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Good weekend. Spent a good amount of time with the family. Even watched the superbowl with Mom and Dad, then over at Dee's. Spent a good chunk of change on the car. First thing after getting out of bed was go to the dentist and finished getting my teeth cleaned and set more appointments. Then went and got an inspection sticker on the car. Still having problems with the car but it has been narrowed down to a head gasket or a bad heater core. Good thing this past pay check was a good one. I have enough left over to hold me off til next pay day. Now i have to check with work when I can take a day off so I can get teeth pulled. In a sad sort of way, I am looking forward to it. Finally getting the teeth worked on has helped with my view on life getting better. I can breathe a little easier, and not stress so much.

Time to get going. I still have a couple things to do before I am on my way to work.

Current Music: They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

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Bauhaus will be reforming for Coachella Saturday April 30, 2005.

Details are at:
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Call of the day...
Me: "..and what is your phone number?"
Customer: "465-***-****"
Me: "I don't recognize the area code. What city are you in?"
Customer: "What do you mean by that?"
Me: "As in, what city are you calling from?"
Customer: "Huh?"
Me: "Umm, Ok. What state are you in? (I wanted to say "other than the state of confusion")
Customer: "Umm, Texas."

I guess she thinks the state is just one big city.
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I have to leave in a few minutes to get the car looked at for a sticker. Hoping this goes well, and I will be able to drive around normally again.. aside from just to and from work. I just paid off the cable bill so we should be getting the dual DVR soon, and the 6M increase for the cable modem. Next paycheck is for the driving tickets. Its going to be a nice pay check too :) 8 hours of holiday pay. Been trying to get an appointment with a therapist but this seems like pulling teeth. Not that they don't want to, its my schedule not matching up with any of theres. Will have to try again Monday with the calling around. If only I knew it was going to be this differcult.

Anyway its off to work. then its SciFi on the Telly when I get home!

Current Music: Toadies - Possum Kingdom

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Server update
It seems that the new(er) server is going to be delayed by a day or so. I got a new case for the old MB I was using as a workstation, and put the board in (ASUS A7V KT133). Sadly found that it has joined the other motherboards in circuitry heaven in the sky. Though it seems that the hardware that is failing on rigor2 is the RAM. It currently has a MB running a K6 450 and I think PC100 RAM. Hoping the PC133 RAM from the recently deceased MB will work. I don't rmember what the model number is on the older board. If it does work, rigor2 will have a nice upgrade of 768M of RAM.... compared to the 256 its somewhat running right now.

Anyone have an old motherboard that will fit an Athlon 1.3Ghz with PC133 RAM for barter or trade?

Current Music: Remy Zero - Save Me (Album Version)

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Quick post before bed. For those that have Mortis accounts. There will be a major upgrade going on this weekend. So please back up sites, and remove unwanted files. There should be no interruption in service as we make the change but sometimes things don't go as well as we plan. Sorry for the late notice but due to hardware failure we have to do it as soon as possible.

G' Night.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Front Line Assembly - Synthetic Forms

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Been thinking more and more of the future ahead of me. I find this very strange. I never worried about the future that much.. maybe that was a problem I have had all along. I have always wanted to be *something* though hard to say exactly what the *something* is. I still don't know. However, I have never been really moving forward to *something*. I mean I have learned a lot in the past few years to things that I hope I will never have to re-learn. I am at least greatful for the times that were good, but I was never planning ahead, not in the long term. Kind of like nothing to strive for, or nothing *realistic* to strive for. I just feel I am just surfing with the wave, over taken, the weight of water slows down my movements but not my thoughts. Feeling impatient. Trying to slow down just a little bit and maybe enjoy the smaller things. It seems I don't even have the patients for that.

I have decided to return the laptop, after problems trying to boot anything off the CD-ROM... including the Restore Disk. So I will just have to wait a little longer to get one. The next time I do it will probably be a new one and exactly for the reason I want it.. DJing and music. Damn am I cold. I was afraid my car would overheat a couple of times on the way home from work. I have to get the car fixed in the morning and so with that I have to get to bed early. I couldn't sleep much lastnight. The heat still barely works, so I was an Adamsicle the entire ride home from Malden. At least I get paid double time and a half for working today. Its going to be a nice pay check. Too bad I won't see most of it, but this is a good thing. Saving up for a nice reliable car. Not a shit box that I am going to be worried will die anytime soon.

I am still freezing my tits off, so I am off to a warm comforter, and to blissful sleep.

Current Mood: cold

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music geekery
Slowly but finally I got the computer upgraded to the point that I can start making music again.

Old machine:
MB: ASUS K7T133 VIA chipset
CPU: AMD Athlon 1.3 GHz
RAM: PC133 768M
Sound: SB Live! MP3+

New machine:
MB: ASRock K7S8XE+ (good bye VIA chipsets)
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2000+
RAM: PC2700 DDR333 512M
Sound: SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

No more crappage from the sound card and CPU spikes while working in Cubase. I know the sound card is still not the best for what I want it to do as far as music production is concerned. I still have the Audiowerks 2, just need a speaker setup to utilize it. I still have the old Cambridge Soundworks 4.1 setup. At least now I can plug my guitar directly in front of the computer. I can actually work on stuff other than Acid Pro Projects. This makes me very happy indeed.

Current Mood: under the weather
Current Music: Curve - Chinese Burn (Paul Van Dyk Forbidden City Remix)

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Survived another x-mas season. Now to see if I can survive new years. It was good to see family again this year. I know most of the family is still trying to deal with the loss of Grams, but its good to see that life is still moving forward for everyone, with fond memories of loved ones that are missed. There are family members I wish I was around more. THis was apparernt when I was shopping for gifts. I hate getting generic gifts. I would rather give something that has a special meaning or purpose. I got mom and dad the complete first season of Millennium on DVD. One of the shows that we all liked. Still need to finalize plans for New Years. SHould I party? Or play DJ? Hrmmm decisions decisions.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Tears For Fears - Mad World

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I need to know what album this song is on, and where to find it.

This holiday season
is all the more reason
to Die!


Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Tom Waits & Peter Murphy - Christmas Sucks

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Work has been going well. Very happy with the new job. A few things have been going through my mind. An opportunity for me to live on my own, and without cats. The landlord already said she would give me the pad. Hoping it is still available for the beginning of Jan. Moving will be easy since its right next door, first floor. I have already mentioned it to the roommates and the more I think about it the more I am compelled to take it sooner before someone else does. Its a good size for one person. It will cost me about 200 more a month than what I am paying now, but considering the freedom and extra space for the money... well worth it. I need to call her in the morning and ask her some questions. The only problems I can see with the situation are minor. I don't own many things to fill the empty space. I only have a bedroom set, and a kitchen table. I will need to start adding things to the wish list. The car situation is also getting resolved. I returned the car to Bo so he can take the engine out of it and put it in the older car (the one that is still registered and inspected to me, but blown engine). I should give him a call in the morning as well to see when the car will be available to pick up.

Car being fixed
Possibility to have my own place
Great job

Its about time my life started looking better.

Oh, looks like I wil need to get a TV at some point too. Cable will be free, but it would suck not to be able to take advantage of it... I don't want to miss the upcoming SG-1 and Atlantis.

Current Music: DJ Tiesto - Fly

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Work was good today. First real day on the job and already got 2 customer compliments. Installed a new kernal image, now I have to re-compile the ati driver module for the new kernal, but I am too tired to bother with it right now. Then I have to get JACK running, but have to get realtime-lsm working first.

and I wonder why I spend so much time in front of the computer....


Current Mood: tired

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getting there... it seems its actually within reach, but still too far to grasp.

keep going... and maybe win, finally, the goal and holy of all that is holy.

dreams, memories, and nightmares each prophetize what could, might, and will happen... somewhere in time on this very path.

this time... don't stray from the path.

Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: Neuroticfish - Suffocating Right (Raw)

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I spend too much time in front of the computer. There is life outside the computer monitor... I think. Or is it all just an elaborate virtual reality or game? Why is my cloths blue? and why am I always carrying this huge gun around? Where is that damn flag anyway....

Current Music: Velvet Acid Christ - Icon

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Flesh Field - Strain
Finally just got over a major head ache, literally. With a migrain that bad, all I can do is lie down and hope it goes away. Now I can enjoy the new Flesh Field album Strain, and so far its fucking awesome. I was afraid that hard industrial was going on the way side for more futurepop/synthpop. Not that I don't like that music either, I enjoy it a lot, but I still like to hear the angry fist of noise and sound lodged through your brain we call industrial.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Flesh Field - Reflect the Enemy

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Internet porn, worse than crack?

"Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today."

"The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind."

Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said."


Without porn, there would be no internet. Save the internet, download more porn!

Current Mood: amused

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John Balance
16 Feb 1962 - 13 Nov 2004

I can't even describe how upset I am right now. Coil has been one of my biggest musical influences.

I remember sitting iwith Brian n the dark, tripping, listening to Coil and watching Cthuga dance around to the music. The first time I heard Coil in Austin, TX I was tripping. It was an experience that has changed my life that I don't ever expect anyone to really understand. John will be missed greatly.

Current Mood: sad
Current Music: Coil - Red Birds Will Fly Out of the East and Destroy Paris in a Night

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The Car
I kind of sorta have a car. Technically its mine but I have been unable to register it. This time I need a title. It use to be in New Hampshire that if the car was 10+ years old, all you needed was a bill of sale to get the plates. Now its 15 years. So I have this 1991 Plymouth Sundance but not the title. The car currently has a 20 day temp plate that expires after tonight. The title is missing, so the woman who owned the car has to file for a copy or some such. The problem being that I have no idea how long its going to take for her to get it. Normally this wouldn't be too bad, but I work in Malden, MA and commute from Nashua, NH. I got lucky enough to have a co-worker from Chelmsford to pick me up 'til the title comes in. The next problem will be getting the time to actually register it without taking the time off from work. There is a plan for that. Thursdays, the Nashua Town Hall is open til 7pm. The other possible problem is if the title doesn't get to me after Thanksgiving. Thats when I start my normal shift hours, 1:30pm to 10pm. The co-worker works a different shift.

Current Mood: stessed
Current Music: Front Line Assembly - Evil Playground

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If Dr. Seuss were a technical writer...
Here's an easy game to play.
Here's an easy thing to say:

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,
And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,
And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,
then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!

You can't say this?  What a shame, sir!
We'll find you another game, sir.

If the label on the cable on the table at your house,
Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,
But your packets want to tunnel on another protocol,
That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall,
And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,
So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,
Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,
'Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!

When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,
And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary risc,
Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to ram your rom.
Quickly turn off the computer and be sure to tell your mom!

Current Mood: amused

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The Books Of Magic
Its such a nice day today. Been cleaning up the room a bit then came across the old comic books. The only one I really collected was The Books Of Magic, which has been out of print for a long time now. I know there has been other runs that picks up the story of Tim Hunter (I think its called The Hunter). Originally written as a 4 book mini by Neil Gaiman, then an actual run by John Ney Rieber, ended by Peter Gross. There are some special appearances by John Constantine (Hellblazer) and Death (Sandman, Death: High cost of Living, etc.). There are also some cross references to other Vertigo comic book plots, like the reality storm that was mentioned in a stand-alone "World's End". I wonder if I can still get caught up on the previous Hunter Chronicles. they must be out as graphic novels by now.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: De/Vision - Like A Sea Of Flames

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Name: Adam
Back February 2005