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User:jo_munch (99914) Paid User jo_munch
My Council
Council of Ainamenelwen
Website:Caption This
Location:Halifax, Hfx, NS, Canada
AOL IM:AIM status Belzonics2003 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status ainamenelwen_peredhil (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:My current mood: The current mood of Ainamenelwen at Internet's current mood: The current mood of the Internet at

Mae govannen! Manen le?

I am a multi-facet individual that to sum me into a one sentence would be futile, if not downright impossible

A little about me

  • First and foremost – I’m 31 years old tittering somewhere around 300 somedays
  • I am me and if people don’t like it …oh well what can I do? I have no plans on changing anytime soon
  • I am Canadian (not that it matters much to others) *gad I love the I am Canadian rant*
  • I am a wife and mother (and yes I talk about my family a lot – if you don’t like well there’s not much I can do for ya)
  • I am a military brat married to another military brat, which makes me….. A military (Navy) wife
  • I am a very fair person (giving people benefit of the doubt even if they don't deserve it)
  • I am someone who deals with the complexity of living with a multicultural society ( growing up I've been exposed to different cultures, interests, groups and individuals)
  • I have a profound disliking (hatred) towards individuals who are (into): Anti-Semites, religious-intolerance (I couldn’t care less if someone is Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Christian, etc.. you are who you are. We all live on the same damn piece of dirt – there’s enough hatred/death/destruction there is no room for it here), bigotry, sexist (chauvinistic), racist, gay-bashing - if you are any of these just turn around head the other way since I will not tolerate such bullshit
  • I am a fun loving person who loves a good joke (and who doesn’t?).
  • I have a wicked sense of humour (goes great with the aforementioned line)
  • Yeah so I post one too many jokes and quiz results for peoples liking, whaddya gonna do hmm? Delete me? It's not like I'm taking up someone else's airspace.
  • I have a dark cynical side (I keep my conspiracy theories to myself - not out of fear of retaliation, because there are many who think the same way) – ‘sides cynicism can be fun ^_^*
  • I enjoy many different things like art (painting, drawing) reading (my favourite author is JRR Tolkien), thought I will read just about anything except mushy romance novels >.< , cartoons (and not because I’m a mother of 3), movies, comedies, music (I’ll listen to anything but Country/Western or Rock-a-billy. I’d rather listen to Barney sing his theme song until my ears bleed before I listen to Country) – Sorry to people who like Country music but it’s just not my cup of tea, and a few other things.
  • I am a caffeine addict (If anyone tries to take my coffee I will hurl them into the fires of Mt. Doom!)
  • I am a chocoholic
  • I am a good listener, if you need someone to babble on too I’m here. Don’t worry I’m used to being bitched at for reasons that I have no control over
  • Like many others, I too am a Elf fancier. (it’s just gotta be the ears ^_^* hmm..Vulcan fit in that category too *lol*)
  • I maintain [info]belzonics, Comedian Central and The Detective's Lounge.

**I enjoy meeting new and interesting people, I also like to read my friend’s journals. I from time to time will post in friend’s lj’s. More often I’ll respectfully just sit back and read because some posts aren't meant to have comments and in the past I have been snapped at for giving someone encouraging words – so please don’t think I’m adding you "just to add you" to make my journal look good which is far from the case.**

If there's anything else you'd like to know about me, don't be afraid to ask...I don't bite much. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a cup of coffee with my name on it.

Current mood theme created by myself ([info]jo_munch) along with a pic donation from [info]faithsdiary. Thanks Faith!

Sam: "It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something."
Frodo: "What are we holding on to, Sam?"
Sam: "That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for."

Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya.

Elrond's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

Legolas is my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

Figwit's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

I've adopted Elrond/Agent Smith from Breathless

Gifts from [info]kali68 Meneg hennaid!

(My LOTR colour bars)

Elrond is love

A Father’s Love is Forever.

(Colour bars by marylou_gr from [info]marylou_gr)

Elrond, master of Imladris

Elrond is Love

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script by marnanel

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I adopted Elrond and Celebrian from Another Adoption Page



The WeatherPixie

daisyPath Anniversary

Memories:166 entries
Interests:128: 11/11, agent smith, anthony 'tick' belrose, anything random, art, ballad of bilbo baggins, bilbo baggins, blackadder, caffeine, celeborn, celebrian, celebrían, cheesecake, chocolate, coffee, colorbars, cynicism, dr. who, drawing, ebay, elf, elladan, elrohir, elrond, elrond of rivendell, elrond/gil-galad, elves, ereinion, eru, eyebrows of doom, fan fiction, fanfic, fanfics, faramir, fellowship of the ring, figwit, fotr, friends, galadriel, gandalf, garfield, gil-galad, gimli, glorfindel, gollum, gondolin, great big sea, haldir, halifax, history, hobbit, hobbits, hugo weaving, humour, i feel lucky, ian mckellen, illúvatar, imladris, imood, improv, insanity, j.r.r tolkien, j.r.r. tolkien, jokes, legolas, legolas greenleaf, leonard nimoy, lindon, livejournal, lj friends, ljmaps, lord of the rings, lotr, lotr fiction, lotr icons, lotr slash, love, merry, middle earth, mitzi del bra, monty python, mysteries, name generators, national lampoon, nifty things, online quizzes, open mindedness, orlando bloom, parody, personality quizzes, pippin, polls, quendi, quizzes, randomthought, ranting, return of the king, rhps, rivendell, rocky horror picture show, roleplaying, rotk, rowan atkinson, rpg, rpg's, sailors, sex, sexuality, shaun of the dead, silly, silmaril, silmarillion, silmarils, sindarin, spock, stand-up comedy, star trek, stargate:sg1, surveys, terry pratchett, the arrogant worms, the hobbit, the two towers, the wiggles, tolkien, tv, valinor, vilya. [Modify yours]
People112:31483, agateway, akuanaishinnou, aloney, ambicatusx, andiescandies, ariella_vampy, bloodwolfdfc, bluetoelint, blush10ac, bodo, bosindicus, br0kenheart03, chemicularthing, chicating, coldwriter, complimentary, coolfreshair, crul, curiouscat, dantedmc, dawna, deedee57, det_munch, dramaditz85, faithsdiary, frigid_abyss, galaxina, gangrel_pri, gbsparklez, geminidream00, godsmack666, guesthouse, harleen, hugoweavingfan, hugskitties19, iadara, iluvangelina, inchargenow, indehed, infinite1, inspectorjury, ivd_ice, jasper17, jassanja, jenna_blue_eyes, jlm1779, jo_munch, joshuapanther, kali68, kitsilano, kolagranola, krazyleesa, kysrinaria, lady_ayana, lady_jane_grey_, lijororli, lingail140, linzkl, ljmatch, lushieaciid, marylou_gr, michaelfootnote, milambar, minervica, mjandda_2, momentofweak, monkkeys, mountaindew66, mrs_guildford, music4asoul, myvagina, newwavelullaby, nikki42, nuttystar, oxsmoochesxo, panduh_bear, peaceful_word, pink_khaki, piscescathi, purple_eyes, qoc, queenanka, retrodee, roguekonoko, shades_of_rain, shalliedaire, shilyn, silent_dreams, siman, spoey, spunti, status, suffocate_me_, sweetdementia, sweetmelinda, syreene, tedraa, toldyaso, toxicm0on, tristiones, tydestra, valkyries, vempyra, wbahner, wolfbat, xallix, xsyntrik, xwhiskeygirlx, yarn, ybrik2k, zinnea
Communities116:_commentwhores, _munchtastics, _shaunfan, add_me, addme21andover, addme25_and_up, addme_adult, alias_names, alphaquadrant, aolfriends, asklj, belzonics, billyconnolly, billyjoelfan, book_icons, bustacaption, bzoink, caffeinejunkies, caffeinewhirl, canadakicksass, canadian_girls, canadianfriends, captioncontests, carry_on_elves, coffeeshop, colorbar_love, denisleary, do_me_elrond, eat_at_elronds, elf_friends, fanforumers, featureannounce, g0t_friends, garfieldfans, georgecarlin, get_named_now, googlegames, greatbigsea, greypanthers, guessthemug, halifax_harbour, heretohelp, hlots, hugonuts, i_want_friends, iconaddicts, inthemood, joke_xchange, l_and_o, lawand_order, lawandorder, lawandordersvu, laworder, legolas_lovers, legolasofmrkwd, leonard_nimoy, li_moods, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljaddicts, ljdesigners, ljfriends, ljwhore, lordoftherings, mad_mad_house, mel_brooks, mid_earth, militarybrats, militaryspouses, mindcrackers, monster_house, montypython, mothersjournal, newfriends, news, novascotia, nschicks, oftheday, onlinequizwhore, onlinequizzes, onlinetests, paidmembers, pregnant, questionnaire, quiz_junkies, random_q, randomboredness, randomsillyness, randomthought, rants, redheadrants, redheads, rhps_fans, rivendell, rq_awesome_club, rq_version3, sailorscouts, silmarillion, simpsonsfiends, standup, stupidquestion, surveysluts, taekwondo, ten_forward, testresults, thesurveyplace, timhortons, tngfans, tolkien, tolkien_elves, tuckerreed, virgo, weblogimages, weird_al, wigglesfanciers, youngmilwives
Feeds7:25percent, blogthings, funquizzes, mandelionsblog, theonering_net, thescotsman, wilwheaton
Mutual Friends:108: 31483, agateway, akuanaishinnou, aloney, ambicatusx, andiescandies, ariella_vampy, bloodwolfdfc, bluetoelint, blush10ac, bodo, bosindicus, br0kenheart03, chemicularthing, chicating, coldwriter, complimentary, coolfreshair, crul, curiouscat, dantedmc, dawna, deedee57, det_munch, dramaditz85, faithsdiary, frigid_abyss, galaxina, gangrel_pri, gbsparklez, geminidream00, godsmack666, guesthouse, harleen, hugoweavingfan, hugskitties19, iadara, iluvangelina, inchargenow, indehed, infinite1, inspectorjury, ivd_ice, jasper17, jassanja, jenna_blue_eyes, jlm1779, jo_munch, joshuapanther, kali68, kitsilano, kolagranola, krazyleesa, kysrinaria, lady_ayana, lady_jane_grey_, lijororli, lingail140, linzkl, lushieaciid, marylou_gr, michaelfootnote, milambar, minervica, mjandda_2, momentofweak, monkkeys, mountaindew66, mrs_guildford, music4asoul, myvagina, newwavelullaby, nikki42, nuttystar, oxsmoochesxo, panduh_bear, peaceful_word, piscescathi, purple_eyes, qoc, queenanka, retrodee, roguekonoko, shades_of_rain, shalliedaire, shilyn, silent_dreams, siman, spoey, spunti, suffocate_me_, sweetdementia, sweetmelinda, syreene, tedraa, toldyaso, tristiones, tydestra, valkyries, vempyra, wbahner, wolfbat, xallix, xsyntrik, xwhiskeygirlx, yarn, ybrik2k, zinnea
Member of:113: _commentwhores, _munchtastics, _shaunfan, add_me, addme21andover, addme25_and_up, addme_adult, alias_names, alphaquadrant, aolfriends, asklj, belzonics, billyconnolly, billyjoelfan, book_icons, bustacaption, bzoink, caffeinejunkies, caffeinewhirl, canadakicksass, canadian_girls, canadianfriends, captioncontests, carry_on_elves, coffeeshop, colorbar_love, denisleary, do_me_elrond, eat_at_elronds, elf_friends, fanforumers, g0t_friends, garfieldfans, georgecarlin, get_named_now, googlegames, greatbigsea, greypanthers, guessthemug, halifax_harbour, heretohelp, hlots, hugonuts, i_want_friends, iconaddicts, inthemood, joke_xchange, l_and_o, lawand_order, lawandorder, lawandordersvu, laworder, legolas_lovers, legolasofmrkwd, leonard_nimoy, li_moods, lj_nifty, ljaddicts, ljdesigners, ljfriends, ljwhore, lordoftherings, mad_mad_house, mel_brooks, mid_earth, militarybrats, militaryspouses, mindcrackers, monster_house, montypython, mothersjournal, newfriends, novascotia, nschicks, oftheday, onlinequizwhore, onlinequizzes, onlinetests, paidmembers, pregnant, questionnaire, quiz_junkies, random_q, randomboredness, randomsillyness, randomthought, rants, redheadrants, redheads, rhps_fans, rivendell, rq_awesome_club, rq_version3, sailorscouts, silmarillion, simpsonsfiends, standup, stupidquestion, surveysluts, taekwondo, ten_forward, testresults, thesurveyplace, timhortons, tngfans, tolkien, tolkien_elves, tuckerreed, virgo, weblogimages, weird_al, wigglesfanciers, youngmilwives
Account type:Paid Account

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