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Smart Children

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Kids [19 Aug 2003|01:56pm]

[ music | Don't Speak - No Doubt ]

Children-and I'm not going by the 'official' definition of that word (12- years old), I'm talking people under the age of six years. They are utterly sweet with and completely pure, they won't waste their time judging others based on anything, acutally. They give unconditional trust to others and especially people who are in close range of their age.

Yes, that's because kids don't know how to judge others, they simply don't have the experience.

That's true, but isn't it admirable, what they do and how they act? When you bring to a child's attention that there's another child in the room, or in the other car their lips curl into that unmistakable cute, and happy smile then giggle, cocking their head to the side in a manner that only a child can pull off (and still look cute) and repeat what you just said, that there was another kid. Some might even go so far as to wave and call to the child-it's just so cute and it's something we, as adults should be able to do.

I know, some kids utterly detest the fact that there is another child someplace near and that they would rather be the center of attention however the kid won't hate the other. It never gets to 'hate' not even dislike. Maybe discomfort, but that's all.

Now I'm not saying start waving and laughing like a moron when you see someone else, but shouldn't we try to be as willing to smile and not judge others like kids do? Give people a chance, because when you do give people some slack and not judge them, they'll do the same. Being positive/tolerant is contageous.

They say that the older you get, the more you learn but what if what we're learning to do is just be inconsiderate and cold? There's a lot we can learn from children, and the best we can learn from them is that by nature, we're actually caring beings regardless of what genre of music we listen to, what clothes we wear, or what we believe in.

People are good, and we should never disbelieve that. Great civilizations were built by trust and tolerance (Roman Empire, McDonalds, Ottoman Empire) and they two of those fell when trust was lost and people began to dislike others based on even the smallest facts.

Our civilization today is begining to crumble, what with the politics and such. I think we should all learn to at least get along.

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Death. [18 Jul 2003|03:22am]

[ mood | cynical ]

I was watching a show; and someone died. The acting was so convincing, that it got me thinking. Look at us, people roaming this planet, building wonders, destroying others, so powerful, so in control. Then, at death we're frail, helpless things. The thought sends a shiver down my spine.

It's like what my environmental teacher said once, when the weather was not stable (as it kept changing from one extreme to another): as humans, all it takes is an extreme change in nature to wake us up and show us that we're not so dominant as we think.

I believe that that shows us how frail, and precious our lives are.


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Discussing a quote. [04 Mar 2003|03:21am]

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
-Carl W. Buechner

Most of us, in fact all of us will coincide with what this quote says and sends is correct. One's memory is not so able to grip every single word which was spoken and we as humans-most of us do not have the mental capacity to recite long speeches or words which have been spoken to us. It is very difficult for most to remember what their mother, friend, or any other aquantance has told them word for word. Wether it be a compliment or a let down.

However, we will always feel the jolt, pang, or even surge of emotions which fell upon us from a dramatic moment, look, and maybe gesture even after years which a certain event has happened.

What would cause people to cling to those emotions for so long; or remember them after seeming to have forgotten all about them? Was it the choice of words? The order each word was aligned in? The emotional status or social status of whoever spoke or did that action/statement? All of the above? Or does it depend on the person who was being told or witnessing these things? Perhaps they were in a vulnerable state? Perchance it is none of the about.

In my personal opinion I believe that it has everything to do with how preceptive the listener was to those words. If he/she was not paying attention, perhaps some words snapped and gripped their attention right away, making him or her be 'smacked' if you will with these harsh, happy, or calm words that triggered whatever emotion that was experienced.

Jolts. An example would be apparent if we were to look at how media sells. When one is watching television, his or her heartbeat becomes extremely slow since the body is not moving, simply sitting there, jaw slacked and arms resting in whatever manner. When an ad comes on, lets say there's always peope speaking in enthusiastic voices or images flashing really fast. What you are left with when you leave the television is random shots or a couple of words that are in your head now. Implanted, living there. There is no CTRL+Z there is no back button.

It is what you interpreted, it's how you interpreted it. That's what shapes your emotions and that's what you'll always remember. Your interpretation and emotion. It's how everytjing was presented.
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[17 Jan 2003|12:27am]

New look for the community.
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Concept. [14 Jan 2003|11:10pm]

Why do some people act stupid when they are extremely smart?
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a thought [11 Jan 2003|08:51pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Good Charlotte - Little Things (acoustic hfs) ]

Last year I had a math teacher who hung a small dry erase board near her door and wrote random insightful quotes on it, etc etc etc. Well, she wrote one sometime last year that I really liked and wrote down on a piece of paper, and recently I found it again and hung it up in my room.

Here it is: Real intelligence is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. It's credited to a Mr. Anonymous. Hehe. Anyhow. What do you think?

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[24 Dec 2002|11:01pm]

[ music | sex pistols - never mind the bullocks - 06 - problems ]

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Conquest [30 Nov 2002|01:51pm]

[ mood | pensive ]

Should life be sacrificed for the prosperity of culture?
If so, how many lives can be sacrificed before it has become too many?

i.e. Alexander the Great's conquests. He lead a crusade throughout Asia killing thousands of people, but he also unleashed tremendous social and cultural energy. Greek culture was able to flourish in East Asia and India and as a result three great world religions rose.

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[07 Nov 2002|07:45pm]

What if i take
an arrow
pull it back back back back
against that string
and release
it'll fly
up up up up
and rip through clouds
rip right through the clouds and keep on gaining altitude
there wont be any momentum
the arrow will begin to fall
instead of ripping through clouds
it'll fall through
no energy

driven people are like that...they're so stupid.
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[26 Oct 2002|09:10pm]

I am the media. What I say goes. You have no opinion. You follow me. You cannot fight me.
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Language. [23 Oct 2002|07:51pm]

For people, to develope their languages. Since the begining of time. Is kind of an enigma. You look at the world today to see all of these people-each with a different tongue. That just blows me away.
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Just joined.. [31 Aug 2002|08:58pm]

[ mood | dorky ]

Just joined. Thought it might be interesting. ^___^

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make believe impossible [19 Aug 2002|06:53pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | More Than This- The Cure ]

Here's a question I've been meaning to ask for a long time...

Give me your personal definition of happiness, and honestly tell me if you know anybody who is truly happy.

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[15 Aug 2002|01:13am]

[ music | Atom Heart - Ambient Head ]

The Chrysalids by John Wyndham

"That was only if they catch us,' I told her, trying to make it sound as if it were the sensible and usual course in such circumstances. She considered the prospect judicially, then:
"why?" she asked.
"Well," I tried, "You see we're different from them because they can't make thought-shapes, and when people are different, ordinary people are afraid of them -"
"Why should they be afraid of us? We aren't hurting them," she broke in.
"I'm not sure that I know why," I told her. "But they are. It's a feel-thing not a think-thing. And the more stupid they are, the more like everyone else they think everyone ought to be. And once they get afraid they become cruel and want to hurt people who are different -"
"Why?" inquired Petra.
"They just do. And they'd hurt us very much if they could catch us,"
"I don't see why," Petra persisted.
"It's the way things work. It's complicated and rather nasty," I told her. "You'll understand better when you're older. But the thing is, we don't want you and Rosalind to be hurt. You remember when you spilt the boiling water on your foot? Well, it'd be much worse then that. Being dead is a lot better - It's sort of like being so much asleep that they can't get at you to hurt you at all."

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[05 Aug 2002|10:49pm]

[ music | jega - bLUETTE ]

Henri Maillardet's Automaton )

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[17 Jul 2002|03:30am]

I hate summer vacation, yet I also hate the school year--- Is this "The grass is always greener on the other side", or merely just us seeing faults in everything? Or something else, perhaps?
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[13 Jul 2002|04:08pm]

Hay Guys and Gals, yall should join my new community, you should join if you like ugly casanova, modest mouse, murder city devils, or just like to make friends with fellow beings on this planet earth....
go here -------> Ugly Casanova

any ?ions im me at "icameasamouse" or e-mail me at uqlycasanova@yahoo.com
sorry if you see this is more than one community,
im just tryin to get the word out.
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Make up your mind. [13 Jul 2002|02:17am]

[ mood | thirsty ]

Is the world an ugly place?


Do people make the world ugly?
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... [28 Jun 2002|12:18am]

[ mood | cold ]

Would you ever give up your pride for something you longed for?

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What's really more useful? [27 Jun 2002|05:51am]

Arm or leg?
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