Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Chess Players Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "chess".
239 matches:
64 - chess addict
____decembermay - For Old Boy/Young Woman 'ships, fics & discussion
__grobanites - Josh Groban Community with Daily Updates!
__mardxcore - __mardxcore
__rejected_____ - Rejection is easy.
_abba_graphics - ABBA Graphics Community
_cogent_sage - Have a problem? Maybe we can help =)
_kubrick_ - Uncompromising genius, who changed cinema forever.
_parkland_ - PHS Pride
_superdork - Dork Street
_xwonderlandx_ - _xwonderlandx_
abbacommunity - The ABBAForum on LiveJournal
aganihm - aganihm
alice_to_zorba - The Theatre Zealot
alices_asylum - Alice's Asylum
apeshit_media - Apeshit! Media
arinatanemura - Arina Tanemura
asskickindorks - asskickindorks
athenshs - Athens High School
au_intelligents - Auburn University Intelligentsia
austinboardgame - austin board gamers
austingamers - Austin Gamers
austingaming - Austin Gaming
aw3some - aw3some
aze - aze
back2blackbox - i was a teenage thespian
back_space - Backspace
basinharbor - Basin Harbor Club
bellevue_people - Residents of East King County
bhs_losers - Bellaire High School Losers
boardgamedesign - Board Game Design
brainking - Fans of
broadway - Broadway Musicals Fans
broadway_babies - The few who truely are bound for Broadway
broadway_fans - The Broadway Fans of the World
broadway_lovers - Broadway Lovers
broadway_shows - *- Broadway Shows -*
broadwaymusical - For all those who love Broadway Musicals!
browncardy - Old Before Their Time
by_sport - Belarus Sport Community
byeha - Byeha
carson98610 - carsonites
castleton_calls - Oklahoma Renaissance Faire Community
ceremony_ma - ceremony_ma
ch_ch_changing - The Clock Strikes 13...
chamblee - Chamblee High
chess_and_games - Chess & Games
chess_forum - Pawns of the world unite!
chess_musical - Chess the Musical
chessmatch - LiveJournal Correspondence Chess
chessparents - Parents of Chess Kids
chessramblings - chessramblings
coffee_time - Coffee Timers
coffeehousebook - Coffeehouse Addicts..
coleensexton - Coleen Sexton fans
comm_hobby - Hobby and Educational Promotions
crayonofdoom - Crayon Of Doom
crazy_fucks - The crazy people on LJ
crossbasket - crossbasket
cupofdirt - Brian Regan Community
cutnpastentwist - cutnpastentwist
damnportlanders - Portlandiaphile
dork_style - Eugene
dragonbonez2 - The Bone Pile
drunkenchess - Sacramento Drunken Chess Club
eastmeck - East Meck Eagles
edoolittle - / / chocolates: for me to eat \ \
effteepea - the kids vs. core
engorgio - Engorgio RPG
enterthetomato - Edward & Ein Fan Community
eths - Evanston Township High School
eurogoth - goth life and culture in europe
eye_and_dagger - Kamchatka v. Alaska
fatdotcagney - Fat Cagney, here.
flneighborhood - FlorenceLane
forbobbyfischer - Where is Bobby Fischer?
freakingsweet - For the lovers of all things sweet.
freechess - Free Internet Chess Server
fullersociety - fullersociety
game_informant - Game articles, essays, and amusement. (All types.)
gamedesigners - The First Church of Beer and Pretzels
garfield_hs - Garfield High School
gay_america - The GLBTQI members of America and friends and fami
gbml_on_lj - The GBML On LJ
geekissexy - geeK IS Sexy
geeklets - Geeklets
geeklovers - Geeks And The Women Who Love Them!
geekyhangout - Geeky Hangout
gemutlichkeit - gemutlichkeit
hammerandhalo - gravityandgun: words
hate_matt - The Official I Hate Matt Fanclub
hayfield - Hayfield Secondary School
herbrrrt - we like the brrr
high_minds - High Minds = High Thoughts
house_of_black - The Ancient and Noble House of Black
hoylegames_club - Hoyle Games Club
hprpgjournals - hprpgjournals
iloveronweasley - Ron Weasley <3
indiepoetry - here is my heart
indierocklunch - Indie Rock Lunch Table
interests - LJ Interests
ithacalegion - Ithaca Legion - Gaming Community for Ithaca, NY
java_slutts - java_slutts
jrmb - JRMB
jumpfolks - Jump, Little Children fans
kaizersultanate - The Kaiser/Sultanate Alliance
kc_ren_fest - Kansas City Renaissance Festival
la_geeks - the great los angeles geek out
lapc_book_club - LAPC Book Group Message Board
laurensinterven - laurensinterven
lehmanhs - Lehman High School
liquifiedbrains - Liquified Brains
lisgar - LCI
ljchess - LJ Chess Players
llamasvpelicans - Killer Llamas vs Killer Pelicans
locketpair - Love in a Locket: Seto/Mokuba
love_boardgames - Totally Board Games!
love_the_slav - Fear the Russian, Love the Russian
lurve4ashes - Love For the Great Ashes!!!!!!!!
mad_teaparty - We're All Mad Here...AiW Fans
magic_life - Magic is Life. Life is Magic
magic_past - Magic was Life
magicaltheory - Magical Theory: A Harry Potter 6th Year RPG.
majesticjournal - cyantist
marshallgeeks - Geeks of Marshall
masksofdrama - The Masks of Drama: A Theatrical Community
medfest - That Medieval Thing
metalic_poptart - metalic_poptart
mfdev - Monster Federation Development
missionrock - Mission Rock Radio
ml_students - Magic Life OOC
monchat - The Lovers
mtratpedos - mtratpedos
musical100 - Musical Drabbles
musical_lyrics - musical_lyrics
musicaltheatre - Musical Theatre
nerdcorecrew - NerdCoreCrew
nerdcorps - nerdcorps
nerdle_or_not - nerdle_or_not
ninedeuce - |\|1|\|3 |)3uc3 R3c0r|)5 |_1v3j0ur|\|4|_ C0mmun1ty
nofwest_hiskool - nofwest_hiskool
norockandroll - norockandroll
nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
ohcesty - The Cesternino Club
oldfriends - Xavier/Magneto Slash Fans
oo_soul - Left Coast Soul Alliance
or2600 - Oregon 2600
oregon - Oregon
orthagonalley - Orthagon Alley RPG
our_community - karen is a douche bag
pa_nerds - Nerds in Pennsylvania
parisites - Paris Koffeehauze
parkoncaffiene - something to do with the park... at night...
pdx_geek - pdx_geek
pennyu - PennyU
pervert_league - Pervert League America
petulant_syrup - Eccentric Pretentious Intellectuals
philly_games - philly_games
pinklaughter - Pink Laughter
posse_ooc - The Posse
princeandpauper - S.S. Prince And Pauper
promiskeepers - promiskeepers
qscc - qscc
quidditch_ - Fans of Harry Potter
r0n_w34sl3y - Ron
randomevents - Random Fun - friends, random things, good times
randompoetry - fireclad
regards2bway - Regards2Broadway
rms_rams - Go Rams!
rock_the_v - Rock the V
rolasrevolution - Rola's Revolution
ron_weasley - Ron Fan
ru_chess - Шахматный клуб
ru_musical - Мюзиклы
ruinists - the Ruinist Community
rupertgrint - Fans of Rupert Grint
salemacademy - Salem Academy
seattlechessgrp - Seattle Chess Study group
senileoldfucks - We Are Old
septaweekly - Reasonably Septaweekly
seraphtron - Seraphtron
shikamarufans - How troublesome...
shorecrest - Shorecrest High School
shs_bandkids - Sachse Band Kids Unite!
smart_as_a_whip - SMART AS A WHIP
srq_alt - An Alternative Community in Sarasota/Bradenton
starbuxx0rs - Starbuxx0rs
storyzine - Mindscape - A story zine
strangeallies - . strange allies .
subtle_creature - Nii Jienyi & Kougaiji Community
subway_mke - Brady Subway
summerinstitute - Summer Institute for the Gifted
super_hot_nerds - super_hot_nerds
sws - School Within a School
tanemura_beauty - Tanemura Beauties
tanemura_claims - Tanemura Arina Claims
tbg - toronto boardgames
techno_babble - Techno_Babble
teen_beauty_sux - Teen_beauty_sux
terminal_shock - The Best Sheep of the Herd
the__luckiest - Jesse & Lauren
the_black_drop - The Black Drop
the_borderlands - within the borderlands
the_burrowers - WEASLEY FANS! Icons, fics, fanart, ANYTHING!
the_c_bs - Home to the Checkered Bandits of the world
the_household - the household of DOOOOOM!!
the_joy_of_ron - The Joy of Ron
the_war_room - Game Whores
theater_icons - T H E A T E R - I C O N S
theatericontest - Theater Icontest
theatre_central - theatre_central
theatre_claims - Claim A Favorite Play or Musical!
thecornertable - thecornertable
theeegroup - ~*~Our Group~*~
theoretical_ooc - Magical Theory OOC community.
thepaperduet - The Paper Duet
thewardrobe - The Wardrobe Gang
triology - Triology
triumvirate - Triumvirate
trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
twits - TWiTs: The ThatWasThen Discussion Community
ubergeeks - Ubergeeks
uglies - Ugly on the outside, beautiful on the inside
umbc - University of Maryland, Baltimore County
unique_fetish - Kiss Your Wrists
unmanagable - Total Fucking Lunatics
unplottables - Unplottables
upstatenyarml - Upstate New York ARML Team
usdan - usdanite community
visc_solidarity - Vancover Island Snarry Club
wannabe_geeks - wannabe_geeks
white_owl_lions - Follow the Owl's Proud Gryffindors
wiprfluid - wiprfluid
wonder_cabinet - The Wonder Cabinet
wonderlandinc - Wonder Land Inc.-The First Alice community
word_horde - Word Horde
ww_reminisce - West Wing Reminisce
yst__rp - Yoroiden Samurai Troopers / Ronin Warriors RP
Interested users
The following users are interested in chess. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
477 matches:
9mm - Back in the game!
abomination - Abomination
abstractform - Daniel
acronym - Andrew
adayinthelife - Reverend Dale
adrobeast - Chef Adrian
alchemist - The Alchemist
alexpgp - AlexPGP
aliceccentric - Sabrina SriFaux
altar - Altar
amadeuscasanova - AmadeusCasanova
amanda42 - amanda
amazonfuus - one of six billion
amberskye - Karla's
amon - Amon
amos02 - Amos Janeway
angelmortis - sharisse
anomaly - anomaly
ansuz - Ansuz
anthrochica - Lapsed Modernist
anti_pop_sock - sometimes
aperfectmistake - A perfect Mistake
applechaos - Absolut Mary
aramaseid - Samara
arcane - Love Rhymes with Horrible Car Wreck
asacredtear - aSacredTear
astriarch - Astriarch Romanus
athos - athos
atm237 - Atm.Inside
austincs - Wugga
automaticman - The Automatic Man
auxillarypriest - Of, relating to, or affected by psychosis
aziraphale - Tabula Rasa
azntinkrbell - azntinkrbell
balistikspaz - .?:rAwk kiT
barko - Calvin
beadge - Ritchie
bellacosity - Big Butt Dancer
bigbrain61 - Brianrietta
bikko - Adam
bitchgoddessdm - DM
blackhat5 - Tony
blacknickel - Crow
blainthemono - Super Cory 2 Turbo :Championship Edition
blky - Les
bloodengel - chuckiebear
blueorangejuice - Tommy
boredom - Min
bornluser - LUSER BIGTIME
boushmeyer - Adam
bowtomecha - You could use another crack in your ass
boysetsfire - your new favorite person
brandonq - Brandon
brerrabbit23 - Brer
bruno_boy - Rival Dave
bunglemeplenty - No Women, No Kids
burbninja - burbninja
cadburry - Kali
cain1k - Neil
calaf - From the Files of a Dissident
calamity - Selena
calico - Happy Fun Hair
camieal - (A?)erin
capnsponge - The lawyer with an eloquent tongue
captainhero - justin"the fish"kraeer
captainkirk - Captain Kirk
casey1979 - mermaid girl
caustic_x - Caustic
che - Michael Drennan
childofsnow - Chaucer's Wench
chriscouture - Professor Evil
cleopat - Mirage
clocksareevil - luna
cocacolaguy27 - notsickbutnotwell
coffeeandcigars - who needs sleep?
cohrah - Cora
concretegarden - mmBot
contrarybelief - Paul
copperfield - David Wieble
corpusdei - CorpusDei
countbrass - Count Brass
cpcliff - Somewhere out in America it's raining
craezymike - Mike Gee
craigkun - Craig Hall
cremlian - Scott Johnson
crowlee - Crow
cyborg200 - Duncan Smith
cygnoir - Halsted
cynicallynaive - philip the uebercynic
danielspice - DanielSpice
danniegirl - Dannie
darkbear - Drake
darklingx - Alicia
darkman64 - Phillip V
darktemplar - Nookiez
darkwolf69 - Dark Wolf
dave2000 - Dave
davema - David Ma
davidl - David
davidm - David M BCompSci
deatonjr - Mad Hatter 10/6
deepestsin - Ally Kat
deinos - David's Mood Swing
deleriousraven - Delirious
delilarei - Reina
devilmonkey - Christian
dexfarkin - Dex
diaryofahobbit - A Hobbit
dixon - Dixon
dkn - .^.dkn.^.
dogoncouch - Dan
dominus - Albert Tay Weicheng
dontime - don asher
dontknow - DK
doobarz - Richie
dorisp - Dorkis
dragonboy - DragonBoy
dragonmaster - Dragonmaster
dralafi - Black Star = DralaFi
drblasphlemy - Hurt me please...
dumbdudeatuci - Will
dyslexiccrayon - Joe
egoboy - isaac
el_blanco - The White Elephant
elixabeth - pan dotsky
elwe - Ryan Gabbard
emiko - the anti-social socialite
endgame - Endgame
enitan - enitan
erewinweik - Brad
ericscott - Turkish
erinsaurus - erin-go-round
ertai - The Ion Chef
eryn - citrus
esora - Emily
espostor - espostor
etowncrusade - The Crusades DM
euqubud - Dubuque
evilinthenameof - dangeresque, too?
ex - ex
fadedmist - Darby
fairysorceress - Rebecca
faithfull1 - Nikki
favieira - Francisco Vieira
ferrum - Sir Nick The (Insert Word You Prefer Here)
fiatnox - FIATNOX8
fieryphoenix - Pepsi
fitzwinter - Becoming Excellent
fjarlq - ominous-yet-distant warbling hum
flare22 - Sara
fog - Oliver
fonix - fonix
frosti2000 - Justin
futile - Caroline
g33k - your mom's favorite angstmonster
gager - Gager
gallyndur - Gallyndur
gekko - Just Riss
geode - Jayson
gibbie - Christina
girlhasknife - Vanessa America
girlnextdoor - lina.
glauko - gl4uco
globetrot_ed - Edwin
gloombunny - Gloombunny
gluzd - gluzd
godofthepork - AiMEE
gotrego - tre
greg31577 - Greg
gringo - G-Zus Kriced
gromitcu - Gromit
gumpy - Brandy
h2bhc - Spinario
haltijatar - Haltijatar
hamdog - Forrest "Hamdog" Gump
hardcoreleft16 - matthew skywalker
hatchling - kat
hebe - the invisible one
herichon - missing... presumed having a good time
hesserising - Trevor
hockalocker - Steve Smart
hogard - Tony Hogard
hotlove - Steven Holloway
hypothermya - hypothermya
ihcilon - shiny waistcoat
imacmike - iMacMike
immortaleve - 熟男杀手
inacurate - Inacurate
indignitydirge - ZelZel
iolanthe - le jaseroque
j_stewart - joanstar runner
jabberwocky - RØB Severson
jack562 - Jack
jag - handsome jag
jalena - Jalena
jare - jay
jaredstammer - Jared Stammer
jasenka - living life with the fuck-all attitude
jcknight - jaycee
jcorreag - jorge
jedi_rezboy - jedi_rezboy
jemfinch - Jeremy
jennbob - Jenn
jennna - jenna.
jinx - Jinx
jr_surfer - Joe
jsessa - J Sessa
jsmilner1 - Poon Cloosey
judith13 - Judith
jweisskohl - Jerry Weisskohl
kaliva - Ultra Chrome, Latex & Steel
karamarie - KaraMarie
katabatic - Jonathan
kennethraun - raun
kinki_kid - 英雄
kitiara - Hot Libertarian Gun Chick
kittybrat - Kittybrat
kiwi - Kelsey Fukura
knightwizard - Ken
kouryuu - Desirably Vile
krin - krin
krow - Brian "Krow" Aker
kungfutzu - Nate
kupd - Kim
l2g - Larry "America's Most Ineligible Bachelor" Gilbert
ladyvilliate - Saneth Dostoyevsky
legia99 - Brian
lellan - Lellan McLemore
lifeformzero - Zero
lilmorbid - Lilmorbid
liquidcross - liquidcross
lizbit712 - Liz, Beth, Elizabeth
lockeboy - 失名
lookas - Lookas Ditton
lordkamel - AutomaticDisfunction
lorn - Lorn
lostrune - Laura
lovesuicide - BleedingRomantic
lto - Limited Time Offer
m0x - rhy darling
madteds - MadTeds
mannkuh - Freakin' DAVE
margaretlane - Just Amanda
mariahx - Mariah
mark - Mark
markabe1 - Mark
markmcgarrigle - Mark McGarrigle
marss - Marss
matthews - Matthew S.
maudlinkitty - maudlinkitty
maxwell160 - J. Maxwell
melicious - *~melindy~*
merlinus - Merlinus Ambrosius
metal - One Plus One Is One
michaelodwyer - Michael O'Dwyer
mik0 - Michael Cox
milambar - Milambar
miller82 - Inertia
minikin - Doodle Bug
missdemeanor - Biography of a Mind
mlik - Stupid Stupidhead
moonrose97 - moonroses
morbid_angel - Parker
morlly - moRlly
moxieman - jeff
mr_funny_man - Garf
mrjess - Jesse
msalcoryp - Alex Sinitsyn
mudge - Mudge
mudman - mudman
mylemon - bloody as hell
najdorf - Chris
nameless - Nameless
narr_martyrer - sapphire
naygoo - Scott, PE
nefas - imaginary girl
nentwined - quasi random
nicodemus - Nicodemus
niekhilet - Rantipole
nightgarden - Rachel
nighthawk - Historicus Deus Innomen
nihilism - sordidfish
nikkichicken - Slytherin's Gay.
nimrodangelboy - jamie ryan beiser
ninafikiri - Kufikiri means Thinking
nistule - Nistule
noah - Noah
nolegs - Formerly the SandwichJournal
nsdragon - Nightshade Dragon
nullzero - mFLO
octavie - octavie
october_rust - A E O N
octopus - the only fool there waiting down by the ocean
oenone - DomoKun
ojuice - Brad
oldelech - Dongzilla
omega9 - The Crusader
omegacentrix - David
onejdc - John
ossie - Ossie
painamplifier - jAson
pan - Pan
pancua - Pancua
paulv - oy with the poodles already
pepper_mint - Connie
percible - Gordon
phoenixcub - Ron
pizzpot - Alex
playfight - playfight
pookah - Dave
poormattie - Mattie
princesslaura - laura
promethius - Promethius
protozoa - protozoa
psycho_monkey - decorate my soul, set it all on fire
psychosis - Rapey R. Beans
pundit - Jai Maharaj
purealto - Jenni Lamb
pyramidscheme - That Damn Len Clark Again...
pyrrhic - Pyrrhic
qlbanks - Q2
quadrabomber - mechaquadrabomber alpha
quakerboy87 - Craig
qualus - qualus
queenofspades - Luna*
quest - Quest
quizmasterace - Nick Connolly
rachel_10101 - Rachel
raechan - Joy
rafferty - Herb
randomlife - David Andreasen
raspberryswrl - lay down, the threat is real
ravencrovax - Mordred Moridin
ravendon - Raven Lee
reallyvirtual - ReallyVirtual
realvirginmary - Matron Vlos Darthiir
rearviewmirror - rearviewmirror
rebekah - *Jeannie*
rebequa - Re'bequa
regisman - Dan
reintegration - Andrew
reive_d - Reive Doig
rekluse - super nintendo chalmers
relfen - C2
rephlektiv - # mackenzie #
rew - mark
rhast - Scythe
rhyannon - Little Slice of Midnight
richardk - Richard
riotpixiestyle - Lil Boi Skip.
roe - Alan
rohithanda - rohit handa
rollinwraith - TheWraith
rosaferreum - Suum Robur Rosa Ferreum
rurouni_kenshin - Adam
ryawn - Robert Yawn
sa - Silicon Avatar
sadderstar - lindsey.
saeroun - saeroun
saiann - saiann
samosasara - a wild pack of family dogs
sandstar - | Sandi* - The Sensory One |
sapphire_tears - Sapphire Tears
sapphireoracle - Sara
satbast - SatBast
satoreye - my burning soul
scootah - Scott
seadragon1066 - Wanderer
searay - Sarah
sebab - Stephanie Wukovitz
secretsquirrel - Secret Squirrel
seeker_ix - apostle of the revolution
segue - segue
sephire - ASAP
seuratt - seuratt
shalarb - The Celebrity Waitress
sheftman963 - David Sheftman
shelleyan - Shelleyan
shipreked - philip
shua - Joshua Hueblur
sidneythecat - sid
sigma - Amazing Truthsaying Bastard
silentcrusader - Clif the Red
silveralien - Michelle
simplydivine - SIMply Divine
sks_friday - Scockard Hanjen
skull_fission - Skull Fission
skydreamer - Jen J
sleeperservice -
slivovitzz - REDRUM
smaynurf - Sarah
smokinjoe - Joe
spate - Spate
speaker4thedead - A Dancer In The Rain
squall - Lionheart
squirrelloid - Nick Johnson
star_traveler - star_traveler
staydetuned - Jayson
stephie - Stephanie
stevetheartboy - steve
stmachiavelli - Saint Machiavelli
stochasticity - Stochasticity
strangeone - Will
stroke9n3eb - Andreas
stuck - nck
sulfatize - sulfatize
superando - Superando
supermathboi - MathBoi
suprememaster - Dr. William W MacDonald J.R. Lord of all
symon - symon
talash - Talash
talton - Talton
tangentier - Neon Tapir Wonder Durf of Justice
tbgoldman - Tom
tboss - Jason
td_barter - td_barter
teddibear - TB
tenketsu - Matt
terrag - Terrag Semaj
texan128 - Colby Hendrix
thatoneguy - Deluded Id
the_august - Chris
the_jug - The_Jug
thebiglab - Kitty
thedarklinglord - Caliban - Bastard Son of the Obscene
thedragon - Captain Morgan
theelectricmonk - Blatant the Unseen
thegodofwar - The God of War, Comedy, and Huge Egos...
thepiratequeen - Extraordinary Machine
therhyn - David A. Bradley
thewackness - Sir John Wackness
thewinteroak - The Winter Oak
thumper - Thumper
ti_nonso - a naive fool
tinadureen - Tina
tobi - innocence redefined
trickynyc - TrickyNYC
trmelton - Trisha
tsarin - tsarin
twiee - Rayana Sandy
uberbeth - ÜberBeth
ukcalico - Calico
underthepink - Your Taste Is Blood And Fire But I Drink You Alone
unicron - Maikeru Maloney
upir - Pi-OZZ-Peyot-JeanPiaget-Pit
uriah - Mike
vaguelyweird - Saint Chie Calliope
vangie - Barbie, aka Vergeot
velvar - Taylor
waltz - Waltz
wanderingpoet - michael
warlock138 - Warlock138
wastededucation - The Executive Chef of the Atomic Cafe
wastelandpoet - wastelandpoet
watercircle - Loser Status Confirmed
watermole - watermole
weathermanphil - Gandalf the Grey
welshmaidn - Elusive
wibbble - John
wiegs - Brett
winterchylde - Damon
wreq - wreq
wwilkins - Walker Wilkins
xaositecte - Not for Human Consumption
xerithane - Xerithane
xeroproject - Xeroproject
xrtsys - Xrtsys
ydd - Sumptuous waffles
yoda2ryu - Yoda
yogsothoth93 - Mick
youngoat - youngoat
zebra - an evening primrose protege
zombiekiller - Lincoln
zombyshakespear - Mark
zrider10 - Erin
zuma - Zuma