okay first off, i have to tell this story. i kept forgetting to tell it.
i think it was on tuesday (the 21st), i hung out with john and nick. nick needed to go christmas shopping. he's had no time to do it with work and the whole moving into his new fucking house. oh yeah, i love his house by the way. anyway..we were at glenbrook mall. the king shit mall of northeastern indiana. and that's not really saying anything. it just sucks and i hate it. so we were on our way out, and nick being nick jumps in front of someone not paying attention to their driving (they were just sitting there). the woman driving becomes LIVID and flips nick off with the intensity of a person who just flipped someone off for the first time in his/her life. it was awesome. anyway, nick proceeds to do a few brake tests (moving slowly forward, hitting the brakes really hard to stop). so she GETS OUT OF HER VAN, comes up to my window, knocks on it with her bony, angry knuckles, and proceeds to scream through a closed window, "i have five fucking kids, you need to stop that shit right now!" i can't remember the exact quote so john or nick please elabourate anything i missed. i just remember the "five fucking kids" thing. but she got out of her car, that is so classic. and while she did this someone else cut her off. genius! so that was a fun day. that's the same day that we got egg nog shakes (rock!) and watched napoleon dynamite at nick's place. he seemed to really like it.
work has been..work, whatever. fucking holiday retail always kills me. john's last day is thursday. that'll be weird not having him around. maybe dave will think i'm actually doing my work now that i don't have someone to talk to. neah, i doubt it. he'll assume i'm as useless as always. :)
valek and i got the fourth album done! i'm going to put up a new website sometime soon, but i'm also going to switch up things a bit. i'm renaming the self-made label i put the superidego stuff out on. so i'm going to fix the front page with that, too. the new album has 24 tracks. yes, that's right, 24 tracks. it's just under an hour. i really have some issues with not wanting to make a song longer than 4 minutes. john has talked to me about how he likes long songs, but i like to write the shorter ones because it gives me a chance to move onto something else. i don't know, i really like the new album. it's a real departure from our other ones. the fourth album does have a title and has had a title forever, but i'm keeping it under wraps until the website is up. we've also started serious work on the fifth album. another departure for us. it already has a name, but i don't know how long it'll last. in fact the original title for the fourth album was "the unnested." i also had another name, but i can't remember. i'll have to ask valek. we're still looking to perform between march and may. i think we're a bit flimsy with the bassist thing, but we'll figure out something by then. or you could point me to a bassist who can FUCKING PLAY. sorry, that was mean. oh well.
some movies you should see if you haven't already: collateral shaun of the dead napoleon dynamite return of the king extended edition
those are my favourite dvd's as of late.
i can't really think of anything interesting to talk of right now. so i'll just say that nick thinks the woman said, "i have five fucking cakes!" |