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  [ Superidego ]


Subject :: [ where i want to be 04/30 and 05/01 ] | public

after the beep | 2 missed calls

2005 coachella valley music festival, bitches! (i highlighted the ones i'd love to more prominent than the others.)

but guess where i won't be on those days! at coachella, you're right! i'm not so well off that i can spend money on music festival tickets (which'll be $152 for the two day pass) and a damned airplane ticket+hotel rom for around $600 all together. only $700-$800, sign me up!

oh well. fuck 'em. a friend at work, neil, went to it last year and said it completely rocked his face off. he had to get his face grafted back on with skin from his ass. that's why i call him ass face..sometimes.

now if pj harvey was playing.. i'd be going nuts that i wouldn't be able to go. so at least i have that going for me.

tim burton.

p.s. i guess instead of going to listen to wonderful music, i'll probably be at home anticipating the fucking nine inch nails release "with teeth" and playing sims 2 with the new university expansion pack. i suck.

[ mood: bored ]
[ music: deep - nine inch nails ]

  [ 623pm | 31Jan05 ]

[ 1073 ]


Subject :: [ six shots of jager later. now that's funny. ] | public

after the beep | 16 missed calls
not that any of you will actually do this, but fuck it:

1. Reply with your name and and I will then write something about you.

2. I will then tell you what song reminds me of you.

3. Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity, animated or otherwise.

4. Last, I will try to name a single word that best describes you.

5. Put this in your journal.

  [ 1205am | 30Jan05 ]

[ 1072 ]


Subject :: [ look kate! ] | public

after the beep | 6 missed calls
kate, kate! the circle is complete!

lol, sorry, i just had to share.
duchovny interviewing manson. wacky.

[ mood: tired ]

  [ 200pm | 27Jan05 ]

[ 1071 ]


Subject :: [ it's hard to breathe and i sound idiotic. ] | public

after the beep |
this fucking below zero degree weather needs to eat my shit. whenever it gets below zero, i ALWAYS GET SICK. fuck this shit. oh well, whatever.

i got a copy of the unmixed unmastered untitled beck album. i've heard it's called ubiquitous. that's a cool name if that's the actual title. anyway, this album is fucking awesome. i can't wait to hear the finished version. it's hard to explain what it sounds like. which makes sense since it's beck.

i've just now realised i've nothing to talk about.. i don't know why i even wrote this. oh well. goodnight.

[ mood: sick ]
[ music: nazarene - beck ]

  [ 104am | 19Jan05 ]

[ 1069 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep | 1 missed call
SIDEWAYS is a brilliant fucking movie. it may've been overhyped to some extent, but i love it. it lies somewhere between 5th and 8th of my favourite movies ever. and if you know me, placing a movie in the coveted top 25 is hard to come by..let alone in the top 10! LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU was also a really great movie. not in my top 25, but it's good!

note: i had been pronouncing the name zissou as "ziss-o." it's pronounced "Z-soo."

ratings of theatre movies:

SIDEWAYS: ~9.9 out of 10
THE LIFE AQUATIC: ~8.9 out of 10
BLADE TRINITY: 7.5 out of 10

other movies i've been watching as of late (these are dvd's):

LÉON (the professional [usa title]): 9.3 out of 10
THE FIFTH ELEMENT: 7.0 out of 10 (but it's a guilty pleasure, sue me!)


okay i'm viciously tired for some reason. i'm going to end this post now. goodnight!

p.s. so everyone knows how i rate a movie, fight club is considered a 10.1 in my book. :)

[ mood: geeky ]
[ music: bill hicks ]

  [ 1005pm | 17Jan05 ]

[ 1068 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep |
new superidego site, now teeming with samples!

i finally got around to finishing a reasonable version of the site..mostly because the version i started going with was way too outlandish for me to finish. this version took about two days to code/design.

so, anyway.. go to the site and listen to the samples. especially if you haven't heard our stuff!

coming soon: plans for our first live show.

superidego: the escape edition

[ mood: mellow ]
[ music: huygens alien winds descent radar ]

  [ 326pm | 17Jan05 ]

[ 1065 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep | 1 missed call
happy birthday nick ([info]catalyst98)!

that's all.

  [ 313am | 14Jan05 ]

[ 1064 ]


Subject :: [ i got this for free. ] | public

after the beep |
welcome my new electronic thing.

playing: my name is mud by primus.

it's a portable xm radio. i got it for free through an employee accommodation. i guess xm thought it'd be a good way to advertise by word of mouth to give it to employees. so far i love it.

so yeah, that's all i have to say. i'm off to bed. night.

[ mood: sleepy ]
[ music: love and war - drowning pool ]

  [ 1103pm | 3Jan05 ]

[ 1061 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep |
i've updated the bluevodcka records site to incorporate the artwork from the albums. i also upped the font sizes. it may be an eyesore, but it's hard for me to tell since i have a large monitor that is set on the highest resolution. let me know if it looks bad.

p.s. you can get a glimpse of the artwork for the new album AND my solo album. pretty unexciting, but it gave me something to do.

[ mood: tired ]
[ music: numb - Ill Niño ]

  [ 508pm | 1Jan05 ]

[ 1060 ]


Subject :: [ bluevodcka records! ] | public

after the beep |
i've finally decided on a name for our record label. it was an easy choice.

bluevodcka records - we make records so you don't have to.

thank you and goodnight.

p.s. the name of our fourth album is on the catalogue, ooooooooh!

[ mood: exhausted ]

  [ 835am | 31Dec04 ]

[ 1058 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep | 1 missed call
i'm currently listening to the unedited fully mastered version of our new album. goddamn it sounds so clean and harsh. expect a release date sometime soon.

[ mood: accomplished ]
[ music: emotive rape - superidego ]

  [ 716pm | 30Dec04 ]

[ 1057 ]


Subject :: [ random shit update. ] | public

after the beep | 5 missed calls
okay first off, i have to tell this story. i kept forgetting to tell it.

i think it was on tuesday (the 21st), i hung out with john and nick. nick needed to go christmas shopping. he's had no time to do it with work and the whole moving into his new fucking house. oh yeah, i love his house by the way. anyway..we were at glenbrook mall. the king shit mall of northeastern indiana. and that's not really saying anything. it just sucks and i hate it. so we were on our way out, and nick being nick jumps in front of someone not paying attention to their driving (they were just sitting there). the woman driving becomes LIVID and flips nick off with the intensity of a person who just flipped someone off for the first time in his/her life. it was awesome. anyway, nick proceeds to do a few brake tests (moving slowly forward, hitting the brakes really hard to stop). so she GETS OUT OF HER VAN, comes up to my window, knocks on it with her bony, angry knuckles, and proceeds to scream through a closed window, "i have five fucking kids, you need to stop that shit right now!" i can't remember the exact quote so john or nick please elabourate anything i missed. i just remember the "five fucking kids" thing. but she got out of her car, that is so classic. and while she did this someone else cut her off. genius! so that was a fun day. that's the same day that we got egg nog shakes (rock!) and watched napoleon dynamite at nick's place. he seemed to really like it.

work has, whatever. fucking holiday retail always kills me. john's last day is thursday. that'll be weird not having him around. maybe dave will think i'm actually doing my work now that i don't have someone to talk to. neah, i doubt it. he'll assume i'm as useless as always. :)

valek and i got the fourth album done! i'm going to put up a new website sometime soon, but i'm also going to switch up things a bit. i'm renaming the self-made label i put the superidego stuff out on. so i'm going to fix the front page with that, too.
the new album has 24 tracks. yes, that's right, 24 tracks. it's just under an hour. i really have some issues with not wanting to make a song longer than 4 minutes. john has talked to me about how he likes long songs, but i like to write the shorter ones because it gives me a chance to move onto something else. i don't know, i really like the new album. it's a real departure from our other ones. the fourth album does have a title and has had a title forever, but i'm keeping it under wraps until the website is up.
we've also started serious work on the fifth album. another departure for us. it already has a name, but i don't know how long it'll last. in fact the original title for the fourth album was "the unnested." i also had another name, but i can't remember. i'll have to ask valek.
we're still looking to perform between march and may. i think we're a bit flimsy with the bassist thing, but we'll figure out something by then. or you could point me to a bassist who can FUCKING PLAY. sorry, that was mean. oh well.

some movies you should see if you haven't already:
shaun of the dead
napoleon dynamite
return of the king extended edition

those are my favourite dvd's as of late.

i can't really think of anything interesting to talk of right now. so i'll just say that nick thinks the woman said, "i have five fucking cakes!"

[ mood: groggy ]
[ music: neuwerld - skinny puppy ]

  [ 717pm | 28Dec04 ]

[ 1055 ]


Subject :: [ answers to the lyrics game. ] | public

after the beep |
the bold ones are the ones that got no answer.

01 she pops the trunk and she removes me / and a machine takes pictures of us / and my jaw and my teeth hurt / i'm choking from gnawing on the ball
feiticiera - deftones

02 what do you try to justify / you were just too scared to be you inside / let it all go!
fake - korn (answer from [info]ecstacy)

03 when i was down you came to me / and promised you'd always be by my side, now you're gone and i'm waiting patiently
jamie - weezer

04 under the slate grey sky / the air was smoking and the streets were dry and i wasn't joking when i said goodbye
fire door - ani difranco (answer from [info]common_trash)

05 it's set up like a deck of cards / they're sending us to early graves / for all the diamonds / they'll use a pair of clubs to beat the spades
freedom - rage against the machine (answer from [info]jammie718)

06 sell the kids for food / weather changes moods / spring is here again / reproductive glands
in bloom - nirvana (answer from [info]jammie718)

07 open up, begin again / let's go down the waterfall / think about the good times and never look back / never look back
i might be wrong - radiohead (answer from [info]mindlessgirl)

08 i'm the one without a soul, i'm the one with this big fucking hole / no new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell
wish - nine inch nails (answer from [info]common_trash)

09 fingers twitch and blisters stalk her / removes itself from it / dream the greedy motivators / sleep it off again
devil - ohGr

10 you got this thing that follows me around / you fucking bitch i hope your insides rot / liar liar liar
bruise violet - babes in toyland

11 so let it be known for what we believe in / i can see no reason for it to fail
it's a fire - portishead

12 redefine your life in sado-paradise / necessary cleansing of the mind's eye / love and agony electric ecstasy / can't get enough euphoric serenity
scarstruck - slayer

13 and i feel that i've made too many compormises already / the problem isn't time / no time to choose / you win one you lose two
ghostchase - atari teenage riot

14 think i'll just give in / taking medication / 'till my stomach's full / neither side is sacred / crawling in the hole
verse chorus verse - nirvana

15 i'm 'bout as low as i can get / i'd leave but i can't forget / still i wonder why it ain't right, it ain't right
right turn - alice in chains

16 got my mama wonderin' if i'm gang-banging' / but i don't pay attention to these father figures / i just handle mine, and i'm rollin' with my niggas
do you see - warren g

17 all rise, i fall / time feels like a midnight ride / finality waits outside / weeping in perplexity's arms / caressing our smiles inside
thetawaves - system of a down

18 as a healing wind that clears the sky / will you promise me the things you told me / will you give me everything i want
lost lullaby - lacuna coil

19 dream i'm addicted to you / whatever, put you back where you belong / dream, and you're very misleading
complicated - collide

20 everything you touch / everything you see / everything you hide is enough for me / everything you say / every time you plead / i get down and pray for the touch i play
contempt - pig

21 i know a machine man he's x-51 / harder than steel his fists they're like machine guns
public menace, freak, human fly - powerman 5000

22 as the earth spins into a brand new day / i see the light on the horizon's not fading away
stand together - beastie boys

23 silas creek parkway is my only view / and the doctor just came by and told me the news / i need a second opinion / i don't believe that it's true
hospital song - ben folds five

24 i can't control my shakes / how the hell did i get here / something about this so very wrong / i have to laugh out loud i wish i didn't like this / is it a dream or a memory
wait and bleed - slipknot (answer from [info]ecstacy)

25 we're nothing like friends / you have no time to lend / and if you're guilt then i'm the shame / and if i'm hurt then you're the blame
waterbaby - sneaker pimps (answer from [info]kevin319)

[ mood: groggy ]

  [ 526pm | 20Dec04 ]

[ 1053 ]


Subject :: [ anyone still playing? ] | public

after the beep |
are there no more guesses on my "25 random lines from songs" game?

if you haven't seen the post, here's a link to it: the lyrics game

tomorrow or friday i'm going to put up the answers.

[ mood: tired ]
[ music: doll parts - hole ]

  [ 134pm | 15Dec04 ]

[ 1051 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep | 2 missed calls
i've gotten myself into a lull with getting albums, so i thought i'd share what i have as of dec. 9th. i haven't gone through and completed a lot of the ratings, but if you're entirely so curious, just ask me what i think of it and i'll take a special listen just for you.

some albums that are missing from the list (either forgotten or i just got them):
saw soundtrack (movie bad, soundtrack bad..but i had to hear what charlie clouser did)
a perfect circle - emotive and amotion
misfits coffin box set (4 discs)
hole - live through this
martin scorsese presents the blues - a musical journey (5 discs)
pitchshifter - bootlegged, distorted, remixed & uploaded / the remix war / un-united kingdom
ray charles - the birth of soul box set (3 discs)
korn - greatest hits vol. 1 (this was ridiculous, but "word up" is a funny cover)
black sabbath - black box [the complete original black sabbath (1970-1978)] (8 discs)
slipknot - pulse of the maggots (promo) and duality (promo)
prodigy - always outnumbered never outgunned (this album is crap)

okay that's it. leave comments if you'd like.

[ mood: bored ]
[ music: cut ('97 remix) - plug ]

  [ 1043pm | 14Dec04 ]

[ 1050 ]


Subject :: [ bored as fuck and i stole this from vanessa. ] | public

after the beep | 13 missed calls
i know none of you will get all 25 unless you cheat.
in fact, i'm sure none of you will even play this game with me. lol

Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 25 songs that play
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from (No Google!)
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly.

01 she pops the trunk and she removes me / and a machine takes pictures of us / and my jaw and my teeth hurt / i'm choking from gnawing on the ball

02 what do you try to justify / you were just too scared to be you inside / let it all go!
fake - korn (answer from [info]ecstacy)

03 when i was down you came to me / and promised you'd always be by my side, now you're gone and i'm waiting patiently

04 under the slate grey sky / the air was smoking and the streets were dry and i wasn't joking when i said goodbye
fire door - ani difranco (answer from [info]common_trash)

05 it's set up like a deck of cards / they're sending us to early graves / for all the diamonds / they'll use a pair of clubs to beat the spades
freedom - rage against the machine (answer from [info]jammie718)

06 sell the kids for food / weather changes moods / spring is here again / reproductive glands
in bloom - nirvana (answer from [info]jammie718)

07 open up, begin again / let's go down the waterfall / think about the good times and never look back / never look back
i might be wrong - radiohead (answer from [info]mindlessgirl)

08 i'm the one without a soul, i'm the one with this big fucking hole / no new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell
wish - nine inch nails (answer from [info]common_trash)

09 fingers twitch and blisters stalk her / removes itself from it / dream the greedy motivators / sleep it off again

10 you got this thing that follows me around / you fucking bitch i hope your insides rot / liar liar liar

11 so let it be known for what we believe in / i can see no reason for it to fail

12 redefine your life in sado-paradise / necessary cleansing of the mind's eye / love and agony electric ecstasy / can't get enough euphoric serenity

13 and i feel that i've made too many compormises already / the problem isn't time / no time to choose / you win one you lose two

14 think i'll just give in / eating medication / 'till my stomach's full / neither side is sacred / crawling in the hole

15 i'm 'bout as low as i can get / i'd leave but i can't forget / still i wonder why it ain't right, it ain't right

16 got my mama wonderin' if i'm gang-bangin' / but i don't pay attention to these father figures / i just handle mine, and i'm rollin' with my niggas

17 all rise, i fall / time feels like a midnight ride / finality waits outside / weeping in perplexity's arms / caressing our smiles inside

18 as a healing wind that clears the sky / will you promise me the things you told me / will you give me everything i want

19 dream i'm addicted to you / whatever, put you back where you belong / dream, and you're very misleading

20 everything you touch / everything you see / everything you hide is enough for me / everything you say / every time you plead / i get down and pray for the touch i play

21 i know a machine man he's x-51 / harder than steel his fists they're like machine guns
[first guess: son of x-51 - powerman 5000] the band is correct, but the song title is not.

22 as the earth spins into a brand new day / i see the light on the horizon's not fading away

23 silas creek parkway is my only view / and the doctor just came by and told me the news / i need a second opinion / i don't believe that it's true

24 i can't control my shakes / how the hell did i get here / something about this so very wrong / i have to laugh out loud i wish i didn't like this / is it a dream or a memory
wait and bleed - slipknot (answer from [info]ecstacy)

25 we're nothing like friends / you have no time to lend / and if you're guilt then i'm the shame / and if i'm hurt then you're the blame
waterbaby - sneaker pimps (answer from [info]kevin319)

[ mood: bored ]
[ music: earthworm - ohgr ]

  [ 1121am | 14Dec04 ]

[ 1048 ]


Subject :: [ my AIM record destroyed! ] | public

after the beep | 1 missed call
does this give you any idea how bored i get sometimes?
i've been keeping my aol instant messenger on for as long as it can stay on and i had beaten my previous record of 11 days with 17 days! THEN aim decides to shut down and not let me back on for an hour. man, i was doing so well..i guess that means i can restart my computer now after all these days.

anyone else have any good AIM records?


[ music: seinfeld (s7 e13 - the seven) ]

  [ 735pm | 13Dec04 ]

[ 1049 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep |
25 random songs from their specific categories:
[note: the genres of each specific song/band is my own may not agree with which band is what, so no comments about that please]

the 25 randoms )

[ mood: bored ]
[ music: seinfeld (s6 ep21 - the fusilli jerry) ]

  [ 1138pm | 9Dec04 ]

[ 1047 ]


Subject :: [ happy birthday and music, music, music. ] | public

after the beep | 3 missed calls
first off..
happy birthday [info]lucretio!

the rest..
our fourth album will be mixed/mastered between christmas and new year's. i should be figuring out a release date during this month. we have a live drummer now, and his twin brother might be playing bass. or at least that's the line-up so far. i have to hear the bassist first before i go with it. though it would be interesting to have twins in the band.
my "ms. velvet's flaw" solo project is seeing more demos coming out of the woodwork. i just recorded "syringe" and "blender" a day or two ago. i'm doing all the instruments on this project. (hence the "solo" part). look for a possible ep sometime before spring.

oh, two other things. i said i'd be releasing a book of my poetry this winter..that's on the back burner at the moment. i still plan on releasing it, but i just want to figure out a better layout than what i was going for at first. also i said i was going to release some stuff from my "trezin.aezol" archive of music this summer. well, i recorded a few of my old songs into the new fully realised format..but it takes a lot of mucking around to make sure it all comes together smoothly. and besides..a lot of the songs in my archive are at least 5 to 8 minutes long. some songs are 15 to 35 minutes long. that would fill up a cd pretty quickly. so i've also been trying to make abridged versions of the songs. i'm going to push that project into next summer.

if you want to hear the two new demos i recorded for ms. velvet's flaw, go to

thank you and goodnight.

[ mood: listless ]

  [ 1229pm | 3Dec04 ]

[ 1046 ]


Subject :: [ the phoenix / the ugliest ep / the prettiest ep / the ------ samples! ] | public

after the beep | 2 missed calls
i've put together full album samples containing clips from every song on each cd. the page i'm directing all of you to is going to be incorporated into the new website which should be out by christmas.


okay, that's all for now.

[ mood: tired ]

  [ 108pm | 1Dec04 ]

[ 1045 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep | 2 missed calls
my dvd list has been updated to reflect tv series, music, and my personal recommendations.

[ mood: bored ]
[ music: archetype - fear factory ]

  [ 751pm | 30Nov04 ]

[ 1043 ]


Subject :: [ give me that you piece of shit! ] | public

after the beep |
i transcribed this from a cartoon from the flash tub series called "the story of thanksgiving/christmas/whatever."
kid: oh boy, it is a holiday!
man: well, you sure seem to be excited, son!
kid: uh, who are you?
man: it doesn't matter! the point is i am here to tell you the story of the holiday.
kid: but i don't..
man: way back in 1492 when columbus and his nina pina colada crew crash landed near boston they stepped out onto plymouth rock expecting to find the north pole. but instead all they found was these really hot indian women, i'm talking limber, lean little minxes. oh, and there were indian guys too, but all they could say in english was "corn beans and squash." so the pilgrims enslaved the indian men and made them plant food and make toys for all their children. and they cut the ears on these indians to make them pointy so they could call them elves. and then since these indian elves were doing all the work, the pilgrims had plenty of time to pound away on those hot little poke-a-hot-asses. these guys were getting so much action they didn't even bother wearing pants. that's why pilgrims wore belt buckles on their hats because they didn't want to lose their buckles whiles there was doggy style afoot.
kid: doggy style?
man: shut up, the story isn't over. anyway one day one of these elves found the north pole. turns out one of the indian women was using it as a dildo. one of the pilgrims grabbed it and said..
pilgrim: give me that you piece of shit!
man: ..and slammed it into the ground.
kid: uhhh..
man: i know! and as the pole hit the dirt, santa burrowed his way up from hell and confronted the pilgrims..
santa: i will grant you three wishes.
pilgrim: i wish for yoshi!
santa: okay.
pilgrim: hell yeah, woooo!
man: ..and the pilgrim rode yoshi off into the sunset. and that, my son, is how we got thanksgiving and christmas and yoshi's island for super nintendo.
kid: uhm, okay but what happened to the pilgrims' two other wishes?
[a giant pink rabbit with huge teeth jumps into the house and kills them both with a laser blast from the eyes.]
["happy easter!"]
[the end]

[ mood: amused ]

  [ 226pm | 29Nov04 ]

[ 1042 ]


Subject :: [ newest update of dvd list ] | public

after the beep |
here's my most updated list of dvd's i own, 430 of them.

leave comments if you disagree with my ratings.. i might've screwed up somewhere and gave the wrong rating to the wrong movie.

[ mood: bored ]
[ music: blind - korn ]

  [ 1057pm | 28Nov04 ]

[ 1041 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep | 3 missed calls
how many of you would be up to seeing superidego live in the near future (between january and august)?

we're putting together a live band as i speak, and we're going to figure out what songs we can do..we've got an opening band and a place to play. i just don't want to do it anytime toooooo soon. i'm thinking spring/summer.

let me know.

[ mood: tired ]
[ music: where you make your home - superidego ]

  [ 801pm | 27Nov04 ]

[ 1040 ]


Subject :: [ thanks, andrea. ] | public

after the beep | 1 missed call


that's all.

  [ 1224am | 27Nov04 ]

[ 1038 ]


Subject :: [ notes from the underground. ] | public

after the beep |
just wanted to say that today i will be drowning myself in nirvana, nine inch nails, and seinfeld. you will not be able to get ahold of me until thursday at the earliest because of these things.

(picked up)
nirvana - with the lights out
nine inch nails - the downward spiral 10th anniversary edition (dvd-a and sacd double disc)
seinfeld seasons 1 through 3

so eat it.

by the way the nirvana box set is fucking amazing. so amazing that i had to pause in the middle of the third cd to reflect..and write three new songs. thanks kurdt for everything.

[ mood: creative ]
[ music: do re mi - nirvana ]

  [ 220pm | 23Nov04 ]

[ 1037 ]


Subject :: [ this is sort of directed to kate..but also to john. ] | public

after the beep |
the sims 2: university expansion pack

pictures from the game

and i'm spent.

[ mood: groggy ]

  [ 835pm | 22Nov04 ]

[ 1036 ]


Subject :: [ ] | public

after the beep |
[excerpt from space ghost coast to coast ep. 29: jacksonville]

the story you have just heard is true.
the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
speaking of names, i have a kitty named fluffy.
sometimes fluffy scratches the sofa and i say, "down fluffy, down, or fluffy get no din-din."
sometimes fluffy urp in the corner.
fluffy knows better than that.
cats are fun.
i like them.

[ mood: groggy ]

  [ 849pm | 16Nov04 ]

[ 1035 ]


Subject :: [ went to a concert. ] | public

after the beep |
so, john and i went to a concert tonight. you're probably wondering who we went to see. we went and saw zach's (my little cousin) band, droner. there were two opening bands called nocturnal emissions (some sort of punk band that didn't do a very good job) and kings of spain (an instrumental cover band, not bad). droner consists of the lead singer/guitarist justin, the bassist (i can't remember his name, i want to say josh), and zach the drummer. they weren't too bad. the song titles i remember them playing were "remedy," "back again," "lies," "5 x's of the heirophant," and "machine." there were a few more, but i can't remember the titles. the concert was held in the side room of a coffee shop up in auburn. it was a little place, but there were about 50 people there. john and i felt incredibly old, because we're thinking that most everyone was between the ages of 14 and 20. after the main concert they played an acoustic set with about four songs. pretty interesting. at one point the main guy wanted to give me the guitar to play something, but it was too spur of the moment. i told him that the next time they played, i'd join in.

so yeah, that was my night. pretty cool, i think. john seemed to enjoy it.

i haven't much else to say, i work tonight at 7pm until 4am. that'll be interesting.

[ mood: tired ]
[ music: superidego ]

  [ 114am | 14Nov04 ]

[ 1034 ]


Subject :: [ happy birthday to me. ] | public

after the beep | 14 missed calls
today is my 25th birthday. i'm going to eat at red lobster. that's all i have planned.

p.s. see shaun of the dead when you can. that's one funny movie.

[ mood: tired ]
[ music: body hammer - fear factory ]

  [ 114pm | 9Nov04 ]

[ 1032 ]