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im not the one who broke you |
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here is gone - the goo goo dolls |
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my sister: 'yea, youre my muse! we gotta write this journal entry for school about meg ryan's character, and she's neurotic, like you!'
things are falling back into place. humid days at school. pancake/brownie cravings of The Oracle, stifling fits of laughter in meetings, boldly meeting the accusing gazes of younger years, undoing things that shouldnt be undone, choices for jerseys and spluttering water features. yes, even the heat effects the water feature;). "are you crazy, you dont need to try a jersey on, youre the smallest size!" mimo having the wayyyy difficult choice of writing "SARS" or "FOB ^.~" on the back of her jersey. painting it black on friday, being accused of having skank/whore clothes (yet they still choose to borrow them, so they honestly cant be that bad. and my defence? 'my legs are littler than yours so the skirt doesnt look that short!/i wear another top when i wear this one, so i dont expose much!')
the art of letting go possibly involves feeling comfortably numb(which never ever really works) for a while, or just trying very hard to fill the space with anything and everything - friends, family, sunshine, coffee, tiny shiny silver hearts from people that mean everything to you, having d+ms with my cousin/twin/partner-in-crime (just sitting in the car, not ever really moving, lights blink, music blasts, yet when it comes down to it all he knows what im thinking/feeling without many words spoken). "yea, i better save that story for another time, take care, okay?"
simon suprised me, he kept berating himself and claiming he wasnt being/hasnt been a good friend, pschhhhhhh. liarrr, the boy keeps me grounded. i dont want to stumble anymore, i cant stay here anymore, it isnt working for me. i guess i gotta get my act together, let go and move on. (tho it hurts,it really really hurts) at the end of the day, its only me who has to sift through everything and work out what it is that i really want and how im going to get there. words flowing out and letting people mind them for a while, finding a familiar pattern of normalcy so that things can become stable. dad on saturday - 'are you okay? you look kinda spaced out' "what, huh? yea, im fine" (big eyes and pretty smiles gloss over the fact that anything is up)
And I dont need the fallout Of all the past that's in between us And I'm not holding on
because in the end, it doesnt matter if its good enough for someone else.