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Community Information

Below is information about the "Hip Domestics" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:hip_domestics (758278) Paid User hip_domestics
Hip Domestics
Domestic is as Domestic does!
Domestic is not a dirty word!

Good philosophy from [info]manhattan:
Being domestic doesn't mean giving up parties or a job or any of that. It's about having control over your life and your space. It's about skills and creativity. With those skills, you can exchange your free time for money saved or money you didn't have in the first place, effectively turning what you enjoy into a bit of an income as well.


We ask that you observe the following.
1) Spam is not tolerated. Do not spam this community with off-topic advertisments/auctions, there are communites specifically for that purpose. If you are a crafty domestic and want to show people your wares, thats fine. Do it repeatedly and we'll consider it spamming.
2) A number of our members find some topics are best kept behind a cut. Think along the lines of poop, vomit, pee, puss.. Please be considerate and place them behind a cut with a warning.
3) This is a wonderful peaceful community with a lot of input and thriving ideas and comments. We like it this way. We would like to keep it this way. This is acheived by showing respect and tolerance for all members, no matter what their beliefs, sexuality, lifestyle choices, etc.
If this is all clear, then come on in and join the party!

Whilst Hip_Domestics is open to everyone and for discussion about EVERYTHING that is hip and domestic, we feel that the following sites and communities may be able to help a little more specifically. Don't let that deter you from joining and contributing here though ;)


Got A Link Suggestion? Let Us Know!
Please note: The Mod tries her best to keep this list short, sweet, effective and up to date. However- you might do well to go here and see what the members have listed as their favourite communities/sites. Or of course- check the memories.

This community was originally maintained/created by the wonderful [info]ninecherries.
In August 2003, [info]missmalice accepted the challenge of moderating the community and in January 2004, [info]justamy jumped on board as the trusty memories maintainer/archiver. If you need to contact someone, missmalice can be emailed regarding community issues, and justamy can be contacted regarding the memories. Ninecherries no longer moderates the community, so don't hassle her ;)
Memories:413 entries
Interests:85: apartment dwelling, baking, budgeting, bust magazine, clean clothes, cleaning, cleaning supplies, closets, clutter, cooking, crafts, crochet, debt, decorating, diy, domestic, duct tape, dust bunnies, dusting, dwell magazine, eating, finances, fix it, food, gardening, gifting, good cleaning music, groceries, guerilla decorating, handmade, hgtv, holidays, homemade, hors d'ouvers, hosting, ideas, ironing, kids, kitchen utensils, knitting, krazy glue, laundry, lighting, list making, living within your means, martha stewart, meditation, moderna, multitasking, needlepoint, not your mom's house, organizing, out damn spot!, painting, pajamas, pests, pets, plants, plumbing, reading, readymade magazine, real estate, recipes, relaxing, rugs, savings, sewing, simplicity, sleeping, slipcovers, small spaces, surprise by design, sweeping, swifer, teatime, television, thrifting, tools, trading spaces, upholstering, vaccuming, vintage aprons, woodworking, work from home, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:2837: View Members .
Watched by:1887: 118, 13thought, 148259, 27, 2doodles, 3minuteromance, 4q, _1945, _7seven7_, ____motion, ___doubleknots, __october_, __pokey, _a_cheshire_cat, _adagio, _artxisxhard, _babylemonade_, _bex, _bitchcake, _discolemonade_, _epiphany_girl_, _fioness_, _honesty_, _leisurely, _lisbon, _littlewing, _looking_ahead, _marginalia_, _mazzy, _notanartist_, _notyourstar, _orangello_, _our_last_kiss, _roundhouse, _sourcream, _starlet_, _underneath, a_bad_analogy, a_yuki, abbeyrd, abbeystarr, abbydabby, abitaturbocat, abluegirl, absolutjenn, acchapin, acornx, adde9903, adiasplat, aditu, adorking, aeryn42, agelena, agua_clara, aishy, ajc, alannamarie, alaris20, alceria, alfabettezoupe, alice_bunnie, alien010, alierakieron, alison_chains, alisoncummins, alitria, all_about_words, all_uncovered, all_wires, allah_dot_com, allieann, alliesutherland, allyallyally, almostophelia, alongtheway, althaea, alyssa11679, alzaetia_jane, amanda_mary, amandahuginkiss, amarillys, amator, amberbeads, ambr0sia, ambrosiangel, americanenglish, americnjewl, amethyst_heart, ameya, amnormand, amo_el_verano, amused_kitty, amy_tompkins, amylee1178, anandav, anayajay, anayasmom, anblarhna, andarta_w, andiautomatic, andirawks, andrasta, andromeda6, angel_peach, angela6678, angelakc, angelalexis, angelam, angelicmystique, angelnamedamy, angelrose, anghella, angiestone, angylgirl, anietundi, annalytical, annelise, annzah, anomilygrace, anopoli, antichristine, antigoneschase, anvilskies, anxiouslobster, apossibility, applejuice, aquaholic, aquariusmama, araelle_taure, arbus, arcanis, arehart, ariadne034, ariedana, aries_angel, arrien, artemisfur, asetwoman, asheratah, ashleymuffin, ashlle1, ashlupa, asianwaterfall, asimplelife, aspiring_to_be, astepfordwife, astrokaiju, asumi, at_the_stars, ataniell93, ...
Member of:2: adhesiveheaven, flyladies
Account type:Paid Account

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