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147 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in perl. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
471 matches:
- 77azkkr - Stuart
- _q_ - Iain
- abarros - Andrew Barros
- abhirup - Raj
- abstrakone - Jason
- ackme - The REAL Ackme
- adaeon - adaeon
- adranse - Andrew Dranse
- aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
- ahm - Anders Hellström
- ahze - Michael Johnson
- ajaxxx - ajaxxx
- alacrity - Damien
- alcibiades - Alcibiades
- alexpgp - AlexPGP
- amoe - Amoe
- andyroyal - Andrew Royal / Ninge
- apessos - ramblings of someone lost
- aralan - Aralan
- arcanis - Arcanis Ferin
- area69 - iamnothing
- arkadiy - Arkadiy
- asciilogic - Asciilogic
- asim - Woodrow Jarvis Hill
- asmodeusb - The Flaming Octopus Man
- asterisk8 - sniffles the hedgehog
- athanasius - Athanasius
- athelstan - Ryan
- athena_51 - DramaQueen
- atlbrian - Brian W
- atrocitor - Orion
- autojack - automatic jack
- azazelle - Beyond the Fuckup
- b3rnd - Bernd
- barberio - John R. Barberio
- bearhug - Bearhug
- beldurnik - Beldurnik
- bellaliz - elizabeth
- bfo - Cass
- bigj - Jared
- bits - Suburban Antihero
- blackavar - Blackavar
- blades - Christian
- bleepyou - Saturn
- bobbymcr - Chu-chi face
- bobprime - Bob
- bobtfish - There is no good or bad, just fun and not fun
- brad - Brad Fitzpatrick
- bradj - Brad
- brainstewed - James O'Gorman
- brianbrian - brianbrian
- bride - The Bride of the First House
- brotherjoe - Brother Joe
- broyd - Broyd
- buckykc - Jeremy Baumgartner
- bvh - Bvh
- bydern - Bydern
- calligraphreak - Marc
- callipyg - Russ
- cananian - C. Scott Ananian
- captainspam - Captain Spam
- cargocontainer - Cargo Container
- carobear - Carolyn Ray
- casey - Casey "Soda" Kolderup
- cerrenes - Nichts Außerordentlich
- chiaspod - Ch-ch-ch-chia!
- chitah - case
- chris - chunted by a freak
- chrisg - Chris Gushue
- christowang - chris
- chuckm - Chuck Meyer
- ciberch - ciberch
- ciphergoth - Paul Crowley
- circ - Circ
- cmonster - Chris Radcliff
- codepoet - ed
- compudroid - CompuDroid
- conraduno - e-bo
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- cos - Cos
- costel_ungurean - Costel Ungureanu
- cpm - Chaz
- crackmonkey - Bananahead
- crakor - Matt Carver
- crispygoth - ChrisB
- cryllius - Dave
- csogilvie - Colin S. Ogilvie
- cubes - Basil Havana
- curtis - Curtis
- cyberkni - Dan
- cymbopus - Brad
- d4b - David Beroff
- da5id12 - da5id
- daeva - princess alex
- dailypoem - the_smoking_man
- dancinglights - saille
- darkknightradic - Dark Knight Radick
- darkman - {I} see what you are
- darkmatter - usr/nightles
- darkmoon - Ψ Ω ∞
- darkwolf69 - Dark Wolf
- dcash - dcash
- ddo - Derek D Owens
- decklin - Decklin
- deftly - Randal Wilson
- dennisr - DennisR
- denonymous - Johnson
- denorae - Denorae
- dfitzpat - dfitzpat
- diffrentcolours - Carefully, Correctly Wrong
- digsean - Sean McCullough
- dip - Юрец
- disco - Jeff
- discordian - The Cynic
- disorient - Like Who I Am Matters
- dissolved - dissolved_girl
- djenigma - the eternal mystery
- dluke - Daniel J. Luke
- dm_lihachev - Дима Лихачев
- dogoncouch - Dan
- dormando - dormando
- drchase - uuintermute
- drstevechaos - Dr. Steve Chaos
- drzero - This is what you want, this is what you get...
- duien - em
- duinlas - Duinlas
- dustin2002 - Dustin Harrison
- e6 - e6-
- edmcman - completely incomplete
- egg - Egg
- electrawn - Jason Potkanski
- elektric - Elektric
- elitegrunt - Teh Bacchus
- ellisbben - ellisbben
- elwe - Ryan Gabbard
- emulousx - the emulous-x
- enpassant - Beauty in Simplicity : En-passant
- epoc - epoc
- ereshkigal - ereshkigal
- ersatz - Ersatz
- esigler - Eric Sigler
- esk - eva sourpuss
- evarlast - evarlast
- evilbob - Evil Bob
- ewindisch - Eric Windisch
- faeriedragon - faeriedragon
- fallingforward - Ratatosk
- feebdaed - George Mason
- feni - Feni
- feren - Feren
- fishkin - fischie
- flamester - Flame
- flavor - James Manning
- flwyd - Trevor Stone
- foil - kayur
- foxmagic - Brian Kendig
- fozbaca - fozbaca
- frankg - Aethelwer
- fraserspeirs - Fraser Speirs
- frd91gt - Tony
- frobisher - frobisher
- frodo - frodo
- frog - Frog
- fubarpa - COBOLMan
- fut0n - Peter
- gaal - Gaal Yahas
- garetj - drew
- genders - Gita Enders
- ghettogodzilla - Jigga
- ghimson - The Ghimmer
- gigahertz - Craig Webster
- gorgonous - Isaac
- greengolem - GreenGolem
- growf - Bruce
- h8disease - Mange
- hackerdragon - HackerDragon Winddream Redweyr
- hamusutaa - Andy Scheffler
- happylight - James
- haq4jc - Joe
- hates_ - Richey-kun
- heptite - Just This Guy
- hexmode - Mark A. Hershberger
- holla - eric alba
- hughe - Hughe
- hughmacd - Hugh Macdonald
- hunterx - HunterX
- hypoflux - Eric
- hyuga - Hyuga
- iarwain - Iarwain
- icewing - Icewing
- ilahni - Education not Empire
- illubrious - Karl
- imzadi - Sexy Li'l Thug
- inpetto - Matt
- ironroot - Iron Root
- isaiah - Dana
- jadestorm - Daniel Henninger
- jamesrsmith - James
- jameth - LiveJournal Oracle
- jar_corefile - Jared
- jargon - Just another prophet...
- jazzyreturns - Jazzy
- jboogedy - Jared
- jeek - Unpa Nasa
- jeremyt - jeremy: now with 25% less moxie
- jerronimo - BleuLlama
- jessanne - Jessanne
- jferg - jferg
- jhimm - .hack/jhimm
- jimbrady - The Real Jim Brady
- jinchuu - The end of the dream
- jmhe - Jeff
- jmjm - jim-jim
- jnala - yarffaJ nalA
- joe714 - Jack Webb
- joesito - Joesito
- joevernon - Joe
- joeycato - Joey Cato
- joiseyguy - JoiseyGuy
- jredburn - Jeremy Redburn
- jsjackso - jsjackso
- jtoomey - Wicker King
- jurann - JurannIzYena!
- juubou - juubou
- jzig - Ben Zeigler
- kancer - Kancer
- kandyneko - Athena Asamiya
- kayeyem - kimmay
- keedy - keedy
- kefka - Kefka
- kespernorth - Kesper North
- keybuk - Scott James Remnant
- kingdok - KingdoK
- kisai - Kisai
- kitty_goth - Kitty
- kmw - asphalt
- kneel23 - Aaron
- koani - Koani
- kruegge1984 - Chris
- kurros - Wade
- kyzoku - 海賊
- l2g - Larry "America's Most Ineligible Bachelor" Gilbert
- ladams9999 - Lloyd
- lcremeans - Lee Cremeans
- leehp83 - Your middle name is always, I'd always love you.
- legweak - legweak
- lillogan - Aye!
- litemage - Brian
- lo5an - Lo5an
- lo_spettro - alexander
- lonewlf - Lone Wolf
- lordloki - Aaron Brooks
- loss4words - i lied, i said it's easy
- lounge - bobby fissure
- lucky_otter - Michael
- lucretio - Kevin M. Brooks
- lys1123 - Lysander "I am an Evil Herbivore" Whitephoenix
- m00t - An Experiment in Controlled Chaos
- madbard - Popular series of fiction, fancy, and fact.
- malach - Malach
- manish - manish
- marphod - Galen Silversmith
- martyrdom - Technicolour Troubador
- matter - matter
- mattrope - Matt Roper
- mattx - Matthew Dunn
- mc_fonix - mc_fonix
- mcg - Amblin
- medlir - Rick
- meep - meep
- mental - Mental
- mentalguy - MenTaLguY
- mercuriosity - Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong (Mrs.)
- merlinus - Merlinus Ambrosius
- merynetjeru - Vanayáviëiel
- metal_hurlant - Metal Hurlant
- metawizard - Добрый мальчик™
- mff - mff
- mikeprincipito - :g/re/p
- mikerouse - Michael T Rouse
- miscca - Harmonious Discord
- mitayai - Will Mitayai Keeso Rowe
- mitdebo - Kelly Weaver
- mod - Mod
- monkeycat - monkey
- moophish - bdashrad
- morbid_faerie - ThE DaRkEsT FaE
- mordea - Spectator
- morlly - moRlly
- mowse - mowse
- myparu - Murali Ravipudi
- mysterice - Myke Timpe
- myth - Some guy
- n5iln - Stranger in a strange mind
- nachtfalke - Alexander Gräfe
- namey - Bald Eagle
- narilka - Narilka
- nathanblack - Nathan Black
- nearphuture - alx
- needless - needless
- neonstarlite - Travis
- nepenthe01 - Nepenthe
- neraka - your fucking mother, that's who
- news - LiveJournal News
- nfotxn - Brodie Noble Chree
- nik_w - Just a journal, she said...
- nikonor - Leonid Nikolaev
- niro - Daniel Logghe
- njan - Njan
- nof - Mark
- nosferatu - Rob
- ntang - Nicholas Tang
- nukey - Rick Gorman
- obso - Luke
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- ommkarja - Artemis
- omskbb - Konstantin Kurdjumov
- p_programmers - p_programmers
- pacdemon - Marshall
- patrick - Hottie McHotterson
- paulv - oy with the poodles already
- paydro - JV
- penguinicity - Slayer of Altoids
- pentomino - the "R" pentomino
- perlgod - tmbg
- petef - Pete Fritchman
- petersheil - Peter Sheil
- pguymontag - Guy Montag
- phil99 - Phil Sumner
- pierced_nipples - Travis
- piotrx - Piotr
- ploskey12 - Zach T. Ploskey
- plur - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect
- poggs - Peter Hicks
- polyhymnia - Lexie
- poon - poon
- preston_stone - Preston
- prez - PreZ
- price - Brandon
- protozoa - protozoa
- psychoi3oy - Evan
- punkalicia - PissHammer
- quecojones - ( . Y . )
- quelrod - James
- rafferty - Herb
- raindrops - Rain (aka the Stupid BrokenOne)
- ramen_cup - shin ramen cup
- rando - idoru
- rav3n - Rav3n
- relfen - C2
- relish - relish
- relsqui - I'm not silly, I'm just seriously impaired
- req - Micah
- resilient - Resilient
- revjim - Reverend Jim
- riffraff - I am Kim
- ripburger - Matthew
- rkane - Mark
- roachmckrackin - Roach McKrackin
- rogers - rogers
- rory - DNE
- rsinbad - Sinbad the curious
- sadweasel - Weasel
- safiiru - Karl
- sags - Sagar
- saintnobody - Saint Nobody
- sarahh - Fascination and wonder...
- sarcasmosis - Chesterville McPwnington
- scathedlight - J-
- scsi - Putting the COX in COX-2
- seadawg - Ken Robertson
- servermonk - server monk
- seuratt - seuratt
- sglider - George
- shadur - Dragon with a heartache
- sheehan - Scott Sheehan
- shippo - Salvation à la Mode
- shrike - Zach
- sillydragon - sillydragon
- sinenomine - Kizazi Ayumi
- siraustin - Austin S. Lin
- sirilyan - Sirilyan
- sirinek - siri
- sisyphus - Dallas Lynn
- skeets - Sarah Giffrow
- skm - peace at last
- skunque - Skunque
- sleepingwolf - sleeping wolf
- sleepy - That chubby swede
- slithytove - Emotional resonance and rocket launchers
- sneezypb - Sneezy daPolarBear
- snobscure - snobscure
- snowchyld - snowchyld
- sobriquet - sobriquet
- solri - Robin
- soltice - Tess
- sphyg - sphyg
- starroses - starroses
- stesla - Samuel Tesla
- stipe - Dai Aku
- stitch - Stitch
- strlen - strlen
- strredwolf - WolfSkunk 'STriker' RedWolf
- suidroot - su1droot
- sungo - sungo
- suraklin - Suraklin
- swern - Sean
- swifticus - keith
- swinehund - Ladybeef
- swomp - Caoimhín Mac Bryant air Detroit
- sych - Daniel
- syn007_2001 - SyN
- syntaxpc - Evan Sultanik
- t3knomanser - Remy Porter
- talton - Talton
- tangentier - Neon Tapir Wonder Durf of Justice
- tdunn - Taer
- teancom - Teancom
- tecnobrat - Brian
- tekproxy - Brian Alwrite
- teq - Sarah
- term - dr. term
- terra - Kemru
- theducks - A Rubber Ducky
- thefife - lance
- thegreatdark - Ted Nugent in Disguise
- thereject - Master Bacon
- thomasngo - Thomas
- tigersden - The Purple Tiger
- timmah - hfomit
- tlhf - Stuart
- tolldog - tolldog
- tommx - hammercloth togas
- topher - Christopher Cashell
- toreypet - Torey
- torquemada - The Captain of the Gravy Train
- tranceboy - hank
- trinityinfinity - Mary
- tsarin - tsarin
- tydel - Tyler Delane
- unfurl - Unfurl
- unloveable - your unsleepable friend
- unsuffer - nothing
- upsilon - Edison Hall
- varno - Chris Varnom
- vernost - Даниил Терещенко
- vorpal - Sebastian
- vyxn - The Devil's Advocate
- warewolf - Richard Harman
- warlock138 - Warlock138
- warnerves - ./warnerves
- warrend - Rawk on with yer sawk on
- warsop - geekgirl
- wc - Brian
- wendigo - Your Friendly Neighborhood Surreal Estate Agent
- whitaker - Brad Whitaker
- willtor - Will Leiserson
- willyd - Will
- x_devious - X Devious
- xb95 - Mark Smith
- xrmx - Greg
- yahozna - ryan
- youngoat - youngoat
- zach - Zachary Hauri
- zigmar - Zigmar
- zixyer - zixyer
- ziz - ZiZ
- zojas - zojas
- ztox - z toxic
- zztzed - Michael