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Harley Quinn Fans

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[09 Nov 2004|08:52pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

[info]dark_comedy's post reminded me: I finally finished my Harley Quinn Mood set last week!;=680232

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Greetings, my audience! [09 Nov 2004|01:08pm]

[ mood | crazy ]

Have taken quite the interest in the feature that allows you to cutomize your own mood themes. To that end, I've done just that. Tell me what you think...

...of my Joker mood theme!

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[06 Nov 2004|03:05pm]



Well finally after getting Photo bucket LoL I can give you guys what you want.  Thanks for all your help and thanks for being patient I hope you like them.  I have more if you want to them. 

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If you want to see my Halloween pics go here [04 Nov 2004|05:37pm]

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New Member [14 Oct 2004|09:02pm]

YaY! I'm a member
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[11 Oct 2004|10:41am]

hey! here are some more pictures of my costume like people asked for, enjoy!

click for more )
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[27 Sep 2004|12:40pm]

i just thought id share pictures of a harley costume i made

its not the best picture but its all i have at the moment! if you guys want me to post more, lemme know.
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The Batman [11 Sep 2004|11:40am]

[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | The Batman ]

in a rare out of character moment

review of the new Saturday toon )

By the way, for anyone capable of getting up tomorrow (9/12/04) by 7:00 AM, the Family Channel (52 for me) is showing a tonnage of Marvel toons, all the team ups: X-Men & Spiderman, Fantastic Four & Silver Surfer, Iron Man & Hulk, etc. Saw the Ghost Rider in the commercial too but I'm not sure who he's teamed with.

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Blah [10 Sep 2004|07:57am]

New here. Hello. Love HQ. Thanks
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Sorry for promotion... [05 Sep 2004|01:06pm]

[ mood | confused ]

Sorry for this promoting but this community hasn't been active for awhile ): and heres a community for fans of Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison ivy. (:

Join if you like (:

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Harley and Ivy [18 Jul 2004|11:36pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

So, has everyone read issue 3 (of 3) of the new Harley and Ivy?

If so, what'd you think?

(Warning: spoilers allowed)

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ARRRGHH [18 Jul 2004|08:26am]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Hullo - Evanescence ]

bad news my loves, I will not be getting the HQ costume this year, my boy's company is throwing a halloween ball costume pary so instead e are going old style, something with corsets and big white wigs.....alas, I had $250 saved...
I guess its summer shopping time for me

*on another note, and a much happier at that
my HQ icon is being worked on! and will soon be able to show off! lol

well thats it for now.

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Finally Im done!!! :::does the happy dance::: [11 Jul 2004|12:56am]

[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | broken- amy lee and that other dude ]

Hullo my loves I finally finished a painting of our beutiful HQ I had been working on for a few months [I have been limited with spare time this past few weeks]
but now it is done, I apologize for the bad quality of the picture, Ill try and get a better one showing more detailed.... the painting is made in oil paints, on a 42x30 canvas [for those who care, lol]
well without further blabbering heres the painting

Read more... )

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OMG its perfect! [09 Jul 2004|08:25am]

[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | 91X [radio station in south cali] ]

I found the perfect Icon for my lil project
the only down side is that my JASC animation shop is down
and I cant animate it
could any one out there give it a shot

ok heres what I want

red font, a nice "curvy font"
scolling on the top I want it to say "I held your hand thru all of these years..."
and then scrolling at the bottom a few seconds later "...but you still have all of me"

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Hiya! [09 Jul 2004|12:56am]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | none ]

Im new to the community but Have been a HQ fan for some time now
I was wondering if anyone knows of a place were I could get some Harley Quinn Icon bases?

I've been itching to make and icon
with the lyrics of Evanescence "my immortal"
I've googled her name on images and not enough pics, the few I have found are just not the right "feel" I want one where shes a bit sad

also I am planning on dressing up as HQ for this Halloween!
it will be $350 to get the costume custom fit but its well worth it
Ill be going to vegas next month to get it done...

Well thats enough rambling for my first post
kisses! ;)

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SHAMELESS PROMOTION [03 Jul 2004|03:12pm]

[ mood | excited ]

Attention all DC comics Fans . . .

If you're interested in fiction about the DC comics, please join [info]asylum_foraloon. It's a new community, but it's sure to be exciting and popular if you get enough people to join.

X-posted like your mama's midi-chlorians!!!

Note: The mod of this community is extremely knowledgable in all things Batman, if you want to discuss some really kickass Batman shite, then unite on this community!!

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[18 Jun 2004|12:03am]

[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Rush - Fly By Night ]

Holy cow... have you guys seen these? They're Harley & Ivy _magnets_. They're pretty big, and I think they're adorable. They come packaged in a set along with Supergirl, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman.
Maybe they've been out for a while, but this is the first I've seen them, and I got all excited. I just picked mine up a week or so ago at Dapy's. (Which is like Spencer's but less vulgar.)

Also - - I made a couple icons from the new Harley & Ivy series.

Usual rules apply: if you use them, I'd really appreciate credit. ^_^

(x-posted a couple places; I apologize if anybody gets spammed.)

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Help with image [09 Jun 2004|09:36pm]

Okay go to this portion of the Gotham Girls site:

the bottom row, middle (center) image.

Does anyone have any images similar to this- good drawing of Harley, facing the same direction- preferably with the same attitude or similar in the face- BUT with her normal pop-gun? ...and in color

It really doesn't need to be perfect, but it'd help with my project.


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Off Topic [04 Jun 2004|11:47pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Ayumi Hamasaki -- Connected ]

I know this is off topic but if there are any Supergirl fans here...feel free to join

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[28 May 2004|10:45pm]

I apologize if I'm spamming, but I thought you guys might be interested in this; I posted some scans from the new Harley/Ivy miniseries in [info]batmanvillains.

Check it out!

(x-posted to [info]vixen_of_vines and [info]harleen_quinzel)
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