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August 16th, 2004

01:50 am: What else do I have to do a work when the system I need is down.
I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!
Current Mood: curious
Current Music: whirring of the icemaker

August 14th, 2004

11:41 am: So my things are pretty much settled at the new place. It currently only lacks a few odds from Wichita, Cleo, and myself to complete the picture. Yes that is correct the fish take is already set up and occupied. That means I have a betta and a yellow mysterious snail or apple snail as they are also called. The only problem is that I have yet to name the pair.

So I'd like to take suggestions from anyone out there reading as to names for the two. Past snail names have been: sanilbert-also a yellow apple, sheldon-a drak colored apple, and rammy-a rams horn apple.
Looks like the bright yellow guy here but smaller

I've only had one other betta in the past and we called him finny...don't ask me how to spell his full name(Sarah would know). He looks similar to the guy on the bottem right

Anyway just got off a third shift doing twelve hours...think I'll hit the hay...Night all.
Current Mood: drained

August 13th, 2004

08:25 am: Finally
So when I was in Lawrence the fist part of the week I managed to go in and accept my financial aid. Now when I checked to see how much would be left to cover it seems that the loan to care of everything and then possibly leaving some for books. I was certian that I had a gap and I'd owed them some. That is a really nice thing to wake up to. Now I just need to find a job so that I don't have to go applying for and expenses loan. I also need to call the temp agency I went to an tell them that I need a part time gig now since I have classes to contend with and I was thinking that I'd have to drop to part time if I had to pay in any. Wow this is going to be a busy semester...I need to go get books now...oy!
Current Mood: surprised

August 8th, 2004

06:26 am: SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 5th, 2004

03:16 am: Meh! tooth won't quit aching. It's not so bad when I'm awake and sitting up but everytime I lay down or sleep it starts throbbing something terrible. I'm currently at Carolyn's house(UU minister for those of you not in the know) and there is nothing for me to use here but toothpaste and mouth wash. I don't know how many times I've brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out. I've also taken my ever present excedrin quick tabs to no avail. This woman has all kinds of medical supplies but not one drop of proxide...heh. I have to work latter today so I'm going to try a lie down again. Here's hoping it works this time around or I'm going to be on caffine drugged meghan at work and I'll still be sleepy...I hate health problems. I hate health problems even more when I don't have health insurance. Oh yeah and another update while i'm at it....I might have done this already but my sleepy brain can't think well at the financial aid finally showed up and I am 633 dollars and some change short of making my tuition for the semester let alone have any money for books. Plus due to a certian occuance my rent is higher than I expected so that's more money I don't have to spend on school. I'm going to see if I can get an outside loan but the chances of that working out are slim due to past trouble with the OSU crap. So I just might have to drop out of school for this semester and possibly the year if i can't get the the dough scraped up from somewhere. Bleck!!! I had wanted to try for the massage program in the spring if for some reason I could make tuition for KU on the basis that it would probably be cheaper but the application process is lengthy and I don't know if I'd have it completed by then. NOOSH!!!

August 2nd, 2004

08:50 pm: Moving sucks
Ugh this moving experience has got to be the worst in my moving memory and for those of you who know me well know that that is a quite considerable ammount even before I started to do it on my own. Before I start bitching and ranting too much I want to send out a big thank you to [info]absolutlaney for helping me move my bigger items and for a place to crash while I was in apartment limbo. Also to my brother [info]altruisticblond for helping me move things and dealing with a not quite so nice sister since I was really stressed.

Ok on with the bitching. So it was a frustrating weekend as I had to drive for nine hours to get from the southern part of Oklahoma to Lawrence late Thursday night. So we hit LTown early Friday morning say 5ish and crashed at my then apartment for a while. Most of Friday was spent trying to find enough space for my stuff that was there as well me being my usual self and not having done the college town move thing on the actual move weekend I didn't realize that storage and rental trucks would all be booked up. So it was a hecktic and stress filled day as I tried to figure it all out. I did eventually and managed to get all of the stuff going in other people's garages and houses out of the apartment and to their destined locals. Then all that was left was miscolanous crap and my futon that I crammed in my car. So Sat. was spent hualing some stuff to the Goodwill and Walmart for recyling. Cleaning ensued and again my brother was a great help there. The rest of the day was spent eating some yummy Indian food and then taking Jonny up to the KCI airport to see him off on his way home to Berkley. He had a few issues with the security guy checking the IDs but I'll let him tell that if he so chooses. After that I made my way back to Lawrence and did a bit of window shopping and purchasing of material and thread for sewing of pillows. I've decided that my futon that folds in to a floor style couch needs more pillows and well making them sounded cooler than buying them not to mention cheaper. I then headed out for Cafe Nova(Internet cafe for those of you who don't know). I checked my email and then did some laptop shopping but not to much since I can't buy anytime soon, did some other random surffing of then net. Decided to check my email one last time and found that I had another email waiting. Any email that prefaces with an appolgy can never be good. Let just say that moving in the next day didn't go as smoothly as planned but things have worked somewhat out.
Meh....anyway I guess I should get back to work so I can get out of here soon. I'm in Wichita for the week but heading back to Lawrence early Friday afternoon so I can finish my unpacking and hual stuff up that way. Job hunting will commence on Monday of next week while I'm up there. I'm hoping for the hospitals in the area LMH in particular.

July 10th, 2004

06:23 pm: mmmm?
Oy vey, can't seem to stay awake and it's not like I didn't get some decent sleep either. Ugh...*drinks some black tea in hopes of it helping* I was in Lawrence this past week and did some more apartment/house hunting. I saw a few that were ok and the most adorable house too. I truly loved the house but after talking with one of my roommates we decided that it was a bit much and not really suitable for everyone in our contingent sadly. *sigh* at least I viewed the inside and talked with the super nice landlady. Anyway of all the places I viewed (excluding the cute house with stone porch and wood shingles) I really liked the first place I saw. The only thing was that the roommate in Lawrence who came to view it with me wasn't so excited about it so well I just didn't think on it much more as I did have a little more time to view places. Now though it's crunch time and that place was fairly cheap (750/mo) and had only a 50 cat deposit with no cat rent, plus a pool and nice looking laundry facility right below the building by the pool(images of swimming while doing laundry, ok so not quite doable but...) Anyway I need to get back to work and get or do something to wake my butt not my butt per say just me...would slapping my face help...? Eh.
Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Hootie and the Blowfish

July 5th, 2004

07:02 pm: Heh back at work in less than eight hours....did I sleep?
So once again at work and on break...and I've noticed that working a full twelve or eight hour shift and not having anyone to talk to really does get a person to thinking about life and various things. So where do I go to express these thoughts when there is no one there to listen(oh do help the person that I talk with after such shifts as I'm sure to talk their ear off...I'm a talker normally so you can imagine after a shift of having no one to talk to.)? I come here to my little used livejournal and try to get it all out.

So a few things:

1) I don't know if I'll be attending KU this fall as my financial aid has yet to show up and I haven't been able to call anyone due to my crazy schedule.

2) I still don't have a place and it worries me though hopefully I'll get that more together when I'm in Lawrence this week but it still worries me.

3) Thinking again on massage schooling. I'd like to get it started and done with sooner than later.

4) I'd like to get a solid job in Lawrence so that I don't have to travel back and forth so much as I'm sure my car would appreciate.

So all of these things have brought me to this thought. If I do get my financial aid for this semester then I'm dropping one class and adding biology(and I might have to trek to JCCC for this since it might be geared toward the MT program). If I do not get my financial aid then I will not be able to attend KU as I just cannot afford to. I intend on getting a job at one of the hospitals in the area (Lawrence or KC if I have to go that far). I am currently doing medical records for a hospital and have worked in human resources for the same hospital here in Wichita so I have almost three years experience behind me in the same hospital. So even if I am not able to attend school(and I really hope that I am) I'll just work and bide my time till I can get into JCCC with the MT program for the Spring semester. Even if I do get to go this semester at KU I still plan on heading to JCCC for the massage therapy program in the spring.

So what I need to do now is get on the phone and call JCCC to discuss the program with them( I've looked at their site but I want to talk to someone as I'm sure things are not mentioned on there that I should know. I also need to get numbers for the LMH and hospitals in KC so that I can see what’s open as far as jobs. Another call should be placed to KU about my financial aid and all that jazz....Well I think that's it...or so it would seem...back to the icky grind though I do not have to work tomorrow so YAY!!!!!!!! and then to Lawrence for two days more or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current Mood: contemplative

July 4th, 2004

03:17 am: Hrrmmm...I'm fairly sure none of this makes sense so read at your own risk.
While doing some mindless tasks here at work things have been bouncing round in my head and I figured while I was on my lunch break I'd put them all down here and see if any look good enough to put into action or at least to have vented them so that they aren't just rolling around up there unsaid.

As I already mentioned a post or two back I enjoy giving massages (not that I don't like receiving them I just don't have to have that as motivation to give one) and I want to incorporate it into my career somehow. Now previously I'd just wanted to do it on the side but now I'm thinking that I would like it as an essential part of my future working life. I also would like to go into counseling at some future date. Now what I've come to think is that I'd like to do the same time. I want to do massage therapy and counseling. I was talking with my mom about it and she said that some people just need to talk while on the massage table and some people just want the attention of kneading hands on their muscles. Now I would offer both services. Relaxing massages and a trained ear to listen to whatever they need to get out. Now it wouldn't always have to be giving a massage while counseling or counseling while giving a massage but to me the combination seems like a viable one.

So my thoughts are with that eventual goal in mind.

So I need to get my licensure in Massage, get a masters and probably even a doctorate if I want have my own counseling practice.

Currently though I don't feel extremely motivated to do homework and whatnot. I'm not sure why but my grades were highly disappointing last much so that I've barely mentioned last semester to anyone as then I won't have to reveal that to anyone. I'm also not sure how much financial aid I'm going to get and if I don't get enough to cover everything I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

I had originally thought to finish my undergrad first and then do massage...but would it be so bad if I went for massage first and then back for my undergrad and on to the rest of my schooling?

See JCCC has a fair program and if I went for it I could be out in two years or less if I did summer school, and some of the classes would cross over for my undergrad. Then I could work in the field and it would help pay for the rest of my school since it seems I'll be in school for quite a while yet. I have to admit though that having something I can actually use in the near future sounds really really nice.

I'm just really hesitant to go for it, as I think I've already come this far with my undergrad might as well get it out of the way and then go for the rest. But I'm losing my motivation to do my homework and that is really not like me at all. I have no one to blame but myself and I do take full responsibility...I just don't like it and can't seem to shake it. Oh well I've spent too much time on my break...back to the grind.

JCC Massage program

July 3rd, 2004

12:47 pm: Will I live to see Lawrence?
Oh it's only half way though my hell work week and I don't think I'll live to see the end. Just love it when others in the department don't pull their weight and it ends up on my plate and then overflows my plate to the point that I can't get my own stuff done. Ugh! I'm going to enjoy my break in Lawrence! Which reminds me I need to figure a time to get my car looked at in my crazy's starting to shake and rattle when it get's up around 60mph or higher. I'm pretty sure this isn't a good thing, plus I'm sure that it needs an oil change before I drive it up to lawrence again. Oh but Lawrence will be a welcome distraction form work and Wichita....even if I have to view apartments while there. Plus, Laura is coming with me! YAY!!! Hoorahh! Ok off to bed as I have to be back in at 11p tonight and I just got off at 11:30 this morning...
02:39 am: Oy
Thus begins my lovely 12hr shifts on third...and it happens to be such a big day to but I had to take a break from all the work for a Live Journal moment....incert long back to my regularly scheduled work program.
Warning Quiz within! )
Current Mood: working

June 28th, 2004

10:21 pm: So my thoughts on what I want to actually do with myself are careening off the walls of my brain(yes there are wlls in my brian). I intend on finishing my undergrad in Cultural Anthropology but after that I'm not certian exactly what will transpire. I'd like to be accepted in the JET (Japane Exchange Teaching)program but I can't count on it. I would also like to go into either counseling or socila welfare for a grad program. What I'd like to do mostly though is go through with getting my massage therapy liscence. I have wanted to do this for quite some time and really should have gone right into it out of high school so that I could use that as a way to help pay for more schooling but no I had to do things the hard way. Heh. So since there really isn't much for schools here in massage therapy I'll likely have to go elsewhere for it. I know Clifornia has a lot of schools for it there but they end up being costly. Now Johnson County Community College or JCCC as those in the know...or thos just to lazy to right it all out call it has a LMT program. So I have given it consideration and would love it if I could actually go there during my summer breaks but their program is one such that they want you to go into it full time and all the way through in one go, least that's the impression I get from the website. I think though that I should go visit or give them a call. I'd really like to get this started sooner than later. I do have my own massage table that is really pretty nice and I can hual it around myself. I have had one seminar and received a certification for that technique but I'm not yet liscensed. You see massage is also in my blood so to speak. My mother did massage for many people when I was young and I can remember her in classes to keep up with new techniques. The there is my dad who did and still does massage currently in Colorado. On top of all that my grandmother on my mothers side was one of the first massage therapists in Wichita. So see it's a family business more or less. It has been an interest of mine for quite some time as well. I have forever heard stories of when I was only like three and waking from a nap while my mom was giving a massage I would demand to be allowed to help. So instead of listen to me throw a fit she'd let me help. I would aparently sit under the table and massage the hands that hung down the sides or stand at the end of the table and do the toes and feet. From then as I grew I went on the giving teachers and principals back rubs at recess and lunch. I really enjoyed doing this and as those I would give back rubs to seemed to like it I would always want to do more. So I'm thinking that I would really enjoy a career as a massage therapist or at least doing it on the side. Anyway Laura just called so I'm off to the Vagabond!
Current Mood: indescribable
05:34 pm: "Who needs sleep"
So my schedule has been really screwed all around. I'll be working third shift starting Wed and going till Sat. night getting off on Sunday at 11am. Work at 3pm on Monday with a first shift to follow the very next day. My body won't know whether I'm coming or going. But after all that I have Wed. and Thrus. off so I plan to head straight to Lawrence! Hopefully I'll be dragging someone along this time :D so the drive won't be so...well I was going to say quiet but it's never really quiet as I have my CD player and tend to sing along with just about every song ;). Anyway dinner calls.

June 23rd, 2004

05:55 am: work
So I just worked a third shift and now am off to sleep only to rise again in hours to return to the place I just left. After that I need to drive to Lawrence...yes I need to drive up there tonight as I have to be there for an apartment viewing tomorrow morning. So caffine will be my close friend tonight. I think I should be able to make party Friday as I'll be in town but I'm not sure what to bring...I'll have to think on it. Anyway I'm running low on brain power at the moment so I'm off to bed.

June 19th, 2004

10:36 am: Quick update
Finally have internet at home and hopefully to get Jonny what he needs. Oh and I have another Loonylabs fan right here in Wichita! Now to enlighten others to the chaotic wonder that is Fluxx! Ok heading to lunch soon so I should get dressed.

June 15th, 2004

08:54 pm: Yeah
Well I haven't updated in a bit but then not much has been going on. Mostly work and working out. A mini trip up to Lawrence this past weekend to attempt packing of my apartment. Had a mini swing lesson while I was there and had fun. Then sitting at the Vagabond on Sunday reading the Wichita paper I come across at least six different swing dace clubs(as in groups that do swing dancing and lessons). That sealed it for me, so I gave a few calls and had my first swing lesson with one of them tonight. It's West Coast Swing and was fun though different than what I had just recently learned so I'm thinking that maybe it was East Coast Swing? Anyway I'd like to try both and then definately learn one. All I need now is a cute partner to parctice with ;).
Another thing I had been wanting to do was hit eighties night at the Bottleneck and after reading Laney's post I wished that I'd went last Thursday as I was in town and had thought about it. It's just that I don't exactly feel comfortable going to the club alone especially since I've never been to the bottleneck. Anyway that's what's a going on...oh and I get actual internet at my mom's on Friday so I won't have to check email and livejournal from work or the Vagabond :D.

June 1st, 2004

06:37 pm: Oi vey what a day!
To start things off I had quite the experience this morning. So mom comes in to feed the cats per usual and since I'm sleeping in the spare bedroom that is also the cat's room I am slightly awakened by this but it really doesn't bother me. Then my mother out of habit locked the door so dogs wouldn't get in to eat the cat's food. So here I am getting up to go to the restroom, low and behold the door won't open. So of course my sleep fuddled brain says...."pound on door and yell" that'll do any good seeing how everyone is at work already or currently locked up. So I call my step dad's cell phone like cray and leave a message for my mom to call as soon as she get's to work. Well I try to go back to sleep till she calls but I have to go to the bathroom too badly for any rest so I look all around the room and attempt the window but it apears to be welded shut and the front door is locked anyhow with my keys in the main part of the house. So looking around the room I remember that the door has a catdoor. So I then experement and stick my head out and then attempt an arm...nope no go too small an opening. So I scan the room onec more and ah what do I spy..jonny's foil! So I use it to flip the lock on the door and make my way speedily to the bathroom and relief. Then when my mom called I had to tell her how mean she was to have locked me in. She promptly denied doing any such thing and blamed it on Steve(my stepdad) and then came around and said she was sorry. So I guess that just set me off in a very tired mood for the day. I was up at 6:30 when I don't usually get up till eightish. So now I'm just tired with a headache because I didn't get to eat on time. Work sucks for eating on time and I can't ever remember to bring my snacks or lunch it seems.

Well off to read and looking forward to working out on the marrow.

May 30th, 2004

12:05 pm: eh who needs to work....
So I'm in Wichita for a good portion of the summer with a few side trips to Lawrence to get some apartment hunting done and just escape this town for a while. I'll have to make it during the week as I'll be working weekends so I'll see if I can't drag Laura with me.

On another note I've been fighting with Genesis(oi the name almost makes me not want to workout there) for a memebership that will allow me to workout over the summer and then again while I'm back over the winter break and again if I'm here the following summer(hopefully I'll have something better). See I get a special discount because I work for Via Christi who awhile back sold there old therapy facility to Genesis at cost so now all employees get a spiffy deal out of the mix. Except that they want to do a six month solid plan and I won't be here that long plus coming back for winter I'll want to workout as well. So I have a temp card while they try to sort out what they can offer me. So on my temp card I had a good workout yesterday. While the gym is older then the rec center at KU it isn't too shabby. I was able to do my full routine and after an hour of that I did half an hour in the pool....ah was that nice...if only KU's rec center had that or the therapy pool that Genesis has. Anyway so that was good and I'm sufficiently sore now as it had taken too long to get them to at least issue me a temp card.

After my workout I went to the Vagabond and called Laura to come keep me company. She brought her cousin Brian which was very cool and nice to meet him. Good conversation was had and enjoyed by me and hopefully them as well. Laura made it her mission to introduce me to people she knew there as she is a regular and it looks as if I might end up being such since there isn't much else in Wichita. Oh and I have a workout buddy now!!! Thank you Laura I now can do bench presses! Haven't been doing these because of the lack of a spotter and I'm too shy to ever ask the other people working out in the free weights area to spot me.

Oh and congrats to sari on her new pet bathing/grooming job:D sounds like that will be oh so much fun....

Ok I really should get on with my work...even though I have a full ten and a half hours to do it in....
Current Mood: determined
Current Music: computer hum
11:20 am: um.....furry?.....

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

working...well...kinda...just got here so....

May 25th, 2004

04:31 pm: Oi
Back in Wichita and at fun. I'll be hitting Lawrence this weekend though so that on Monday I can meet with my new roomies and possible check out some potential apartments/houses for next semesters domicile. Don't have much time to really update this as I don't get off work for a bit here.
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