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Hey Everybody.... Midget Porn kills computers [31 May 2004|02:53am]
Tonight i spent, 2 hours, reformatting my C Drive, and wanting to kick my harddrive, because earlier a girl named Lana (some of you may know her [info]rabidtourist) decided she wanted to see some male midget cock.
After looking at several sites and coming up with no cock she went awayy dismayed and still wondering about male midget penii.
well the midget porn, it fucked the computer and after returning to the computer to chat check email etc, i found it not to be working in fact nothing worked, so i spent some time fiddling and being pissed off and wondering how i would tell my mother that i had to reformat the cdrive because Lana was looking up midget porn.

Subsiquently now, at 3am, the computer is fixed i now must redownload everything (msn, etc), but wont till tomorrow because i have school at 8 and dont feel liek dealing with that.

Good night everyone


(and Lana will no longer be allowed on this computer, so she'll be online a whole lot less.)
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i decided to follow _bledwhite's lead and give everyone a song. [27 May 2004|07:08pm]
8mm - i think something darkish like in the flat fields by bauhaus
_thesiren - lola - the kinks, psychic hearts - thurston moore, rebel grl - bikini kill
_xshatteredx_ - a radio with guts - tragic music
aarony - the sounds - rock n roll
anagrama - tool - 46 & 2
belljar79 the sounds - like a lady
birdmaddgirl - belle and sebastian - stars of track and field
bledwhite_ - rufus wainwright - cigarettes and chocolate milk, anything doors, dance magic dance - david bowie
bleedingheart - garbage - beautiful (the whole damn album)
cold_ethyl - Alice cooper - cold ethyl (duh)
cyberknight - the real folk blues - cowboy bebop
cyberpigue - the byrds - turn turn turn
cyborgsperm - fisheads - dr demento, the commercial - king missile
davedowns - Burn - the cure
deepcrimson - blood roses - tori amos
esodove - sigur ros - staralfur
femmefatality - the smiths - anything, billy joel - we didn't start the fire
gattalicious - joy division -atmosphere, the cure - just like heaven
ghoulygirl - Queen - Killer Queen
gigibell - gary jules - mad world, veruca salt (anything)
glassidiotbox -incubus - (anything), heath ledgers song in 10 things i hate about you
gredandfeorge - now you're a man - D.V.D.A.
ilikeink - black flag, the cramps, singing in the rain
iminarticulate - the first two songs on de-loused in the comatorium by mars volta
jabuticaba - tori amos - bells for her
judas - tori amos - spark
labyrinthman - nintendo music
luvmygetar - beatles - the white album
metro_lynch - wumpscut - trhe wreath of barbs album
midnightchoir - the smiths - anything, billy joel - we didn't start the fire
moogman13 - moonage daydream - david bowie
morbidblue - soup - blind melon, coward - holly mcnarland, The frail - NIN
neondiz - the pixies - caribou, R.E.M. - Ebow the letter
rabidtourist - belinda carlile - heaven is a place on earth, jefferson starship - we built this city, YYY's -maps, HHH -bandages....
radiat - (think i'm crazy for this) counting crows - mrs potter's lullaby
raggedy_ann - the pixies - is she weird
recalcitrant - young liars -tv on the radio
she_to_me - devils haircut - beck
sheenabob - the pandas must die -corky and the juice pigs
skinflowers - tracy chapman - talking bout a revolution
sqigy - something GYBE! no doubt
stumbleine9 - audioslave - i am the highway
tandcockroaches - Jack off Jill
themallrat - Goo Goo Dolls - Slide
uncle_noheart GNR baybeeeee
valec - the birthday party
whatawaster - bring on the dancing horses - echo and the bunnymen
xcollapsing - divison st. - thursday
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[26 May 2004|06:53pm]

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

P.S. It's offically my birthday, i can now drink in the United States.
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[23 May 2004|10:39pm]


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[22 May 2004|10:49pm]
mom and i went out for dinner at earls for my birthday, she bought me the cheesiest magnet she could find "once my daughter now my friend" and the cat stevens majikat dvd, which i've just finished watching, it is the most brilliant thing ever, that man is amazing.
Once you have the "birthday dinner" the celebration is over, of course there will be the few scraggly family phone calls asking me if i "feel any older", but for all intents and purposes it's back to the grind now with little care or notice to the passing of the event.
Mom leaves sunday for Calgary and won't be back until thursday, i have an essay due on thursday, that will more than likely be my focus now, if i can focus, i think i lost focus.
I think every year i'm reminded a little bit more that the only constant is my mother, she'll always make the effort, even if she does buy the cake that i hate the most, even if shes traveling on the actual day, she always manages to plan out something special, so what if no one was around to see it, it's kind of sad no one was around, but it makes me really appreciate my mom, my constant.
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i'm a car crash... [20 May 2004|01:46pm]
my hand's a bit better today if you wondered, the swelling is still there but i can move my fingers without feeling twinges.
I'm wearing yesterdays clothes, my throat is partched and sore, as well as my ears, i hate knowing i'm catching a cold. The sky is ugly and overcase, but i'll make due.
Because i didn't get to sleep quick enough last night and the whole bit by a cat/cold coming on, i didn't manage to drag myself out of bed in time for my class.
It was worth every single piece.
I'm off till tuesday now, and have no freaking idea what to do, going to lunch with darren tomorrow at le pita pit but other than that i'm not organized enough to know, probably read and watch hockey (shocker shocker).
We're going out for birthday dinner this weekend, i don't think my brothers are coming up, which saddens me but what can i do about it (sweet fuck all i tells ya).
post comment i got bit by a cat today [19 May 2004|06:24pm]
i dont blame the cat, it was being really sweet to me headbutting me and purring loudly, i petted it, it crawled into my jacket and curled up to sleep when i put it down to go off to my class, it wanted to play so we played a bit and it took a bite at my hand, and although spouting a lot of blood i managed to give the kitty a good nuzzle before i ran off to class.
Now my palm where it got me, just under the thumb and close to the wrist, is blue and purple and swollen to double the size, i've been bitten before by a cat and so i wasn't worried, i went to the doctors office after class and got a tetnus shot because my last one became outdated last year and got some antibiotics because he said it's more than likely infected as cats mouths house lots of problimatic stuff.
Still if i didn't know i'd get kicked out if i brought home another stray i would have brought the cat home, she seemed well maintained but lost, and in all my dealings with the animal kingdom i've seen rabid cats and feral cats and she was neither so i'm not worried about the rabies factor even though i don't know her personally or where she came from.
This is as i said the second time a cat has bitten me, but still it won't stop from loving cats, feeding strays, taking in strays, or my goal of being a cat lady.
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stolen from [info]bledwhite_ [18 May 2004|08:52pm]
I want anyone and everyone who reads this to post in here something they would LIKE to do with me SOMEDAY.

Then post this in your journal to find out what I want to do with you.
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okay that was a small lame post even though i'm currently in stanley cup obsession [17 May 2004|10:45pm]
[ mood | gahhh ]

Spring Summer Session started today, at 8am, and man do i remember why i hate early classes, i was so sketched out it was sick.
Got my books and everything i may even have enough money to go out and get Majikat (providing that A&B; actually has it tomorrow, which is a dream).
Reading PZB's Liquor fnally, and if there is a book to read, Liquor it is. I can't recommend it more than i do already, i should wear a shirt advertising it.
Now i'm going to take a bath and then fall asleep, why, because i have to be up at 7 tomorrow. and we all know i am no morning person.

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[17 May 2004|10:41pm]
the sharks may have lost this round but they're still going to win!
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[16 May 2004|05:18pm]
Evgeni Nabokov is Godly
let it be known he owns!

San Jose will kick Calgary's ass and then get the cup, oh yes, and why, because Evengi knows.
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[16 May 2004|12:18am]
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<td [...] left">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<div align="center"><!--53.85 70.59 63.41 57.58--> <table style="color: black; background: #eeeeee" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <div align="center"> <table style="color: black; background: #dddddd" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <div align="center"> Extroverted (E) 53.85% Introverted (I) 46.15%<br> Imaginative (N) 70.59% Realistic (S) 29.41%<br> Emotional (F) 63.41% Intellectual (T) 36.59%<br> Easygoing (P) 57.58% Organized (J) 42.42%<br> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="color: black; background: #eeeeee" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <div align="center"> Your type is: <b><font size="+3">ENFP</font></b><br> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="color: black; background: #dddddd" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="280quot;>> <div align="left"> You are an Inspirer, possible professions include - conference planner, speech pathologist, HR development trainer, ombudsman, clergy, journalist, newscaster, career counselor, housing director, character actor, marketing consultant, musician/composer, artist, information-graphics designer, human resource manager, merchandise planner, advertising account manager, dietitian/nutritionist, speech pathologist, massage therapist, editor/art director. </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <a href="">Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test</a><br><font size="1"><a href="">personality tests by</a></font></div>
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stolen from [info]birdmadgirl [15 May 2004|07:16pm]
This is a list of the most commonly banned books, according to the American Library Association. Bold the titles of the books you've read, and pass it on.

1984 by George Orwell
All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
Appointment in Samarra by John O'Hara
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Deliverance by James Dickey
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
From Here to Eternity by James Jones
Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I, Claudius by Robert Graves
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer
Native Son by Richard Wright
Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth
The Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence
Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
Sophie's Choice by William Styron
Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
Ulysses by James Joyce
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[14 May 2004|04:00pm]
i'm home
and tired
so i will nap

lana are we going to the show tonight i called and left a message on you're machine
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omg - majikat - 17/05/04 purr [07 May 2004|01:02am]

Available 5/17/04

Cat Stevens was one of the most successful solo performers of the
sixties and seventies racking up over 50 million album sales worldwide. He had a string of 14 Top 40 singles, as well as 7 top 10 albums between 1971 and 1977.
The concert included on this DVD was recorded on the Majikat North American tour in 1976. It was an ambitious tour involving live magicians, synchronized film projection and a specially constructed

1. The Doves
(Majikat Tour Theme)
2. The Wind
3. Moonshadow
Where Do The Children Play
Another Saturday Night
6. Hard Headed Women
7. Miles From Nowhere
8. King of Trees
9. Sun/C79
10. Lady D’Arbanville
11. Banapple Gas
12. Majik of Majiks
13. Tuesday’s Dead
14. Oh VeryYoung
15. The Hurt
16. Sad Lisa
17. Two Fine People
18. Fill My Eyes
19. Father & Son
20. Ruins
21. Peace Train
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leaving tomorrow [06 May 2004|06:46pm]
meeting up with fam for dinner when i get into the city, told jarod he and jody should get me a cert for tc. for my b-day. haven't gotten email back from becca, might run into her at the nomeansno show.
gah tiredness.
my hair's all blonde greasy, and i think i'll opt for a nap rather than shower, must remember to get bank card, must remeber to call rop tomorrow.
got my funding cheque for intersession 75$ for books, that better just be one term. i hope i can get the one book used still its a few pennies in my pocket.
Amber call Shawn!
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[04 May 2004|10:57pm]
you were a Peter Gabriel song you would be :

In your Eyes
indeed. You very much the Charismatic person. You try very hard to

honor those you love. Romantic. Just don't strangle them!

Be a lover, not a hostage taker. That's only because of your deep

passion for life and people,which no one can blame you for.

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we've got to be more of what we're craving [28 Apr 2004|08:06pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | ayumi hamasaki - fly high (remix) ]

Wrote up that review last night will type tonight, started reading Portrait of a Killer, Jack the Ripper Case Closed by Patricia Cromwell, so far so good, feeding the need for serial killer pathology goodness.
I'm hoping to level my books i have but haven't read list in time for intersession, because once intersession starts its back to school based reading and althought thats good i like to be able to choose what i read, at least i don't have to read another nineteenth century novel until i want to.

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[16 Apr 2004|02:59pm]
since i'm bored as fuck

name 2 users i should add to my friends list
(be careful because i actually will)

think entertainning, think bad spelling, think whatever you want, just give me soemthing to do.
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stream of conciousness bullshit [09 Apr 2004|07:33pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Sometimes hight means there's the chance of falling. Rest assured the world doesn't conform to the required hight. We could be 10 inches taller without drowning.
After the flood comes, nothing will be as it was, everything in chaotic symphony. Everyone will walk on water, Jesus will be out of fashion.
If i could write in another language it would be German, and i would speak it with a zeal and flair unknown to my compatriots. The tounge of forgotten ancestors, words like weapons. (if you hold them right).
Tomorrow will be just another day, because that is how it has always been, and that is how it will always be.

starálfur )

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