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The following communities are also interested in "magnetic poetry".
25 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in magnetic poetry. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
0mphalos - Omphalos
50_ft_queenie - 50 Ft Queenie
6hours - the sky aflame
__bleedingheart - __stephanie
_cherry_crush_ - Sheilah
_fuzzybunny_ - the girl you want
_grande - Say Whhaaat..
_ines - ines
_notyourstar - AreWeSittingComfortably?
_sombra_ - Liz
_which - which
a_bit_of_memory - Adam
a_choir_girl - Christine Daae
abandonlove710 - Cat
absolutray - ray
acapellarock - i sold my soul to rock and roll
acidflowers - .a.mother'
amaristee - Amaristee
amazing_scarlet - you're so fucking special
amberdawn - Amber
amgems113 - Let me blow your mind.
anaplasia - it's too easy to be sad
and_be_blue - caught red handed!
angelswouldfall - she'll sing, "look what i had to overcome..."
anochecida - echos of reason
anonsequitur - Monochrome Delirium
anosyla - Alyson
apparenthorizon - sky meets the earth
apple_girl - *the cat's pajamas*
applestry - applestry
arcanedelusions - ♥ shifty ♥
ashley - Ashley
aspats - Alex
asrai_d - Asrai Collective
auddess - Nevyn
avador - Ava Adore
avivasedai - aViva Sedai
aymee - Amy
azture - mr. magoo.
babyduo - L X Light
badjoey - Joey
barcodegurl - Heather
bassgirl - little g
beckorama - Beckorama
bedtimekimmy340 - kimmy
bellezzarubata - Kathryn
binkler23 - Rebecca
birdmad - Birdmad Girl
black_kitten - Satan's Girlfriend
blackmarketgirl - run him like a blade
bleaknimue - Jane
blindbutblessed - Col
blindcontour - rachel esther
blookum - Bitchcakes
bluegardenia - Lady
bluemoodkicker - Cecilia
blueskyfirefly - Shelly
bonbon11 - Bonnie
boogahsmalls - boogah smalls
boxacademy - box academy
brillig - Bandersnatch
bubbledragon - Bubble Dragon
bubblegumkiss - Kiwilicious
burnforme - im not the one who broke you.
cacie - Acacia
calliedreams - calliedreams
canetonlaid - B
carxcrash - She's such the lover.
catatonik - umph
catie02 - Katie
cheekyglitter - cheeky glitter
cheeserocksyou - Lauren
chef_nikita - La Signora della Luna
cherryslut - black hair/ black heart///
chesires_grin - just call me lady
chiaslut - chiaslut
chrissylee - Chrissy
christina_a - Christina
ciliagirl - Sensitive Aesthete
clandestine - chloe
cloudywhisper - tarah
coffee_black - katie come true
coffeehousemt - megan
comma_splice - Ainslie
cornflake - Simply Jethy
courtney8 - RubberKeyhole
courtrock - (¯`·.¸(¯`·.¸my eyes are open¸.·´¯)¸.·´¯)
critty - Critty
cynddylan - Cyn
cynicalsweetie - ashley
dairyfairy - Disgruntled Milkmaid
danalf - DanAlf aka Flobie
dancingpickle - Emma
dasherly_quinn - 50,000 words and counting.
dctennisslut - Jess
death_by_heart - Girl. in the dirty shirt.
deathrockman - Wesley Gray
deletedkeys -
desamado - Another day in paradise
diamondlight - skylight dripping
diane_court - laura kate
diziara - Amazing Gutter Girl
dizzyglow - just how long can your ideals keep you warm?
djpope - DJ Pope
dollheads - something or other
doomandnachos - Jen, the Antisocial
dorkandahalf - wha WHA?
downforwhatever - Molly
dragon_dreamer - Dragon Dreamer
dragonofthevoid - Dragon of the Void
drcristin - Dr. Cristin
dreamaddiction - kat
dreamerforlife - Dreamer
duck1123 - Anas M. Nebuchadnezzar XXXVII
duckybaby - brimful of jessa on the fourty five
eastlax19 - Katie
eeviolet - some call me the gangster of love
egnorant - Nanook
eitherway - .anonymous.
elctrk17 - megan
elynne - yay, tangental noodles!
embetsmeister - embetsmeister
emilylime - DarkRedGarnet
emopixiegeek2 - ~*~*Jessica Lynn*~*~
enigmaticself - Warrior-princess.
esperando - understandably confusing
esperanzado - shiitake mushroom
eternalechoe - ...another poetic dreamer...
etherfish - This Here Giraffe
fairy_grrl - ~Heather~ <><
fallenangel625 - life, in no particular order
fashionpassion - Beautiful Abandonment
fauveblade - oh it's already yours
filmdango - filmdango
fishinthewater - Veruca
flicker_flame - Abby
flummoxandflan - Josephine
foggylullaby - tattoo
foreverthefirst - daria
frankiechildish - not quite mute
funkykat - carrie's in love again
fuzzy_blue - fuzzy_blue
gaby723 - The Girl With The Broken Smile
galaxie - mc
garbagemoron - A delicate boy
girl_mess___ - [ girl mess !!! ]
girlcalledwanda - ridiculusourus
girljas - JaSie
glitterrayne - Rayne
glitteryname - `* b.b fabuLous *`
goldilocks332 - amanda
gowhitegirl - Do you live up here all by yourself?
greentheory - sarah
grlinabox - no one to be trifle with
gullyvuhr - My superiority is not a complex..
guvnor - Troy Wood (confessions of a Sacramento music geek)
haeleybdoog - atana
happylily - natalie
heathermoore - mia, daughter of none
hellbent - hos are your friend, hos are your enemy
hersultryways - hersultryways
heyjana - heyjana
heyjude649 - Emily
hopeless100 - Abb
househippo - Chantal
i_bleed_koolaid - measuring out my life with coffee spoons
icemelon - Walking Disaster
ieuleron - Random expressions
igraine_bamboo - Da Mouse (Local Ass-Shaker Extraordinaire)
imgreen - sarah
inlovewith711 - Jenny
is_it_true - going gone
ithiliendweller - Norah
jacintillating - Jacinta
jackei - jacquelyn <3
jackfoley - Jack Foley
jade_strome - Jade R Strome
jaded_grl - eep eep eep for VANESSA
jamiesweets - Jayme
jared311 - Jared
javafroggi - javafroggi
jeannieoui - Jeanne Marie
jennypanic - Jenny Panic
jess00n - Charlotte
jesuismoi - Who, Me?
jewel_y - ::CinderJewel's Cosmic Bubbles of Thought::
jezabel83 - Jezabel
joia - Joia
jrock - J Rock
jsilver20 - This Gene Pool Could Use Some Chlorine
julylorelei - Cana Lorelei
juniorbizarre - Roberta Rohbeson
juniper427 - Orgasmatic
jusloverly - Aud
jynx - Off with her Head!
kandykonfetti - KaNdY KoNfEtTi
kanmi - Relena
katimuffin - random streams of consciousness
katzchen - nekochan
kaybanana - rain pouring from a teacup in the sky
kittiepryde - Britt
kristalnacht - Carly
kyla_elise - she's a predator posing as a house pet
labyrinthine_ - labyrinthine
ladyofthelake75 - Artemis
ladysilvern - ladysilvern
lairn - Lairn
lalushca - Lylee
langdon334 - Dani
laugh_me_silly - laugh_me_silly
laurajay - Laura
leiascully - Seven stars and seven stones and one white tree
leopardspots - Tracy
lilsurfdiva - The Queen of Spain
littleredhead - pomegranate
livingadream - spectacular views
lizaveta - Dayna
llyrica - Llyrica
lod76 - Lavinia
logicisunreal - Jaclyn
lolab - Danielle
lostangelumbra - Siobhan
lucky_cricket - Twyla
lumley - lumley
luna_obscura - Reyenne
m00ngirl - katie =)
mab8merlin - Jenn
magikelly - Kelly Ackerman
magnetic_poetry - Magnetic Poetry
maiji - Maiji
mandalynn - Amanda Mc
mangobaby716 - Katie
mangopeaches - Ariel
mariposa - in ink and paint
maybelater - Untied
mcnakie - Roxy Foxy
mdp1974 - Miles
megafunk - mEgan
melisa - Melisa
melissajenny - Lissa
mellybean - Riot Pixie
mellydramatic - .dances.with. .rubber.duckies.
mentalconundrum - *.The Brightest Little Firefly.*
mercurialsiren - siren
meredithology - i'm bashful
mermaidinjeans8 - An
minga - Belle
miralouise - green betty
missaisartless - missa
misskpunk -
misskris - Dorkus Saponificus
mistress_madora - Madora
mizzbehaviour - . adventureress in the land of words .
moderngnostic - careE
momomoto - Time, Space, and Plexiglass
monochromal - just a shadow passing through
mooinabox - Lauren the uncouth pirate
moooleeesssaaa - moooleeesssaaa
moshing_nekked - aGIRLnamedSTEVE
mscantbwrong - ♡Frankie♡
musicsdaughter - Euterpe's Daughter
musicwomyn - Creative Geekychic Freak
mypassword - Backdrifter
n0taprettygirl - Gina Ramona
nackdel - arvid
nakedsockpuppet - "The Next Best Thing to Naked"
namelessquidam - namelessquidam
navy_sunfire - navy_sunfire
neonstem - althea lilith
neverseenbleu - sarah :-P
nicca2007 - Monica
nicholey_2003 - [the] choley
nikkiana - Nikkiana
nikloo - the beautiful and talented Nicole
noiselesspider - m
non_sequitur4 - Rachel
notsoape - notsoape
nyarakitty - xoxo
nybor4 - Robyn
o0obadkittyo0o - Cosmic Debris
oceangirl16 - Hillary
onapalehelix - The Entangled Electron Choir
operadreamer - Operadreamer
orange_roses - Nicole Ashley
orngpezgrl - inconsequential and arbitrary
osofrivy - **la**
partypopple - D'nelle
pennylane726 - penny lane
perfect_shell - sweet jane
perle - angelic fruitcake
pezgirl03 - Vanessa Lyn
piklz - PiKL
pillowfool - the pretender...
pinkypin123 - Blue
pittsmurf - evyl pyxie
plasticgiraffe - ...
plnsng - Jill
poopeyhead13 - Ashly
porcelina19191 - Princess of India
porno_safari - Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
prettyboi - The Very Secret Diary of David
prettyinpieces - Pretty_in_Pieces
prue_halliwell - Prue Halliwell / Sally Owens
psycho_devli - Sus
puffpastry - A fine four-fendered friend.
punknskadiet - A Notoriously Welshing Vagrant Journalist
punkybroosta - Piper
purple_wrench - Convoluted Jane
purplesneakers - like a fairytale, but with more teenage drinking
pygmypiranha - Alex
queenbri2244 - Brianna
queenofcretins - Truth Little
qweenuvhrts - Teri
rachelella - heart-shaped bruise
rachelks - [Ray][chell]
raggedrobin - Ragged Robin
rahna - rahna
rainbowbliss - Rainbowbliss
randomlyhere - jessica
raspberrywater2 - angel on hiatus
ratnix - Rat
raven_maid - Infinite Rains
raycavalcante - ray
redlicoricewhip - Lady Liquorice
rejectedsparkle - Rayne
rentsteph - *vixen*
restlessaddict - Stays crunchy in the face of adversity.
restlesschld - Nothing compelling
rhymeswithspoon - laura
riedl - Sharon
rockshow420 - Kristin
rosemary1877 - tit
rouge_charlatan - rouge_charlatan
royaboya - roya
rubybtrfly - Jen (Smack)
rubywingcherub - Molly
sadlyxbeautiful - Sadly Beautiful
saffronpixee - Dirty Harlot
sagebearz - Shawn
saiann - saiann
saturnineskies - emily w.
savedbygrace381 - Queen of Random
scarflove - scarflove
scspillers - Sarah Catherine
scuba - The unswerving agent of evolution
seekyr - seekyr
seriphem79 - Coquette, call in for an ambulance...
shadowboxer4u - ~*Nicole*~
she_falls - chelsea
shimglam - mememe
shwy - Shwy
silentblade - DeReK
singerchik - Mariah
skyflower - jory <3
slicesofme - as if you really care
smitten_kittenx - Priscilla
snikel_fritz - Sarah Ibargüen
sockninja - Uh-liyah
somber_dreams - nicole
something_else - Something Else
soulofayoungman - [ counting stars again ]
soybik - just me
sparkle_ang - *Angie*
spiralinghalo - tiptoe
spraypainteyes - spraypainteyes
squarkz - sara.
squie - Sky
starflower - jenna
starruined -
startagain - Nightfall
sunkissmyface - Caity
sunwukung - Sun Wu-Kung
sweatoutheart - just close your eyes
swedenborgspace - i hear the other ucky people calling you.
taeli - The Lemoniest of Tarts
taniwhanui - Taniwha
tarabera - the taraizor
taybele - taybele
teehee617 - take a breath and close your eyes
teganandsara - Cora
teghrannah - rhuella
theglitterglobe - caitlin
thingthang - thingthang
thisisurlife - i love too
thomasblair - B. Thomas Blair
thornless - Rosaleh
tiltinganger - the Babushka
tobysionann - Sionann
tomorrowschild - the greatest social climber since cinderella
torijwatson - Tori
torquemada - The Wicked King of Parodies
transmission00 - Synthetic Machine Intended for Scientific Sabotage
trayce - Trayce
triescha - La
trinitym - Mella [aka trinity/trin]
tritewallflower - Whitney Paige
trixiegirl - autopilot
tsita - The smart mouth wench in the corner
twatc - The Walrus and the Carpenter
twilightlovers - \try to be at least as brave as our songs
ulius_ifdi - Sara Ulius
valhaltia - A Goddess With Fins
velociraptor - ian b'dian
violahead - Catilza
vona - veronica
waitingtoexhale - awkward balance
wanderingpoet - michael
wehopeuchoke - Clever Clever
whallabingbang - Anna
wheeker - The Pumpkin Queen
whiteangel70 - The Illustrious, Elusive Lisa
whitestripes44 - Mark Saldana
wildtulip - i need a raincoat
winoforever - Winona
winter_dreaming - Andy
wonder_wall_ - i just kinda died for you.
wondergecko - Murky
woodrose - Wood Rose
woofiegrrl - etoile
xenobia - Xenobia
xiaomao - Liz
xlifeisabeachx - Sarah Jane
xloveisrealx - why don't we do it in the pantry
xmagentachickx - Tara
xonemoredayx - Katy
xrainingstarsx - .chiaroscuro.
xtinystudx - the little stud
xxfemmefatale - XxFemmeFatale
yellowstars - Tammi
ysabell - Juliana
zcv - zim
zeldaophelia - Megan's evil muse
zengarden - kathryn
zestfive - Zest5
zestifyingagent - patrick
zipperblues - & if i ever was myself, i wasn't that night.
zooromancer - salome
zorina - Zorina