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I want this sooooooooooo badFeb. 15th, 2005 @ 12:43 pm

Who didn't see this one coming?Feb. 11th, 2005 @ 09:00 pm

You Are the Very Gay Peppermint Patty!

Softball is the huge tipoff here...
As well as a "best friend" who loves to call her "sir"

Jan. 16th, 2005 @ 06:51 pm
[info]netgoth posted about this as well as others. I was rolling. I had to share...

The day... That LJ died.
My heart feels: amused

Jan. 3rd, 2005 @ 01:18 pm
LJ Rabbit Hole Day
passed on from [info]acestatic and x-posted wherever possible: This particular one stolen from [info] yes_that_tonya

A few months ago, I had a dream in which LiveJournal and everyone on it went completely nuts for a day. The entire world had turned upside-down and inside-out and nobody was their normal self anymore. And it was such a good read, that I think it should happen for real.

January 27th is the birthday of Lewis Carroll, author of ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. Alice fell down a rabbit hole into a place where everything had changed and none of the rules could be counted on to apply anymore. I say, let's do the same: January 27th, 2005 should be the First Annual LiveJournal Rabbit Hole Day. When you post on that Thursday, instead of the normal daily life and work and news and politics, write about the strange new world you have found yourself in for the day, with its strange new life and work and news and politics. Are your pets talking back at you now? Has your child suddenly grown to full adulthood? Does everyone at work think you're someone else now? Did Bush step down from the White House to become a pro-circuit tap-dancer? Did Zoroastrian missionaries show up on your doorstep with literature in 3-D? Have you been placed under house arrest by bizarre insectoid women wielding clubs made of lunchmeat?

Let's have a day where nobody's life makes sense anymore, where any random LJ you click on will bring you some strange new tale. Let's all fall down the Rabbit Hole for 24 hours and see what's there. It will be beautiful.

For consideration: this only works if you spread the word, of course, but three and a half weeks is forever in LJ Meme Time.

I know a lot of you out there would really dig on this. I think this could be a helluva lot of fun!!! Pass it on!!! :D

Now here's a resolution I can keep... :DJan. 3rd, 2005 @ 01:10 pm

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Stop refreshing this page until I get the answer I want.

Get your resolution here

Other entries
» By show of hands, who DIDN'T see this one coming?
What will your last words be?
by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."who spilt my beer?!"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

» Rip... Rip... Rip... Rip... :P Huack-too
                                                                                                 Shamelessly ripped from punkwhitetuna

Kind of like staring at a train wreck isn't it?
» I still dont see any flying fucking cars. :P (Back timed for effect)
» (No Subject)
I had heard about the events of what happened over there. The earthquake... I had no idea that there was a tsunami which was caused by the earthquake. That the rotation of the earth was actually tilted causing the island of Indonesia to shift to the west. Read on.

"The loss of life is staggering. The grief, unimaginable. The chaos and fear, overwhelming. The public health crisis ahead is confounding. Estimates of the billions of dollars needed to supply aid and repair cities and communities cannot even begin to touch on the human costs that are incalculable."

Hospice reaches out to those affected in Asia and Africa after recent devistating geographical blows )
» (No Subject)
Kitten - Free
Getting him fixed with shots $83.?
Chicken bowl lost to his playfulness - dinner with friend $35.00
Stepping on what appears to be a large grape that he's playing with - Painfull

Finding out your kitten has found a superball and can have just as much fun with it as you are playing with him with it... Pricless.
» (No Subject)
My name is Anakin Skywalker and Im a Sithlord.

» Lets see how many I get. *giggle*

What Will kelgirl Get ?
Xmas pressie predictor
Big wooly jumper knitted by jupita
Pair of Socks from othello_smith
Bottle of Whiskey from torhamx
Cd from jowers
Something Cuddly from phoenix532
Something Intoxicating from thumbkey_13
Something Silly from yes_that_tonya
Something Funny from darkrose
Lump of coal from tinkerbelladona
Something Pretty from agentmoosha007
Something Shiny from with_this_voice
Something Naughty from worldnmyeyes
Something Smelly from whitetiger807
Something Breakable from kabuki_akeim
Something Useful from mergi
Something not useful from semiprecious
The Black and Decker Tool Kit from doctor_hellfire
Livejournal account from another_chapter
The Make-up Bag from acestatic
Stack of DVDs from byrd_man
Something Geeky from penguin_girl


Made by _imran_ and beyond_bananas.
Hosted at Memeland

» (No Subject)
You know... It really kind of angers me that people call me a liberal. Im not. I have a few opinions and beliefs that may be concifered left wing. But I also have a few views and opinions that that would be concidered right wing. A couple that would be concidered comunist. One here and there that might be concidered just all out absurd. Im actually unaffiliated if the truth be known. This year was my first year voting for anything. Ever. Because of circumstance really. Well, combined with a dash of stupidity when I was younger which caused me not to be able to. This year, I slipped through the cracks. Was told that I would have to petition my rights back to vote. I never did. But I still got to vote. Go me. Fuck the man and all that. I was one of few who were able to get one over on him and get away with it. Probably not though. They who turn out the lights know who I am, what I do and when I breathe wrong. I care not. I do have strong views about our current president. And Im not ashamed nor afraied to voice myself about it. In fact, most people who know me know my views. He can take a flying leap. I don't agree with his views. He hates half of americans and wants to turn the rest against those he hates. He doesnt care about human rights. He doesn't care about anyone over in other countries fighting wars that are supposidly over. He doesn't care that the families of these people are being evicted from their homes because they cut out combat pay when cease fire was declaired more than a year ago. He doesn't give two shits about americans. And personally, if that jet of his were to crash tomorow with him aboard, I would not cry one tear. In fact, I would probably raise a glass in silent victory for short lived oppression. Whos the next joker to take the seat. All he cares about is money in his pockets and the pockets of his puppets. But I digress. Im not liberal. Im an american with many beliefs views and opinions. I take no side except my own. There just happens to be people who have the same thoughts views and opinions such as I. *steps off box*
» Desperate times call for desperate measures...
Today I payed $5 for head in order to make someone on my gift list happy.

I hope it was worth it.

In other news... Still teh sick. Stomach flu. Food poisoning. I wish I knew what I ate. But whatever it was 3 other people at work got the same thing.


» Egads!
Holy cats this is the sickest meme to date! :P Click HERE to check it out.

You sickos.

» Amber Alert issued after fetus removed from mother's body

CNN) -- Missouri authorities issued an Amber Alert for an infant who may have survived after a woman was slain and a fetus removed from her body.

Bobbi Jo Stinnett, who was eight months' pregnant, was killed Thursday afternoon in her home in Skidmore in northwestern Missouri, the Nodaway County Sheriff's Department said.

The initial Amber Alert said that "the fetus was extracted from the victim."

A statement from the sheriff's department said the fetus was removed by the same "person or persons" who killed Stinnett.

Authorities said Stinnett was killed at around 3 p.m. (4 p.m. ET).

The alert said that the suspect "has blond hair and [is] possibly driving a red vehicle."

It advised people to look for bloody clothing or towels and said the infant could have health issues and would have a freshly cut umbilical cord if alive.

Authorities said that Stinnett was a white woman and the offspring also was believed to be a white female.

*note* Im a firm believer in the Amber Alert so this was stolen from someone else and passed along... Please do the same.
» (No Subject)
How to make a kelgirl

3 parts friendliness

3 parts brilliance

3 parts joy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy!

» Im not even going to pretend like I did this myself...
This is so stolen. :)

title or description

» Ironically enough, my favorite Siouxsie
which Siouxsie are you? by sonewlycharming
user name
favorite color
you are
Quiz created with MemeGen!

» It was great when it all be.... Wait... I remember things diffrently. :P
Rocky Horror LiveJournal Show by lmar4711
Are you a RHPS Virgin?
Dr Frank N Furterafflictedmuse
Janet Weisssuper_dave
Brad Majorsdaiku
Riff Raffrose_petal
Rocky Horrorpookakty
Dr Scottnetgoth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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