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Hard Fucking Cuddle Core

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[25 Jan 2005|06:10pm]
I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal in the airport. Then I went up and asked her if she's Maggie Gyllenhaal. Then she said yea. Then she laughed at me :(
5 friends| friends?

[20 Jan 2005|03:36am]
[ music | Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams ]

i'd like to keep you all current with all my stories (most of them have to do with me being harassed in rest rooms) - but it will have to wait. i'm going to vegas for the weekend.

good luck! (to you all, not me - i've already got enough good luck)

i'm a real hood nigga, not a hood-i-lum

8 friends| friends?

how i feel about my friends: [31 Dec 2004|01:40am]
alotlikeyou, fine
amnesiascope, fine
andreadawn, fine
angrules2, no clue
autima, no clue
bela, you scare me
br3, forget who you are
bruisedhips, i think i saw you once
burnu, fine
chachka, insane
cutiepie74, insane
daisydumont, very fine
darknesses, no clue
davedbone, get better
deafeuphoria, fine
delete_the_star, allright?
elliptic_curve, no idea
enron, great
flagwaver16, never
floydwilliams, great
george500, best ever
gingericecream, hardly remember
godot231, no idea
gurglesnap, funny funny man
havenleah, nope
heath0r, fine
homeostasis, seems fine
hoodcity, should be fine
hotgrease, probably not fine
ifonlythe80s, haha
jaelyte, miss you
jaimed, uh huh
janass, i guess
jeanfarwell, can't remember
jeremyful, best
jerrica_benton, best *2
katiesp, miss
knup, miss
labiamania, dont miss
lizzas,hi how's it going?
lomes, i remember you
lostsatellite, you're a crazy, crazy person
mandycapped, you dated a crazy crazy person
meganclash, you're crazy but still good
mia_jean, no clue
missbodhi, hi
mollymayhem, :(
neocubist, hi jim
onthemoon, hi!
oscrmyer, hi, you're fine
ozma, same
petrolbee, i used to like your cat
polaropposites, i was friends with your sister's boyfriend
quel, you got me a job
rancidmelon, :(
redbandaid, we had a date :(
roofbeam, space heaters
roundsquares, whatever
sarahsaturn, nice?
sp0rk0, cyber-hip
squirrrel, polotico-hip
srattus, hip
stars_in_eyes, no clue
strokethecandle, pop
teabee, likes books
tenacity, likes politics
theladybug, likes men
tippi18, likes piercings
tis, hates me :(
trixie_bee, :(
valvery, likes the southeast
whipsmartgirl, likes poly
wraptor, likes rocking
xbusterkeatonx,likes computers
ziggurat uh? :(
18 friends| friends?

[31 Dec 2004|01:37am]
i bought a new motorcycle with my christmas bonus.
1 friend| friends?

[21 Dec 2004|11:13pm]
5 friends| friends?

[19 Nov 2004|02:32pm]
9 friends| friends?

[15 Nov 2004|10:24am]
8 friends| friends?

[03 Nov 2004|10:07am]
ok, bold this time. QUIT YOUR BITCHING!
14 friends| friends?

[03 Nov 2004|07:27am]
no more kids got out and voted this year than in 2000

15 friends| friends?

[03 Nov 2004|07:04am]
1 friend| friends?

[24 Oct 2004|12:06pm]
No sex in the Champagne Room
No sex in the Champagne Room
No sex in the Champagne Room
No sex in the Champagne Room
6 friends| friends?

[17 Oct 2004|01:23am]
2 friends| friends?

[12 Oct 2004|10:03am]
You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent.  Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity.
Which OS are You?
1 friend| friends?

[09 Oct 2004|12:22am]
[ music | PJ Harvey - 50ft Queenie ]

give me a break

2 friends| friends?

[27 Sep 2004|03:20pm]
I really like how Azar Nafisi's book about reading illegal books in Iran is dedicated to Paul Wolfowitz.

Islamic Fascism is awful. People who fight against it rule.
7 friends| friends?

[24 Sep 2004|07:49pm]
Repeat after me:

The president can not reinstate the military draft, no matter how much you think he wants to.

The president can not declare war unless that power is given to him. John Kerry voted to give Bush the ability to go to war with Iraq.

Democrats vote to bring back the military draft at least as often as republicans. I think the argument is that a disproportionate amount of poor people enlist. Therefore the only fair option is a draft?

There's much less of a difference between the Democratic nominee for president and Republican nominee than people would have you believe.

The biggest difference is that John Kerry is a complete scumbag. Other than that, they're pretty similar.
5 friends| friends?

An Honest Question [14 Sep 2004|08:06pm]
Here's something that's been bothering me since I was a lot younger. I've tangled with this for quite some time, and it's proven far more perplexing than wondering if anything else in the world exists.

So here's the question: does such a thing exist as a fan of Lenny Kravitz? It seems like such a trivial question. The answer seems so obvious! Of course such a thing does not exist, no one could be a fan of that. That was my initial theory, whenever that was on that dark stormy day I first heard/saw him, whatever.

Of course, the answer isn't that easy. Every time you think there can't be a Lenny Kravitz fan, there's another video on tv. Just when you think you have heard the last of him, he's there at some awards show (I doubt he's actually winning awards, but his stupid ugly face is popping up in the background or something). Every time you think that not one person in the world could be careless enough to give him a single dollar, he's prancing around on a Gap commercial or something.

Certain bad acts have fans, its undenyable. New Kids on the Block had fans, who can argue that? I'm pretty sure there's people who burn stars on the ground and drink the blood of a goat or something who are big fans of Satan. Suddamn Hussein had his loyal feyadeen, those dudes thought Suddamn was all right.

Those are a few examples of fans who defy conventional logic. Kravitz doesn't fit into any of those catagories. He's much less cool than NKotB, Satan, and Suddamn.

I guess this is just something I'm going to have to struggle with for a while more.

6 friends| friends?

[10 Sep 2004|10:44pm]
it was nearly a recreation of the pie eating contest from the movie stand by me in the emergency room toady. you know, where the fat dude starts vomiting which induces all of the contestants to vomit, all the observers, everyone.

it all started with this jerk of a kid. he was fuck, 2 years old? 3 years old? i have no idea, he couldn't talk very well and he shit himself at least once while i was there. anyway his parents sucked. he ran around the waiting room eating a bag of chips, and after he finished he demanded more chips from strangers. he enjoyed those stupid chips.

meanwhile some poor girl comes in, who's hacking her lungs up non stop. coughing near the point of coughing up her stomach. this goes on and on for a while, and against my better judgement i stayed for a while to watch rather than abandon the fiasco for a smoke.

the jerk little dork kid started coughing and his fuckwad parents made a half-assed attempt to tell him to raise his arms above his head. (apparently they're used to this) so the little retard only raised one arm above his head, and with the other kept jamming chips into his mouth. within seconds he started projectile vomiting, this putrid nasty green combination of chips and god knows what else.

a third party foreigner dad who the little jerk stole chips from covered his eyes and started groaning, but his kid was laughing and pried his dad's hands away from his face. once his dad took another look, he puked, he puked hard.

all the while this coughing broad was still going at it. coughing her life away. i was sure she was about to start puking too, but she didn't. i'm convinced that if she did, i would have followed suit, and from there who knows who else would have?

12 friends| friends?

[10 Sep 2004|03:10pm]
Plot Outline: A recently paroled middle-aged man, who spent 15 years in prison without any explanation as to why he was jailed, seeks revenge on those who brought him down.
1 friend| friends?

[09 Sep 2004|12:05pm]
I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.....Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make half the world fools and half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the world?
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