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i'm tired, i can't think very well. i had a hard time going to sleep last night and i couldn't take anything to help me. my prescription for something to help me sleep sucks ass, it leaves me hungover and so dizzy that i can't stand up or walk without holding on to something the next day. i was on 7.5-15mg of remeron but that was making me too tired, so she wrote me a prescription to take 30mg at bed (remeron is a weird drug, the drowsiness side effect lessens the more you take, 7.5mg makes me basically pass out for 12-14 hours, 15 makes me pass out for not as long, 30mg i sleep like a baby but the other side effects don't work the same way, only the drowsiness) and the first day after the night i took it, i was walking from point to point, basically holding on to something (chair, railing, etc.) and launching off it to another thing until i got where i needed to go. i didn't move a lot, heh. second day after taking it was pretty shitty, too. anyway, back to my point. so i'm in the habit of going to bed at 4am and waking up at noon or later and i need to go to bed by 11pm or midnight and wake up at 7:30-7:45am. i hate remeron, anyway, shitty medicine.
my sociology class seems like it will be cool. not too bad with homework and stuff, either. i'm excited for that class, it seems interesting. my psychology class is going to be a breeze, i've heard it's easy, but shit, after he went through the syllabus with us i was thinking i was back in elementary school. 6 tests, dates are all announced, no real final exam or midterm, tests are 50 pts each. NO HOMEWORK. the only homework we have is reading occasionally. :o that is so easy. and hahahaha get this, the instructor's idea of good attendance is 8 or less absences and he defines excessive absences as 15 or more. holy hell.. what?? when he said that, the girl i was sitting by in class (who is really nice, talked to her a little bit, she actually sat by me and talked to me, duh, because we all know there is no way in hell i would talk to a stranger unless they talked to me first) and i looked at eachother and kind of made "whoa" faces. he has a bunch of other policies that make the class easy, too. i'm a little dissapointed, i was looking forward to a bit of a challenge. the psychology instructor talks like that teacher with the puppet on south park, i can't think of his name right now, i'm totally blanking out!! it's funny.
i froze my ass off (not that i had an ass to freeze) looking for my car after class. it doesn't help that i'm short and my car is small and so it makes it super easy for me to 'lose' it and i don't have power locks w/ a remote, so i can't play with the locks and listen for a beep. i have to hunt.
oh this girl i know from elementary school that used to be one of my really good friends is in my psychology class!! i recognized her because she has cerebral palsy and she walks with a limp and all of that, and she walks just like i remember, holds her hands just like i remember, and i looked at her hair, still blonde, i looked at her face and was like "HEY that's anna" because she looks the same except bigger and more.. well adult looking. that's awesome she made it to college. she's fun. i remember going to her birthday parties and omg wow haha, what a trip. and when her physical therapist came to school to work with her, she got to pick one of us to go with to play with her, ehehe, it was always an "OOOH PICK ME" kind of thing. that's so weird, she was in my class (which was a tiny montessori school class, making it even more unlikely) from kindergarten on and now she's in the same psychology class. :D