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I won't hesitate to bash your fucking skull in. [24 Nov 2004|10:18pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Rock n Roll Fantasy - Bad Company ]

Lately, I've been having this vivid recollections of my nightmares/dreams. I think I might be half awake when they are happening or something of that nature. Anyway, I had two last night that I remember, so I'd like to share them here.

First, I'm going to talk about my nightmare. It was horrible. When it started out, Jamie and I were outside our high school and Jamie was a pizza delivery person for Dominoes or some shit. I guess it was prom or some semi-formal up at the high school and she had to deliver pizzas and I tagged along. We went inside the school but instead of kids, it was all older people who were in their 50s+. Then, we were talking to these other people who worked as drivers and stuff. We walked down this hallway and there were all these really old people... but not normal old people; like freak show old people. Somehow, we ended up in this room, it was kind of like a living room, and we both sat down on this really huge chair. There was a TV on in the corner. Across from the chair, there was this guy who had no bones except for his skull watching the TV and he told us that he had to go to the bathroom and he slid off the chair like a snake and turned himself inward, like a ball and rolled down the hallway. We got really freaked out and went to leave but then Jamie somehow got lost and I had to go look for her. I went outside to look in the parking lot/driveway and there was a guy having sex with a lady in a car outside a house that looked like my house (not exactly, but something about it just looked like ours). Anyway, we had talked to this guy earlier that night and he had made threats against us, so I went to open the door because the guy was after my friend + me and was trying to kill us. So, I opened the door and I started stabbing the guy but the stabs weren't doing anything, so I had to beep on the horn because Jamie was trapped inside the house and I was trying to warn her and get help. Then, I woke up.

I also had this dream where my mom and I went on a ferry/boat ride on some lake in Minnesota or Michigan, some state with a lake. That was nice.

ANYWAY; I stayed home today after some douche (who shall remain nameless) messaged me at 5:30 in the morning to tell me that she wasn't going to school. HOW DARE SHE INTERRUPT MY 45 HOURS OF SLEEP! >o. I think there is something wrong with me/my body/my house/my life-- because I slept for 12+ hours today and I am still tired as all fuck. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, perhaps? Yes well, my cousin, Scott, stopped over with the turkey for tomorrow. My mom also brought home some chocolate chip cookies from Perkins, delicious. I then stuck a fist up my ass and did a one-woman ventriliquist act.

The end.

care to fill an empty grave?

[23 Nov 2004|10:56pm]
[ mood | broken-hearted ]

your finger's on the trigger of the gun to my head
go on and pull it, baby, we both know I'd be better off dead
i gave you my heart, but you threw it away
i never used it much, though-- so that's okay
these tears that flow, they are for you.


mmm. pr0n <333. [23 Nov 2004|09:30pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | One by One - Immortal ]

There's not much to update about. School was pretty fucking bad, as usual. That all changed when I came home, though. I ate some stuff, then I went and soaked in a nice hot bath, and then I went to sleep for 5 hours. God, that was fucking nice; I wish everyday was that easy.

Aaaaanyway, tomorrow is the last day before break and I'm so 'feh' about it. I should probably start going Christmas shopping soon, but considering that half the shit I'm giving out is going to be handmade, I should make a run up to a couple of arts + crafts stores to pick up supplies first.

My arm hurts, I think I'm going into cardiac arrest.

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If there's one thing I know how to do, it's slack off... [22 Nov 2004|05:03pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | Voodoo Lullaby - Into the Fray ]

Things I should be doing right now:
- Studying for Psychology
- Working on Criminal Justice packet
- Finishing art project

But I'm lazy.

Anyway, I'm convinced that Cheddar Chex Mix is equated to satan in the food world. It's so fucking addictive. I was going to shave my legs, but I said eh fuck that.

Today was rough for me. More later.

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noodles. [22 Nov 2004|01:14pm]
[ mood | so damn bored ]
[ music | people talking about the mickey mouse club ]

I love ze pr0n for life. <333

I wish I could stuff my hand down my pants right now.

Dear Mallory,

You smell like rotted out vagina.

-- Shaina

HAHAHAHA lies <3.

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I love fitness. <333 [21 Nov 2004|02:24pm]
[ mood | creative and bored ]
[ music | The Scary Polka - Live not on Evil ]

Today resulted in me doing a whole lot of nothing. Yesterday, I cleaned my paintbrushes (which had been sitting in the same cup of disgusting water for about 2 weeks). Of course, they were all slimy and smelled like fish and vomit, but I cleaned everything up. Then, I sprayed them with some strong perfume and rolled them up in 3 paper towels. After unrolling them today, they were delightfully scented... much like fresh laundry. Hmmm.

Anyway, I woke up around 10-10:30 today. Watched some TV (lately my set has been tuned to TLC) and ate some Cheddar Chex Mix with Iced Tea. I then proceeded to annoy my mom and dad, considering that's the mainstay tradition of Sunday. I thought about jumping in the shower but, eh, I'm still good from yesterday.

I'm finally starting to make out my christmas list. I need to make a to-do list for the upcoming 5-day break. <333

- Finish Christmas list
- Make list for dad
- Vacuum out Pedro <333
- Buy new pajama pants
- Gather toys for SA
- Start picking up job applications again
- Die

OK! That shouldn't be too hard to finish.

I actually did my fitness for life on a SUNDAY, as opposed to study hall on Monday. Heh. I am so amused. I was also injured by the treadmill. I whacked my fingers on one of the plastic parts of the treadmill and now the index finger on my right hand is cut up and my middle finger is bruised. I am so HxC (guffaw, guffaw).

Now move it along...

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Milkshake is my favorite drink. [20 Nov 2004|10:02pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Haunting - Maya Hyena ]

I did nothing today. I watched that movie, 'Yours, Mine, Ours' or whatever the fuck it's called. Lucille Balle and Henry Fonda get married and they have about 18 kids (combined) and I was just thinking 'what the fuck is going on?'

I had some Ramen for dinner. It was the roast Chicken flavor-- delicious.

Masturbation is the greatest passtime ever.

The end.

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Another Saturday wasted. [20 Nov 2004|03:28pm]
[ mood | gassy ]
[ music | There's a Lycanthrope on the Bus - Scary Bitches ]

I was going to post a run down, but I can't remember what happened in school yesterday, so feh.

Mallory and I were going to go to Pizza Hut last night, but they were completely packed. No spaces or anything. So, we went to Potts hot dogs instead. I got 2 hot dogs with ketchup, she got 2 with pickle *gag* and we bought chips + tasty cake uh, things. We went back to my house and ate all of that and watched The Golden Girls.

It's rainy and peaceful today. I really like these kinds of days... especially when I'm the only one in the house (which, at the moment, I am); they inspire me.

I need a shower.

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Another update from journalism. [19 Nov 2004|01:17pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Some whore is playing Britney Spears in front of me ]

I love pizza hut, it's better than butt secks.

Anyway, we have some sort of pep rally at the end of period 10. I'm not feeling that at all.

Things that I wish I had: Andrew WK Cds, headphones, wee-wee.


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Even if you won't have me, I'll keep trying... [18 Nov 2004|05:48pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Really in Love - Andrew WK <3 ]

Run down!

English: I don't know. We read a story, I know that, but I can't remember what it was about. I recall something about painting birds out of cages, but I think I fell asleep, hardcore style. I was so bummed out and tired that I kind of passed out on my desk, so that's the end of that chapter.
Criminal Justice: FFHH wasn't there so we went to Poloni's room and watched '12 Angry Men'. Let me tell you this, Tony Danza is a bitch in this movie! Who knew!
Study Hall: Scaggums and I walked around, stopped at the lockers, headed down to the auditorium where I worked on my psychology packet and sang that song by Kansas. You know... carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you were done. I dunno, I probably got the lyrics wrong and whatnot, but who cares? I suppose Kansas does, and for that, Kansas, I apologize.
Lunch: We went back upstairs because Mallory had to go to her locker. When we came back down to walk past the gym, we saw a kid running. I stopped and asked 'Oh my god, is that little book bag boy?' and like freaks we waited and watched to see his face, and yes, it was little book bag boy. I freaked out. I waved at him and he waved back. I love that kid, he's so awesome. Anyway, Jordan Martin told us that he got his acceptance letter from college of his choice with a side of french fries or cole slaw, and he was congratulated. I then took off my pants and did the ceremonial celebration dance. Hmmm. I think I missed a step or two.

This is the most I've ever remembered about lunch.
Art 5/6: More "working" on our 3-point perspective drawings. Truth be told, I keep doodling lines and such, just so I don't have to color. I want to take it home over the weekend and get it over with, so I won't have to do anything on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Anyway, I snapped at Mallory and we had a little tiff, shall I say, and I later apologized. I've been apologizing to a lot of people these days. (Just because your life is miserable, doesn't mean everybody else's has to be, get that through your thick skull, Sha-na-na). We'll probably discuss said matters in a business conference at HQ (Pizza Hut) or at my house or something... in the car? <333 Pedro.

How the fuck did I steer so far off course from art class?

ANYWAY! I was pretty tired and grouchy, so people were basically leaving me alone. I was like this all day. Feh diddle on life.

Psychology: I took a quiz (that I completely forgot about-- how ironic was it that the quiz was on memory and forgetting? guffaw, guffaw). He checked the two sheets that we had for homework on our packet... uh, thing. (Yeah. I'm tired, can you tell?) We swapped quizzes with a neighbor to correct. I got a 13/15, which is pretty good-- considering that I thought I fucking bombed it. Anyway, for the rest of the class period, we worked on the two remaining sheets in our packets, plus, a definition sheet that he threw out there. Hooray.
Journalism: Here comes the fun part of my day. After I stopped on here and updated, I took a big poop in a coffee can. Then, I fed it to a poodle named "Scruffles". I am mildly schizophrenic and have somewhat of a necrophilia complex. I find this to be true. ANYWAY! I can't remember how this came about, I believe Mallory and I were talking about shaving our legs or something and we had a "whiteness" contest where we compared how pale our legs were (I totally won by a landslide) and then I said to Sc00ter "Sc00ty! Have you shaved lately?" Somehow, this resulted in me sticking my hand up his jeans for about 15 minutes, all the while-- Mallory is yelling enthusiastically "touch his weiner! go for his pipper!". I WAS BEFUDDLED!!! I didn't touch his weiner, but I did come close, which made it kind of awkward, when I asked him for his autograph on a used sanitary napkin. Then, he molested me with his foot and we talked about the time when I was with Amber + Dawn and I flashed some d00d at the bank while I informed him that I shaved my ass.

What the hell am I on?

Philosophy: We took some notes. Then, we read about some lady-d00d and we talked about government some more. I, unfortunately, do not have any interest in politics, so for most of the period (I'm not kidding) I sat and thought about my carpetting and some d00d (I say some d00d because I did not give him an upper body), jerkin' it in the shower. WHAT THE HELL!
Other: After school I headed home, throwing stuff in my purse. I was going with a couple of friends to Long John Silvers (aka lust in a box). Mom called, wanted to know if I was still going out for dinner, I told her that I was but then I told her what was up and she was like "OKAY D00D" and then, Amber called me around 3:30 and was like "Heeeeyyyy Shainy! Be in your driveway, ready to go" and I was like "Ok". She pulled in front of my driveway, I followed her down the road. I dunno why, she seemed like she was going uber fast. I drive like an old man (I don't sit that close to the steering wheel anymore, though!). Anyway, we got to Ashley's, I parked behind Amber. Ashley's grandma was freaked out by my Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt. Hmmm. We got into Ashley's car and went the back way to LJS. Gina met us there.

The food was really good but GODDDDDDDD the service was so fucking slow and horrible. Feh!

I then came home and laid in a bathtub of warm water. Secksin'.

Reason #39 I love Andrew WK: (see current music) THIS SONG IS SO UBER HAWT.


1 corpse + care to fill an empty grave?

Somebody please -- stab me in the face. [18 Nov 2004|01:02pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | Some crap that sc00ter's blasting to the right ]

Hey d00dz, I'm in journalism right now (how ironic is that, eh? I'm updating my journal in journalism, but I digress)... and I must say, I am not having a good time. Somebody, anybody, shoot me in the head. I beg of you.

Things I accomplished today:
- Dispelled hate upon 99.8485% of the school population.
- Died (work in progress).

Anyway, just figured I'd drop in and say "HOLLA".

PS: Now that I've used the phrase 'HOLLA', I deserve to die.

The end.

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Oh my goodness, the bell's about to ring! [17 Nov 2004|05:49pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Dead Girl - Rachel Stamp ]

Run down:

English: We took some notes and then read a story by Roald Dahl about some weird nazis or something.
Criminal Justice: We handed in our papers and then watched a movie (updated version of 12 angry men) that has TONY DANZA in it. <3!
Study Hall: Went for a walk; asked Mr. Gold about making up an evaluation for FFL. Feh diddle on that. Sigh! Then, I hit people with my poster. I am annoying!
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Art 5/6: Put off coloring for as long as possible.
Psychology: Worksheets. Mr. Hawk said my name for the first time in 3 months and he actually pronounced it right. WOW.
Journalism: Sc00ter fucked up our computers so we had to unplug them. Har har. Um, that's ab00t it.
Philosophy: Cantalope?

I gave Mallory lotion, 'The Gas we Pass', and Kirby's Avalanche. She owes me $7. We're going out to Pizza Hut tomorrow (with Sc00ter?). I love pornography.

The end.

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I'm taking all comers!!! Haha, double entendre. [16 Nov 2004|09:16pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Witches - Switchblade Symphony<3 ]

Things I should be doing right now:
- Finishing Criminal Justice paper
- Finishing Psychology poster

But, eh, I quit!

Run down:

English: Yet another lecture. The last of the presentations. Some really boring story about a piece of string. Feh!
Criminal Justice: I was sent to the Library to research (since I was sans trip). I sat and did nothing for about 20 minutes and then I left.
Study Hall: Walked around. Talked ab00t things. NAPS. I don't know if I ever mentioned little book bag boy (there's this kid who always has like 3 trapper keepers + no bookbag so I would always yell 'somebody get that kid a bookbag!', but I digress) but today he had a bookbag! :D As we were walking to the exit of the auditorium to go to lunch he came in and I (seeing that he had the bookbag) said "HEYYYYYYYY" really loud and really excitedly (word?) and his face all perked up and brightened like he was going to say something; aw-- it was so adorable. THE END.
Lunch: Nate did not sit with us today. EH!
Art 5/6: Big paper. Naps.
Psych: The most horrid class ever. We received another worksheet, no surprise. Kill me.
Journalism: Mallory almost broke the monitor, but with my technological expertise, she was saved. (way to suck your own dick there, Shaina).
Philosophy: Notes. Death.

Driving home. Wanted to kill. Sent mom out to get posterboard because I didn't feel well. I had chicken patties + bbq sauce + cheese sauce. It was DELICIOUS. Yay.

Okay, I have to finish this shit.

1 corpse + care to fill an empty grave?

Bourbon is love. [15 Nov 2004|09:34pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Lucifer Rising - LTNO ]


English: Presentations. Eh, fuck. We went downstairs to the library to watch one and d00t d00t got a call from Piggy B. Apparently, between the trip from her room to the library, several garbage cans were knocked over/thrown/whatever; and d00t d00t took it upon herself to give a 9 year lecture on why we have to grow up. Listen, you senile old bitch, I don't need your lectures about my maturity, considering that I act my age. FUFUFU.
Criminal Justice: It was lecture day, apparently. I didn't go on the trip to the prison/court on Friday, and apparently, that makes me an evil, evil, person. He proceeded to pull me over into a conference room, expressing extreme emotional distress due to the fact that I didn't go. I, in turn, looked at him with this look of confusion; much like this: o.O;;. Honestly, I don't know why he was getting his panties in such a twist over it. I think that he thought that I wasn't going to write the paper (which I totally will) and my nonchalant attitude seemed to upset him deeply. WHY! WHYWHYWHY. Anyway, I failed to see the importance in the situation. Later, he groped me in the hallway (More like shook my hand and talked to me; but it's as bad as being raped). GROSS.
Study Hall: Went for a walk with Mallory and Katlyn. GUH, the bathrooms smelled like Long John Silvers vagina, it was so fucking gross. At first, I thought that the Bio classes were dissecting the squids today, but no no no-- apparently someone needs some Summers Eve.
Lunch: Nate sat with us today. I mooched food off of him (a roll, a dorito, and some scraps of cookie). Heh! My charms cannot be resisted. It was either that or he thought that I would physically harm him if food wasn't transported my way. Nate hasn't been a dickhead lately, which is good.
Art 5/6: More 3-point perspective stuff. I thought I was going to move on to the big paper today, but I was too tired to care. Not much happened. I had a tiny piece of peanut brittle.
Psychology: We finished watching a movie. Then, we got a worksheet. This class is the same thing over and over, it's so boring. Then, I poked my eye out with a rusty nail, just for fun.
Journalism: Printed my page. I'm too tired to get into all the theatrics of the crotchety old sea turtle, so I'll leave it at that.
Philosophy: We finished watching a movie with John Stossel in it (I might hump him?). It was about the gov't and there was heavy mentioning of Canada so I got all brothy in the pants. After that, we took some quick notes.

The day went really quick, actually. I came home, had some green tea + pie, slept, and woke up around 8:00-8:30.

My life is so boring.

The end.

1 corpse + care to fill an empty grave?

'Tis the season to clean my closet... [14 Nov 2004|08:44pm]
[ mood | enraged ]
[ music | Crematoria - Fockewolf ]

Fa la la la la... )

LJ ate this post originally *stabs LJ* FU! LJ FU!.

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How nice would porcelain look, sloshed with red? [13 Nov 2004|08:53pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Surfin' Dead - The Cramps ]

Why I hate my life is 96 easy steps )

FUCK. I hate my sweaty pits.

Too bad I had to wake up. [13 Nov 2004|04:03pm]
[ mood | sigh ]

Last night, I had this dream that I had a clone that was sent to kill me. I don't know who sent them, though. We were in this stark white room, but there were these blue vases with yellow flowers in them, I think they were daffodils... I don't know why I mentioned that, but for some reason, (to me) it was a strange detail. Anyway, my clone came into the room and held a knife to my throat. I begged with them to kill me because I didn't want to live anymore and I told them that, if they wanted to, they could take over my life once I was gone. The clone slit my throat and these huge spiders with little wings flew out of my throat and crawled all over the walls, so that they looked solid black. My clone kept stabbing me and these spiders eventually stopped flying out of my body. Anyway, the clone left to go get rid of the knife and all the spiders flew off the walls and devoured my body and then they flew back onto the walls and laid their eggs and then they died and shrivelled away.

Moral of the story: I wish I had a clone.

[edit]: I was curious so: Dream analysis )

I will update more later.

1 corpse + care to fill an empty grave?

ignore this. [11 Nov 2004|09:56pm]
Sigh )

Sigh. [11 Nov 2004|08:04pm]
[ mood | fucking depressed ]

Run down:

English: Presentation. Sc00ter did all the talking while I held the poster but eh, fuck that shit. I don't care anymore, honestly, I don't.
Criminal Justice: Assembly for veterans day. Fuck. I sat between sc00ter + mal and eh, I was bored. There was a cute old man + a guy that looked like Partick Duffy.
Study Hall: Boring.
Lunch: Nate sat with us today. We promoted him due to good behavior.
Art 5/6: Helped people out with 3 point perspective + worked on my own design.
Psych: Fuck, I just remembered that I have a quiz in there tomorrow. Eh, who cares?
Journalism: I hate graphs.
Philosophy: Movie. Boring.

Drove home, mom got me some pudding-- she left for dinner with a friend around 3:30 and didn't get back until about 7 o'clock. I should've been doing some shit but instead, I watched Dr. Phil and listened to "gawth rawk" because I am so teh awsumz1 yah!11~34


My life is so bad right now.

1 corpse + care to fill an empty grave?

[10 Nov 2004|10:11pm]
Why, of all things, is this making me upset?


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