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User:arcanus (60335) Paid User arcanus
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Website:light in a universally dead society
Location:arlington, Massachusetts, United States
AOL IM:AIM status satanische (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 67099553 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status satanische (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:if you want to add me to your friends list, you don't have to ask.

just introduce yourself at some point. ;)

i have created a journal of my dreams. feel free to go read.
Memories:2 entries
Interests:150: 4ad, abolishing social gender roles, ambient, androgyny, anime, ant-zen, arcana, autechre, board games, brighter death now, calligraphy, cantonese, celtic circle, civilization 3, clan of xymox, classical, coil, cold meat industry, cold spring, comics, converter, cowboy bebop, critical thinking, current 93, danse macabre, dark ambient, darkwave, das ich, dead can dance, death, decoded feedback, destiny, dreams, eastern philosophy, ebm, edward gorey, einstürzende neubauten, electro, electro-goth, ethereal, experimental, faith & the muse, fancy mice, flatline, gashed, geekery, gloomcookie, good food, gourmet food, hands, hands productions, haujobb, hazard, hybryds, hymen, icon of coil, idm, imminent starvation, in slaughter natives, in the nursery, industrial, infinite knowledge, inner peace, invader zim, jarboe, johnny the homicidal maniac, kindness, klinik, kraftwerk, kung-fu, l'âme immortelle, lain, letterboxing, long hair, lucifer, malignant, martial arts, medieval, meditation, megaptera, metropolis records, monolith, mortiis, muslimgauze, my gremlin, neil gaiman, neo-classical, nightmares, noise, noisex, offbeat, ordo equilibrio, p.a.l, panacea, petrefax, philosophy, pneumatic detach, possessive blindfold, power electronics, princess mononoke, project pitchfork, projekt, qntal, ranma 1/2, record of lodoss war, requiem in white, ritualistic, robotech, rpg, rurouni kenshin, sandman, scrabble, siechtum, skinny puppy, soleilmoon, somatic responses, spectre, spk, squee, staalplaat, strong bad, t.a.t.u., taoism, taoist, techno, tesco, the changelings, the dreaming, the invisibles, the slayers, the swans, this mortal coil, tim burton, toisan, touch, trance, turtles, ulf söderberg, understanding, velvet, visions of escaflowne, voltaire, warp, winterkälte, wisdom, world serpent, wumpscut, x-marks the pedwalk, yoshitaka amano, zoth ommog. [Modify yours]
Friends:251: abelynx, absconditus, absinthea, abstractthought, addambombb, aergern, ahaseurus, amadea, analog_vector, anditron, anelim, angeldustrial, annabelle, arcadia2122, arcanus, astarte99, atalanta, atfrost, atomly, aynatt, ayun, badriyaz, badtz2, batty_, belledejour, blackpaps, blixa23, blueella, bluemadusa, brigid, buggsy97, bunicula, c_i, canongrrl, catalyst, catherinna, chikan, christianb, coffeekitty, confuze_a_tron, cosinezero, cosmicserpent, couplingchaos, cris, crisisdreamy, crypticreign, crystain, cusraque, damiel, dancer, dansy, darkcreachr, deathxdisco, debbie, deladejavoo, denovan, dethany, dfan, diamondsea, dirtyknees, ditav, dj_archduke, djdelilah, djdevnull, djgyn, djslowdive, dragonfly1976, dyann, dymentia, edvamp, eeyrg, efnet_gothic, electrocreep, elysabeth_grant, emzebel, error853, escarey, evildrgo, farheavens, feminaexmachina, feylike, frederic, fudjo, glitchdrei, goat, goddessvt, goldrose, gothbargod, gothbitch, gothconvergence, gothic_babes, gothicboston, grega, greyfaced, grrremlinski, gutterglitter13, hahahahate, happyelfling, heathergalaxy, heatray, hellocatgirl, heresiarch, hysterikal, individuation, indstrialvampyr, innoxia_, intergalactik, jackdaw, jasonlizard, jedi, jenifoto, jennever, jessicamelusine, jhimm, julishka, karbun, kelowna, kest, kharma, khourytamarisk, kinetic_noise, kylleran, kyrene, labellemargaux, ladytatiana, latemodel, lepidosiren, lil_m_moses, littlekaelynn, liza31337, lizerk, lj_maintenance, loxocele, lucazzo, madphysicist, majorbonnet, marchenland, maruk, mashuta, masterhadjic, mbayard, mertheblugrl, mesmerize77, metasynthie, militart, mishak, missjanette, misterentropy, mistresshellena, morsobscena, mortis, mr_cutiepants, mrieser, mrtonight, mrzero, msjen, mvoid, mykeamend, narnee, neitherday, nemesis2207, nemesisn72, nepenthe01, neps_bookshelf, netik, noize_girl, noizeindex, oddiofile, officialgaiman, otterley, ovipositor, paladin1099, panzerkunst, peculiaire, pequet, persefoni, perseverate, phaidros, photiq, plankton, projectpitbull, punketta, pyrric, quewhy, quislibet, rabbitdeath, rambleman, ratagosk, reveriegoth, riskofabsurdity, robotics_girl, robotkasten, rojagato, rosanna_kai, rynsect, sadira, sandswept, sanguineempathy, sarcasmchasm, scarlet13, serindipity, shatteredskins, shelbydoll, sherabob, shimrod, shinyakun, shnells, signal1101, silas7, silentq, sirendipity, sk3, sogellag, special_pete, spikybobby, spitcurl, spookycam, spriggan, strangefortune, subatomicsatan, surrender, synaesthesia, syprina, tegin, the_macross, theevilchemist, thefreak, thelittlebeast, thenetimp, think_galactic, tiny_chicken, tonysdreams, tsubasahime, tyg3r, uhlume, unsound, vampcourt, velvetgarden, vicissitude, vocodeformat, vynta, weird_sketch, whittles, wreckdoll, xanyboi, xbot, xthlcm, xvelvettearsx, yosh, yourhighness, ytima
Friend of:221: abelynx, absconditus, absinthea, addambombb, aergern, ahaseurus, amadea, anditron, anelim, annabelle, arcadia2122, arcanus, astarte99, atalanta, atfrost, aynatt, ayun, badriyaz, badtz2, batty_, belledejour, blackpaps, blixa23, blueella, brigid, buggsy97, bunicula, c_i, canongrrl, catalyst, catherinna, christianb, coffeekitty, cosinezero, couplingchaos, cris, crisisdreamy, crypticreign, crystain, damiel, dancer, dansy, darkcreachr, deathxdisco, deladejavoo, denovan, dethany, dfan, diamondsea, dirtyknees, ditav, dj_archduke, djdelilah, djdevnull, djgyn, djslowdive, domination23, dragonfly1976, dyann, dymentia, edvamp, eeyrg, electrocreep, elysabeth_grant, emzebel, escarey, evildrgo, farheavens, feminaexmachina, feylike, frederic, fudjo, goat, goldcrest, goldrose, gothbargod, gothbitch, grega, greyfaced, grrremlinski, gutterglitter13, hahahahate, happyelfling, heathergalaxy, heatray, hellocatgirl, heresiarch, hysterikal, individuation, indstrialvampyr, innoxia_, intergalactik, jackdaw, jasonlizard, jedi, jenifoto, jennever, jessicamelusine, julishka, kelowna, kest, khourytamarisk, kinetic_noise, kylleran, kyrene, labellemargaux, ladytatiana, latemodel, lepidosiren, lil_m_moses, liza31337, lizerk, loxocele, lucazzo, madphysicist, majorbonnet, marchenland, maruk, mashuta, masterhadjic, mbayard, mesmerize77, metasynthie, militart, mishak, missjanette, misterentropy, mistresshellena, morsobscena, mortis, mr_cutiepants, mrieser, mrtonight, mrzero, msjen, mvoid, mykeamend, narnee, neitherday, nemesis2207, nemesisn72, nepenthe01, netik, noize_girl, noizeindex, oddiofile, otterley, ovipositor, paladin1099, panzerkunst, ...
Member of:24: abstractthought, angeldustrial, boston_eats, ceremony_ma, clubhell, efnet_gothic, failed_recipe, fancymice, good_eats, gothic_babes, gothicboston, grammar_mavens, graverbunnies, longhair, maschinenfest, neil_gaiman, paidmembers, reveriegoth, swimminginsound, teh_darquedj, the_lost_lenore, tljs, urban_decay, velvetusers
Account type:Paid Account

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