Thursday, February 3rd, 2005
2:43 pm - Andrew Weil on Rhodiola
I subscribe to Dr. Andrew Weil's Self Healing newsletter. This month he talks about supplements to treat depression. RHODIOLA ROSEA is one of them. He says, "...the herb has been shown to help reduce fatigue and stress levels and improve sleep problems, all of which can accompany depression. Rhodiola appears to work faster than conventional antidepressants, often in less than a week, and it may enchance sexual energy as's probably safe to take rhodiola with other mood-boosting supplements or antidepressant drugs."
Yay! I love to get confirmation from trusted authorities. I use it to combat fatigue and stress, and to cultivate energy and calm.
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Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
10:17 pm - Films
Movies I have seen recently that I really liked:
Before Sunrise - Nice use of metanarratives embedded within snappy and thought-provoking dialogue. I watched it twice which I rarely do. The sequal, Before Sunset, is also good, and is a real continuation of the first story. Stars Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, with direction by Austin local, Rick Linklater. I used to know the script writer, Kim Krizan, when she worked at Waterloo Records on the drag. The Name of the Rose - Very enjoyable version of the Umberto Ecco novel with Sean Connery as a monk. A murder mystery with a lot of good sub-plots: Science vs. Religion. Love vs. Lust. Virgin vs. Whore. Laughter vs. Sobriety. Life vs. Death. The Horse Whisperer - I liked this movie because of all the symbolic and metaphorical layering. It is a complex and highly nuanced film with a beautiful story. I had to see this for my job, but I really, really liked it. Directed and starring Robert Redbord. Also starring a young Scarlett Johannson.
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Saturday, January 29th, 2005
2:43 pm - Veggie heaven
I have been enjoying eating kale and broccoli this winter. They are hardy plants. The broccoli plants keeps sending up small florettes. I have ten kale plants and seven broccoli's and that is more than enough for two people, dining in 3 - 5 times a week. In fact, next year I will plant fewer kale plants. The red-veined kale is my favorite, but it is slow to replenish its leaves. I probably won't plant it again for that reason. The lavendar veined kale is robust. I rarely have to buy vegetables anymore, but I eat a smaller variety of them. My consumption of veggies has become very seasonal. I am on my way out to purchase some asparagus roots. I am sure I would enjoy fresh asparagus this spring. Yum.
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Friday, January 21st, 2005
11:17 pm - Kitty Tricks
Yesterday I taught one of my cats (Jiva) how to offer her paw and shake hands. I use a distinct keyword as a trigger and then reward her with some strokes on the head. She learned it really quickly. I think I am going to buy some moist kitty treats and teach her some more tricks. Jiva is really smart and can pay attention (unlike my other beloved cat who seems to have ADD).
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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
9:36 pm - Keeping the pilot light lit
New year's resolutions aren't any good if you forget about them two weeks later. You and I need a way to keep the pilot light lit all year long. Here are my recommendations:
1. The Daily Practice Sheet tracts progress and trends over a month. Just fill in your desired goals and use check marks for days that those goals are accomplished:
2. XReminder Pro
is a software program for remembering hourly daily, weekly, monthly, annual events all via computer shareware. I originally bought this so I wouldn't get $30 late fees on my credit cards every month (it was a good investment!), but since have found it useful for many personal processes, including reminding myself to go to bed at 10 pm every night instead of surfing randomly.
3. Have something, anything that you practice on a regular basis. You can progress and evolve yourself with almost any regular practice. It's important to have a practice. Preferably one that integrates Mind and Body. Remember the Freemasons who created an entire system of spiritual evolution from the quotidian (boring!) practice of brick laying.
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Monday, December 27th, 2004
12:02 am - Ebay ten cent sale day Monday
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004
11:22 pm - Seasonings
I enjoyed a delightful solstice party last night at sheilagh's house and enjoyed communing with friends, old and new. Early evening coffee at Quack's was also good fun. My I Ching reading yielded hexagram 24, "The Turning Point" and referred to the winter solstice numerous times. It is a fitting togetherness.
I don't think O. and I are exchanging gifts this year. Although we have talked about buying the biofeedback driven, somewhat mystical game,Journey to Wild Divine. Has anyone tried this game?
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Sunday, December 19th, 2004
8:59 pm - More on rhodiola rosea
contentlove recently wrote about Rhodiola rosea for memory. As it turns out, it is good for a lot of things.
For example, I haven't gained my 5-7 lbs of winter weight like I usually do. As you might guess, Rhodiola helps with weight loss. Whe combined with exercise, it activates hormone sensitive lipase which breaks down fat in adipose tissue. I take Rhodiola 30 minutes before exercise for maximum fat burn. ( Read the clinical study )
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6:15 pm - Winter's harvest
Saturday, December 4th, 2004
12:44 am - Whew!
I finally got XP installed on my computer tonight. It was a several day ordeal. The install kept blue screening. I finally discovered that both of my DRAM chips were bad. Then I had to flash my Award BIOS and Award charged me $59.99 for the flash upgrade! Bandits! I couldn't find it on the net anywhere for free including at my motherboard manufacturer's site. Then I had to turn all caching off in the BIOS to prevent more blue screens so the XP install took 13 hours! It started at 9 am this morning and finished at 10:30 pm. Loaded a few apps and so far the system seems fast and stable. Wish me luck. I feel like I need it.
Thanks to Lionserpent for moral support and letting me rant on the phone!
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Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
11:13 am
So my hard drive decided to crash. I can reload Windows 2000 or buy Windows XP Professional. Is XP more stable? I am really tired of one year old hard drives crashing and rebuilding my computer a couple times a year. Argh. I will be throwing a few hundred dollars at my computer this month. I am going for Western Digital over Maxtor this time.
Luckily, I backed up at the end of October and it was just my boot / application info anyway.
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Monday, November 29th, 2004
8:11 pm - Near miss
Mercury goes into retrograde tomorrow. But not today! Today the very LARGE check for my 401k that had been lost in the mail since Nov. 8 (because the morons who sent me the package mistyped their own street address), arrived back in my mailbox safely: "Undeliverable: return to sender." [sigh of relief]. In a nick of time. Tomorrow it is going out Fedex Next Day Air, not certified mail. If the check had been lost I would have been royally screwed.
My computer was spontaneously rebooting for two days. It was my HP printer's software update bot. Fuqer!
Maybe I'll have something interesting to write soon, but don't count on it. My analytical, planning, plottiing, strategic self is at the helm through December.
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Thursday, November 25th, 2004
11:55 pm - Camera recommendation
I am toying with the idea of replacing my Canon Powershot S30 with a new digital camera. My budget is $500 or preferably less. What kind of digital camera will allow me to take the extreme close-up shots of insects and such like I see posted on this journal?
Do I need a digital SLR? Recommendations are appreciated!
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Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
6:01 pm - The Altar of altering consciousness
The November 13 issue of The New Scientist features a great article on the universality of altering consciousness. You can read the article right here.
Happy high holy daze!
A century ago, psychologist William James experimented with the anaesthetic nitrous oxide. Our normal rational consciousness, he said, is just one special type of consciousness, while all around it, "parted from it by the filmiest of screens", are other entirely different forms of consciousness, always available if the requisite stimulus is applied.
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Sunday, November 21st, 2004
3:02 pm - Another day, another meme
My journal is called In Thee O Djinn! because I like wordplay and double meanings. What else can it mean? My subtitle is...subtitles are for weenies. My username is Aisha777, because in my natal chart, I have three planets (Mars, Saturn, Sun) in Aquarius *exactly* conjunct on the 25 degree line (2 + 5 = 7). There is one 7 for each planet. My default userpic is a picture of a woman casting her robe out to scoop up the stars. This is a Priestess of Nuit archetype if there ever was one.
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Friday, November 19th, 2004
4:47 pm
Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
11:06 am - Autumn in Texas
Sunday, November 14th, 2004
11:35 pm - Enchanted Rock Photos
4:35 pm - Ebay
Woohoo! My very first Ebay auction is here! I love this sweater, but I want to send it to a new home.
I know of a couple people who have done pretty well selling extra schtuff on Ebay so I thought I would give it a try. Has anyone else found it to be profitable?
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3:41 pm - Victoria's Secret
Victoria's Secret is that all the bras are sized one cup bigger than any other brand. If you normally wear a B cup at VS you will wear a C cup. It's psychological marketing; women want bigger boobs. Other clothing styles are doing something similar. When I was in high school I wore a size 5/6 in pants. Since then I have worn a size 7/8. More recently I have been able to wear a 5/6 again. Now my body hasn't changed and gotten smaller, but I am sure that the relative sizes have. Since Americans are getting fatter and fatter, clothing marketers have pulled a VS in reverse. They want you to think you are a size smaller than you really are. There is no way I am a size 5/6 like I was when I was 16 years old!
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