[ | music |
| | Clock DVA - Black Angels Death Song | ] | I am so exhausted. Again from every angle. So much so that I haven't even signed onto AIM in weeks.
Charlie is in a comma and was taken off of his medication yesterday so that pnmonia can overtake him. My grandmother seems to be handling it pretty well. I must admit and it has really surprised me. Although she is being an absolute bitch to my parents. I hate how she does that to my father - I think she can be so god damn manipulative with him and it aggravates me like nothing else. Next time she makes some snide comment about him or my mother... i am not just going to tell her that it is untrue.
Meanwhile school is killing me. I am taking 2 real courses - a multivariate statistics course and contemporary topics in psychopathology... which is basiclaly the outline of our general exam... which means we really need to know this shit. I am going to attempt to take the general this summer so that what I learn in this class will never need to be revisited again!!! hahaha But I am also quite excited about my practicum at the cambridge hospital - last week imet briefly witht he coordinator over there and it felt so relieving to be in an applied setting.
I was thinking about river today - I do not know why but she popped into my mind.. I am curious as to what she is up to. I emailed her last month but I am guessing all I have are her old email addresses. god damn she cracked me up.
I also think I may be making a trip out to california for the first 2 days of may or coachella (www.coachella.com) - I need to make this work financially... I just can not pass up on an opportunity to see the pixies, kraftWERK, the cure, bright eyes, mogwai, cursive, the trail of dead, wilco, le tigre and oh so many more. The rest of you should join :) |