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Really in Love - Andrew WK <3 |
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Run down!
English: I don't know. We read a story, I know that, but I can't remember what it was about. I recall something about painting birds out of cages, but I think I fell asleep, hardcore style. I was so bummed out and tired that I kind of passed out on my desk, so that's the end of that chapter. Criminal Justice: FFHH wasn't there so we went to Poloni's room and watched '12 Angry Men'. Let me tell you this, Tony Danza is a bitch in this movie! Who knew! Study Hall: Scaggums and I walked around, stopped at the lockers, headed down to the auditorium where I worked on my psychology packet and sang that song by Kansas. You know... carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you were done. I dunno, I probably got the lyrics wrong and whatnot, but who cares? I suppose Kansas does, and for that, Kansas, I apologize. Lunch: We went back upstairs because Mallory had to go to her locker. When we came back down to walk past the gym, we saw a kid running. I stopped and asked 'Oh my god, is that little book bag boy?' and like freaks we waited and watched to see his face, and yes, it was little book bag boy. I freaked out. I waved at him and he waved back. I love that kid, he's so awesome. Anyway, Jordan Martin told us that he got his acceptance letter from college of his choice with a side of french fries or cole slaw, and he was congratulated. I then took off my pants and did the ceremonial celebration dance. Hmmm. I think I missed a step or two.
This is the most I've ever remembered about lunch. Art 5/6: More "working" on our 3-point perspective drawings. Truth be told, I keep doodling lines and such, just so I don't have to color. I want to take it home over the weekend and get it over with, so I won't have to do anything on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Anyway, I snapped at Mallory and we had a little tiff, shall I say, and I later apologized. I've been apologizing to a lot of people these days. (Just because your life is miserable, doesn't mean everybody else's has to be, get that through your thick skull, Sha-na-na). We'll probably discuss said matters in a business conference at HQ (Pizza Hut) or at my house or something... in the car? <333 Pedro.
How the fuck did I steer so far off course from art class?
ANYWAY! I was pretty tired and grouchy, so people were basically leaving me alone. I was like this all day. Feh diddle on life.
Psychology: I took a quiz (that I completely forgot about-- how ironic was it that the quiz was on memory and forgetting? guffaw, guffaw). He checked the two sheets that we had for homework on our packet... uh, thing. (Yeah. I'm tired, can you tell?) We swapped quizzes with a neighbor to correct. I got a 13/15, which is pretty good-- considering that I thought I fucking bombed it. Anyway, for the rest of the class period, we worked on the two remaining sheets in our packets, plus, a definition sheet that he threw out there. Hooray. Journalism: Here comes the fun part of my day. After I stopped on here and updated, I took a big poop in a coffee can. Then, I fed it to a poodle named "Scruffles". I am mildly schizophrenic and have somewhat of a necrophilia complex. I find this to be true. ANYWAY! I can't remember how this came about, I believe Mallory and I were talking about shaving our legs or something and we had a "whiteness" contest where we compared how pale our legs were (I totally won by a landslide) and then I said to Sc00ter "Sc00ty! Have you shaved lately?" Somehow, this resulted in me sticking my hand up his jeans for about 15 minutes, all the while-- Mallory is yelling enthusiastically "touch his weiner! go for his pipper!". I WAS BEFUDDLED!!! I didn't touch his weiner, but I did come close, which made it kind of awkward, when I asked him for his autograph on a used sanitary napkin. Then, he molested me with his foot and we talked about the time when I was with Amber + Dawn and I flashed some d00d at the bank while I informed him that I shaved my ass.
What the hell am I on?
Philosophy: We took some notes. Then, we read about some lady-d00d and we talked about government some more. I, unfortunately, do not have any interest in politics, so for most of the period (I'm not kidding) I sat and thought about my carpetting and some d00d (I say some d00d because I did not give him an upper body), jerkin' it in the shower. WHAT THE HELL! Other: After school I headed home, throwing stuff in my purse. I was going with a couple of friends to Long John Silvers (aka lust in a box). Mom called, wanted to know if I was still going out for dinner, I told her that I was but then I told her what was up and she was like "OKAY D00D" and then, Amber called me around 3:30 and was like "Heeeeyyyy Shainy! Be in your driveway, ready to go" and I was like "Ok". She pulled in front of my driveway, I followed her down the road. I dunno why, she seemed like she was going uber fast. I drive like an old man (I don't sit that close to the steering wheel anymore, though!). Anyway, we got to Ashley's, I parked behind Amber. Ashley's grandma was freaked out by my Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt. Hmmm. We got into Ashley's car and went the back way to LJS. Gina met us there.
The food was really good but GODDDDDDDD the service was so fucking slow and horrible. Feh!
I then came home and laid in a bathtub of warm water. Secksin'.
Reason #39 I love Andrew WK: (see current music) THIS SONG IS SO UBER HAWT.