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sophie elizabeth

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[05 Mar 2005|11:18pm]
bonus points!!! mom "rubs my shoulders" in an oh-so-not subtle way to feel my shoulder blades, shoulders, rib cage, and spine to see how prominent they are. oh well, free back rub!! ;D

i ordered another "inspired" balenciaga le dix motorcycle at iOffer. now here's to hoping i don't get ripped off hahaha. i'm getting hooked on the bags. i get tons of compliments on the one i have and it's perfect for me cause it's big and roomy without being slouchy.

i had a big long whiny post typed out a few hours ago and then semagic went all evil on me, had an error, and shut down. bastard. oh i bet it saved a draft though now that i think about it. eh, still. i don't want to post it anymore.

i saw the two most hilarious cars yesterday on my way home from therapy.

car 1: beat up chevy corsica with silver rims, a big spoiler, and racing logos on it. guy thought he was real hot and was bugging me all the way on 252. wtf. that beats the geo with a spoiler i saw on state street in utah. who thinks a fucking corsica is COOL???

car 2: furrymobile. i swear the owner/driver is a furry. he had zebra stripes on top of his front windshield (you know, like where some people put words or other shit) and all over his back windshield, and on his headlights. plus zebra seat covers and a plush zebra hanging from the rear view mirror.


EDIT i forgot to post pictures of the bag, duuuh. )
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[28 Feb 2005|11:42pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

okay, tomorrow i am going to exercise at least a total of one hour and i'm cutting my calorie intake even lower because i was a fatass today. the exercising is going to be tricky cause i'm going to be busy, but the busy will keep me from eating. i'm so stressed out about mom's surgery, i'm stressed out about taking care of my brother and sister for the next few days while my mom is knocked off her ass on narcotics. why WHY WHY does my dad have to go out of town this week??

i'm stressed out about federated buying may company because may company just bought marshall fields last april so now marshall fields will become property of federated, which is known for being big on consolidating headquarters which since dad is high up in the food chain, could possibly, at least how i have it figured out in my head, be consolidated out basically. but i dislike may company because they're good at driving all of their stores into pieces of shit (lord & taylor, hecht's, meyer & frank, robinsons-may) so it's a good thing in a way since federated actually knows how to run dep't stores (macy's, bloomingdales) but still. i got worried when may bought MF from target, too, and everything was fine. i still just wish marshall fields was with target corp. *cries* i miss my target discount and all the other little perks. my mom and i are both like that but my dad is like "eh, whatever" heh. i guess that shows i should just shut up about the whole thing and quit worrying. wtf, actually, i really do need to stop worrying. even if the worst happened, dad gets job offers all the time so i guess everything would work out.

i'm still stressing.


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[28 Feb 2005|07:58pm]
i don't want to do this damn presentation tomorrow UGH i know what to say for my intro part but for the conclusion wtf, i don't know. i'll bullshit something i guess.

my abs hurt soooo bad i've been doing tons of sit-ups/curl-ups and my ass and thighs hurt from squats and lunges. owwwwwwww.

i spent $174 at ulta today. i meant to go get some red color-depositing shampoo, eyeshadow, and pressed powder. i came out with a LOT more than that. god.
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[26 Feb 2005|07:59pm]
hahahah wtf splash. i have a "happy valentine's day" balloon in my room and it's kind of deflated so it's moving around a little like up and down and side to side. well splash is in my room laying on my bed, chewing his reindeer toy but he's distracted by the balloon and he's growling and barking at it. what a dork. oh wait now he's going down to the foot of my bed under my covers to sleep.

i slept almost all day today. :\ that's bad but it was kind of nice.

i got my new packet for my EDI appointment, ugh it's so much paperwork. i have to specifically write out EVERYTHING about my eating habits, caloric intake, what i consider a binge, laxative use, diet pill use, my "rules" for eating, everything. plus release forms and consent for treatment forms. at least i have until mid-april.

i'm really hoping the cymbalta works for me because if it doesn't, i have to go onto a mood stabilizer or an anti-psychotic and i fucking hate mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics basically make me a zombie.

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[22 Feb 2005|03:38pm]
i found these awesome balenciaga knockoff bags at $150 but omg i want one so bad. my purse addiction is crying for it. i have it in my shopping cart, i'm just freaking out whether i should buy it for real or not. i want it bad.
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[11 Feb 2005|06:16pm]
I GOT A PINK MINI IPOD OMG I AM SO EXCITED. i saw one while i was at target and i thought to myself.. fuck it, i want one, so i'm buying one.
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[10 Feb 2005|03:30pm]
i got my self-concept paper back today. i got a 20/20 yay. basically everyone did as long as you got the concept. now i'm writing a short paper (more like essay) on nickel & dimed in response to some questions the professor gave us.

i'm so tired lately. i'm getting 8+ hours of sleep, i don't know what my problem is.

today is dad's birthday. i need to get a present for him but i don't know what to get, he is SO hard to shop for. impossible.

i'm so uptight right now.

oh the guys that sit behind me and i (in psychology) finally decided who our psych professor looks like!!! we got it pinned good. he looks like if george bush sr. and mr. rogers had a love child and aged 50-60+ years, it would be our psych professor. seriously.



my psychology professor

pictures )
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[07 Feb 2005|09:40pm]
[ mood | crazy ]


today was pretty good. i didn't have to see josh in psych class (he skipped...again) and the professor did a hilarious imitation of a bull while talking about color and i forgot the rest of the point because i was too busy laughing at him being a bull. the guy that sits behind me was actually quiet when i usually feel the urge to turn around and put a muzzle on him. and he was all "that's an awesome hoodie" about my hoodie, even though i'm not sure why but okay, yeah, i love my hoodie. and he helped me play text twist in class. i was playing it on my phone and he'd lean forward and whisper whatever the longest word was when i was sitting there trying to figure it out haha.

i ate 2 poptarts for breakfast but went downhill from there and couldn't eat the rest of the day except for dinner because mom made me.

my skin is going nuts. it's either dry as hell, eczema-y, or oily and breaking out. wtf. PICK ONE GODDAMNIT, NOT ALL OF THEM.

nice, my IP address is 69.69.blahblahblah hah!

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[03 Feb 2005|05:25pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

i hate life sometimes. today is one of those fucking days. i don't know why. nothing has happened to me. i just feel empty and hopeless i guess. i feel like i will never get better and i will always be fucked up. i'm becoming consumed with my eating, it's miserable. i can't hide it well anymore. people either notice my eating habits or they notice my size. i can't even count how many times a day i get told i'm "sooooo skinny" or tiny/bony/little/petite, whatever.

i'm done with josh. he's "too busy" to do anything this weekend, including the plans we had today. he calls me in the middle of class and leaves a voicemail saying blah blah blah i can't hang out today, i'm sorry, i'm sorry to cancel on you, blah blah blah. i call back and he says the same thing. i ask about this weekend because he said yesterday that yeah, we would hang out this weekend. nope. saturday "way too busy" and sunday "super bowl party" so he can't. and he doesn't know when he will have time to call me. okay fine, your loss. i wasn't that attracted to him, i guess. he's okay looking, but even i have to say that i am a lot better looking than he is. and he's annoying me. two strikes + blowing me off, he's out.

i don't really want to date anyone anyway. i do but i don't. i do because i'm a mooshy idiot and like having a boyfriend. but mostly, i don't because i have too much to hide and it's too much work to fucking hide everything. it's easier to just stay alone and not be bothered with more people shoving food down my throat and wincing at the scars on my arms.

today was so nice out. i think it hit 50° or so. perfect. :)

i just realized i scheduled my physical therapy appointment at the same time i scheduled an appointment with my psychiatrist. oops. i should cancel the physical therapy appointment, but i'm cancelling and rescheduling my psychiatrist appointment instead because i'd rather get a massage than get bitched at for cancelling my eating disorder institute appointment. i mean, really, let me weigh the decision here. massage or getting bitched at? that's a no-brainer.

i turned in my self-concept paper today. i glossed over the touchy stuff and kept it vague.

i'm keeping this post public for some reason. probably because i'm off my rocker.

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[29 Jan 2005|07:45pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | theory of a deadman - no surprise ]

UGH. NOT MY LOSS. so josh just wants to be friends with benefits. umm let me think about that for a second... NO. at least he was up front about it. i guess? i don't know, i'm not all that hurt by it. i feel like being a bitch and just being cold and snubbing him bad cause i can.

i was so pathetic last night though, haha. i've been asleep by 9 or 10pm at the latest and i didn't leave josh's house until 11 so i was dead tired by the time i left. it was kind of funny because i got so tired that i was easy to move around, he made a comment about how i was "like putty" because well.. i was.

i'm back down in my weight, 95 lbs & i can see my ribs all the way down and my collarbones stick out. :\ my intake evaluation is tuesday. i ate quite a bit today. i feel sick.

got home from babysitting a little bit ago. it was easy. those girls are so easy to babysit, seriously. the litttlest will say something to her sister and her sister will be all "no, don't ask her to do that, she only has two hands" (talking about me) and they're not messy. i think the hardest thing i did was make macaroni and cheese and do dishes. they make me laugh, though, they're so cute.

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[25 Jan 2005|11:11am]
[ mood | busy ]

class got out early. all we talked about was our paper that's due next thurs on self-concept and how we developed what it is today and how it was influenced by others. easy.

now i have a big break so i came home. i should be reading the stuff for women's history in modern america... i'm slacking on the reading and i have a feeling she's going to have a quiz. oh shi. i better go do that.

today is nice out. sunny and 36° outside. much better than the shit on friday, wow. it took me 3 hours (on what should have been a 30 minute drive) to get home from therapy. i took pictures with my camera phone because traffic was stopped or else crawling so bad i didn't even need to use my gas pedal. i'll post them maybe hahah.

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[24 Jan 2005|07:06pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

blah blah blah i haven't updated in a while because i'm lazy.

i dyed my hair a couple days ago. myself. i know i swore up and down and on my grave i wouldn't do it myself ever again since last time it turned grey, but i had to. i couldn't stop myself any longer. i used a semi-permanent dye, though, that way if i did fuck it up i could get out the dish soap and wash my hair a few times and hope it comes out or at least fades. but!! it did not turn ugly colors!!! the color i got was golden light brown or something like that, it was clairol natural instincts hairdye, and i did a strand test on a chunk of pretty easy to cover up hair and it turned out ok so i put it all over and it turned to a really pretty light reddish brown, kind of auburn colored. it's hot. i like it. i'm going to dye it that color again when it fades.

picture behind the cut )

umm what else. i've been shopping tons. target has these really cute mossimo layering shirts that are kind of sheer and they're cute, i got a couple of those in diff colors. i got 3 pairs of jeans at AE, a couple of tanks to layer with and a camisole. went to express and got a cute shirt, it was like $5 on clearance so i was like why not, a cute hand-knit sweater, and um what else, oh a couple of camisoles w/ lace on them. and i went to delias and got a couple tacky t-shirts on sale haha.

oh and i totally am about to raid ulta and sephora!! i walked by the sephora store in the mall and it looked like heaven, my jaw dropped. pure heaven. my bags were so heavy though and i thought my arms were going to fall off so i had to call it quits and not go in there. i will later!!! i went to ulta and bought shalimar light perfume, $45 bourjois makeup brush set, loose powder, and a cute hard candy lipgloss keychain!! it's perfect, i'm always looking for my lipgloss when i'm out and about.

i'm getting bored at school and distracted easily. some of it is because the classes (due to the professors) suck, and some i think is because my stratterra isn't working and it's making me tired. i love my sociology class and my women's history in modern america classes, they're awesome, the professors are great. i'm irritated that my psych class isn't better, all the professor does is read definitions out of the book!! it could be such an interesting class if it were taught by a better professor. and naturally, i hate speech/interpersonal communication because i'm a major introvert and because of my social anxiety, but it's a requirement to take a speech class and that was what would be the easiest one for me. my career development class blows, too, ugh. i was sitting in that class today and i just wanted to slit my wrists it was so mind numbingly dull. not to mention i unknowingly sat in front of a table full of PSEO (high school) students who think they're still in their high school and that it's cool to talk out and interrupt with witty/immature comments and act clique-ish. i'd drop the class but i would only get a 75% refund at the most and if i withdraw instead of drop, it affects my academic standing which could hurt me in the long run when i need to get into a graduate school or a competitive program, etc. ugh.

i'm studying for the psych test with josh on wednesday, the test is on friday. he has my notes because he missed last class and i was feeling nice and let him borrow them. i really don't need to study, it's open book open note, not to mention going to be super-easy, but hey.
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[17 Jan 2005|10:10am]
hahah sad. this makes me look like a psycho nut. it's pretty accurate, though. the only thing i don't agree with is the aggressiveness but maybe i am.

Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results
Sociability ||| 2%
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 95%
Assertiveness ||| 3%
Activity Level |||||| 18%
Excitement-Seeking ||| 2%
Enthusiasm ||| 2%
Extroversion |||||| 20%
Trust ||||||||| 24%
Morality |||||||||||||||||||||||| 75%
Altruism ||||||||||||||| 41%
Cooperation ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Modesty |||||||||||||||||| 57%
Sympathy ||||||||| 22%
Friendliness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Confidence ||||||||| 29%
Neatness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 87%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||| 56%
Achievement ||||||||||||||| 41%
Self-Discipline ||||||||| 21%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 80%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 52%
Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 91%
Volatility ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 96%
Depression ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 97%
Self-Consciousness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 97%
Impulsiveness ||| 8%
Vulnerability ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 95%
Emotional Stability |||||| 20%
Imagination ||||||||||||||| 42%
Artistic Interests |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 81%
Introspection ||||||||||||||||||||| 63%
Adventurousness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Intellect ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Liberalism |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%
Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
personality tests by

the answer key )
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[17 Jan 2005|12:10am]
assignment!! i am bored and i need some new good websites to poke around. any celeb sites that have good gossip and are funny or celeb sites that make fun of celebs are the best!! same with humor and stuff. i need entertainment. and oh sites that don't load spyware onto your computer by visiting them!! i went to a site once that downloaded this horrible shit thing onto my computer and it took me forever to get it off.

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[15 Jan 2005|09:44pm]
[ mood | blah ]

what a bunch of fucking hos!!! i have a hold on my almost $9,000 dollar check!! wtf bbq, not like i just deposited a million bucks. i need to pay my bills, ASSHOLES. it's from a legit bank, a legit trust fund, so fucking GIVE IT TO ME. oh and even better, i got a letter informing me that part of it is being held until the 20th and the rest is being held until the 27th. IT'S A BANK CHECK FOR FUCKS SAKE. i hate wells fargo i really really do. as soon as the $$$ hits, i'm yanking it out and moving to TCF, fuck wells fargo. they're nothing but a pain in the ass about everything. they can go fuck themselves. i'll make it very clear why i am closing my WF account, too. bastards. my bills are late because of this shit.

haha ok so i put off getting my blood drawn for a week or so and i went in yesterday after therapy, i just went down to the lab and got it done. i was so nervous i don't know why. well it wasn't bad at all. a really cute guy was who drew my blood and i had a few vials to fill up he talked to me. i wanted to put him in my purse and take him home he was way cute!! i didn't even get dizzy or pass out like i usually do. i didn't even feel it and it didn't bruise (my arm almost always brusises where i get my blood drawn) or anything. i actually looked down after he put the needle in and watched the blood go from the needle in my arm to the vial which is SO not me, i usually stare at the ceiling or look the other way and try and think "happy thoughts" lol. it was weird, i was all scared and i got there and did it and i'm like wait, that's not bad at all. i think it helped he was talking to me the whole time, he's all "so you a senior?" and i said "in high school?" because i really doubted he would think i was a senior in college and he said yeah, i said i graduated last year. he asked me where i was going to school, my major, blah blah, small talk. i learned he's starting medical school in a couple weeks. he's all "i'm glad you came, i was getting bored" lol.

it's so bitter cold out it's miserable. i think it's so cold that if you go out for 10 minutes poorly dressed (or even moderately dressed) it's frostbite time. everybody at school including me go out dressed like mummies. i put on my heavy coat, my earband to cover my ears good, a hood over that, gloves, and i wrap a scarf around my mouth & nose so it doesn't hurt to breath. and i have my uggs + wool socks on under them so my feet are nice and toasty. i forgot what -11° weather felt like, ow. it's painful, really, hurts like a bitch to breathe the cold air. i stay pretty warm for a little bit walking around like that. except for my legs. i wish i had more leg fat or whatever. i have the legs of a 12 year old boy, they're skinny no matter what. no fat. they get cold easy.

i weighed myself for the first time in a week and a half, i'm 99lbs, not bad i guess. right now my goal (i made it w/ my therapist) is to maintain 99-101 or so pounds until i get comfortable with that and then see about going up a little from that. i can feel the fat though, i'm so aware of it. i can see it in my chest (as in my sternum [i think that's what it's caled?] bone(s?)) and in my tummy, my face. i can feel it and i don't like it, i'm trying hard to not let myself drop the weight. i'm reading the beauty myth by naomi wolf.. maybe it will help me put some things in perspective, a little. i totally hit the jackpot in the sociology section of border's hahah. i wanted to buy all the books but limited myself to 4 ($58, wow) today.

oh & i've got a cold. it sucks.

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[11 Jan 2005|11:42pm]
i'm still stuffed from dinner, it feels gross and makes me wish i didn't eat dinner. BLEH.

class today was good. speech isn't going to be as awful as i was worried it would be. the 2 classes i had today though are (YAY!!) going to be more of a challenge than the m/w classes i have, which is good. i was going to be kind of peeved if i didn't have at least a tiny bit of a challenge.

i got my check! $8,870 almost to the penny (i rounded up 6 cents, shoot me) woo woooooooo!!! now to pay those little credit card bills and i am out of debt omg yes. and then i am saving most of the rest. most. i'm going shopping with a little bit because duh, i have money, i am not passing up a little shopping after i get MONEY. nooo way.

i was so uncomfortable today, i took a stacker 3 before school and the whole day i've been all twitchy, my heart has been pounding, my jaw has been clenched shut, and i've been shaking and it's all that damn stacker. dieediedie.
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[10 Jan 2005|08:51pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

i'm tired, i can't think very well. i had a hard time going to sleep last night and i couldn't take anything to help me. my prescription for something to help me sleep sucks ass, it leaves me hungover and so dizzy that i can't stand up or walk without holding on to something the next day. i was on 7.5-15mg of remeron but that was making me too tired, so she wrote me a prescription to take 30mg at bed (remeron is a weird drug, the drowsiness side effect lessens the more you take, 7.5mg makes me basically pass out for 12-14 hours, 15 makes me pass out for not as long, 30mg i sleep like a baby but the other side effects don't work the same way, only the drowsiness) and the first day after the night i took it, i was walking from point to point, basically holding on to something (chair, railing, etc.) and launching off it to another thing until i got where i needed to go. i didn't move a lot, heh. second day after taking it was pretty shitty, too. anyway, back to my point. so i'm in the habit of going to bed at 4am and waking up at noon or later and i need to go to bed by 11pm or midnight and wake up at 7:30-7:45am. i hate remeron, anyway, shitty medicine.

my sociology class seems like it will be cool. not too bad with homework and stuff, either. i'm excited for that class, it seems interesting. my psychology class is going to be a breeze, i've heard it's easy, but shit, after he went through the syllabus with us i was thinking i was back in elementary school. 6 tests, dates are all announced, no real final exam or midterm, tests are 50 pts each. NO HOMEWORK. the only homework we have is reading occasionally. :o that is so easy. and hahahaha get this, the instructor's idea of good attendance is 8 or less absences and he defines excessive absences as 15 or more. holy hell.. what?? when he said that, the girl i was sitting by in class (who is really nice, talked to her a little bit, she actually sat by me and talked to me, duh, because we all know there is no way in hell i would talk to a stranger unless they talked to me first) and i looked at eachother and kind of made "whoa" faces. he has a bunch of other policies that make the class easy, too. i'm a little dissapointed, i was looking forward to a bit of a challenge. the psychology instructor talks like that teacher with the puppet on south park, i can't think of his name right now, i'm totally blanking out!! it's funny.

i froze my ass off (not that i had an ass to freeze) looking for my car after class. it doesn't help that i'm short and my car is small and so it makes it super easy for me to 'lose' it and i don't have power locks w/ a remote, so i can't play with the locks and listen for a beep. i have to hunt.

oh this girl i know from elementary school that used to be one of my really good friends is in my psychology class!! i recognized her because she has cerebral palsy and she walks with a limp and all of that, and she walks just like i remember, holds her hands just like i remember, and i looked at her hair, still blonde, i looked at her face and was like "HEY that's anna" because she looks the same except bigger and more.. well adult looking. that's awesome she made it to college. she's fun. i remember going to her birthday parties and omg wow haha, what a trip. and when her physical therapist came to school to work with her, she got to pick one of us to go with to play with her, ehehe, it was always an "OOOH PICK ME" kind of thing. that's so weird, she was in my class (which was a tiny montessori school class, making it even more unlikely) from kindergarten on and now she's in the same psychology class. :D

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[07 Jan 2005|02:12am]
omg i can't sleep even though i took an ambien.

i like this icon i stole, it's cute. i downloaded the song just so i could say i listened to it and it umm sounds weird. i'm not sure if it's the fact i'm up and awake on ambien or if the song really is weird. it's snoop dogg but it doesn't.. even sound like rap. wtf. why is this a top song?? it's like all peaceful with a lot of "fuck" thrown in. i'm confused. seriously beyond confused about the song i'm like just.. stupid confused right now lol. i feel funny.

wow ok even though i have more than enough $$ coming now and in the next several years, i'm still freakin out over my credit card bills right now. hello tell me to shut up, i've got $60k coming to me over like 5 years or what i don't know all i know is i have big bucks coming and my debt all together is 800 dollars tops i just cant get that voice in my head to stufuuuuuuuuuuu.

i'm really confused, i should just go lay down and sleep, shouldn't i?? yeah i think so.
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[06 Jan 2005|07:04pm]
i am so stuffed ohh ow stuffed my tummy feels like i just ate thanksgiving dinner. food tastes so good when you don't let yourself eat much for a while, even food i normally hate. you know what's sad is when fiber tablets start tasting like candy.

i did miss a few big events in my timeline i wrote out last night. i remembered them while i was falling asleep last night. i mean i totally skipped garrett and i skipped the whole party thing when the infiniti got taken out for a joy ride and some big stuff like that.
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[30 Dec 2004|11:07am]
oh and i better not have to sit by a fatty that cant
keep their ass in their own seat. makes me wish i was
flying southwest. ugh. fatty airplane hate.
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