sith as fuck's journal

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Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
21:35 pm

(2 techni-colour yawns | vomit)

Saturday, December 27th, 2003
17:07 pm
Back home in Toronto. Woo.

I now have carpeting in my room, thanks guys!

Going out tonight, hope to see the Usual Suspects.

current music: Type O Negative - I Know You're Fucking Someone Else

( vomit)

13:02 pm - Merry Crispers
So I am currently at my brother's place, since he had to show up here to drop stuff off and feed the kats, who are mucho silly, by the way.

Just waiting for Scott to shower, then we're out to get some food.

Finished reading back 160 posts on my friendslist, that was amusing. I'm glad to hear that most of my friends seemed to have a good one. I know I did.

Xmas with the family was mellow, not too much hoohah about the whole thing, we had our turkey dinner last night and I was in a turkey coma for the rest of the night.

Steve and Rhonda's was a huge blast on Xmas night, I love that get together. I don't think I laugh that much all year, really.

Boxing Day shopping at FutureShop was just a mess, waaaaaaay too many people forget that they're still supposed to bathe during the holidays, sheesh. Picked up Halo for my Xbox, since it was packaged with some other game that John wanted, so I only ended paying like $35 for it anyway.

I will be back in Toronto by early evening, likely...just have to wait til my laundry's done at my parents place, then I think I'm going to take off, since there's not really a whole lot to accomplish while sitting here in Hamilton. Though I did get a nice start on one of the books I received for Xmas last night, heh.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed your holiday in whatever manner you spent it...I was feeling weird (for me) this year, I wanted to grab all my TO friends who weren't doing anything for Xmas and pile them all in the car and bring them home with me. It's the one time of year I'm "allowed" to be a big sap about wanting my friends around, sue me. ;-)

Ok, off to get food now, take care, kids.

(1 techni-colour yawn | vomit)

Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
14:45 pm
Ok, [info]starbrand is here, so myself and [info]cirhosis are off back to Hamilton with him!

See some of you tomorrow night at Casa de Ben, and the rest of you, I'll see you Saturday hopefully!

Take care, have fun, and for fuck's sake, play safe!

current mood: \m/
current music: Laibach - Opus Dei

( vomit)

12:46 pm
Ah, it's amazing how fast one can down a half bottle of white wine when surrounded by vultures who won't leave it long enough to properly enjoy. :-p


Ah yes, work on Christmas Eve Day, how I love thee...

current mood: *bounce*
current music: S.P.O.C.K. - Never Trust A Klingon

(2 techni-colour yawns | vomit)

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003
23:39 pm - Shit, he actually is retarded! Damn!
Just got back a short while ago from seeing The Return of The King again, this time with [info]psychospark, [info]endeneu, [info]gothjen, Bruce, [info]naz_toronto, [info]margrock and [info]meshu.

Movie was just as good a 2nd time, if not better, because I think I was even more excited for certain scenes this time! </geek>

It was fun, regardless...a bit of a wet walk home though, bah.

Going to Hamilton tomorrow after 2pm-ish, so I likely shan't be online for a fews...but I'll be online tomorrow during the day.

To all of you who I won't see/talk to/message/whatever before Christmas, have a safe and happy one, may you spend this holiday season (whichever Holiday you're actually celebrating) with those you love.

Peace out, yo!

current mood: good
current music: Probot - The Emerald Law (w/ Wino)

(5 techni-colour yawns | vomit)

08:55 am
Ok, I'll get the hang of this "good night's sleep" thing, eventually. This one was better, but not quite there yet.

Woke up thinking it was Friday, hah.

Time to get dressed and get to work, boo!

Added at 10:16am: Gots my coffee, my tunes, and no issues at work. I love this time of year for that, if nothing else. Going to see RoTK again tonight with some of the Waywards, should be keen! Hopefully the theatre isn't packed like it was for [info]psychospark and [info]endeneu last night, that was poopie.

current mood: awake
current music: Front 242 - Serial Killers Don't Kill Their Girlfriend

( vomit)

Monday, December 22nd, 2003
12:52 pm
Woo, just had lunch, consisting of a turkey and swiss on whole wheat sammich, and a Five Alive Citrus. Let's see my stomach rebel against this, hah!

Going to go finish up the things I didn't take care of here Friday...set up two more network printers, set up a new machine, that kind of thing, and sit on my ass being lazy while doing it, damn it.

current music: Nomad - I Wanna Give You Devotion

( vomit)

10:09 am - I like the way you work diggity...
Wow, what a fucking waste of a sleep.

I feel somewhat rested, but the amount of times I actually remember sitting up and glancing at my clock to see how much time I had left before having to get up was ridiculous.

I'd like to say yesterday's mission of "Do Nothing" was a smaching success, but I actually did do stuff!

I made excellent headway in the battle vs. The Pile of Stuff in my bedroom, as I think it tried to declare sovereignty, and I can't have that.

I expect today and tomorrow to be fairly quiet at work, and for Wednesday to just be silly, in the sense that anyone who shows up will be doing nothing.

[info]iolarah, you're right, this track is cool, but wow, does this rip of it need help ;-)

I have an XL double-double, life is good.

Also: Happiest of birthday wishes go out to the always lovely [info]m00nsault. I'd say more, but she knows it all already anyway. Have a good one, hon. *hugs*

current mood: more than decent
current music: Mickey Finn & Aphrodite - No Diggity (Jungle Mix)

(3 techni-colour yawns | vomit)

Sunday, December 21st, 2003
21:04 pm
Just watch an hour of The Simpsons, and now it's back to listening to tunes.

Might head to Velvet later for a bit, once [info]endeneu and [info]psychospark get back from Juli's work's Xmas party...dunno yet, we'll see what happens then.

Anyone else heading out tonight?

current music: Pantera - 13 Steps To Nowhere

( vomit)

16:31 pm
Just finished playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for two hours, wee! I like it so far. I'm getting used to the controls (which always takes me a while these new-fangled video games) and you can throw pigs in the water! Muahahaha!


Anyways, nice slow day so far. Doing some more laundry (mmmm, dryer-fresh bedsheets *swoon*) and generally just relaxing.

I've only got 2.5 days of work to worry about this week, and that should be quiet, as everyone'll either be on vacation, or not in the mood to work anyway. After the half day on Wednesday, I don't have to go back to work until January 5th, woo! That's fucking awesome.

I think I need to find something else to do besides sit here, surf, chat and listen to music, but since I'm too lazy to do anything right now, it'll do just fine.

Oh, added bonus of the day: NOT ILL!

This is obviously a good thing, and has improved my mood vastly.

current mood: cha cha cha
current music: Delerium - Euphoria (Firefly)

( vomit)

Saturday, December 20th, 2003
23:23 pm - You scumbag! You maggot! You cheap lousy faggot!
Well, after a 3 hour nap starting at 6:30 tonight, I feel so much better it's ridiculous.

I've rehydrated, eaten, and slept. This is good, and I actually feel like going out tonight after all, woo!

Don't think I'll be drinking at all, but I'll at least be out. It's about time I had a night out where I just run on insanity rather than booze.

Oh, and the Family Guy espisode, "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar" is just WRONG.

current mood: I feel human again!
current music: The Pogues - Fairytale of New York

(2 techni-colour yawns | vomit)

12:23 pm
Ok, I'm getting really sick of this throwing up thing, especially when I don't drink nearly enough to justify the act.

Some history: I don't throw up unless I've drank myself stupid. I can even count the times I've done that on both hands.

Family gets flu and is throwing up everywhere? I'd be fine. Den gets norwalk and intestinal distress is everywhere last year? Nope, I was fine.

What the Hell is with this last week? I do not get sick like this!

Now I'm all achey and sore and ow :<

current mood: bah
current music: Emperor - The Acclamation of Bonds

(4 techni-colour yawns | vomit)

Friday, December 19th, 2003
10:01 am - yoinked from [info]iolarah
quiz-a-riffic )

current music: Pop Will Eat Itself - Wise Up! Sucker

( vomit)

Thursday, December 18th, 2003
23:14 pm - Fond Memories...
Club Abstract, circa winter 1998, I believe.

Cara and I had gone to the club to bounce around and say hi to folks.

I had on combat pants, a Cradle of Filth t-shirt, 8 holes, sunglasses, and my goatee was in true Layne Staley form back then. I was also at the lowest weight I'd been in forever, I think I was actually under 220 lbs. back at that point, and for me, I was looking damn good, heh.

I was standing on a speaker, kickin' it hardcore to my man LL, it was a funny visual, considering how I was dressed. Just a weird memory that I think of everytime I hear this song. *shrug*





current mood: heh
current music: LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out

(1 techni-colour yawn | vomit)

you like it on top, eh?