LiveJournal for Skinnyclambakes.

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Thursday, September 2nd, 2004

Time:9:44 pm.
Been in Washington for 1 year today.

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Tuesday, August 31st, 2004

Time:9:47 pm.
i'm a moron sometimes. quit being like a moron i say to myself. doesn't work
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Sunday, August 29th, 2004

Time:9:46 pm.
finally talked to laura on the phone. it was a little awkward, as it usually goes. i havn't figured her out yet, she's kind of weird i think. she's got my attention... For some reason she seems to like me, i think that's the one thing i can't figure out because she doesn't know anything about me. i'm starting to think it's because i make her laugh, maybe she just wants a guy that can do that. maybe i shouldn't worry about it.

Almost september...i like september, seems like good things happen in september. Going to bumpershoot next weekend, not sure how many days i'll go. The only band i REALLY want to see is galactic. wouldn't mind seeing presidents of the usa either heh.

sure did watch a lot of the olymics this weekend. made me miss track...

that is all.
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Time:2:37 am.
i watched city of god again today. i normally don't watch any movie more than once... what a good movie, it's on the buy list.

ended up just going out in poulsbo with roy. poulsbo isn't a lot of fun. ahwell.
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Saturday, August 28th, 2004

Time:3:27 pm.
Ahhhhh it's nice out today and i'm being a bum. Feeling aweful braindead - think i smoked too much pot last night.

Why am i so anti-social anymore... i'm just not a smooth operater i guess. Roy isn't shy, ,that's for sure... Think we are going to go out in seattle tonight. I'm not so sure if i really want to right now, just don't feel like getting wasted and really don't feel like feeling like shit tomorrow. ahwell....

Posted some pictures from the trip to wisconsin:
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Time:3:46 am.
city of gods is an awesome movie. best i have seen in a long time.

weird night... got drunk with roy.
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2004

Time:10:04 pm.
made it...

the drive back sure was nicer than the drive their... except it rained the was turrential downpours the last 6 hours...and seattle traffic sucks, but that was only downtown to get to the fairy.

had 16 phone messages waiting for me when i got back...atleast 8 were from cornell trying to talk me into buying a plane ticket instead of driving cuz he didn't think i'd make it to his wedding. hah

i got some pretty good pictures, will have to post them. had a good idea for a website on the drive. had a few good ideas for stuff i could do...hmm, hope i don't forget them all. i took a picture of a purple flower outside our house. my mom will like that.

my guess is i'm going to have 2,700 emails tomorrow at work. we'll see how low i am...

hmm...i keep getting this error:

Error updating journal:

Incorrect time value: Your most recent journal entry is dated 2004-08-25 22:32, but you're trying to post one at 2004-08-24 21:56 without the backdate option turned on. Please check your computer's clock. Or, if you really mean to post in the past, use the backdate option.


Ahyah... post before this was dated the 25th. i learned my moms computer clock was on the wrong day during my trip- when i got to the hotel and it was booked for the wrong day.
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Sunday, August 22nd, 2004

Subject:JC wedding + Larry fest
Time:10:32 pm.
where to begin...

jonny cornells wedding was just an awesome awesome time. had the rehersal and dinner friday night, and i learned at the rehersal that dan was going back to larry fest that night and then waking up early to go back to the wedding the next day. Hot damn! i got a ride to larry fest.

i'm really glad i got to go... i didn't think there was any way. Danced around for an hour or so until the music stopped then went and hung out around the camp fires and got roudy. Got to talk to gretchen a while. she is moving out to san diego... that's really cool, now i have 2 reasons to go down there, i believe a road trip is in store. i love hanging out with her, we get along so well.

I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone i wanted to, there were a lot of kids i didn't know there... it was too dark so i couldn't see people. that's the one thing i like about saturday of LF, its a lot easier to socialize in the daylight. i think i'm scared of the dark.

so bloke and i got up and went back to platteville saturday for the wedding festivities. I got SO much attention for my hair hehe... i had some big navigator sunglasses i wore with the tux and looked straight out of the 70's. The dj called me disco stu and kept calling me out. Damn did i ever dance a lot... lots of girls too... good times all around.

the ONLY bad part of the night was after the wedding dance ended we went down town... i was hanging out talking to people on the streets afterbar and kevin took off to puff at klein's. The problem being that he was my place to stay. Soooo i end up wandering the streets of platteville for a while wondering what the hell i was going to do and hoping to see kevins car or something.... ended up walking down to the gas station and ran into a friend of heathers. i talked him into taking me to a hotel and i went to the desk and asked if any cornell or oltophers where staying there. heh. second try i found nate and sasha. unfortunatly they where passed out.... i sat and pounded on their door for a long ass time, then went and called their room but they pulled the plug on the phone instead of answering it :( Sooo eventually i found that jody was in that same hotel and after pounding on his door a while he let me in, and laughed at me.

I'm still in wisconsin now cuz when i woke up i still had to find people and my stuff and would have got going way way too late. Sucks i have to miss another day of work, but it wouldn't have been trouble driving in my condition.

Good news i got my car fixed too! got a new gas tank that doesn't even leak-and all 6 cilenders work again. All that work done on it (that my dad paid for:) ) may be worth driving out here alone. Got a long haul the next two days...mmhmm.
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Thursday, August 19th, 2004

Time:5:38 pm.
well...made it to wisconsin.

Robin and i rocked on through the night... made some pretty horrible time somehow, became slightly delusional from the lack of sleep and the hourly bowl smoking. good times.

I sure don't have much time here.... it's a shame. The drive back to washington sunday is going to be hellish...hopefully i'm not still drunk when i wake up. I dont know how i am going to be able to keep myself from partying too hard, going to have too many friends around. trouble.
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Monday, August 16th, 2004

Time:10:57 pm.
Mood: amused.
Jessie lee,

The eta for the Robin & Jon show is.... Wednesday night. probably
later than early. possibly 2am. You should be on watch anytime from
5pm wednesday evening to 5am thursday morning. I would pay especially
close attention between 10: 47pm to 3:00am. Sometime in there, we
will be rolling into town.

My days in the KV are numbered. And that number is 1 and a half. I
will be present in the KV from sometime between 5pm wednesday evening
to 5am thursday morning and 4:00PM friday. At which point, it's all
about the wedding...and getting wasted.

So... that doesn't leave time for much, and unfortunatly, larry fest is much.

Which means, I'll see you sometime between 5pm wednesday evening to
5am thursday morning!

Jon Baker
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Time:10:41 pm.
gots ta pick up robin in an hour or so... woopie!

i've been geeking about this trip the last few days, but i'm pretty excited. Robin and i are going to have an interesting ride... we may meet jake somewhere in wyoming. i'm not exactly sure how we will manage that, but we can find a way. the first day is going to be all mountains, second all plains...till valley rich western wisconsin! actually, i think the mississippi river valley on the minesota side of lacrosse is one of the best areas of the trip. blahblah.

i may buy a cell phone tomorrow...that would be kind of spontaneous... i've been tryign to avoid one of those damn things for a long time, but i guess they are convienent. if a get a cell i might as well unhook my regular phone and then i might as well get cable internet. or no internet, i could use that (no internet besides the 11 hours a day at work) Hmmm...

laura has emailed me back again... i really can't figure her out. guess i'll just assume she's crazy.

oh, and i am now a mexican gang member.
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Sunday, August 15th, 2004

Time:9:31 pm.
finally got my guestbook on
i'm going to get some crazy messages from people. People like YOU!

robin flys in tomorrow, and off to wisconsin tuesday. i got my car tuned up friday, it costed me like $175....i don't feel like they did $175 worth of work, but i feel more confident i will make it, so i guess it was worth it.

I'm a little afraid for this wedding...may be too much fun. I'm not used to hanging out with people that arn't morons...hope the couple days won't spoil me. What i'm really afraid of is the alcohol....ohmy... trouble trouble. (that's double trouble) mmmmm...
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Saturday, August 14th, 2004

Time:6:18 pm.,1413,102~8860~2334213,00.html

woh... coventry sounds like a CRAZY time.
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Time:5:14 pm.
laaast night... got a big ol bag of buds and smoked...much, much. I feel so braindead today. Went to see sir mix a lot in bremerton... turns out he's from right near bremerton-he even has a song called 'bremahoes" Hehe... that's so funny. there is no other place like bremerton. thank goodness.

was going to see charlie hunter tonight...feel so dumb today i dont know if i want too.. that and i dont really want to go alone - could ask cory, but man, i dont want ot hang out with him again. i dunno... maybe i'll go, maybe i'll sit here on my ass. I've been doing that too much lately... I've been so bad about running since i got back from alaska. aveged at least 3 times a week before that... i'm vowing to start again after the trip to wisconsin. I need to just break down and get a gym membership - and start going in the morning.

got an email from laura out of the blue today. didn't expect it, that makes me happy.
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Thursday, August 12th, 2004

Time:10:14 pm.
went to happy hour with people from work. it was pretty good time. 50c taco's, you can't go wrong.

phishs' last weekend :( I dont believe it will be forever... i may be "old" next time tho. whole lot other bands to see still. got my ticket for bumpershoot today! i need to buy one for another day... it's an interesting mix of music.

oh and charlie hunter this weekend! oh, hehe... i'm going to see sir mix-A-lot tomorrow in bremerton! I am kind of scared to go to a bar in bremerton.... it will definatly be an interesting night
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Tuesday, August 10th, 2004

Time:9:52 pm.
got an email from demo today. turns out he got engaged.... crazy stuff. His emails are weird, it's like he's a totally differnet person typing then when in person. mmm...i dunno, just weird.
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Monday, August 9th, 2004

Time:9:34 pm.
final week of phish tour :( What a sad thing.... Wish i lived on the east cost, i'd be there, oh i'd be there.
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Sunday, August 8th, 2004

Time:7:34 pm.
what a boring day. I'm getting kind of sick of living alone... I need to meet some non-work people around here :/ Maybe i need to become not-so single. Been for so long now, wonder what my damn problem is. I was lured into a personals site while i was reading The Onion today. There was 1 girl on there that just i about signed up just so i could email her...what a cutie. ah well...

did something horrible today. went to the mall. Ish. had to look for 2 wedding presents, ended up getting 2 cards. I have no idea what to get these guys... Maybe i can find a gift certificate to put in the cards or something.

i HAVE to get my car tuned up this week.... road trip is coming up tooo fast.
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Time:1:07 am.
Mood:bless the funk..
finally got to talk to cornell... looks like i won't get to go to larry fest at all unless i want to get there at 10...knowing i have to be in wedding pictures the next AM. I think it's going to be trouble no matter where i go tho. too many people i havn't seen in too long..


didn't go to the show as planned. technical difficulties lead to not going to seattle. sat here and drank beer and went to a lil bainbridge bar. to my suprise 3 hippie folk walked in....2 girls and a guy. i was sure hoping they would invite me to play pool so they would have a four some. but

this week went so so fast. today went so so fast. I need a bike... that's not all i need.

p.s. I'm In the phone book!!!%#$!@$
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Saturday, August 7th, 2004

Time:11:28 am.
mmmm i make some good weekend breakfast food.

went to corys new place in PO last night. it's cool that it's on the water-he's got a deck you walk out on and your above water. But that's about the only cool thing about it. no parking, place isn't well kept, and the view is of the naval ship yard and bremerton...blah. He had some blueberry buds, that was nice.

think i may go see some show with christian tonight. i've never went out with him, but he's been pestering me. I think it will be electronicish music...which is alright... I just want to get out i guess.

mmm... that is all.
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