticx - xblckxlipxsticx
- xdark_echo - xdark_echo
- xfak3x - xfak3x
- ximsopunkx - The Greatest Person ALIVE
- xmycathatesyou - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
- xshock_therapyx - xshock_therapyx
- xskaboyx - Ben
- xx_alicia_xx - ♥*♥*♥ALICIA♥*♥*♥
- xxshame - xxshame
- xxxsephirothxxx - xxxsephirothxxx
- xzyola_blue - ::==Dancefloor Kill==::
- yellowblacktrip - ::Nothing::
- zneth - Z
- zobiana - ...little drowned melora