07:27pm 11/06/2002
  oh man that never worked..my bad. oh well...this is it. i don't update this one often because it is my first one i have a second one that i update more...if you want to know what it is just ask me and i'll email it to you if i like you and trust you enough. peace out.  
     Read 1 - Post
12:02am 22/05/2002
According to the SelectSmart.com selector, SELECTOR TITLE HERE, my #1 match is YOUR RESULT HERE.
What are you?
Visit SelectSmart.com
01:28pm 15/05/2002
mood: excited
music: destroying angel-sneaker pimps
yayyy 11 days until i am in Jersey. i so can't wait that way i can be with April. I can't wait to hold her and kiss her and just be with her. She has been the best thing for me in a long time. For the past 3 weeks almost every night we have talk for 6-9 hours. We always have something to talk about. it;s great. i mean why did i go afetr anyone else and let april only remain my friend in the first place? i should've just gone for her in the beginning. i dunno, like i think i have loved her for a long just i never thought of her that way. you know? then when all that bull shit happened and she heard about me moving back to pine hill, (which yeah i found out the apartment i got was in pine hill not plainsboro) and that all that bull shit hiding that i was in is over, she pour out her feelings for me. then i was like man maybe she would make a good gf for me blah blah blah. i really wasn't ready for a relationship. i didn't want one. well with april it is different. i can't explain any of it. oh well. hehe 11 days and i get to spend time with her. yay!! well i'm outie. hugs.
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02:04pm 11/05/2002

Which Angel would you be?
Angel Falls
my last entery as tequiero.   
10:18am 09/05/2002
mood: accomplished
this is the last entry i'm writing as tequiero. all those who recieve a post and can't figure out who from. that's me adding you to my friends list. i will tell you something stupid of course. so if you're not added i prolly don't like you or we got into a fight and i'm unsure of you. and if you are congrats you're trustworthy enough to be my friend. this journal will be used however for writing and quizzes and blah blah..so if you don't want this to flood you're friends page, delete this name from it...hehe
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sorry guys..never realized what i was doing! :0P   
03:01pm 08/05/2002
I'm an asshole!
Do you post too many quizzes in your journal? brought to you by: karlaanne
my true self comes out   
02:59pm 08/05/2002

Which Rocky character are you?
02:55pm 08/05/2002

I Am:
Take the What Stupid LiveJournal Quiz Am I? quiz!

dude this was the meanest test i have took...:0(   
02:35pm 08/05/2002
  <img border="0"  
02:31pm 08/05/2002

Do you swear a lot?
quiz by maikamariel
this sooo me!   
02:29pm 08/05/2002

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.
I told you all I was a Goddess!!!   
02:11pm 08/05/2002

Which Woman of Beauty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.
02:54pm 06/05/2002
  i'm Jack!  
02:51pm 06/05/2002

I'm an Oreo!

What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!
12:48am 06/05/2002

which "monty python and the holy grail" character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen
12:44am 06/05/2002

which children's storybook character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen
god i'm the bomb!   
12:41am 06/05/2002

You are a little...strange, but you have a cult following. Friday nights are all yours. Now put your damn clothes on!

What movie are you?
made by jupluna
12:39am 06/05/2002
12:35am 06/05/2002
You are Hip-Hop!

Two liters of attitude in a one liter bottle. You are hip-hop music, a genre commonly associated with black people. Your main themes are sex, alcohol, violence, and a lot of profanity. You are very confident of yourself, especially when around your crew, and you take on an intimidating persona to boost your self-confidence. Though your general manner can sometimes scream "fuck off" you can be a sweet person underneath it. So long as your crew doesn't know that.

Take the what music genre are you quiz by PsychosisX!
oh yeah baby come and get me!   
12:23am 06/05/2002

You are Angelina

You acted in cool movies like:

Tomb Raider, Gone in Sixty Seconds, Girl Interrupted

and Hackers.

Take the "Which Hollywood Princess are you?"
quiz @ planetag.de