Interests: | 149: 12 rounds, addiction, aesthetics, alice in wonderland, ancient history, androgyne, animals, anime, anorexia, asia, baldness, ballet, base, baz luhrman, beautification, bluegrass, bodily functions, books, bowling, buttons, cars, chaos, cheese, choir, classic rock, coffe, combat boots, computer art, concerts, cowboy bebop, creepy crawly things, criminology, deadsy, dragonball z, drama, egypt, europeans, everlast, exclamations, fairies, fire, flasks, foosball, football, freedom, ganja, gardening, gender fuck, ghosts, glass blowing, glitter, glitter bracelets, gossip, hallucinogens, hate, heroin, history, homicide, horse riding, hot wax, incense, indie movies, innocence, insanity, intoxication, inuyasha, japanese, johnny the homicidal maniac, jones soda, jrock, languages, latin, law, love, lucky strike cigarettes, macabre, magic, making love, manipulation, medieval, men, movies, mutilation, myself, mythological creatures, nazis, neon pink, omnisexual, painting, paranormal, parapsychology, parenting, peircing, people, percussion, perfection, philosophy, photography, pills, pins, pipes, placebo, plaid, portland oregon, power, psychology, punctuation, pyromaniacs, randomness, reggae, religion, research, revolution, rock, rock operas, roses, rotterdam terror corps, scarification, scorpions, sociology, speeches, spiders, stars, stickers, stripes, suicide, sunrise, sunset, surprise, techno, the 60's, the east, the palace, the ring, the who, travel, ufos, vampires, vanity, vw vans, watches, weather, website design, whiskey, wine, women, words, yaoi, yu yu hakusho. [Modify yours] |